Haha, that last one is priceless! :D Seriously, the way you showed how you outsmarted that coyote is so funny. xD
They should use this in a prom pic or a review~!^^
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...i love this!!..i was trying soo hard not to gufaw at the office while reading this...all the while i was making pffft sounds and spitting..hahahahahaha....this is soooo hilarious!! awesome job!!..love how it looks all colored in crayon or something...hahah
Hahaha I was always just like, WELP ZACH GAVE ME MY MONEY TIME TO GO TO BED.
Haha after nearly 3 years of this routine, I went out for a night on the town and got like 5 cut scenes XD
Last edited by harvestmoonluvr at 9:46:12 PM EDT on July 6, 2012.
Lol! I do that to my animals all the time! And sometimes live them outside till dark! Lol I was never worried of my animals getting scared and what not ever again.......until they say a tornado is coming.......
Everyone has creativity. It's yours and noone else!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
XDD Love the coyote one :D I recently started playing The Tale of Two Towns, and I'm living in Konohana, so I don't know if there are coyotes in that game yet. And though I never saw any in the first Harvest Moon, I still made sure to keep the fence complete. Even most of the time while I was expanding it (dang earlier time limit once your character gets married >_<).
Bahaha I always went to bed at like, 5:30, so I never even knew Coyote's existed in this game until like 5 years after I bought it
I was like
I was freaking out hahahaha
It amazes me how Harvest Moon can still surprise me years later xD
Oh my gosh, yes that Friday song is annoying! There was a guy in the lounge I'd visit during school who would sing that all the time, much to the extreme annoyance of everyone else.
In other things: I love all these expressions. They make me smile.
Rad Moogle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
Aladdin - Someone falling off during the "whole new world" carpet ride scene., Genie always popping in at the "wrong time.", Same scene as the first but lack of oxygen above the clouds. Iago, the parrot, repeating some very bad sounding, out of context, phrases at bad times.
Hercules - Pain and Panic roasting marshmallows on Hades' head. The three fates seeing Justin Beiber in the future and facepalming.
WAHAHAHA!!! LOL THE LATEST COMIC WITH THE WITCH FROM TANGLED IS HILARIOUS!!!! OH MAN, SO FUNNY!! Lol I agree, that Friday song is so annoying >3< Keep up the great comics, Panou-chan!!! <3
So fun^^
*laughs* This is so funny!! :'D You have plenty of ideas that you can use from your head. .. That sounded weird, what I meant to say is that you own the paper and it just a little push and you make make miracles with it.^^
I find it funny with this one about the Tarzan face. You can apply oh so many things on what he is thinking right now.. xDD
Aww, thanks so much, dear~ >u<
I've had this idea for a long time, but did think that I should finish up my other comics first, but I got impatient~ xDDDD Haha!
YES YES ANOTHER COMIC FROM YA PANOU-CHAN!!!! I'm so excited for this one, there's been so many times I have some fun with movies/scenes too xD I can't wait for your new pages!! lol We're so lucky on theO to have you posting your lovely art here~ ^_^
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/05/18 | Reply
The main LI didn't even stand a chance against sensei LMAO
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/04/18 | Reply
Same here! After getting all his routes, I had no motivation for getting the other guys. Himuro was the pinnacle of success lol
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/03/18 | Reply
HIMUROCCHI!!!! BRUH! I love that game so much ;A;
Villainess (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/14/13 | Reply
Lol!!! these are funny!!
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/24/12 | Reply
This page is hilarious! The harvest moon one!
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/12 | Reply
Haha, that last one is priceless! :D Seriously, the way you showed how you outsmarted that coyote is so funny. xD
They should use this in a prom pic or a review~!^^
Grand Otaku | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
..i was trying soo hard not to gufaw at the office while reading this...all the while i was making pffft sounds and spitting
..hahahahahaha....this is soooo hilarious!! awesome job!!..love how it looks all colored in crayon or something...hahah

HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
Hahaha I was always just like, WELP ZACH GAVE ME MY MONEY TIME TO GO TO BED.
Haha after nearly 3 years of this routine, I went out for a night on the town and got like 5 cut scenes XD
Last edited by harvestmoonluvr at 9:46:12 PM EDT on July 6, 2012.
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
LOL!!!! 5:30 is really early! xDD Haha!
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
Oh yeah, a wild dog! LOL! Forgot~ xDDD
WatcherOnTheO (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
Lol! I do that to my animals all the time! And sometimes live them outside till dark! Lol I was never worried of my animals getting scared and what not ever again.......until they say a tornado is coming.......
Everyone has creativity. It's yours and noone else!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
XDD Love the coyote one :D I recently started playing The Tale of Two Towns, and I'm living in Konohana, so I don't know if there are coyotes in that game yet. And though I never saw any in the first Harvest Moon, I still made sure to keep the fence complete. Even most of the time while I was expanding it (dang earlier time limit once your character gets married >_<).
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
Bahaha I always went to bed at like, 5:30, so I never even knew Coyote's existed in this game until like 5 years after I bought it
I was like
I was freaking out hahahaha
It amazes me how Harvest Moon can still surprise me years later xD
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/12 | Reply
LOL! i thought it was suppose to be a wolf or wild dog XD
Yeah thats how i always protected my chickens too XD they still get a little stressed though >3<
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
Bahahahahahhahaha Gotz
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/12 | Reply
I love nigahiga's videos. That's what I thought of as soon as I saw it haha!
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/25/12 | Reply
I love these ^^ Ahaha the Tarzan one is brilliant!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/25/12 | Reply
Oh my gosh, yes that Friday song is annoying! There was a guy in the lounge I'd visit during school who would sing that all the time, much to the extreme annoyance of everyone else.
In other things: I love all these expressions. They make me smile.
Rad Moogle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
I figured I'd just give you some suggestions just in case. lol x3 Because your comics are really great.
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
LOLOLOL! Good ones! xDDD
I should do these when I run out of ideas~ ^^b
Rad Moogle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
Aladdin - Someone falling off during the "whole new world" carpet ride scene., Genie always popping in at the "wrong time.", Same scene as the first but lack of oxygen above the clouds. Iago, the parrot, repeating some very bad sounding, out of context, phrases at bad times.
Hercules - Pain and Panic roasting marshmallows on Hades' head. The three fates seeing Justin Beiber in the future and facepalming.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
WAHAHAHA!!! LOL THE LATEST COMIC WITH THE WITCH FROM TANGLED IS HILARIOUS!!!! OH MAN, SO FUNNY!! Lol I agree, that Friday song is so annoying >3< Keep up the great comics, Panou-chan!!! <3
So fun^^
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
LOL! why jane really screamed XD
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
*laughs* This is so funny!! :'D You have plenty of ideas that you can use from your head. .. That sounded weird, what I meant to say is that you own the paper and it just a little push and you make make miracles with it.^^
I find it funny with this one about the Tarzan face. You can apply oh so many things on what he is thinking right now.. xDD
Felix the Cat
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
Love it.
WatcherOnTheO (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/24/12 | Reply
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!....ow my side hurts XD
Everyone has creativity. It's yours and noone else!
Apple Bun
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
Haha! I've kinda always wondered that myself! This is pretty funny X)
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
This is HILARIOUS :) and I'm traumatize as well.....
Keep it up, use that imagination to its full potential :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
WAIT WOAH!!! First official pages are a blast! >///u///< POOR JANE!!! LOLZ!!!!! XDDDDD
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
Yush! Glad you're liking em! 8D
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
HAHAHAHA!!! this is great!
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
o.o Well then you must! It's so old-timey and stylish. And such witty dialogue!
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
I've never seen Casablanca before~ ^^'
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
Awesome! Can't wait for these.
If you ever do something from Casablanca, I will implode from happiness. =]
Question Cafér (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
Aww, thanks so much, dear~ >u<
I've had this idea for a long time, but did think that I should finish up my other comics first, but I got impatient~ xDDDD Haha!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/23/12 | Reply
YES YES ANOTHER COMIC FROM YA PANOU-CHAN!!!! I'm so excited for this one, there's been so many times I have some fun with movies/scenes too xD I can't wait for your new pages!! lol We're so lucky on theO to have you posting your lovely art here~ ^_^