Hello, fellow entities! This is my Secret Santa piece for 21Emmz12. I chose Captain Hook (as depicted on the show, Once Upon A Time) because he seemed like the easiest most fun to embody/draw. He's the type of character I typically like to draw and see, anyway.
@21Emmz12 OMG, I'm so sorry it's late! I had guests over and it got super chaotic and I didn't get a chance to submit it! Relatedly, sorry about how rough the flag in the background is... it looked better in my head. I would seem that you were asking for a pairing (Hook and Gold?), but I wasn't sure, plus I couldn't figure out the specifications of their relationship (I've never watched Once Upon A Time, you see, eheh), and I didn't want to draw something inaccurate. I originally had Gold's profile opposite Hook's, facing Hook, but I cut it out because I ran out of time he didn't look quite right. I hope it's okay! Also, it's not holiday-themed, I hope you don't mind.