Some of you know I’ve been working on writing a book for a while now. I’m happy to say the story is done and the editing is coming along well! I’m hoping to release the book by the end of the year, so it’s time to get some character artwork created :D
Starting us off is General Dathan, leader of the light elven army. He gets to go first because I was in the mood to try designing some armor, haha.
I’m in the process of creating various pages for the book online, which you can visit below. There isn’t much to see yet, but I’ll be working on filling them up and creating new artwork for them over the next few months.
And, if you like fantasy novels (or even if you don’t), please stay tuned for more info on my book! It’s been a joy to write and I can’t wait to share it with you guys
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Between the Light and Dark and related characters © Shannen Colton