Thanku Rose, you are so nice!! I actually just learned about how to add the screentones... I posted a tutorial for SAI paint HERE. If u have photoshop, its easier to find tutorials for screentoning! I got the screentones from various designers on DA. And I think livestreaming would be neat to do! I'll think about getting onto a site that allows me to stream... I'll just have to watch my internet (its limited, bleh)
*smile* You always boost my confidence!!! Oh I don't mind, thanks for asking! I find that just using pencil cuts down on the time and mistakes that can happen with marker! But instead of doing a pencil draft, its more like a really detailed draft that I have to edit online. I still think it saves time and it a lot more fun to do tho! YAY!!!! I'm even more excited!! I'm actually working on page 1 and I have a filler page to post as well... but I have to get this one annoying intro page done before I post anything so I've gotta get an idea for that... but I cannot wait to post and I shall do my best!! Thankyou, Rose!!!
Sure, sounds good!! If I do livestream, I'll let u know so we can plan to get online at the same time! The screen tones are just found on google or DA.. I type in screen tones or manga tones and just save the images I want^^ But then again, photoshop also put out easy tone brushes but I don't have PS.
THANKYOU!!!! Kyaaa I can't thankyou enough, I'll just make sure that my manga is my best for u!! <3 love u!
I feel like you did more than me and than again I don't know how to add those kind of those into a manga and it confuses? @.@ but seriously you should do a live stream if you want to :)
but you should have confidence in yourself and the fact it was just with pencil, i might want to try that out too if you do not mind and see it i can get close on what you are doing. I mean I really love this way on how you are doing it. I seriously can not wait to read your manga now because it feels like I would read it from an actually manga.
If you do a live stream and show me or anybody lol how you do it step by step than use I would learn from that especially for getting the screen tones (i guess you would call them that) like that >.<
but really wonderful job and this is a lovely Christmas present (commenting from the previous post about your manga) and I am so excited! ♥
My jaw dropped, no lie!! You made me so surprised!! and SO HAPPY!!!! I end up always judging myself hard when it comes to some things, like making manga... so thankyou for ur kind comment!!!
I still think u know what u are doing more then I do! I wish I was as confident^^
I should do a live stream one day, especially for u! and u can see how I work! I don't have a definite formula tho, I always change things and experiment XD But thankyou again, it means a ton to hear that from u!!
Ahahahahaaha!!!! I'm so glad you did see it!!! 8D Waaaaah your comment is just too sweet!!!!! ^_______________^
YAY!!! MAN that means so much to me since thats exactly what I wanted it to look like! I've been working on making my art look more manga-ish since I joined theO, my first manga pages that I ever drew weren't working out but now I feel like I've accomplished what I wanted to do! Now all I have to do is draw the whole manga :D
KYAAAAAAAAAAAA You just made my day!!!!!!! Thankyou Panda!!!! You are an awesome friend to me too and u inspire me as well :D
Lol its funny cuz I didn't plan that! I thought of the words after I put the page together, so I'm glad it turned out!! And you are the first one who mentioned the words and how they struck you so I really appreciate that!! Same here, I'm trying to base some of the characters/ideas on myself/experiences.. and man do I wish that I could be more bold sometimes!! xD
PANDA you are making me so excited and I want to start drawing/writing this asap!! My ideas were forming but then hit a block since I got so busy but your lovely comment got things flowing again!! Thankyou!! <3
Lol when I first read your comment, it made me smile big! I'm sorry the connection wasn't working for you at first though, but I'm glad you were able to see it afterwards^^ I cannot wait to start!!!! You have really inspired me to work on my own manga and I hope to create something great for you to enjoy :D
Oh beejebus!!!! This is frickin amazing!!! How did i miss this???? x_O
I love it so much. When I read it, I feel it as a real manga (which it is ^^)that I am looking at. I shall be your loyal fan and wait for this manga to be publish. You are such an awesome otakuian friend to have because each time I see your works, I feel this spark inside me, this inspiration, coming through. Thanks a bunch!!! XD Keep going...^^
That just killed me..."bright...bold... beautiful...I wish I could be more like fireworks."
I DO TOO!! Ayako looks amazing, I could feel her troubles.
AWESOME!!! *shaking with excitement atm
It's looks good from what I see on your portfolio! I clicked it but it's not showing..I think it's my internet connection, it's been sucky lately. So I will check it out in detail at my school's library computers. My heart is beating like crazy, I can't wait to see more :) I'm so proud of you, Good job!!!
GIMP? I saw gimp online for free! I know that SAI isn't free, but I got mine off of a free link that is now not available :(
I know what u mean tho, and I hate that everything is expensive =_=
Awesome!! ^^ It works for me and its easy too! If u don't have a digital program to screentone with, try GIMP... its free! Izuzu15 uses that program to make her cool comic!!
HERE is a post I made about the tutorial I used for screentoning! Yeah I practically upload a screen tone on SAI, cut a piece out of it (like a square piece) and then paste it over my pencil image. Then I just use an eraser tool to erase the unnecessary bits and I also make the screen tone as an overlay or multiply it, or change the opacity level^^ It sounds like we do it similar! I think you're brave to use GIMP cuz when I had that program, I couldn't learn anything on it!!! So you are amazing :D
AH you aren't stressing me at all, I love answering ur questions!!! :D
Awesome, I'm SO glad!!! Sometimes I talk a lot, but I'm really happy to know that it inspired u!! ^_^ I didn't know if the pencil would work, but I realized that it would after I used some pencil sketches to practice screen toning with! I'm so glad too, cuz pencil is fun and easy to work with^^
Kyaaaa~ Thankyou so much!! I'm really happy and inspired :) I haven't started doing more get, but I've begun to get a solid story idea and I hope to get to work asap!!
I used SAI, its a digital paint program! I also used my tablet and the screen tone/textures are just from Deviant Art or other sources found on google images :) The characters were drawn with pencil^^
I'm glad u like this! <3
Don't worry, I'm sure the right idea will come to you eventually :D
I'm glad you felt inspired by our chat, I did too ^^
I'm sure it will turn out great, so keep working hard and I will too!!
Thanks, Natsumi!! :D I got inspired after talking with u about our manga dreams... I hope to make a good story! I'm a bit stumped once again, but I'll just keep working! Thanks for ur nice compliment!!
I'm so glad that u like them so far, Judai!! I'm looking forward to working on this manga... I'll do my best! I want to start it asap! I'd love it if u'd have fun colouring the pages! If u want, u can copy this page for urself to colour. I'd be honored :) I'm sorry if its too dark for colour :/ but I'll try to get some more new sample pages up as well! Thanks for asking <3
WOW SO PRETTY!!!!I love your manga pages! The details are just wowAMAZING! I love all the details and I can't wait to read the manga. Can I please color these manga pages you created? I'd really like to.
Sure thing! Last night, my sis and I figured we should end LovCom first, since we have about 10 episodes left in that series... But we also checked out the trailers to ARIA and La Corda, and they look pretty neat! I'm sure we'll enjoy them <3
YAY!!! I'm so glad of your support, Izuzu! You inspire me so much :D I'm happy you like this!
Ah thats not stupid, I should have explained myself better... Yeah I just did the line art of those 3 drawings (girl, eyes, and girl standing) in pencil only. No pen. I uploaded to pencil work onto picmonkey and really vamped the contrast level so the paper looked more white and the pencil looked more black as if I had inked it (right now, I'm too nervous to ink! xD Pencil keeps it safe and easy xP) I also used the dodge and burn tool to fix light/dark spots. I'm thinking of doing my whole manga like with with the pencil only and editing it afterwards cuz it seems to work and I'm more confident with pencil right now^^'
Thanks Izuzu-chan!
I agree! I'm thinking of looking at the anime too, but I hope it does it justice and doesn't rush through, u know? I'm THIS close to starting ARIA too *finally*! Lol!
Thankyou, Sushi-chan!!! Yeah I plan on going all out, I want it to look as good as I can make it look^^ Thanks again!
Lol you guessed it! I've been reading it recently so that style rubbed off on me.. I also used some ideas from other shoujo manga too, but Kimi ni todoke was the one I used to find the font match and appropriate screen tones!
I love how Kimi's creator draws the dreamy eyes too xD
Thankyou, Lea!! I may or may not use this in the actual manga, but this is kind of a general idea of what I'm gonna work on^^ OH thanks for mentioning that, and don't worry!! Cuz her hair is longer then it looks! Its just hidden in her hoodie^^
Thankyou!! ^////^
Thankyou, Fykki!! You're right! I feel like I can draw more freely without relying on something like ref pics, or feeling like I'll mess up :D I'm really hoping to do so, now that I feel more confident!
Oh awesome! I'll have to look that mangaka up :D Thanks!
Thankyou! I've heard of Manga Studio, but never tried it before... I'll have to check that out too^^
Thankyou always for your kind comments and support, Fykki! I'll be sure to do that, thanks again :)
I think that it looks amazing Jen. :) You really have reached that point where you can go and freely create art like this. It slowly but surely shaped into what it is now and I can see that you will make great stories from it.^^
This kind of reminds me on work of Kusonoki Kei, she also started like this (the manga artist famous for later work of Bitter virgin).
Oh, and just a suggestion, there is a great program called Manga studio EX for creating manga. Even many professional manga artists use that program, so you can check it out.
As always, great work. Be sure to always stay like you are and even progress more on your skills~! ^_^
Thankyou a ton, Bonnie-chan!! ^_^ *hugs* You actually kept my dream alive lots of times, I owe u!! YAY!!! I'm really glad that you are starting to draw again, keep it up cuz you will become a manga artist too! :D LOL I probably won't get famous but if I do, then u will never be forgotten or left behind, no siree!!!
Besides, one day we'll collab that manga together for sure! ;)
SO AWESOME, SO PRO! *__* Seriously I'm Awesome job Jenna, you're that much closer to obtaining your manga dream :D and I'm so proud of you!!!!! *hugs* I'm starting to want to draw again because of your progress! >3
Haha, just remember when you get rich and famous little ol' me! XD
Take cares~~
Yay!! I'm glad u saw it Toya! Thankyou so much for all your nice words, I'm really happy you enjoyed this! :D
I can't wait to really get down to work on the project! You're making me all excited too! xD
I still have to work on some things but I'm a lot more confident now <3 Thanks so much!
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Wow Manga! This seriously looks pro! This may just be an experiment, but it's looking so good!
You are seriously improving like crazy!
This makes me really excited to see how your project is going to turn out!
Keep up the awesome work! I'll seriously look forward to whatever else you are going to work on!
*huggles* I'm gonna make more!! *random brofist* I'll try to work fast too... I'm currently working on the storyline in my head but I'll get it on paper very soon <3 Thanku Hanatan!!!
*big huge smile* Anna, you just made my day with your sweet comment!!! Thankyou so much :D That makes me really happy and inspired to keep working^^ I'm so happy to be an inspiration too, it makes me feel really special!!!! Thankyou so much again, my friend!!
I'll be working more on my manga asap :)
Seriously, every time I see your art you improve. Every time! You are such an inspiration ^^ your work just goes to show that if you stick at something, you will learn and begin to master it! I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your manga <3
LOL Sorry!!! I've gotten used to it since I've been reading lots of manga, but I'll try to make it easier to read in my actual manga... the text on this page is kinda floaty xD
Thanks, Sindar-chan!!! :) Before I joined theO, I was trying to make my manga look professional but it wasn't working out and I never thought I could do it... but now I'm really excited, and very happy to read ur comment! :D Thanks for all your support!!
YAY!!! I'm glad u think so, Hanatan!!! ^///^ Now I'm hoping to be able to write a real story xD Thanks so much for your support and comments cuz it means a lot!! I'm very excited to start the real manga now :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/11/12 | Reply
Thanku Rose, you are so nice!! I actually just learned about how to add the screentones... I posted a tutorial for SAI paint HERE. If u have photoshop, its easier to find tutorials for screentoning! I got the screentones from various designers on DA. And I think livestreaming would be neat to do! I'll think about getting onto a site that allows me to stream... I'll just have to watch my internet (its limited, bleh)
*smile* You always boost my confidence!!! Oh I don't mind, thanks for asking! I find that just using pencil cuts down on the time and mistakes that can happen with marker! But instead of doing a pencil draft, its more like a really detailed draft that I have to edit online. I still think it saves time and it a lot more fun to do tho! YAY!!!! I'm even more excited!! I'm actually working on page 1 and I have a filler page to post as well... but I have to get this one annoying intro page done before I post anything so I've gotta get an idea for that... but I cannot wait to post and I shall do my best!! Thankyou, Rose!!!
Sure, sounds good!! If I do livestream, I'll let u know so we can plan to get online at the same time! The screen tones are just found on google or DA.. I type in screen tones or manga tones and just save the images I want^^ But then again, photoshop also put out easy tone brushes but I don't have PS.
THANKYOU!!!! Kyaaa I can't thankyou enough, I'll just make sure that my manga is my best for u!! <3 love u!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/10/12 | Reply
I feel like you did more than me and than again I don't know how to add those kind of those into a manga and it confuses? @.@ but seriously you should do a live stream if you want to :)
but you should have confidence in yourself and the fact it was just with pencil, i might want to try that out too if you do not mind and see it i can get close on what you are doing. I mean I really love this way on how you are doing it. I seriously can not wait to read your manga now because it feels like I would read it from an actually manga.
If you do a live stream and show me or anybody lol how you do it step by step than use I would learn from that especially for getting the screen tones (i guess you would call them that) like that >.<
but really wonderful job and this is a lovely Christmas present (commenting from the previous post about your manga) and I am so excited! ♥
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/08/12 | Reply
My jaw dropped, no lie!! You made me so surprised!! and SO HAPPY!!!! I end up always judging myself hard when it comes to some things, like making manga... so thankyou for ur kind comment!!!
I still think u know what u are doing more then I do! I wish I was as confident^^
I should do a live stream one day, especially for u! and u can see how I work! I don't have a definite formula tho, I always change things and experiment XD But thankyou again, it means a ton to hear that from u!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
I only have one thing to say:
Your's look more like a manga then mine, im dead serious.
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/19/12 | Reply
Ahahahahaaha!!!! I'm so glad you did see it!!! 8D Waaaaah your comment is just too sweet!!!!! ^_______________^
YAY!!! MAN that means so much to me since thats exactly what I wanted it to look like! I've been working on making my art look more manga-ish since I joined theO, my first manga pages that I ever drew weren't working out but now I feel like I've accomplished what I wanted to do! Now all I have to do is draw the whole manga :D
KYAAAAAAAAAAAA You just made my day!!!!!!! Thankyou Panda!!!! You are an awesome friend to me too and u inspire me as well :D
Lol its funny cuz I didn't plan that! I thought of the words after I put the page together, so I'm glad it turned out!! And you are the first one who mentioned the words and how they struck you so I really appreciate that!! Same here, I'm trying to base some of the characters/ideas on myself/experiences.. and man do I wish that I could be more bold sometimes!! xD
PANDA you are making me so excited and I want to start drawing/writing this asap!! My ideas were forming but then hit a block since I got so busy but your lovely comment got things flowing again!! Thankyou!! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/19/12 | Reply
LOL!!! I'm glad you got to see it, Ramen!!
Lol when I first read your comment, it made me smile big! I'm sorry the connection wasn't working for you at first though, but I'm glad you were able to see it afterwards^^ I cannot wait to start!!!! You have really inspired me to work on my own manga and I hope to create something great for you to enjoy :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/19/12 | Reply
Agreed <3 no problem!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/17/12 | Reply
Oh beejebus!!!! This is frickin amazing!!! How did i miss this???? x_O
I love it so much. When I read it, I feel it as a real manga (which it is ^^)that I am looking at. I shall be your loyal fan and wait for this manga to be publish. You are such an awesome otakuian friend to have because each time I see your works, I feel this spark inside me, this inspiration, coming through. Thanks a bunch!!! XD Keep going...^^
That just killed me..."bright...bold... beautiful...I wish I could be more like fireworks."
I DO TOO!! Ayako looks amazing, I could feel her troubles.
AWESOME!!! *shaking with excitement atm
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/17/12 | Reply
Dude! How did I missed this?! I blame life...
It's looks good from what I see on your portfolio! I clicked it but it's not showing..I think it's my internet connection, it's been sucky lately. So I will check it out in detail at my school's library computers. My heart is beating like crazy, I can't wait to see more :) I'm so proud of you, Good job!!!
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/16/12 | Reply
Lol, its okay.. I think it was worth it so thank you
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/15/12 | Reply
Ah its ok!! I love SAI a lot more then Gimp, so I'm glad u got that program anyhow^^ I'm sorry it was pricey tho >3<
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/14/12 | Reply
Oh I got Sai before I found out about GIMP.LOL I should have checked XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/14/12 | Reply
GIMP? I saw gimp online for free! I know that SAI isn't free, but I got mine off of a free link that is now not available :(
I know what u mean tho, and I hate that everything is expensive =_=
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/14/12 | Reply
Thanks, it works really well, but it's $50. Oh well, everything has a price XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/13/12 | Reply
Thankyou so much, Han-chan!!! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/13/12 | Reply
Awesome!! ^^ It works for me and its easy too! If u don't have a digital program to screentone with, try GIMP... its free! Izuzu15 uses that program to make her cool comic!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/13/12 | Reply
HERE is a post I made about the tutorial I used for screentoning! Yeah I practically upload a screen tone on SAI, cut a piece out of it (like a square piece) and then paste it over my pencil image. Then I just use an eraser tool to erase the unnecessary bits and I also make the screen tone as an overlay or multiply it, or change the opacity level^^ It sounds like we do it similar! I think you're brave to use GIMP cuz when I had that program, I couldn't learn anything on it!!! So you are amazing :D
AH you aren't stressing me at all, I love answering ur questions!!! :D
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/13/12 | Reply
Wow... I will try that!!! Definitely!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
So amazing @.@ Very nice job :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
Awesome, I'm SO glad!!! Sometimes I talk a lot, but I'm really happy to know that it inspired u!! ^_^ I didn't know if the pencil would work, but I realized that it would after I used some pencil sketches to practice screen toning with! I'm so glad too, cuz pencil is fun and easy to work with^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
Kyaaaa~ Thankyou so much!! I'm really happy and inspired :) I haven't started doing more get, but I've begun to get a solid story idea and I hope to get to work asap!!
I used SAI, its a digital paint program! I also used my tablet and the screen tone/textures are just from Deviant Art or other sources found on google images :) The characters were drawn with pencil^^
I'm glad u like this! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
Thankyou so much!!
Yay! *highfives* Lets do our best! :D
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
Wow...I can't wait to read the whole thing. I am already soo impressed. what software did you use to make this?
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
Don't worry, I'm sure the right idea will come to you eventually :D
I'm glad you felt inspired by our chat, I did too ^^
I'm sure it will turn out great, so keep working hard and I will too!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
Thanks, Natsumi!! :D I got inspired after talking with u about our manga dreams... I hope to make a good story! I'm a bit stumped once again, but I'll just keep working! Thanks for ur nice compliment!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
I'm so glad that u like them so far, Judai!! I'm looking forward to working on this manga... I'll do my best! I want to start it asap! I'd love it if u'd have fun colouring the pages! If u want, u can copy this page for urself to colour. I'd be honored :) I'm sorry if its too dark for colour :/ but I'll try to get some more new sample pages up as well! Thanks for asking <3
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
Wow, this is so beautiful! I can't wait to see more!!!
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
Sure thing! Last night, my sis and I figured we should end LovCom first, since we have about 10 episodes left in that series... But we also checked out the trailers to ARIA and La Corda, and they look pretty neat! I'm sure we'll enjoy them <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/12/12 | Reply
YAY!!! I'm so glad of your support, Izuzu! You inspire me so much :D I'm happy you like this!
Ah thats not stupid, I should have explained myself better... Yeah I just did the line art of those 3 drawings (girl, eyes, and girl standing) in pencil only. No pen. I uploaded to pencil work onto picmonkey and really vamped the contrast level so the paper looked more white and the pencil looked more black as if I had inked it (right now, I'm too nervous to ink! xD Pencil keeps it safe and easy xP) I also used the dodge and burn tool to fix light/dark spots. I'm thinking of doing my whole manga like with with the pencil only and editing it afterwards cuz it seems to work and I'm more confident with pencil right now^^'
Thanks Izuzu-chan!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/11/12 | Reply
Yay! :D Let me know what you think of it ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/11/12 | Reply
I agree! I'm thinking of looking at the anime too, but I hope it does it justice and doesn't rush through, u know? I'm THIS close to starting ARIA too *finally*! Lol!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/11/12 | Reply
Yeah, Todoke's such a great manga ^_^ I can see why it took off and got the awards it did :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/11/12 | Reply
Thankyou, Sushi-chan!!! Yeah I plan on going all out, I want it to look as good as I can make it look^^ Thanks again!
Lol you guessed it! I've been reading it recently so that style rubbed off on me.. I also used some ideas from other shoujo manga too, but Kimi ni todoke was the one I used to find the font match and appropriate screen tones!
I love how Kimi's creator draws the dreamy eyes too xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/11/12 | Reply
@Aria Sky:
Thanks!! I'm excited to start getting it on paper :D
Thanku! Yup, its Mashiro from Bakuman, and ItachiSasuke made it for me^^
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/10/12 | Reply
Kyaaaaaa!! :D Looks fantastic!! If you're going full-scale with this, I can't wait to see what it'll look like :D
BTW, was the manga you drew inspiration from Kimi ni Todoke? :D
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Haha, well, I can't wait for it to come out! :DD
By the way, I love your new icon! That guy is from Bakuman, right?
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
@Aria Sky:
Thankyou, Lea!! I may or may not use this in the actual manga, but this is kind of a general idea of what I'm gonna work on^^ OH thanks for mentioning that, and don't worry!! Cuz her hair is longer then it looks! Its just hidden in her hoodie^^
Thankyou!! ^////^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Thankyou, Fykki!! You're right! I feel like I can draw more freely without relying on something like ref pics, or feeling like I'll mess up :D I'm really hoping to do so, now that I feel more confident!
Oh awesome! I'll have to look that mangaka up :D Thanks!
Thankyou! I've heard of Manga Studio, but never tried it before... I'll have to check that out too^^
Thankyou always for your kind comments and support, Fykki! I'll be sure to do that, thanks again :)
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Oooo, it looks so interesting already! I do wish her hair can be longer, though. xDD
I'm excited for when it comes out! :D
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
I think that it looks amazing Jen. :) You really have reached that point where you can go and freely create art like this. It slowly but surely shaped into what it is now and I can see that you will make great stories from it.^^
This kind of reminds me on work of Kusonoki Kei, she also started like this (the manga artist famous for later work of Bitter virgin).
Oh, and just a suggestion, there is a great program called Manga studio EX for creating manga. Even many professional manga artists use that program, so you can check it out.
As always, great work. Be sure to always stay like you are and even progress more on your skills~! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Thankyou a ton, Bonnie-chan!! ^_^ *hugs* You actually kept my dream alive lots of times, I owe u!! YAY!!! I'm really glad that you are starting to draw again, keep it up cuz you will become a manga artist too! :D LOL I probably won't get famous but if I do, then u will never be forgotten or left behind, no siree!!!
Besides, one day we'll collab that manga together for sure! ;)
Administrator | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
SO AWESOME, SO PRO! *__* Seriously I'm
Awesome job Jenna, you're that much closer to obtaining your manga dream :D and I'm so proud of you!!!!! *hugs* I'm starting to want to draw again because of your progress! >3
Haha, just remember when you get rich and famous little ol' me! XD
Take cares~~
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Yay!! I'm glad u saw it Toya! Thankyou so much for all your nice words, I'm really happy you enjoyed this! :D
I can't wait to really get down to work on the project! You're making me all excited too! xD
I still have to work on some things but I'm a lot more confident now <3 Thanks so much!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Wow Manga! This seriously looks pro! This may just be an experiment, but it's looking so good!
You are seriously improving like crazy!
This makes me really excited to see how your project is going to turn out!
Keep up the awesome work! I'll seriously look forward to whatever else you are going to work on!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
LOL I can be lazy too xD I'll try to do my best tho!
I like ur icon btw, cool guy!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
*huggles* I'm gonna make more!! *random brofist* I'll try to work fast too... I'm currently working on the storyline
in my headbut I'll get it on paper very soon <3 Thanku Hanatan!!!MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
*big huge smile* Anna, you just made my day with your sweet comment!!! Thankyou so much :D That makes me really happy and inspired to keep working^^ I'm so happy to be an inspiration too, it makes me feel really special!!!! Thankyou so much again, my friend!!
I'll be working more on my manga asap :)
Tea pixie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Seriously, every time I see your art you improve. Every time! You are such an inspiration ^^ your work just goes to show that if you stick at something, you will learn and begin to master it! I'm really looking forward to seeing more of your manga <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
@Morbid Dollie:
LOL Sorry!!! I've gotten used to it since I've been reading lots of manga, but I'll try to make it easier to read in my actual manga... the text on this page is kinda floaty xD
Kyaaaaa thankyou so much!!! ^_^ *hugs*
Morbid Dollie
Strawberry (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Cute art work, though. This looks interesting and I love your style~
-those with the biggest hearts hurt the most
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Thanks, Sindar-chan!!! :) Before I joined theO, I was trying to make my manga look professional but it wasn't working out and I never thought I could do it... but now I'm really excited, and very happy to read ur comment! :D Thanks for all your support!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
YAY!!! I'm glad u think so, Hanatan!!! ^///^ Now I'm hoping to be able to write a real story xD Thanks so much for your support and comments cuz it means a lot!! I'm very excited to start the real manga now :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Thanks, my friend!! I appreciate it! :D
The Wandering Elf (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/09/12 | Reply
Wow, this is great!! Very professional looking - can't wait to see more ^-^