I made this draw while I was at my mother's house. I was waiting for the dinner to be ready (believe me for an Italian there's nothing more terrible than when you're really hungry and you ask your mother "It's pasta ready ?" and she answer "no, the water isn't even boiling yet." TRAGEDY!) and so I just took the cheap art supplies I found there and I made this simple piece, with flowers and birds. It was so long since the last time I made a draw with only pencils! I should try to colour with just coloured pencils more often, but my coloured pencils are not the very best, plus I'm not very good at shading and blending :|
Dedicated to WildGirl1977 because she suggested the awesome site Picmonkey.com to edit the colors of my drawings, and it's awesome and so easy that even I can actually use it! I'm so happy about it! (~‾⌣‾)~ from now on the Evil Scanner will never kill my colors ever again! HA!
*punch the scanner really hard*
*gets her hand hurt*
Stay Groovy ;-)