madalinehatter (Fan Art Portfolio) Pate Whitman

Pate Whitman

This is Pate Whitman, twenty three year old, once a mother. Her daughter had gone outside to play. Pate allowed her to go by herself because she could see the whole yard from the kitchen window while she cooked. Five minutes go by, her daughter is swinging outside, then the phone rings, she runs and pulls it from her purse. "Hello?" she said walking back to the kitchen. "Is this Pate Whitman?” An older voice said. “Yes.” She responded, cutting a carrot for the soup. “You’re college application has been accepted, please come to the office tomorrow for your paper work.” “Yes, sir.” She said enthusiastically. “Seen you tomorrow Pate.” "What time?" she asked looking out the window. Her daughter was no longer swinging. She scanned the yard, but saw no trace of her. She dropped the phone and ran outside. “Allaina!” She hollered. “Allaina? Come on dear it’s time for dinner!” She ran around the yard searching franticly for her precious child. Allaina was gone…

She called the police a search was sent out, after ten days it was declared that Allaina had been kidnapped. The poor mother went insane, tracking and scouring every inch of the yard. And after every, inch of the city. Eventually finding an old abandon auto-repair shop, where her baby lay in a dumpster, covered in filth and dirt. She then tracked down the man who took her child’s life and tortured and killed him. This picture is what she looked like after she had killed him. Her hair falling in her face and her twisted smile, dazed with insanity. The man was found bound to a chair with both eyes gouged out, three fingers missing, his wrists cut and one foot sawed off. The coroner said that the cause of death was most likely blood loss, as after examining the man, it appeared that he had several stab wounds to the back as well. There have been searches sent out to look for Pate, but all have come up empty. Keep a look out for this woman, and report to authorities if you see her.

Hope you liked my story. >:3

Other Anime and Manga Fan Art
anime, insane, Pate Whitman, woman
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Zuzu Uchiha
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Zuzu Uchiha
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