DeathSeraph (Fan Art Portfolio) Dalamar - Under the Starry Sky

Dalamar - Under the Starry Sky
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Long time no post here.. this place is so dead but it feels bad not posting, so here I am! (is anyone else here though??)
This is something I've bene wnating to draw for a long time, my favourite character from Dragonlance books, Dalamar the Dark! Since he is an elf, I wanted to draw him under a starry sky (that is not that shiny, but whatever I don't have a white pen and I have to use pencils)! Let me just say that shading just with grey and black is not easy!
(He has no scars on his chest like he's supposed to have because I tried but I SUCK at drawing wounds so yeah.. let's just say this is before he gets scarred XD)

Anyway here he is, finally! My dear Dalamar in all his elven glory, drinking elven wine in an elven glass and relaxing under the stars just like a real elf! (Just in case people here had doubts on how much I like them, since all I draw lately is elves) I wanted to try and give him different clothes instead of the ususal mage robe, and here is what came out.. I didn't want to give him those high-collared vests elves wear, as I fear it wouldn't suit him to be that covered XD

This is a picture and not a scan, because my scanner made everything look purple and bright, and the picture looks more like it really is.. guess night settings are not easy for my scanner either! (The drawing is actually darker than this.. but sadly I can't take a good enough picture! DX)

I hope you will like it anyway~ Thanks for watching!!

As always, it's Letraset Promarkers and Faber Castell pencils

(Ps: For all who care, I am also on DeviantArt now, as Feal-Thas! )

Dungeons and Dragons Fan Art
Argent, Dalamar, dark elf, Dragonlance, moonlight, Nightson, starry sky
6 votes thumb
4 members Favoritefavorite
Artgrrl HotRamen2Go009 toyotami kun kita mikichi
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This work is not available for use in other pieces


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