Materials: iPad drawing app + PicsArt App for border and watermark
Time Spent: 2 1/ 2 + hours
I don't have access to my Photoshop at the time of typing this description (which is tough on ipad)
This is my entry for the "Favorites" art challenge. To be honest I had a different idea in mind for this but I ended up drawing four of my favorite tough awesome ladies from animation. These were characters I felt were not only tough in their own respect but were loyal, vunerable at times, and stood up for what is right.
I admire each of these girls for different reasons. Yang for example I admire because she is tough, a fighter, and loyal to her team. She was kind of the mother figure of the group. In a battle in Volume 3 of Rwby she looses her arm while protecting Blake from Adam. She then spent the whole of volume 4 recovering from not only loosing arm but the mental damage she took to her pride. By the end she grew and accepted her condition, gets a metal arm, and journies off to find her sister.
So Yang has a strong sense of pride in herself, family, and friends. Plus she wields fire as her semblence and is awesome. Enough said.
Second I drew Mai Valentine. Mai is a prideful duelist which duels with a deck of Harpie Ladies. When Yugi and friends first meet her she is arrogant and prideful and slightly selfish. But as time goes on she softens upnand becomes friendlier and even becomes friends with Joey. I admire Mai basically for her sense of pride and her bluntness when she gives advice to Yugi and friends and she is just sure of herself as a person. That is why I chose to add her to this draw.
Third one I drew is Sunset Shimmer. She is a bit tough to explain. Basically during the course of the 4 existing Equestria Girls movies, she goes from being a power hungry she demon to a loyal and caring friend to the Human 5. She takes Twilight's place as the leader. She is confident, caring, and stands up for what she believes in. I admire Sunset because I can relate to her due to her being an outcast in Rainbow Rocks and it took me a long time to gain a sense of pride in myself as she has. So thats why Sunset Shimmer is one if my favorite characters.
Then last I. Drew a Sailor Mars. I've loved her character for along time. She is stubborn and willful. Plus she is just an awesome sailor senshi that wields fire. But overall she is just amazing and I admire her for her fiery and stubborn personality.
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This draw took me over two hours to draw on my iPad. To be honest it is one of my more challenging draws to date. Basically because digital medium is not really my default. But I had tondraw this because these ladies are awesome. Tbh I have never drawn Mai, only drew Yang once, and have never drawn Sunset Shimmer before this draw. It wasn't cuz I could not draw them but just never felt compelled before now.
The toughest part would have to be the coloring and the line art. Mainly because I had to keep. Drawing the lines over and over again, adjust certain details like eyes and clothes, it was tough overall. But I am happy with how it turned out. Did my best with what I had to work with.
Hope everypony enjoys the art.