thanks~ but actually i dont really know homestuck though i saw a couple drawings of them and we're basing our comics on starsigns/compatability and descriptions found on the net and that similarities may be a result of the typical info found on starsigns
This is so cool! :D Im really liking what youve done here.
Is is bad that sometimes im making comparissons with the homestuck trolls? <:3 Nothing bad, just seeing how much they have in common :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/05/12 | Reply
lol thankies~
oh about that, Leo calls her goat and Aries calls him kitty =v="
it's like a rival name-calling
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/05/12 | Reply
oh yey >v<!
Professor Tardis (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/03/12 | Reply
I find this quite amusing and cute~
Isn't Aries a ram though? //__.;?
Last edited by LoveKouichi at 10:03:56 PM EDT on August 3, 2012.
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/03/12 | Reply
fair enough :3 its cool!
Otakuite | Posted 08/03/12 | Reply
The pisces personality is very close to mine :D btw I'm a pisces if you couldn't figure it out :p
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/03/12 | Reply
@Romanos Vixen:
thanks~ but actually i dont really know homestuck though i saw a couple drawings of them and we're basing our comics on starsigns/compatability and descriptions found on the net and that similarities may be a result of the typical info found on starsigns
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/03/12 | Reply
i wonder how u draw so fast *_*
stuck on a island? damn XD
Romanos Vixen
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/03/12 | Reply
This is so cool! :D Im really liking what youve done here.
Is is bad that sometimes im making comparissons with the homestuck trolls? <:3 Nothing bad, just seeing how much they have in common :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/02/12 | Reply
lol thank you >v< this has a plot twist
this comic is very very random=v=!Darkarax
Resident Dark Lord (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/02/12 | Reply
I have to say I'm intrigued by this little comic. I just hope they aren't on that weird island from Lost.
The greatest fear is that of the unknown.