I remember a scene portraying a strange figure sitting, a even stranger hand moving up and stirring the air like anyone could stir the surface of water, but instead of rings indicating the movement the entire sky was moving in reaction to the silent pokemons demand.
... This was a ridiculously hard drawing to finish, one could think it would be easier depicting a hand with three fingers instead of five
but no. No it isn't.
The challenge (YES A CHALLENGE FHHGHGHGH) wanted a legendary and it's theme - some might say that Mewtwo is closely connected to the concept of science but I don't think of science when I see him, I think of a pokemon that can destroy stuff without having to move a muscle.
Mega forms anybody? I despise them, Charizard was perfect before, PERFECT.
They should have gathered the strangely odd pokemons that everyone laughs at and given them Mega forms.
I feel slightly bad for not drawing Zapdos, I love that bird. (T^T)