Siontix47 (Fan Art Portfolio) F-Zero: Seppuku - Chiya Flower (Comicado)

F-Zero: Seppuku - Chiya Flower (Comicado)
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Howdy, everyone.

Here's another one of those classic 4:00 AM drawings. Literally. It's 3:58 AM as I type this.

Anyways, this was my very first attempt at a drawing using the program, Comicado. When I say this was my first attempt, I mean it, this program was very easy to use in my opinion. I'm actually using this deviation to talk about this program, so others may consider purchasing this. (This drawing was finalized on GIMP, however.)

I used Comicado for the outline of Chiya, and the outline for the Lower City. Comicado was designed to help make comics, but it can be used as a general drawing tool as well. What caught my eye here, as some may have guessed, is that I found a pose tool. Basically, with the pose tool, I can spawn in a wireframe model of a human and manipulate parts of the body (Head, arms, shoulders, and legs) and use this as a guide. This is a very helpful tool for someone like me who has a hard time judging whether an arm/leg is long enough; or how to draw someone walking--like here. Now, given, this is my first attempt at drawing on Comicado--and this was the result. While I don't think this is Grade A work, I do like how it turned out. After making a pose that depicted the figure walking, I simply used the wireframe to draw in Chiya. In the end, I got this.

The pose tool is about all I've gotten to in this program, so I would expect to see more Comicado drawings in the near future. Very conveniently, there is a pose for horses; so that should help me once I begin EngelReise. Like I said, this was a first attempt. Chiya's arm position is slightly odd, and her feet could be better too. As for the torso, head, and body shape--I really love how this turned out.

Comicado is $30 as of right now, but I think it's well worth the price if I end up using this more. We'll have to see.
Lap 1:
Story contains violence, language anywhere below the "F" word, slight sexual themes.

Other Video Games Fan Art
Chiya Flower, F-Zero, Siontix
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