Sakaira (Fan Art Portfolio) Art Summary 2014

Art Summary 2014
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Welp, I managed to draw every month. The background image was something I drew for my friend cause she wanted a bird lol (December, fairly recent too).
The larger images are the ones for the month, the rest are just there because I had more art that I couldn't put in. Back to MS Paint for this lol.

January- Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas Alone Sasha Tenma. I realized I had more art (used for a game project) but I didn't look in that folder...
February- Fire Emblem 6 Roy. I didn't really have anything else for February.
March- Actually 2 images from my other game project. They're the protagist Roxas and Hiver. Twas fun. The other March image was my profile pic.
April- Random doodle for my portfolio cover. Needed to personalize it.
May- Karneval Tsukumo. Nothing else.
June- Original drawing of 3 friends. Smaller images: Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas doing dying hair and a girl on vacation
July- Shingeki no Kyojin Eren vs cat. Smaller image: Kuroshitsuji Ciel and Sebastian
August- Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas- Albafica and Regulus. Smaller image: Tales of Vesperia Yuri Rita Estelle (actually from around May-June)
September- Original. Smaller image: Pandora Hearts Break (would have been main but I thought it was October for some reason)
October- Original vampire. Smaller image: Shingeki no Kyojin Mike Hange Erwin Levi
November- Original
December- Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas Alone. Smaller image: Brave Frontier Creator Maxwell, chicken

Series with most fanart: Saint Seiya the Lost Canvas (according to this, ignoring small doodles or those not included in the summary)

art (c) me
characters and series (c) respective creators
originals (c) me
game project concepts (c) me
game projects (c) me, partner a and b (don't want to reveal their names without permission)

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3 members Favoritefavorite
LGA775 Zuzu Uchiha nikkeh09
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