Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Ruri as Sailor Mars

Ruri as Sailor Mars
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Pose and Outfit Reference

Character Featured: Ruri Kurosaki from Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V

Character Cosplayed: Super Sailor Mars (Rei Hino) from Sailor Moon

Materials Used: Drawn on 8 1/2 x 11 paper with #2 pencil, traced over with ink pen to finalize lines and colored with Crayola Colored pencils

Time completed: 2 days + 3 hours for coloring

Music Listened to while Coloring this: HERE

Previous: Serena as Sailor Jupiter, Yuzu as Sailor Venus

Scanned with a scanner

Note: Ruri is linked because she isn't very well known in the Yu-Gi-Oh Arc-V anime. She has been mentioned several episodes but she finally made an actual appearance in episode 75. She is also currently prisoner of the Academia and she was captured by Yuri.

Well I completed the line art for this drawing a few days ago and wasn't able to color it until now. Let me be honest and say that coloring this was a pain in the butt mostly due to Ruri's long hair and also I wasn't really sure what color it was because in some pictures it looks black and in others, dark purple so it ended up being a mixture of the two. What can I say? I did my best and that is what took me the longest to color in this drawing. I first drew it out in pencil, traced it out with pen, and spent 3 hours coloring it and shading it to give it more dimension.

Ruri is the XYZ counterpart to Yuzu, Rin, and Serena. Not much is known about her personality other then she is loyal to her brother and friend Yuto. She is shown standing up to Yuri before being kidnapped by him so I think it's safe to assume she is very kind with strong and determined personality. Hopefully more will be revealed about Ruri in future episodes.

The reason I chose Ruri to represent Sailor Mars was based on the fact that she wasn't going down without a fight. Sailor Mars is also like this when she fights an enemy, she is stubborn, strong willed, and loyal to her friends. Also because their appearances are a little similar and I also thought Ruri would look quite pretty as Sailor Mars. But to be honest my initial choice was Masumi Kotsu due to the fact she also has an attitude and a strong will as well. I may draw her as Sailor Mars at one point as well. What do you guys think?

For the background I attempted on drawing Mars' arrow symbol that appears behind her in her super transformation but due to all of Ruri's hair, it turned out a little awkward but I did my best. Since I don't know yet what kind of deck Ruri used I made little chibi like wings in reference to her brother's deck which are Raid Raptors Falcons. I like how it turned out overall and so far is my favorite of the series. Next up will be Rin as Sailor Mercury.

I hope everybody enjoys the art. Dedicated to Keba Si Rota because I can.

Crossover Anime and Manga Fan Art
bishoujo senshi sailor moon, bow and arrow, cosplay, kurosaki ruri, red, ruri, sailor mars, super sailor mars, wings, yu-gi-oh arc-v
12 votes thumb
8 members Favoritefavorite
allycat2090 Zuzu Uchiha Keba Si Rota Snowzi Darkarax
Member Dedication
Keba Si Rota
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