Ellenor Mererid (Fan Art Portfolio) Harvest Moon - Heart

Harvest Moon - Heart
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So myself and Chi were talking and we somehow started talking about 'Harvest Moon'and I got the idea of Alice as a cute little farmer (like how you play in the game) and that Ozzy would be a kind but semi-reclusive Astronomer and Llew would be the local handy man/mechanic and I wanted it to look like it was an actual game scene like the heart event so I tried to make it look as close as possible, but I made some changes and made it look like an amalgamation of styles from the games ^^; and I tried to get the font to match as best as possible ^^
It's probably not what you were expecting but I can draw another one if you'd like :)

If they were in the game, they'd have certain requirements that you'd need to reach to get heart events, like say you want Ozzy, you'd need to be best friends with Llew and vise versa, because they're protective of the other ^^

I like how this has turned out, I learn't quite a bit from doing and that the pixel work in the background are the most complex I have done so far and I think they've turned out well and that I tried doing a more difficult lighting in the bottom one :) :D but I need to work on the continuity of the pixel characters, personally I like the bottom ones the most :) I might make more study like things like these ^^

It's also made me want to make/design a game of some sorts XD

I hope you like it :)

Alice belongs to Chipolvee
Ozzy and Llew (and art) belongs to me
Harvest moon belongs to themselves

Personal Fan Art
Alice, chipolvee, harvest moon, Llew, oc, Ozzy, pixel, stars, story of season
8 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
Dianote ChiPolVee Zuzu Uchiha kita mikichi
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