Rainbow Dragon (Fan Art Portfolio) Dark Magician Lady

Dark Magician Lady
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Materials; iPad drawing App + PicsArt for border and effects

Time: roughly 3 hourS

Uploaded via iPad


Well to start off, this draw took me a long time to complete. I have spent roughly 3 hours on this accumalative(not sure if I spelled that right.)

What I wanted to do was draw kind lgbt a different version of the famous Dark Magician Girl. Instead of her usual skimpyish outfit, I wanted to draw an alternative version that was meant for more of an experienced spellcaster. Still same colors as her default outfit but with more to it such as long. Sleeves, a more dress like robe kind of outfit, no hat, longer staff and hair, etc.

The hardest thing in this draw was coloring, then drawing line art, then redrawing this and that. This overall I think is what took me the longest. Because I wanted to produce as good of a quality draw as possible for only myself but anybody else I shared tisc with. So 3 hours in the making, here is Dark Magician Lady. She is more experiencexpd and mature spellcaster and possibly oldest. Don't know if DMG ages. Anyway I like how this turned out for the most part. Ain't gonna lie, drawing on an iPad is hard. I feel like im getting better though with these digital draws.

Hope everyone enjoys the art. Feedback would be appreciated as it is kind of my first time attempting something like this.

Yu-Gi-Oh Fan Art
dark magician girl, magic, older, robe, spellcaster, staff, Yu-gi-oh
7 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
GoldNGoddess Keya misachan83 Darkarax
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