Materials: #2 pencil, black ink pen, Crayola colored Pencils, 8 1/2 x 11 paper
Time: 5+ Hours
Today was Judai Yuki's birthday. I wonder how old he would actually be since the ending of GX...anyways let me explain my drawing.
The concept is simple, Ruby from RWBY made Judai a cake featuring the different symbols (such as Ruby's Rose, Weiss's snowflake, and a little face of Zwei) of RWBY on the cake. I even colored the candles the different colors for team RWBY. Just my little nod to them all I guess.
I have had the idea for this drawing in my head since yesterday ever since I saw Scarletu-Rozu's birthday drawing of Judai. So that's kind of what inspired me to do my own. All together I think I spent about 4 hours on this all together. An hour (or more) simple drawing out the pencil lines and inking them in, then I spent a bit of time doing my best to clean up said line art for coloring, and finally two hours or so coloring with my Crayola colored pencils.
I just thought Judai and Ruby would look cool together given their similar personalities and similar color schemes of black and red. Plus they are two awesome characters from their own series. Although Judai will ultimately be one of my favorites forever probably.
That being said, Happy Birthday Judai! And I hope everybody enjoys my drawing. Feedback is appreciated. I worked hard on this.
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Judai Yuki birthday is 8/31 according to various sources. I believe he would be 26 this year. Although I'm not sure. Anyway just a guess....
Anyway hope everybody enjoys the drawing.