MangaKid (Fan Art Portfolio) Lone Queen

Lone Queen
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Riding on inspiration and some free time, I started and finished this painting this weekend after I posted my previous gryphon/griffin/griffon drawing. (I also livestreamed this last night and Thankyou to all who stopped by to watch!)

I went off the usual path when creating this gryphon though, so I really hope it passes as a gryphon for this challenge. If not, thats ok but I hope its not a problem that I entered it. It'll be OoAnBuOo's call!
There's more gryphon ideas that I want to do too, I hope I can get them done and stay focused!
This one is actually is more like a winged cat, or a gryphon who inherited the head of its cat parent. I really wanted to give it a bird head, but chose not to since I love snow leopards! This creature is a mix of a Snowy Owl and Snow Leopard. So it'd be a Snow Gryphon? x3

This time, I'm dedicating it to ItachiSasuke!! I know she loves big cats and it was AWESOME to have her visit me while I was livestreaming :D ashdjfkla She's the best <3

** ALSO advertising here >U< I'm going to take commission requests again! I am busy, but I want to open commissions in case anyone would like to buy or order an artwork for Christmas. I'm open to almost anything and the lowest commission which would be a character sketch or a few card prints starts around $10. Please PM me if you are interested or have questions, and no obligation!

Done on SAI, eyeballed ref pics, edited on

Personal Fan Art
digital, griffin, griffon, gryphon, MangaKid, SAI, snow leopard, snowy owl
47 votes thumb
41 members Favoritefavorite
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