Haha, this is so cute! I can't believe it was like that for five whole years. I commend your family's ability to cooperate! *claps*
On a side note... I'm proud of myself for being able to tell you wrote "otaku" on your sweatshirt! your drawing style for this little comic is so cute! Chibis to the max!
the irony is delicious is it not you get a laptop for yourself but your the last one to even use it *laughs so much he falls* *gets up* SPARTA!! *laughs again* why can't i stop laughing?
We were talking about pies and tomatoes. :3 .. I think.. xD Or was it something laptop related? Naaah, probably not.. We like our agriculture, yush! >:B
Oh yes, it is very hot for me here. Well not that much for me, I can endure many things. But more so for my parents, which is actually harder to endure.. xD We can't built an... ah, I don't feel like looking for that world, lol. It is that climate balancing machine.. You know, that white thing.. haha! Well we can't install it here because of some problems with where our apartment is placed, but maybe there are actually some ways to do it.
And oh yes, we do hope for a storm. They are not that common here, but maybe there will be one soon.
As for that statement, I fully agree! :D Being inside on safety and watching how it slowly falls down (tears down trees.. xP) is what makes it quite relaxing.^^
WHAT, THATS SO RANDOM! what are we talking about now? LOL xD Thats so funny xD
Yeah I thought so! So that makes it easy.. Today was about 20 degrees Celcius so much cooler then the 40 degrees the other day! Is it still hot for you?
Aw I wish you'll get a storm too!! It really helped me, and its fun to watch as well! it just poured and thundered out with some lightning too^^ Its fun but only when you're inside and nice and cozy eh? lol
Hmm, speaking about these flying things... They are a very interesting creatures.^^ *random* Shhhh, just in case someone watchesus. >.> So that they would think that we actually speak about birds.. xD
We use Celsius as well.^^ I think that in Canada you only use some measuring symbols as in US, but still most are like here in Europe. :3
Waaaaahh!! O.O You get a thunderstorm?! You lucky.. I wish we would get one to cool down a little.. xD
It is interesting though, this spoiler thing. It is like something will happen, but we don't want to spoil it.. Like lappy taking over the world maybe? xD
Yes, it is very hot! >.< Even though I am few thousands miles away, it is still the same here. #.#
I can only think how it is you since you are probably more used to cooler weather.
LOL I know, its so funny!! xD I wonder what people are thinking if someone looks at our spoilers? They probably think we're crazy XD But its the lappy's fault yes?
AHaha totally! Lol that sounds even more random xD
I'm glad my spam won't bug ya! and its daytime for me right now and sososo hot >3<
Haha, do you know what's funny? Talking in spoilers like this seems a little dirty, like we are hiding something.. :P But we are just talking behind lappy's back, as people don't know. xD
Haha aww, thanks.^^ We shall make the world a different place with all these new speaks, sayings and hips. We could also try eyebrows or ears up? :D
Yes, I was about to go to sleep back then. ^_^ And thank you, good night to you, back when it comes night for you. :)
Ah no worries, your spams are always welcome.^^
Hahaha! Sorry! Oh no, we're not talking in spoiler... could my lappy have gotten this idea into his head yet? Wait, he's too old to carry out any crazy plans like this one xD What about your lappy? O_o
yeah! That would definitely be fun fun! ^_^
I know! I agree!! I believe you have just created the new hip saying :D *toe fist* xD Its making me smile even now!
LOLZ! Ah so its... like just after 11pm? AH are you going to sleep? If you are, goodnight and talk later, my friend! I will stop spamming you >u<
.. Well I didn't know about the slave part, but now you got me even more terrified.. thanks. XD
That definitely is sad.. But still one day or another some of us might get an opportunity to visit one another. :)
Hahah, I am glad that you found that funny. :'D But really.. Just imagine when you cuddle your foot and.. no one gave a name for that, that's unfair! x3
Yesssss... I am in the future..
But seriously. XD I am ahead 5 hours from you.^^
XD Laptrons!! and they will keep us as slaves and make us design more and more lappies!... O_O That is scary.
Yup yup!! Its not fair that the most awesome people seem to live so far away from me T-T Oh SO true!! We Otakus are always connected ^_^
WAHAHAHAHAHA!! XD I'm laughing so much right now, *TOEFIST* xD Thats hilarious XD
Lolz! I actually wonder what our time difference is... Sounds like you're ahead of me by a few hours? I'm in Eastern Standard time zone... what about you?
Hmm... Well they can reproduce thanks to us humans, so.. They can't live without us?? Or can they? O_O Well if they take over the world they won't be anymore small cute lappies. They will be known as 'laptrons'! XD
Well of course that I understand you. *pats your head* ^_^ Same for me, really. I am sure that we could be amazing friends if we lived closer and you could also pretty much be friends with anyone here for example.. The problem is that we are scattered around, but maybe in body, not in soul.^^
Awh, thank you. :) You leave "me" speechless for your friendliness and sweetness. Of course, we shall always be friends!^^ *BRO... TOEFIST* >:P (lol, does that even exist?? Like when you make a fist with your foot? XD)
Yes yes, it is already a day here!! :D *puts on his sunglasses... then immediately takes them off cause he is inside xD* Good morning to you then.^^
Lolz thats a funny way to put it, but I agree! And those laptops... O_O they must be planning on somehow being able to take over the world or have they done so already?
Yes!!! You understand ^_^ I love being friends with people but I don't find very many special friend you know? And I'm not a huge group person, I'd rather have a few best friends then whole bunches of friends.
Kyaaa you are so super nice, Fyki!! Ya leave me speechless! ^///^ Ah you always build me up, but you are an amazing person too!! You're like super hero xD We be friends forever!!! *BRO FIST*
Teeheee that will definitely have to done! ;D
Yes talk to you later! Goodnight! (well at the time I'm writing this, its night... but when you read it, it'll obviously be daytime so have a good day!) xD
Ah yes, I understand. Kinda like in relationships. ;D Just that this is about... laptops. xD But like we said, laptops can be alive when we are not watching, fiuuuuuu.. O.O
Ah I see.. You are little similar to me. I can be social with people if I want, I have knowledge in that. But not the will, it is just hard, I can't be with everyone..
But you are on a different had an amazing person. :D These friends are missing big time and everyone else. You don't seem like a person who would ever hurt anyway, gossip behind their backs or plan some selfish ways. It is sad that some people can't notice that.. But they say that those that love animals also love people, so I am sure that your dogs will lead you to your happiness. ;)
Be sure to~! And don't forget to send me a postcard! Or I will be angry. :P
Hah, hear from ya later~!
No no! No worries! I need some pressure or else I'll just be lazy... But I will definitely get a laptop soon. My parents are OK with it, but I just need to be the one to make the move, ya know ;D
Ah thats funny, you can tell! Well I have never had any terribly bad experiences with people but I don't know... sometimes I
m awkward and very shy around certain people? So I've been in situations that I'd rather not be in.. And also some of my friends don't keep in contact anymore. I don't really have any BEST friends in real life except for the doggies but they aren't human. So I just feel more understood by the dogs and I don't have much human interaction as well... I'm not a social introvert but I like to keep to myself^^ even though I like making friends as well ;)
Oh coolio!! Japan sounds even better now! 8D I'd definitely love to visit there ^_^
Thankyou again! Talk later :D
Ack, I kinda feel that I am also pressuring you on it. xD You don't need to hurry with that, waiting will pay off, you'll see. :)
It is so nice listening to you how you go and have wonderful time with dogs there. :) But I kinda feel sadness in your words as well... Did you have bad experience with people in the past? :(
You're very welcome and believe me, every word from it is true. You can make wonders, just go for it.
Aw, but it will still be interesting, hearing you and all. ;D Yup, Japan is amazing.. I always studied is culture and aspects. They are quite hardworking people who always smile and never give up. Plus they have some pretty amazing things to show if you go there. They even have a Studio Ghibli museum!! 8D
Thanks for all your help and sure! I should get one soon, I still haven't been shopping yet =_=
Lol its actually easier to hang out and bike with dogs then it is with people... at least for me sometimes! The dogs are nice and quiet jk! But honestly, its really great to get out and have some quiet relaxing time exercising (yes exercising is relaxing in this case xD) Kyaaaa thankies ^_^
Yeah Canada uses pounds! I know right?! It actually gets a bit annoying that USA has so many different measurements when we're such close countries Dx
Thankyou so much for that awesome reply!! That really helped boost my confidence!! I'll never forget! Thanks a million :D
Oh man, you answered one of my meme questions with that! (about Japan!) I should have said just that xD lol Cuz one day, it would be nice to visit Japan someday, the culture is amazing ^_^
That's good to hear. :) Just give your best with them and explain them on how much you need that one.^^ Toshiba is also a pretty good type, well chosen.
And it sure sounds pretty hard.. I know how it is hard going around with people, yet alone dogs.. But what is different than with people (haha, this sounds ironic xD) is that you trained your dogs well to behave and obey you! :D You see, you are already partly a dog-whisper yourself. :)
Speaking of which, do you use pound in Canada as well? I never did take a notice too much, but I do know that USA are independent on all measuring numbers (which I will be honest, I don't get it.. xD).
Ah I see.. Then let me give you a reply as well.^^ You see, you just have to believe in yourself. If you can't do that, believe that someone believes in you. Like your siblings, or even your friends. Me for example, I believe that you can do it. Don't let that any job make your nervous or stressful in life. We did talk about middle ages and history, right? Well do you know what they actually didn't have before? Stress! Far far less.. Life was so slower and easier.
You have to make your life that as well and you are on a good way. Being a dog walker and making art as a hobby is a good way. Just be persistent and always do your work from love. You can make wonders if you want to, everything is possible just as long as you want it. :) No famous artist did ever his job from pressure or because they didn't want. Always keep that in mind.^^
True, life was so much different back then.. Japan was always interesting though. It kept its tradition for thousand of years, at the end accepting the new way of life, but still mixing it with their own unique culture and tradition.
Yup yup ^_^ And I shall be getting a Toshiba laptop soon, I believe! I found some I like that just went on sale and I'll try my hardest to work out something with my parents. My dad says yes, my mom says no, and I just wanna get a laptop so I don't care xD
xD Yeah!! its way hard, but it was scary sometimes.. I try not to get nervous and actually its much better once we all get going. The hard part is when we hit an obstacle like tangled leashes or meeting someone with a dog on the trail. I trained the dogs separately and they are all friends so its much easier afterwards to just put them all together! Everyone knows what to do and how to behave and I feel like I'm on top of the world xP
Ahahaha a pro? nah! but as for strong, I like to think that I am xD I mean, 3 of the dogs are over 45 pounds and the other 1 is about 30 so thats quite a mass of doggy weight xD but they all behave themselves^^
Yes >3< It would be a lot better if people didn't take stuff for granted! I'm guilty of it, but I'm getting better at appreciating what I have! ^_^
Oh thats interesting... I actually just heard Panou's voice meme and she mentioned that she wants to do something in art so she's going the graphic designer route. If I was more into the school-system, maybe thats what I'd do. I really do want to do stuff with art, but I think I'm kinda fragile when it comes to 'putting my talent out there'... its like I get too pressured? I think pressure is good, but sometimes I can't take it xD But yeah, I'd love for someone to come up to me and offer me a job to illustrate something... but I hate thinking that I have to prove my skill cuz it messes me up >3< Ah I'm sounding so confusing right now! Quick answer: I love dog-walking and I'll always do some sort of animal care, but I'll go with the flow and see what happens and I'll be open to art jobs and other careers too^^
And I shall get some doggy pics up asap!
Yeah you're right! They never thought it was weird in their day. But its just weird to us since I'm comparing the present to the past which I guess isn't fair xD But absolutely, the present is always the best time^^
TheO is definitely awesome though, those poor medieval people never got to have fun conversations like the ones we're having!
Ack long comment >3<
And I am glad to hear that.^^ I fully understand you and that's what makes it even more nice. :)
But yes, now everything is going back to being good for you, so that's a relief. :D
Woah, that's amazing! ^_^ So four dogs while rid... I almost said riding a bicycle.. xD Well anyways, it is pretty hard to imagine that, so you must already be a pro, with both bike and dogs? :3
You must also be pretty strong, ehh? ;D
True, and it really is.. Also for the almost extinct animals. People don't notice how something valuable is until it is completely gone.
So you actually could do it always? That's pretty impressive, maybe one day you could also start a bigger job, but still in you I can see that you love that personal and adventurous way of doing that job.
What about art though? Have you ever wanted to get something more from that? :)
And I definitely would like to see some pics.^^
True, it is a little weird.. But then again, what is actually weird in this world? Hard to say, but we can definitely say that our era is special on its own. :)
But yeah, for one thing I am glad that here is theO so that I can meet amazing people here, like yourself.
Its ok, Fyki! You already have helped me by all your support and you never pressure me to reply to your comments so that makes it an enjoyment rather then a chore (not that replying to comments is a chore for me, but you know what I mean). And today I finally got my laptop and I'm trying to get everything done and its working :D
OH GUESS WHAT?! Today something great happened! I hit a new record, 4 dogs at one time when biking for 35 minutes ^_^ So much fun!
Ah I know! >3< I saw a show the other day where people go and rescue abused animals. Its pretty sad people do bad stuff like that to animals cuz the animals can't really help themselves in situations like that.
Thanks again^^ Yeah dog-walking is great! I'm glad you appreciate it too!! ^_^ Even some of my relatives think its just something to do as a side job or else they think its weird... but I wanna do it all the time! OH I'm gonna post some pictures of the dogs I walk sometime soon :D then you can see!
Woah O_o Thats interesting but so weird too!! Ack I wouldn't want that to happen to me, I'm glad I'm not in that era... that and also there wouldn't be theO in medieval times so I'm glad!! xD
I am sorry that you always have to go through that, but I won't lie, I am glad that you found it. :D
Aw, that must be quite hard.. Seeing them piling up and not managing to reply on time.. But hey, I am sure that everything will change. Just wait a little more, you will get your own laptop. :) I would like if I could help you somehow, but right now I can't... I can only try to encourage you and keep your fingers up!
I am sure that they do, but also where is there is something like that, there is the opposite.. When people abuse animals. But that's why there are people who keep that and thankfully every year it is in smaller and smaller numbers. :)
And come on, who would think that something like that is weird? Maybe some, but not me!^^ I think that it is a very healthy, yet enjoyable job.
True, true.. That's a little creepy.. o_O You know, back in middle ages, people of the royal blood would get married when usually the bride is at age of 18. Thing is that they would first be inspected when they are at age of 7 and then see how she will look later and is she good for a certain prince or duke or anyone else. And do you know what came from that? Love in disguise, where they would hide and run for their true love. :D
Ahahaha ^///^ I was actually afraid I'd lose them if people kept spamming me, but I'm so glad I remembered! I usually don't remember stuff though xD
I think the worst is when I can't get on my laptop to keep up! And I get on wifi and I seem my comment count in my backroom slowly rising and there's nothing I can do >3< lol New laptop is a necessity now, but I need to motivate my parents to get going too... We had some plan where I keep this old one and then they pay for a new one? x3 I don't mind, but it'll take them even longer then me to get a new laptop. =_=
AH really!? Thats neat that you watch the dog whisperer! I don't get to see his shows on my tv cuz I don't get lots of channels, but I look them up online. I really enjoy watching them too!
I know what you mean, some people think walking dogs as a job is weird. Like some people don't even walk their dogs or feel a need to train them or anything. But in North America... you probably know cuz you watch the dog whisperer, but people here really do treat their dogs like people!
AH I was thinking of that too!! That age/marriage thing IS weird! And it really shows when you look in the past and think when one of them is 20 years old when the other is just being born O_o
Eh, really? :D *checks* Wow, you really have found it!^^ You = awesome!!
I remember one time when I was also on the comment hunt... Didn't end as well as in your case though. xD
Aw, well that's why you have to take it easy. :) There will always be comments as long as there are people... and me!! :D
Haha! xP
Heh, really? :D That's great, I like watching his shows.^^ Speaking of which, if you didn't mention that I never would have pictured you as one. :) I mean, we don't have anything like that here... But it does seem like the best job for you. Or the thing to have in between. :3
o_o That would be... hahahaha, great!! :D Not in sense, like, you know.. actually being like that, but it is kinda funny. XP
What I also found funny is when someone like who is almost eighty years old marries someone who is sixty. Now, at first sight they are both old so you won't say anything, but the difference is still in twenty years, so.. XD
Its no problem! ^///^ And I actually remember where our 3rd conversation is so I'll reply to that now!
Yup sure thing!
Lol I know right? I don't mean to sound like I'm ungrateful for the comments, but it does get a little too much, especially when I don't have the convenience of my own laptop :P
AHAHAHA You're right about the dog whisper, he's one of my role models xD And thankyou! I really do enjoy dog-walking, I just got back from visiting a new client (a golden retriever pup, 8 weeks old!) So much cuteness! *3*
I bike and rollerblade with the dogs too, can you imagine how much fun that is?! xD
ah Lol! I know Hana Ishida too, but I didn't know that! That is ironic! xD On a different note, my siblings were talking about what would happen if a guy called Sidney or Jordan got married to a girl with the same name O_o They'd have the same name!!! xP ok that was lame.
See ya!
Aw, and you browsed again through all these conversations and posts just to find some of ours? That's sweet.^^ But don't worry if you loose them, we shall make just new ones! :D
That reminds me way back when I also used to always have overflowed comments.. xD It was kinda annoying, yes. :3
Hah, you sure love doing that! :D But nothing bad in there, definitely not.^^ Just keep it watched like you do now and everything will be alright. :)
Wow.. It is really nice to read something like this. You have quite the passion for your job and it seems that you really like it! :D Sooner or later you could become like that dog whisper, knowing them quite well. :3
They definitely will. :) Last one was poor, but for this one now I will make sure to make a good anniversary! :D
I know one member here (Hana Ishida) whose parents have birthdays on the same day. Imagine having that.. lol
Haha, well good luck with that. :P
Lol yeah soooo I almost lost your comment replies!! O_O My backroom comment/replies overflowed >3< Makes me annoyed, but I'm glad I remembered where our conversations were.. I think!
Thanks again^^ Its going ok, I still need to cut down talking.. er typing myself xD I love talking too much haha!
Yeah!! Dog-walking is amazing, and I love animals :D Honestly, I think its the best job ever if you like dogs cuz your get paid to hang out with cute doggies and get exercise! xD I won't brag though, but recently I've had lot of success with helping dogs or teaching them things... Its awesome, its like I can talk to them better then talk to people sometimes xD (that doesn't include typing to people though) lol
I know right!? Thats really wacky and so neat! It will be an awesome day for both of us, I think anniversaries like that are cool cuz I always start getting nostalgic around certain times even if I forget the date! xD
I hope I can find our other two conversations! xD
Haha, it is like switching bodies, just that in this case you switch... accounts? xD LoL, okay it is not the same. XP
Well of course that they will understand you. :) You are a sweet person and a good friend, no way that anyone would say anything bad about you.^^
Actually you haven't.. But I did read it in your introduction! :D That is pretty awesome~! ^_^ We don't get things like that here, so I always find that interesting when I see it on TV. You must really like animals. :)
Well of course that we can always chat~! And freely speak as well. :3
SURE!! 8D Is that coincidence...? I think not, it must be fate. O_O ... But seriously. xD
Well of course, and I did meet you here. :) Which I am glad.^^ It was quite long since I had a good comment chat.
LOL! So you don't get too many emails?! Wanna switch accounts? lol jk xD But yeah, its coming along pretty well! I've been teeling some of my friends that I can only write a bit and most of them are understanding I think! Its a good thing i started doing that now cuz this weekend and next week til summer, I'll be walking new dogs! Did I tell you I was a dog-walker? x3
Thanks, Fyki-kun!! Will do, and same goes for you... We can chat anytime! These comments are nice though cuz they spread across 3 instead of being a big email or something xD
WHAT! Seriously?! Thats so cool!!! So when the year anniversary comes around for us, we'll have to celebrate it together! xD *highfives*
I hope that you're making new friends to (like me xD), even though its sad its not as active here as before.
xD I go over the top with comments and emails as you know xD
Talk later, my friend!
Well of course that I do, I was in the same position as you! :D Now these days I just pray to God to get any message.. xD Jk, I do get them. Not as much as before, but enough to keep me entertained.^^
Glad to hear that and don't forget, you can tell me anything that is on your mind. I can take on anything! :D And I really feel bad when someone because of me falls on something... :( So, you know what to do when you do. ;3
Yes, it was. It is still today, but many left, though more come. But maybe it is like that because most of them were the ones that I knew and hang around with here.. Could be that.^^
You know what's interesting?? You joined here "exactly" one year after I did. :) We both joined on 22nd of August.
Aw, thanks! ^_^ It wouldn't be the same without you too. I mean look at you, not even a full year and you already have that many comments! :D
AH YOU UNDERSTAND TOTALLY!! Yeah its really fun talking with people and then you realize you've got so much to do including tons of emails and you don't wanna cut your friends off but you just can't keep it up! Exactly! But no worries, I'm more disciplined with comments for some reason... maybe its because they're usually shorter though xD But we can keep talking! Thankyou though, I'll be sure to let you know if i start falling behind and I won't feel nervous about telling you either! ^_^
Ah so you came a year before me? So you're coming to your 2nd year hear right? Oooo I wonder how it was like when it was more active! It sounds like you really got welcomed nicely, thats awesome!! I was welcomed too, but it took a while for me to get used to stuff and it didn't help that I couldn't comment at all! D:< People probably thought I was ignoring them, so I sent excessive amounts of PMs and then they probably thought I was stalking them xD jk
I'm really glad you stayed too, I'm sure theO wouldn't be theO without ya!
Ahhh, I see.. That is quite an interesting story. :) It must have been hard for that time to get used to it. When I was just joining this site and that was a year before you, theO was a little more active in terms of certain members and maybe in general. So that was actually the main reason why I stayed in the beginning, I got such a warm welcome which I haven't seen in almost any other site.
I also just got back into the anime thanks to Bleach, so I was browsing around looking for anything Bleach related and somehow found this site. Joined it because you needed to be a member to download wallpapers and later I actually stayed more on it. :3
Oh my... o.o Look Jen, if these long comments and replies that we have going on make any problems to you, please don't even hesitate one bit to say. I promise that I won't be angry or anything like that!
Okay? :D I don't want that you get overworked cause I know how that is.. I also used back in the days here to get a huge number of comments, PMs and such always draining my time and actually tiring me a little. It was fun, but after doing it over and over again somehow stressful and tiresome.
Take it easy, I am sure that everyone will understand you. No need to rush with anything and to keep up with all that. Just organize it, set up the limits and it will make things much easier.
Oh seriously? Thats amazing, how facebook started like that and turned into such a 'monster' xD
Ah good question! Usually I'm the one asking it xD I found theO last summer when I had gotten into anime and was trying to write my own comics. I got bored and drew a pic of Ryoma from Prince of Tennis! Then while browsing fan art, I found theO and decided to join so could post my pic. I had a slow start though cuz i couldn't figure whether I wanted to draw fan art or not and I also didn't meet too many new people either Dx I almost didn't stay! I know, crazy.. I'm so glad I did stay!!
How about you?
And in terms of busy, I mean that I'VE BEEN SPAMMED SO MUCH!! D8 I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, but people are emailing me lots and everything and I can't keep up anymore >3< I usually get to comments first and then I don't have enough time for emails or anything else. It makes me sad! Talking to you doesn't make me sad!! But just not being able to keep up on PM... I'm gonna have to stop some PM conversations or else I'll be overly stressed... Maybe they're even distracting me from art?? Gah I don't mean to rant, sorry!
Well that was the original intention of facebook. Today it has gotten a little bit overboard with it and I can't follow that. In "Gegenteil" as Germans would say (what's the English word now.. opposition, op.. ah yes opposite! :D) theO is a very nice and good place for its own.^^
Speaking of which how have you found this site? :3
Sounds good to me! :D So in terms of busy.. what kind if I might ask?^^
Haha, well we learn something new every day. :D
Ah i get it! Yeah I've heard that people sometimes need it for school notifications^^ If I did have facebook, I have no idea how I'd keep up with it all xD TheO is much better and more fun anyway!
*takes tissue and blows nose* Thankies! >u<
Lol seriously? Then I should make a comic for a tribute to this oldie lappy!
I'm so busy right now, I feel like I'm gonna burst if I don't start posting stuff xD So today I will spam theO!
Lol thats neat, I googled the word and it came up with refreshing! but I wasn't sure if that was right or not... good to know!!
Really? I don't have a facebook too! :D I mean, I do.. but I don't. Get the meaning, no? :P Well I do have only to receive some things regarding school, but never use it.
*brings you a tissue* And this little lappy will never be forgotten. Will remain a good part of the family. :')
But seriously, I am not joking.^^ There is something emotional and just warm now hearing that all your family used only that one laptop.
And as I said, I can't wait for it. :)
As you can see, me here! :D Though only for a small part, I managed to find some time a little bit.^^
Well it is something like refresh...-ing. :B LoL, sometimes I just mix English and German, sorry.
Lol yup yup^^ You're right about that :)
And true, I'm also one of those people who usually stay private and I don't have facebook x3
Lol Now that you mention it, you're making me sad! I promise will never forget this laptop!!! @_@
Yay! I'll have the whole comic up by June 6th (thats the challenge deadline). ACK I hate studying for exams like that! I'm someone who just likes to go for it and get it done, but I'd rarely get good marks that way... so study we must xP Good luck with the exams!! TheO will miss ya til you get back!
Wat? Whats revreschung?? >u< teehee
Heh, well you just have a careful and nice parents there.^^ They probably only want the best for their daughter and to safe always. :)
Internet can be a scary place.. xD
AW, do you know what is sad? That laptop was probably like a part of the family by now. But I still sure that someone would only succeed it.^^
Of course that I will see it, I can't even kid about that. ;D I will try to keep an eye out for that, though for the next week I will be very little here. My super die-hard final exams are here, so... I mean, I even study up to eight hours this math!! It is getting to me... and I am serious.. xDD
But I will keep your comics as a revreschung (as Germans would say xP).
Yeah I agree! I think its just that I like typing to my friends in private so my parents start wondering what I'm doing? xD
Yup! Its funny, the laptop I'm using has been my family's first laptop and we've had it for almost 6 years xD So its definitely time for a couple new ones!
Lol exactly!! :D
And thankyou again, I'll do my best!!
I hope you'll check out my new comic too... its only short but I'm scanning it right now and should have it up over the weekend!
Aww, they don't? They shouldn't worry about that, everyone here is nice. There are of course some other sites, but for this one, there is nothing to worry about. :)
But true true, it is the best to have as much separate laptops as possible. It makes things much easier.
You see, great minds think alike.. xD
But no problem, I really do enjoy your comics and I can't wait for more. :D
Lol yeah totally!! Even now, I'm edgy... I might have to get off the laptop if my dad wants it O_O And its worse cuz my family doesn't really understand the 'online friends' sort of thing... I think they're starting to accept theO though xD but it helps to be able to get online by myself without people looking over my shoulder =_='
I will!! Funny you say that cuz i was thinking the same thing the other day! I might post this along with a new one in my other comic too so they'll be together xD
Thankyou for looking through my comics, Fyki! glad you enjoy them!!
I know right?! Its insane sometimes... Its not that we fight too much, its just that there's almost an unwritten rule about who gets to go on the laptop =_= For example: my dad can go on it as long as he wants, and anyone with homework definitely gets it first (even if they don't do there homework on it all the time xP And me, I can never get enough privacy to visit theO for a long time! *pouts*
Thanks^^ I'm really chicken when it comes to buying something expensive but I can't deal with this much longer LOL! My own laptop will allow my and my little sis to post more art here. I really wanna try digital artwork as well! :)
7 people and 1 laptop? Crazy. I used to share an old desktop computer with my two sister using dial-up...but now is cool. We have faster internet connection and a laptop :) That day will come soon, the art gods and goddesses will let you have your very own laptop so that you'll do more art :D
Ugh yeah! And same here... but when I get on the laptop, I end up using it for theO and not reference pics xD The good thing is that I can use my gameboy wifi to get reference pics! its just small >_<
Yes, KK is excited too!... that is, she was excited until I told her she had to pay me for usage xD JK!! lol
lol if it's not one person it the other! XD I haen't gotten my computer much and when I do get it, I'm just using it for references! XD
That's really nice that you're going to let KK use it! I can't wait to see her new art! ^_^
Same here! This whole week, my siblings have been using it for homework and then when they aren't online, my parents get on =_=' I end up trying to get on in the spare time, but its like I need 2 hours straight to get caught up with everything on theO! I can't wait to have my own laptop!!!!
Yes, I'm going to share with KK for sure^^ No she hasn't posted anything new, but she visited her account. She's just never been a computer person and she's still new to doing art so she hasn't been as interested >_< Once I get a new laptop, we'll both be able to get on lots more!!
lol my sister has been using my computer this week!
Yeah that might happen you never know! XD
That would be nice to let KK on a bit since I haven't seen any new art from her, unless I missed it! O_O"
Lol I'm glad you enjoyed it, Toya! O_O Same here!
I really hope it doesn't actually happen like this, but I'm sure it will xD I'll probably share but I'll make sure no one completely steals it or anything xD
I'll probably let me sister KK on a lot more since she never is able to get online to visit theO. She needs to get more computer savvy anyway xD Thanks again!
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/12 | Reply
lol this is funny Manga! XD I love how you drew this and it's just funny! XD I've been feeling like this all week, though by the time I get it, I don't need it anymore! XD
Who knows may be this might turn into a real event if you get your laptop! XD
xDD I'm so happy you're enjoying them!! I'll be sure to make some more once I get a few ideas^^ Your nice comments really mean a lot to me! I lvoe reading them^^ Thankyou!! <3
Lol same here! Its mostly my brothers who end up messing up the computer xD (though I am guilty of that myself too!) At least I'll soon have my own laptop so I can use it whenever I want x3 I can't wait!!
Oh yay! Hurry and come, April! xDD
Kahahaha~! My family used to be like that with the computer that we had too~ (And the guys always end up breaking it somehow) xD
I'm so loving your comics, Jen~! They're hilarous~ xDDDD Love the expressions~~
Thanks so much for the sweet comment^^ Ack! D: New ones are better^^ They aren't all broken down x3 New ones just cost lots more $ =_=' ... hmmm maybe hand-me down laptops aren't too bad if ya don't have to pay for 'em xD I'm a tightwad.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/03/13 | Reply
Haha, this is so cute! I can't believe it was like that for five whole years. I commend your family's ability to cooperate! *claps*
On a side note...
I'm proud of myself for being able to tell you wrote "otaku" on your sweatshirt!your drawing style for this little comic is so cute! Chibis to the max!MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/27/12 | Reply
LOL I KNOW RIGHT?! hahaha thanks for reading this, commenting, and laughing too xD *highfives*
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/21/12 | Reply
the irony is delicious is it not you get a laptop for yourself but your the last one to even use it *laughs so much he falls* *gets up* SPARTA!! *laughs again* why can't i stop laughing?
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
We were talking about pies and tomatoes. :3 .. I think.. xD Or was it something laptop related? Naaah, probably not.. We like our agriculture, yush! >:B
Oh yes, it is very hot for me here. Well not that much for me, I can endure many things. But more so for my parents, which is actually harder to endure.. xD We can't built an... ah, I don't feel like looking for that world, lol. It is that climate balancing machine.. You know, that white thing.. haha! Well we can't install it here because of some problems with where our apartment is placed, but maybe there are actually some ways to do it.
And oh yes, we do hope for a storm. They are not that common here, but maybe there will be one soon.
As for that statement, I fully agree! :D Being inside on safety and watching how it slowly falls down
(tears down trees.. xP)is what makes it quite relaxing.^^MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
WHAT, THATS SO RANDOM! what are we talking about now? LOL xD Thats so funny xD
Yeah I thought so! So that makes it easy.. Today was about 20 degrees Celcius so much cooler then the 40 degrees the other day! Is it still hot for you?
Aw I wish you'll get a storm too!! It really helped me, and its fun to watch as well! it just poured and thundered out with some lightning too^^ Its fun but only when you're inside and nice and cozy eh? lol
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
Hmm, speaking about these flying things... They are a very interesting creatures.^^ *random*
Shhhh, just in case someone watchesus. >.> So that they would think that we actually speak about birds..xDWe use Celsius as well.^^ I think that in Canada you only use some measuring symbols as in US, but still most are like here in Europe. :3
Waaaaahh!! O.O You get a thunderstorm?! You lucky.. I wish we would get one to cool down a little.. xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/22/12 | Reply
Ahaha!! yes! Without the spoiler, the laptop will find out and we'll be doooooooomed XDDDD
UGH it was horrible!! By the way do you measure in Celcius or Farenheit? I'm in Celcius!
And thank goodness it cooled down today after a major thunderstorm last night... I'm loving this cool breeze thats coming through my screen door x3
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/12 | Reply
It is interesting though, this spoiler thing. It is like something will happen, but we don't want to spoil it.. Like lappy taking over the world maybe? xD
Yes, it is very hot! >.< Even though I am few thousands miles away, it is still the same here. #.#
I can only think how it is you since you are probably more used to cooler weather.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/12 | Reply
LOL I know, its so funny!! xD I wonder what people are thinking if someone looks at our spoilers? They probably think we're crazy XD But its the lappy's fault yes?
AHaha totally! Lol that sounds even more random xD
I'm glad my spam won't bug ya! and its daytime for me right now and sososo hot >3<
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/12 | Reply
Haha, do you know what's funny? Talking in spoilers like this seems a little dirty, like we are hiding something.. :P But we are just talking behind lappy's back, as people don't know. xD
Haha aww, thanks.^^ We shall make the world a different place with all these new speaks, sayings and hips. We could also try eyebrows or ears up? :D
Yes, I was about to go to sleep back then. ^_^ And thank you, good night to you, back when it comes night for you. :)
Ah no worries, your spams are always welcome.^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/20/12 | Reply
Hahaha! Sorry! Oh no, we're not talking in spoiler... could my lappy have gotten this idea into his head yet? Wait, he's too old to carry out any crazy plans like this one xD What about your lappy? O_o
yeah! That would definitely be fun fun! ^_^
I know! I agree!! I believe you have just created the new hip saying :D *toe fist* xD Its making me smile even now!
LOLZ! Ah so its... like just after 11pm? AH are you going to sleep? If you are, goodnight and talk later, my friend! I will stop spamming you >u<
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/20/12 | Reply
.. Well I didn't know about the slave part, but now you got me even more terrified.. thanks. XD
That definitely is sad.. But still one day or another some of us might get an opportunity to visit one another. :)
Hahah, I am glad that you found that funny. :'D But really.. Just imagine when you cuddle your foot and.. no one gave a name for that, that's unfair! x3
Yesssss... I am in the future..
But seriously. XD I am ahead 5 hours from you.^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/20/12 | Reply
XD Laptrons!! and they will keep us as slaves and make us design more and more lappies!... O_O That is scary.
Yup yup!! Its not fair that the most awesome people seem to live so far away from me T-T Oh SO true!! We Otakus are always connected ^_^
WAHAHAHAHAHA!! XD I'm laughing so much right now, *TOEFIST* xD Thats hilarious XD
Lolz! I actually wonder what our time difference is... Sounds like you're ahead of me by a few hours? I'm in Eastern Standard time zone... what about you?
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/20/12 | Reply
Hmm... Well they can reproduce thanks to us humans, so.. They can't live without us?? Or can they? O_O Well if they take over the world they won't be anymore small cute lappies. They will be known as 'laptrons'! XD
Well of course that I understand you. *pats your head* ^_^ Same for me, really. I am sure that we could be amazing friends if we lived closer and you could also pretty much be friends with anyone here for example.. The problem is that we are scattered around, but maybe in body, not in soul.^^
Awh, thank you. :) You leave "me" speechless for your friendliness and sweetness. Of course, we shall always be friends!^^ *BRO... TOEFIST* >:P (lol, does that even exist?? Like when you make a fist with your foot? XD)
Yes yes, it is already a day here!! :D *puts on his sunglasses... then immediately takes them off cause he is inside xD* Good morning to you then.^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/19/12 | Reply
Lolz thats a funny way to put it, but I agree! And those laptops... O_O they must be planning on somehow being able to take over the world
or have they done so already?Yes!!! You understand ^_^ I love being friends with people but I don't find very many special friend you know? And I'm not a huge group person, I'd rather have a few best friends then whole bunches of friends.
Kyaaa you are so super nice, Fyki!! Ya leave me speechless! ^///^ Ah you always build me up, but you are an amazing person too!! You're like super hero xD We be friends forever!!! *BRO FIST*
Teeheee that will definitely have to done! ;D
Yes talk to you later! Goodnight! (well at the time I'm writing this, its night... but when you read it, it'll obviously be daytime so have a good day!) xD
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/19/12 | Reply
Ah yes, I understand. Kinda like in relationships. ;D Just that this is about... laptops. xD But like we said, laptops can be alive when we are not watching, fiuuuuuu.. O.O
Ah I see.. You are little similar to me. I can be social with people if I want, I have knowledge in that. But not the will, it is just hard, I can't be with everyone..
But you are on a different had an amazing person. :D These friends are missing big time and everyone else. You don't seem like a person who would ever hurt anyway, gossip behind their backs or plan some selfish ways. It is sad that some people can't notice that.. But they say that those that love animals also love people, so I am sure that your dogs will lead you to your happiness. ;)
Be sure to~! And don't forget to send me a postcard! Or I will be angry. :P
Hah, hear from ya later~!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/19/12 | Reply
No no! No worries! I need some pressure or else I'll just be lazy... But I will definitely get a laptop soon. My parents are OK with it, but I just need to be the one to make the move, ya know ;D
Ah thats funny, you can tell! Well I have never had any terribly bad experiences with people but I don't know... sometimes I
m awkward and very shy around certain people? So I've been in situations that I'd rather not be in.. And also some of my friends don't keep in contact anymore. I don't really have any BEST friends in real life
except for the doggies but they aren't human. So I just feel more understood by the dogs and I don't have much human interaction as well... I'm not a social introvert but I like to keep to myself^^ even though I like making friends as well ;)Oh coolio!! Japan sounds even better now! 8D I'd definitely love to visit there ^_^
Thankyou again! Talk later :D
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/12 | Reply
Ack, I kinda feel that I am also pressuring you on it. xD You don't need to hurry with that, waiting will pay off, you'll see. :)
It is so nice listening to you how you go and have wonderful time with dogs there. :) But I kinda feel sadness in your words as well... Did you have bad experience with people in the past? :(
You're very welcome and believe me, every word from it is true. You can make wonders, just go for it.
Aw, but it will still be interesting, hearing you and all. ;D Yup, Japan is amazing.. I always studied is culture and aspects. They are quite hardworking people who always smile and never give up. Plus they have some pretty amazing things to show if you go there. They even have a Studio Ghibli museum!! 8D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/18/12 | Reply
Thanks for all your help and sure! I should get one soon, I still haven't been shopping yet =_=
Lol its actually easier to hang out and bike with dogs then it is with people... at least for me sometimes! The dogs are nice
and quietjk! But honestly, its really great to get out and have some quiet relaxing time exercising (yes exercising is relaxing in this case xD) Kyaaaa thankies ^_^Yeah Canada uses pounds! I know right?! It actually gets a bit annoying that USA has so many different measurements when we're such close countries Dx
Thankyou so much for that awesome reply!! That really helped boost my confidence!! I'll never forget! Thanks a million :D
Oh man, you answered one of my meme questions with that! (about Japan!) I should have said just that xD lol Cuz one day, it would be nice to visit Japan someday, the culture is amazing ^_^
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/15/12 | Reply
That's good to hear. :) Just give your best with them and explain them on how much you need that one.^^ Toshiba is also a pretty good type, well chosen.
And it sure sounds pretty hard.. I know how it is hard going around with people, yet alone dogs.. But what is different than with people (haha, this sounds ironic xD) is that you trained your dogs well to behave and obey you! :D You see, you are already partly a dog-whisper yourself. :)
Speaking of which, do you use pound in Canada as well? I never did take a notice too much, but I do know that USA are independent on all measuring numbers (which I will be honest, I don't get it.. xD).
Ah I see.. Then let me give you a reply as well.^^ You see, you just have to believe in yourself. If you can't do that, believe that someone believes in you. Like your siblings, or even your friends. Me for example, I believe that you can do it. Don't let that any job make your nervous or stressful in life. We did talk about middle ages and history, right? Well do you know what they actually didn't have before? Stress! Far far less.. Life was so slower and easier.
You have to make your life that as well and you are on a good way. Being a dog walker and making art as a hobby is a good way. Just be persistent and always do your work from love. You can make wonders if you want to, everything is possible just as long as you want it. :) No famous artist did ever his job from pressure or because they didn't want. Always keep that in mind.^^
True, life was so much different back then.. Japan was always interesting though. It kept its tradition for thousand of years, at the end accepting the new way of life, but still mixing it with their own unique culture and tradition.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/15/12 | Reply
Yup yup ^_^ And I shall be getting a Toshiba laptop soon, I believe! I found some I like that just went on sale and I'll try my hardest to work out something with my parents. My dad says yes, my mom says no, and I just wanna get a laptop so I don't care xD
xD Yeah!! its way hard, but it was scary sometimes.. I try not to get nervous and actually its much better once we all get going. The hard part is when we hit an obstacle like tangled leashes or meeting someone with a dog on the trail. I trained the dogs separately and they are all friends so its much easier afterwards to just put them all together! Everyone knows what to do and how to behave
and I feel like I'm on top of the worldxPAhahaha a pro? nah!
but as for strong, I like to think that I amxD I mean, 3 of the dogs are over 45 pounds and the other 1 is about 30 so thats quite a mass of doggy weight xD but they all behave themselves^^Yes >3< It would be a lot better if people didn't take stuff for granted! I'm guilty of it, but I'm getting better at appreciating what I have! ^_^
Oh thats interesting... I actually just heard Panou's voice meme and she mentioned that she wants to do something in art so she's going the graphic designer route. If I was more into the school-system, maybe thats what I'd do. I really do want to do stuff with art, but I think I'm kinda fragile when it comes to 'putting my talent out there'... its like I get too pressured? I think pressure is good, but sometimes I can't take it xD But yeah, I'd love for someone to come up to me and offer me a job to illustrate something... but I hate thinking that I have to prove my skill cuz it messes me up >3< Ah I'm sounding so confusing right now! Quick answer: I love dog-walking and I'll always do some sort of animal care, but I'll go with the flow and see what happens and I'll be open to art jobs and other careers too^^
And I shall get some doggy pics up asap!
Yeah you're right! They never thought it was weird in their day. But its just weird to us since I'm comparing the present to the past which I guess isn't fair xD But absolutely, the present is always the best time^^
TheO is definitely awesome though, those poor medieval people never got to have fun conversations like the ones we're having!
Ack long comment >3<
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
And I am glad to hear that.^^ I fully understand you and that's what makes it even more nice. :)
But yes, now everything is going back to being good for you, so that's a relief. :D
Woah, that's amazing! ^_^ So four dogs while rid... I almost said riding a bicycle.. xD Well anyways, it is pretty hard to imagine that, so you must already be a pro, with both bike and dogs? :3
You must also be pretty strong, ehh? ;D
True, and it really is.. Also for the almost extinct animals. People don't notice how something valuable is until it is completely gone.
So you actually could do it always? That's pretty impressive, maybe one day you could also start a bigger job, but still in you I can see that you love that personal and adventurous way of doing that job.
What about art though? Have you ever wanted to get something more from that? :)
And I definitely would like to see some pics.^^
True, it is a little weird.. But then again, what is actually weird in this world? Hard to say, but we can definitely say that our era is special on its own. :)
But yeah, for one thing I am glad that here is theO so that I can meet amazing people here, like yourself.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
Its ok, Fyki! You already have helped me by all your support and you never pressure me to reply to your comments so that makes it an enjoyment rather then a chore (not that replying to comments is a chore for me, but you know what I mean). And today I finally got my laptop and I'm trying to get everything done and its working :D
OH GUESS WHAT?! Today something great happened! I hit a new record, 4 dogs at one time when biking for 35 minutes ^_^ So much fun!
Ah I know! >3< I saw a show the other day where people go and rescue abused animals. Its pretty sad people do bad stuff like that to animals cuz the animals can't really help themselves in situations like that.
Thanks again^^ Yeah dog-walking is great! I'm glad you appreciate it too!! ^_^ Even some of my relatives think its just something to do as a side job or else they think its weird... but I wanna do it all the time! OH I'm gonna post some pictures of the dogs I walk sometime soon :D then you can see!
Woah O_o Thats interesting but so weird too!! Ack I wouldn't want that to happen to me, I'm glad I'm not in that era... that and also there wouldn't be theO in medieval times so I'm glad!! xD
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
I am sorry that you always have to go through that, but I won't lie, I am glad that you found it. :D
Aw, that must be quite hard.. Seeing them piling up and not managing to reply on time.. But hey, I am sure that everything will change. Just wait a little more, you will get your own laptop. :) I would like if I could help you somehow, but right now I can't... I can only try to encourage you and keep your fingers up!
I am sure that they do, but also where is there is something like that, there is the opposite.. When people abuse animals. But that's why there are people who keep that and thankfully every year it is in smaller and smaller numbers. :)
And come on, who would think that something like that is weird? Maybe some, but not me!^^ I think that it is a very healthy, yet enjoyable job.
True, true.. That's a little creepy.. o_O You know, back in middle ages, people of the royal blood would get married when usually the bride is at age of 18. Thing is that they would first be inspected when they are at age of 7 and then see how she will look later and is she good for a certain prince or duke or anyone else. And do you know what came from that? Love in disguise, where they would hide and run for their true love. :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/12 | Reply
Ahahaha ^///^ I was actually afraid I'd lose them if people kept spamming me, but I'm so glad I remembered!
I usually don't remember stuff thoughxDI think the worst is when I can't get on my laptop to keep up! And I get on wifi and I seem my comment count in my backroom slowly rising and there's nothing I can do >3< lol New laptop is a necessity now, but I need to motivate my parents to get going too... We had some plan where I keep this old one and then they pay for a new one? x3 I don't mind, but it'll take them even longer then me to get a new laptop. =_=
AH really!? Thats neat that you watch the dog whisperer! I don't get to see his shows on my tv cuz I don't get lots of channels, but I look them up online. I really enjoy watching them too!
I know what you mean, some people think walking dogs as a job is weird. Like some people don't even walk their dogs or feel a need to train them or anything. But in North America... you probably know cuz you watch the dog whisperer, but people here really do treat their dogs like people!
AH I was thinking of that too!! That age/marriage thing IS weird! And it really shows when you look in the past and think when one of them is 20 years old when the other is just being born O_o
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/12 | Reply
Eh, really? :D *checks* Wow, you really have found it!^^ You = awesome!!
I remember one time when I was also on the comment hunt... Didn't end as well as in your case though. xD
Aw, well that's why you have to take it easy. :) There will always be comments as long as there are people... and me!! :D
Haha! xP
Heh, really? :D That's great, I like watching his shows.^^ Speaking of which, if you didn't mention that I never would have pictured you as one. :) I mean, we don't have anything like that here... But it does seem like the best job for you. Or the thing to have in between. :3
o_o That would be... hahahaha, great!! :D Not in sense, like, you know.. actually being like that, but it is kinda funny. XP
What I also found funny is when someone like who is almost eighty years old marries someone who is sixty. Now, at first sight they are both old so you won't say anything, but the difference is still in twenty years, so.. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/11/12 | Reply
Its no problem! ^///^ And I actually remember where our 3rd conversation is so I'll reply to that now!
Yup sure thing!
Lol I know right? I don't mean to sound like I'm ungrateful for the comments, but it does get a little too much, especially when I don't have the convenience of my own laptop :P
AHAHAHA You're right about the dog whisper, he's one of my role models xD And thankyou! I really do enjoy dog-walking, I just got back from visiting a new client (a golden retriever pup, 8 weeks old!) So much cuteness! *3*
I bike and rollerblade with the dogs too, can you imagine how much fun that is?! xD
ah Lol! I know Hana Ishida too, but I didn't know that! That is ironic! xD On a different note, my siblings were talking about what would happen if a guy called Sidney or Jordan got married to a girl with the same name O_o They'd have the same name!!! xP
ok that was lame.See ya!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/12 | Reply
Aw, and you browsed again through all these conversations and posts just to find some of ours? That's sweet.^^ But don't worry if you loose them, we shall make just new ones! :D
That reminds me way back when I also used to always have overflowed comments.. xD It was kinda annoying, yes. :3
Hah, you sure love doing that! :D But nothing bad in there, definitely not.^^ Just keep it watched like you do now and everything will be alright. :)
Wow.. It is really nice to read something like this. You have quite the passion for your job and it seems that you really like it! :D Sooner or later you could become like that dog whisper, knowing them quite well. :3
They definitely will. :) Last one was poor, but for this one now I will make sure to make a good anniversary! :D
I know one member here (Hana Ishida) whose parents have birthdays on the same day. Imagine having that.. lol
Haha, well good luck with that. :P
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/12 | Reply
Lol yeah soooo I almost lost your comment replies!! O_O My backroom comment/replies overflowed >3< Makes me annoyed, but I'm glad I remembered where our conversations were.. I think!
Thanks again^^ Its going ok, I still need to cut down talking.. er typing myself xD I love talking too much haha!
Yeah!! Dog-walking is amazing, and I love animals :D Honestly, I think its the best job ever if you like dogs cuz your get paid to hang out with cute doggies and get exercise! xD I won't brag though, but recently I've had lot of success with helping dogs or teaching them things... Its awesome, its like I can talk to them better then talk to people sometimes xD (that doesn't include typing to people though) lol
I know right!? Thats really wacky and so neat! It will be an awesome day for both of us, I think anniversaries like that are cool cuz I always start getting nostalgic around certain times even if I forget the date! xD
I hope I can find our other two conversations! xD
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/12 | Reply
Haha, it is like switching bodies, just that in this case you switch... accounts? xD LoL, okay it is not the same. XP
Well of course that they will understand you. :) You are a sweet person and a good friend, no way that anyone would say anything bad about you.^^
Actually you haven't.. But I did read it in your introduction! :D That is pretty awesome~! ^_^ We don't get things like that here, so I always find that interesting when I see it on TV. You must really like animals. :)
Well of course that we can always chat~! And freely speak as well. :3
SURE!! 8D Is that coincidence...? I think not, it must be fate. O_O ... But seriously. xD
Well of course, and I did meet you here. :) Which I am glad.^^ It was quite long since I had a good comment chat.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/07/12 | Reply
LOL! So you don't get too many emails?! Wanna switch accounts? lol jk xD But yeah, its coming along pretty well! I've been teeling some of my friends that I can only write a bit and most of them are understanding I think! Its a good thing i started doing that now cuz this weekend and next week til summer, I'll be walking new dogs! Did I tell you I was a dog-walker? x3
Thanks, Fyki-kun!! Will do, and same goes for you... We can chat anytime! These comments are nice though cuz they spread across 3 instead of being a big email or something xD
WHAT! Seriously?! Thats so cool!!! So when the year anniversary comes around for us, we'll have to celebrate it together! xD *highfives*
I hope that you're making new friends to (like me xD), even though its sad its not as active here as before.
xD I go over the top with comments and emails as you know xD
Talk later, my friend!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/06/12 | Reply
Well of course that I do, I was in the same position as you! :D Now these days I just pray to God to get any message.. xD Jk, I do get them. Not as much as before, but enough to keep me entertained.^^
Glad to hear that and don't forget, you can tell me anything that is on your mind. I can take on anything! :D And I really feel bad when someone because of me falls on something... :( So, you know what to do when you do. ;3
Yes, it was. It is still today, but many left, though more come. But maybe it is like that because most of them were the ones that I knew and hang around with here.. Could be that.^^
You know what's interesting?? You joined here "exactly" one year after I did. :) We both joined on 22nd of August.
Aw, thanks! ^_^ It wouldn't be the same without you too. I mean look at you, not even a full year and you already have that many comments! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/06/12 | Reply
AH YOU UNDERSTAND TOTALLY!! Yeah its really fun talking with people and then you realize you've got so much to do including tons of emails and you don't wanna cut your friends off but you just can't keep it up! Exactly! But no worries, I'm more disciplined with comments for some reason...
maybe its because they're usually shorter thoughxD But we can keep talking! Thankyou though, I'll be sure to let you know if i start falling behind and I won't feel nervous about telling you either! ^_^Ah so you came a year before me? So you're coming to your 2nd year hear right? Oooo I wonder how it was like when it was more active! It sounds like you really got welcomed nicely, thats awesome!! I was welcomed too, but it took a while for me to get used to stuff and it didn't help that I couldn't comment at all! D:< People probably thought I was ignoring them, so I sent excessive amounts of PMs and then they probably thought I was stalking them xD jk
I'm really glad you stayed too, I'm sure theO wouldn't be theO without ya!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/12 | Reply
Ahhh, I see.. That is quite an interesting story. :) It must have been hard for that time to get used to it. When I was just joining this site and that was a year before you, theO was a little more active in terms of certain members and maybe in general. So that was actually the main reason why I stayed in the beginning, I got such a warm welcome which I haven't seen in almost any other site.
I also just got back into the anime thanks to Bleach, so I was browsing around looking for anything Bleach related and somehow found this site. Joined it because you needed to be a member to download wallpapers and later I actually stayed more on it. :3
Oh my... o.o Look Jen, if these long comments and replies that we have going on make any problems to you, please don't even hesitate one bit to say. I promise that I won't be angry or anything like that!
Okay? :D I don't want that you get overworked cause I know how that is.. I also used back in the days here to get a huge number of comments, PMs and such always draining my time and actually tiring me a little. It was fun, but after doing it over and over again somehow stressful and tiresome.
Take it easy, I am sure that everyone will understand you. No need to rush with anything and to keep up with all that. Just organize it, set up the limits and it will make things much easier.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/12 | Reply
Oh seriously? Thats amazing, how facebook started like that and turned into such a 'monster' xD
Ah good question! Usually I'm the one asking it xD I found theO last summer when I had gotten into anime and was trying to write my own comics. I got bored and drew a pic of Ryoma from Prince of Tennis! Then while browsing fan art, I found theO and decided to join so could post my pic. I had a slow start though cuz i couldn't figure whether I wanted to draw fan art or not and I also didn't meet too many new people either Dx I almost didn't stay! I know, crazy.. I'm so glad I did stay!!
How about you?
And in terms of busy, I mean that I'VE BEEN SPAMMED SO MUCH!! D8 I'm not trying to sound like a jerk, but people are emailing me lots and everything and I can't keep up anymore >3< I usually get to comments first and then I don't have enough time for emails or anything else. It makes me sad! Talking to you doesn't make me sad!! But just not being able to keep up on PM... I'm gonna have to stop some PM conversations or else I'll be overly stressed... Maybe they're even distracting me from art?? Gah I don't mean to rant, sorry!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/03/12 | Reply
Well that was the original intention of facebook. Today it has gotten a little bit overboard with it and I can't follow that. In "Gegenteil" as Germans would say (what's the English word now.. opposition, op.. ah yes opposite! :D) theO is a very nice and good place for its own.^^
Speaking of which how have you found this site? :3
Sounds good to me! :D So in terms of busy.. what kind if I might ask?^^
Haha, well we learn something new every day. :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/12 | Reply
Ah i get it! Yeah I've heard that people sometimes need it for school notifications^^ If I did have facebook, I have no idea how I'd keep up with it all xD TheO is much better and more fun anyway!
*takes tissue and blows nose* Thankies! >u<
Lol seriously? Then I should make a comic for a tribute to this oldie lappy!
I'm so busy right now, I feel like I'm gonna burst if I don't start posting stuff xD So today I will spam theO!
Lol thats neat, I googled the word and it came up with refreshing! but I wasn't sure if that was right or not... good to know!!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/12 | Reply
Really? I don't have a facebook too! :D I mean, I do.. but I don't. Get the meaning, no? :P Well I do have only to receive some things regarding school, but never use it.
*brings you a tissue* And this little lappy will never be forgotten. Will remain a good part of the family. :')
But seriously, I am not joking.^^ There is something emotional and just warm now hearing that all your family used only that one laptop.
And as I said, I can't wait for it. :)
As you can see, me here! :D Though only for a small part, I managed to find some time a little bit.^^
Well it is something like refresh...-ing. :B LoL, sometimes I just mix English and German, sorry.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/12 | Reply
Lol yup yup^^ You're right about that :)
And true, I'm also one of those people who usually stay private and I don't have facebook x3
Lol Now that you mention it, you're making me sad! I promise will never forget this laptop!!! @_@
Yay! I'll have the whole comic up by June 6th (thats the challenge deadline). ACK I hate studying for exams like that! I'm someone who just likes to go for it and get it done, but I'd rarely get good marks that way... so study we must xP Good luck with the exams!! TheO will miss ya til you get back!
Wat? Whats revreschung?? >u< teehee
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/12 | Reply
Heh, well you just have a careful and nice parents there.^^ They probably only want the best for their daughter and to safe always. :)
Internet can be a scary place.. xD
AW, do you know what is sad? That laptop was probably like a part of the family by now. But I still sure that someone would only succeed it.^^
Of course that I will see it, I can't even kid about that. ;D I will try to keep an eye out for that, though for the next week I will be very little here. My super die-hard final exams are here, so... I mean, I even study up to eight hours this math!! It is getting to me... and I am serious.. xDD
But I will keep your comics as a revreschung (as Germans would say xP).
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/12 | Reply
Yeah I agree! I think its just that I like typing to my friends in private so my parents start wondering what I'm doing? xD
Yup! Its funny, the laptop I'm using has been my family's first laptop and we've had it for almost 6 years xD So its definitely time for a couple new ones!
Lol exactly!! :D
And thankyou again, I'll do my best!!
I hope you'll check out my new comic too... its only short but I'm scanning it right now and should have it up over the weekend!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/12 | Reply
Aww, they don't? They shouldn't worry about that, everyone here is nice. There are of course some other sites, but for this one, there is nothing to worry about. :)
But true true, it is the best to have as much separate laptops as possible. It makes things much easier.
You see, great minds think alike.. xD
But no problem, I really do enjoy your comics and I can't wait for more. :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/12 | Reply
Lol yeah totally!! Even now, I'm edgy... I might have to get off the laptop if my dad wants it O_O And its worse cuz my family doesn't really understand the 'online friends' sort of thing... I think they're starting to accept theO though xD but it helps to be able to get online by myself without people looking over my shoulder =_='
I will!! Funny you say that cuz i was thinking the same thing the other day! I might post this along with a new one in my other comic too so they'll be together xD
Thankyou for looking through my comics, Fyki! glad you enjoy them!!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/12 | Reply
Hahah, so this is what you meant when you said that you share it with more people... You can't even have privacy on that system. XD
But this was a pretty funny and entertaining. :) You should do a sequel and how things have changed after you get the new laptop.^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/19/12 | Reply
I know right?! Its insane sometimes... Its not that we fight too much, its just that there's almost an unwritten rule about who gets to go on the laptop =_= For example: my dad can go on it as long as he wants, and anyone with homework definitely gets it first (even if they don't do there homework on it all the time xP And me, I can never get enough privacy to visit theO for a long time! *pouts*
Thanks^^ I'm really chicken when it comes to buying something expensive but I can't deal with this much longer LOL! My own laptop will allow my and my little sis to post more art here. I really wanna try digital artwork as well! :)
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/17/12 | Reply
7 people and 1 laptop? Crazy. I used to share an old desktop computer with my two sister using dial-up...but now is cool. We have faster internet connection and a laptop :) That day will come soon, the art gods and goddesses will let you have your very own laptop so that you'll do more art :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/10/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Ugh yeah! And same here... but when I get on the laptop, I end up using it for theO and not reference pics xD The good thing is that I can use my gameboy wifi to get reference pics! its just small >_<
Yes, KK is excited too!... that is, she was excited until I told her she had to pay me for usage xD JK!! lol
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/09/12 | Reply
lol if it's not one person it the other! XD I haen't gotten my computer much and when I do get it, I'm just using it for references! XD
That's really nice that you're going to let KK use it! I can't wait to see her new art! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/09/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Same here! This whole week, my siblings have been using it for homework and then when they aren't online, my parents get on =_=' I end up trying to get on in the spare time, but its like I need 2 hours straight to get caught up with everything on theO! I can't wait to have my own laptop!!!!
Yes, I'm going to share with KK for sure^^ No she hasn't posted anything new, but she visited her account. She's just never been a computer person and she's still new to doing art so she hasn't been as interested >_< Once I get a new laptop, we'll both be able to get on lots more!!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/12 | Reply
lol my sister has been using my computer this week!
Yeah that might happen you never know! XD
That would be nice to let KK on a bit since I haven't seen any new art from her, unless I missed it! O_O"
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/07/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Lol I'm glad you enjoyed it, Toya! O_O Same here!
I really hope it doesn't actually happen like this, but I'm sure it will xD I'll probably share but I'll make sure no one completely steals it or anything xD
I'll probably let me sister KK on a lot more since she never is able to get online to visit theO. She needs to get more computer savvy anyway xD Thanks again!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/12 | Reply
lol this is funny Manga! XD I love how you drew this and it's just funny! XD I've been feeling like this all week, though by the time I get it, I don't need it anymore! XD
Who knows may be this might turn into a real event if you get your laptop! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/07/12 | Reply
xDD I'm so happy you're enjoying them!! I'll be sure to make some more once I get a few ideas^^ Your nice comments really mean a lot to me! I lvoe reading them^^ Thankyou!! <3
Lol same here! Its mostly my brothers who end up messing up the computer xD (though I am guilty of that myself too!) At least I'll soon have my own laptop so I can use it whenever I want x3 I can't wait!!
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/07/12 | Reply
Oh yay! Hurry and come, April! xDD
Kahahaha~! My family used to be like that with the computer that we had too~ (And the guys always end up breaking it somehow) xD
I'm so loving your comics, Jen~! They're hilarous~ xDDDD Love the expressions~~
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/07/12 | Reply
Thanks so much for the sweet comment^^ Ack! D: New ones are better^^ They aren't all broken down x3 New ones just cost lots more $ =_=' ... hmmm maybe hand-me down laptops aren't too bad if ya don't have to pay for 'em xD
I'm a tightwad.IJNeptune
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/07/12 | Reply
Haha ...really nice:D
...In my case, I will be getting a "hand-me-down" laptop ...from my nee chan /(-_-)/
Last edited by IJNeptune at 11:02:45 AM CST on March 7, 2012.