elricbrothersfan (Fan Art Portfolio) 2013 Art Summary

2013 Art Summary
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Wow! A lot more art happened this calendar year than I thought!

I decided to make my own summary by taking snapshots of my favorite pieces from each month, choosing just one to represent each month instead of making a collage of each month's art.

January - Ed... my pen sketch from waaaay back when... a request for Zuzu Uchiha, as I remember. One of my favorite pieces to this day, and the beginning of my pen sketching endeavors.
February - A13, or ChibiMarco as she is now known, requested a drawing of Luffy... and here is a snapshot of the smiling pirate, with his hat blowing away in the wind. One of several fanarts I did within the span of two days, and one of my last Photoshop-exclusive digital projects before I got my hands on Manga Studio 5.
March - A drawing I did for a dear friend of mine, because he struggled with a Spanish test. One of few good drawings I've done of Naruto, I'm especially proud of the shading on the metallic part of his headband.
April - *cue happy sigh* My other OTP, ferriswheelshipping, with their "Black is canon" respective dragons in the background. I've done a lot of N and Hilda sketches since then, and even tried starting a fancomic, but nothing compares to this particular drawing from April.
May - One of my first commissions ever! Naruto and Hinata beneath a tree, as desired by another dear friend of mine. It's what got me started into the world of art-ing for pay. (And yes, I did just make a noun a verb. Call the grammar police!)
June - I delved into the world of gijinkas and made my own, Helen the Helioptile. I laughed when I discovered that Alexa from the Best Wishes and Beyond/XY saga had a helioptile. Maybe this gijinka of mine was a vague premonition of helioptiles to come? -- AND it was one of my first Manga Studio digital pieces. I would've put up a snippet from my Trevor/Xerneas fanart, but now that I look back at it, that one was more of an attempt to get the XY countdown people to notice me rather than something I really liked. I loved working on it, and the eventual finished product, but it's not my favorite from June because of the ulterior motive behind drawing it.
July - A snippet of one of my OC doodle dumps featuring the cast of Eye Spy. My style has changed quite a bit since then, which I'm happy for. I was never really happy with my style back then, anyways.
August - Right at the beginning of school, I broke out my new Copics and had fun drawing one half of my OTP, Ed (who is featured for the second time). He's being a little OOC, sure, but I had fun, and that was all the exercise was really about. (Random side note--DANG do I love my Copics!)
September - A time when painful memories surfaced as the United States mourned not only 9/11, but Benghazi. My style morphed a bit again as I drew Erik and Lisbeth from my short story/novella Fire Princess.
October - Or OCtober as I like to call it, this snippet is from the witch design I created for TheDarkEclipse. Not much else to say, other than COPICS!!! And style changes once again!
November - No art this month, surprisingly! And November was actually a month full of stuff to draw... it was also a month full of things I never thought I would ever do in my life. Though that isn't necessarily a bad thing. Change is good sometimes.
December - One of my favorites from this year, my gift to Keba Si Rota: a drawing of Aelena, a Christmas Elf I dreamed up after getting the Shojo Wonder Manga Art Book, which inspired me to play around with Copics even more. I actually strayed from the path of least resistance (using the special marker paper my dad bought me) and went with using my regular old sketchbook paper, since I was short on cardstock (the book's suggested material). I really like how my style's changed into what it is now!


2013 was a crazy, eventful year, full of style changes and artwork and about three or four sketchbooks' worth of unsubmitted gems and crap alike.

Things to work on:
-body proportions (slowly but surely getting better)
-coloring methods
-more digital stuffs
-confidence in myself and my art and my capabilities (sure, you can reach the point of too much confidence, but I don't think I'm physically capable of getting cocky over anything)

This was awesome! I'm glad I was able to do a summary this year, since I joined theO more than halfway through the calendar year. I figured I'd just skip those first five months *shudders at how bad the art was, and how far she's come* and do it by calendar year. I can't wait to see how much I've improved when I do my 2014 summary at the end of this next year.

All art (C) elricbrothersfan (me!)

Personal Fan Art
2013 Art Summary, Elricz
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5 members Favoritefavorite
Soulanime14 Hifsa Zuzu Uchiha MangaKid
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