hackerblackrose (Fan Art Portfolio) Who am I?

Who am I?
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This is for ChiPolVee's challenge on Who are you?

Who am I? I am just an artist who loves to draw anime/manga style. I also like to do realism and abstract. I like to draw and I also like to paint. I always love to use lots of color, that's why I have different colors in this piece. I represent a paint brush with different colors paint to show I am an artist. I have an expression on my face with pain and sorrow, but also a smile on my face. I will continue to smile though the pain that I have been though over the course of the year. I will not let being hurt get me down. I have been though a lot and I am over coming this. My expression also shows that I love to express myself in my artwork. I also did a bit of abstract to show that I really do love creating it, I just haven't been able to create much of it. This piece is incomplete because I am willingly to grow and become stronger then what I am now.

I hope you guys like this! It was a lot of fun to do. ♥

I really like this challenge ChiPolVee it was fun to do! ♥

Love, Rose ♥

Personal Fan Art
am, anime, challenge, ChiPolVee, I, manga, who
18 votes thumb
16 members Favoritefavorite
dragon9006 madalinehatter AriaFlosh yuko9kost Hifsa kita mikichi nikkeh09 JanetChan MangaKid ChiPolVee Japanfunny Darkarax Zuzu Uchiha
Member Dedication
Who You Are
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