Nino Umaka (Fan Art Portfolio) 8 Years

8 Years
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This was quickly colored, but here it is!

This particular picture was inspired by a picture Solar-Citrus on tumblr posted yesterday with her and her younger self. She talked about how her younger self knew exactly what they wanted to do through art, and that was to inspire people. I really liked that idea and decided to draw one as well. Me at 13, with me now at 21 self.

I've been drawing for about 8 years now, and when I started drawing because two of my friends pretty much locked me up until I drew something. At the time, my 13 year old self wasn't thinking that I'd get very far with drawing. I didn't even particularly enjoy doing it either. As the years went by I kept on doing it, improving little by little, used it for ideas with my book, used it for decompressing after long days of school and during hard times in my life. After 8 years drawing as become something that I don't think I'll ever really stop doing. Now, being 21, I'm surprised with how far I've come, with drawing, and as a person. I've become more confident in my appearance, and my personality in general. Something I wasn't even close to at 13, but I don't think many 13 year old girls are.
Life has been hard, and if I could go back in time to my 13 year old self I would like to tell them of the hard things that are to come, but I would never change the day where my friends locked me up until I drew a picture. I'm not near where I'd like to be, either art wise, or personally, but I'm getting there and that's exactly what I would go back and tell myself, if I could only tell my past self one sentence. "We're getting there!" Knowing my 13 year old self, I think that would be something really reassuring, and I would appreciate it.

Now, with my 21 year old self in the picture, is my persona, and I'll be drawing her like this from now on. I decided it was about time for some small changes, to make her mirror how I look now more than how I was before. What do you think? I like it. It's not really much of a change, but it's more accurate, and I frankly like how it flows better. Especially the hair. There really shouldn't be another change to my persona really after this....but knowing me....who really knows.

I hope you all like it! And, I'm sorry about how rushed it looks! My hands are cold, and I have other projects to work on, and life is hard at the moment, but I'm trying to juggle it all out. I'm getting there slowly~

Personal Fan Art
, anime, digital art, female, girl, Jessica, manga, Nino Umaka, persona, personal
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elricbrothersfan kita mikichi nikkeh09 Zuzu Uchiha
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