I've got some extra time this school quarter so I thought I might start a new series and try to upload more regularly. Introducing Fanart Friday, where I do a quick* sketch of a character/show each week (and try to upload it by Friday lol). I realized I haven't drawn from memory in a while, and I've been missing fanart/illustration now that I'm taking drawing classes that focus on fine art, so yay. Also saw this Draw Whatever challenge that kind of fits perfectly, so double yay.
*It's not quick yet but hopefully in the future will get quicker...D:
What should I draw next week?
Tools: Lead pencil, eraser, in my sketchbook
Time: 1.5 hours...I'm still bad at drawing humanoids...they only come out looking alright because I draw/erase/redraw a gazillion times until it looks more or less right.