fire.freak (Fan Art Portfolio) Our First Christmas: Wishing Tree

Our First Christmas: Wishing Tree
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This is for Starscream's contest, Christmas Time! C:


WOOOO! I am SO in the Christmas mood! I'll be celebrating it with only my little bro, but that's okay! We're gonna have a total blast! 8D

Here we have Ranoir Anselm and Marigold Delia, the OCs of my friend from dA and I <3 They are Pokemon gijinkas, with Ra being a Volcarona and Marigold being a Blaziken! The two had recently become a couple during the Fall season, but they've been rapidly falling for each other. And I do mean falling for each other, as in falling in loooovvveee~! Ehehehehehehehehe it makes me so happy to see them <3

This is their first Christmas together as a couple. Neither Ra nor Mari have their families with them and they both live far away from home since they go to an academy in the Sinnoh region, clearly not in either of their home regions. Ra's mother died when he was young and his father's a total scumbag that he no longer considers family. Both of Mari's parents abandoned her and her older brother. Her older brother now works with their godfather in the Hoenn region. Needless to say, the only people that can relate to Ra and Mari as family are each other <3

Thus, Ra and Mari are making the most of the holiday season, together. <3 Spending time with one another, doing various fun activities, and showing each other that they're there for them.

This particular activity was important to them. It was the theory of the "wishing tree".

Before pine trees were introduced, there was a tradition of decorating an evergreen with ribbons that were meant to represent wishes.

This tradition was brought to Ra and Mari's attention, and, of course, they wouldn't miss the opportunity to have a crack at it.

Reaching the school ground's largest evergreen, Ra and Mari tie their already written on ribbons together, tying their wishes together - to each other - and Ra lifts Mari so that she could hang it on a high place in the tree. Happy with their wishes, which were identical, and with the placement, they share a happy smile and kiss uhuhuhuuu~

I love them so much, they symbolize everything good in the world of romance, GOOD GOSH. <333

To me, Christmas means spending time with your family and those who you hold dear. It means giving and sharing, loving completely and without restraint. Loving unconditionally. Showing kindness to everyone, from familiar faces to strangers - even to those who have wronged you in the past. Christmas means feelings of complete happiness to me.


This piece also serves as a Christmas gift to Ra's creator who is also in a group with me on deviantArt! I don't think I'm very good at roleplaying, but he has been rping with me for months with these two, and he's been so very kind to me, so I just HAD to draw this <3 Our babies <3

Ra and Mari are from the PokeGijinkaAcademy group on deviantArt found here!

Happy holidays, everyone! <333

Pokemon Fan Art
blaziken, christmas, gijinka, love, marigold, pokemon, ra, volcarona
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5 members Favoritefavorite
Zuzu Uchiha nikkeh09 Soulanime14
Member Dedication
Christmas Time
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