Kaerlyn (Fan Art Portfolio) This just isn't the same...

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Introducing Lorcan! My new adopted OC ^^ you can see the original ref here, drawn by the lovely theLostSindar

He is a vampire, but here he is trying out an alternate drink XD I don't think he is enjoying it as much as he'd thought...

He is a 'dabbler' interested in everything but finds it hard to focus. He flits from idea to idea, passion to passion and project to project without often actually finishing anything. Others may get swept up in his enthusiasm, but they can also get left behind as he develops other interests. Dabblers have high Intelligence, Charisma and Manipulation ratings, but not much in the way of Wits or Stamina.

Talents: Stealth, impeccable etiquette, musically gifted.

His name means "silent" or "fierce"
He looks to be in his early twenties, but is in fact a lot older.

" In the beginning, the newly-created vampire thinks and acts much as she did while living. She doesn't immediately turn into an evil, sadistic monster. However, the vampire soon discovers her overpowering hunger for blood, and realizes that her existence depends on feeding on humanity. In many ways, the vampire's mindset changes -- she adopts a set of attitudes less suited to a communal omnivore and more befitting a solitary predator. At first reluctant to kill, the vampire is finally forced into murder by circumstance or need -- and killing becomes easier as the years pass."

I found a song that I think fits his backstory somewhat XD

Personal Fan Art
Adopt, Lorcan, OC, vampire, wine
10 votes thumb
5 members Favoritefavorite
thelostsindar nikkeh09 misachan83 Rainbow Dragon
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