For Ametsu the Ninja's 'Lighting the Way' challenge~
I don't know why, but this challenge was extremely...challenging. I have like 10 different designs just for this one challenge. Every single time I tried drawing something for it I just ended up hating it when I got to the colouring stage. I think it was that I kept getting too carried away with making things into lanterns (hairpiece, crown, sleeves, dress, swords, shoes, body). But all of them had these wings, so I decided to keep them and go with a really simple character design, but the fact that she has lanterns for wings changes it up enough to make it look original.
I kinda did this in a cell shading stylleee?? I dunno, I was working more with trying to get the colours and the feeling of being lit up by a lantern...which was difficult...people don't use lanterns so much anymore, I don't really know what it looks like! XD Also nobody has lantern wings, so yeah...kinda hard to figure out the lighting on this one.
But I am done! ;m; HUZZAH