I had meant to submit this awhile back but problems with my phone got in the way and lack of internet too.
This is a VERY LATE Secret Santa gift for JanetChan. I had meant to have this completed earlier but again life got in the way along with being sick and a mega art block. I apologize again for it being so horribly late and I hope it was worth the wait.
This is the finished version of this sketch drawing here. I had finally gotten around to coloring it and I'm very pleased with how it turned out. I was originally inspired by an hourglass image that had a tree in it and ocean on the top (I added the ocean turning to rain to help the tree grow) and kind of how nature interacts with each other to keep our planet growing and changing. I worked of the idea of blue because it was JanetChan's favorite color but I kind of expanded on it a bit,
I colored this using a mixture of media ranging from markers,a little bit of crayon,and colored pencil. And enhanced with effects in photoshop. That's where the bokeh came from. Overall I like how it turned out. It was a long drawing project to complete but here it is all finished (finally).
Dedication: JanetChan
Here is your late secret santa gift and also late birthday gift as well. I do hope it was worth the wait and wanted to go the extra mile to make sure this was special for you cause you're such an amazing friend and even more amazing artist. *hugs you*
Very (late) Merry Christmas and Happy birthday. Hope your holiday was bright and your birthday was special.
Without any further ado I present your gift.. I aplologize for the watermark. Too many art thieves out on the internet anymore.
*long description is long*