What!! I just looked up Nisekoi.. I had no idea they had their story built around a locket toooooo nooooooo! This is good for me to know tho. I spent awhile trying to think of a unique story line (so hard with so many shoujo stories out there!! xD) Darn, I'm reading the wikipedia writeup about it. It sounds really interesting but I'm sad its just like my story almost >O< Hehe thats ok tho. I'm so glad you like how my manga was starting out.. I will take your encouragement and make a new manga soon!!
ashdfjkhafjklhdjaklfhsa You are so nice to leave me such a sweet comment like that!!! Thankyou!!! I'm so honored u think so ^///^
Ive been thinking of this manga recently and really wanting to get in the mood to draw more but I've just been so distracted and all >3< BUT I'll definitely try to draw more soon! I cant tell when, but this is still an active project for me :) And when I feel the inspiration hit, I'll continue! Thanku again for reading the intro of it! ^_^
Oh my heck, your art/animation is so amazing!! Your work tops with some the the top manga artists. You are amazing!! (gets on knees) I know its a lot to ask for, but please update soon!!
Love how you put the emotion and facial expression by Ayako in your first page.
I can also see that you placed the pages in a good order and to you tell the truth... It looks excellent. :)
AH thankyou, Bonnie!! Forgive me that its not an actual manga page xD LOL now I'm laughing xD You know just how to make me want to get back to work hahaha xD I'll be sure to keep working soon!
Ugh yeah, us and our one-shots... Its definitely not easy to draw a manga O_O I can't believe how mangakas do it!
I think I'll be taking sketch requests soon since I'm feeling like drawing different things for a bit XP
ALKJDGS. I got so excited when I saw this in my backroom. Just saying XD Even though it's not a new story line page, it's a new page so I'm like YAYYYYYY SUNSHINE HAIL THE SUNSHINE!!! Ahem. Well not exactly like that, but you know ^__^ Can't wait for the next update!
Speaking of disciplined drawing mood...>___> I'm also guilty of that. *isshot*
Take cares~~
Thanks Hannah!! Thanks for the comment! I'm having trouble focusing on this manga after our amazing trip tho xD Ugh i just remembered that i forgot to write down some ideas I got in AZ too O_O" and now I forgot them lol xD
Ah you are so sweet!! I will definitely stay determined to finish this ;) I'll work on one page at a time. Its not supposed to be too long but I still don't want to be lazy with it!!!
^_^ I hope you enjoyed it! I'm getting really lazy right now... so I'm slacking off Dx but I do have everything planned out so I just need to stay determined like you!!!!
Thankyou So much!! I'm working on it a lot but haven't gotten any more of my ideas onto paper yet :/ but I'll be working on getting more pages done soon! Thanks again!
Sounds good!! Its really fun experimenting too, so I hope you enjoy it! and thankyou again for the email with the helpful screentone+manga links!!
AH!!! Thankou Temi!!! Reading your sweet comment motivates me back!!
I will! I've been so lazy but I'm gonna work on more pages asap!
Kyaaaa! I'm glad u like Ayako! OH of course, u can borrow her!!! If u drew her, I'd spaz to no end XD asdfhjakldhfjak!!!
<3 Thanks so much Temi-chan!!!!
thanks for the tutorial!! it was really helpful :) I think i'm gona start experimenting too ^^
getting screentones from da is not a bad idea... XD
I'll be waiting for the next page for sure!
Last edited by pandaman08 at 2:32:48 AM EST on January 3, 2013.
afdassajhashkajjk u are motivating me jen!! >//v//<
continue your gorgeous manga~
and oh, ummm, can I borrow ayako some time in the future ^^)/
her design is adorable!
Thanks so much, Silver-chan!! I'm glad it looks fine... I have't been to highschool before so I'm winging some things or relying on past experiences of nervousness XD I think I'm modeling Ayako kind of after me, so I hope it all works out^^'
AH!!!! I didn't even know you hadn't seen this!! I'm glad that you have seen it now, cuz you always give me such awesome support that inspires me lots :) I hope this story will not disappoint u! If you have any criticsm too, let me know^^
Thankyou So much, Lea!!!!! <33333 Happy New Year btw!
Ahahaha! I didn't know I would post this page so soon, but I figured that I should since I was having trouble with drawing the next page... but no worries, cuz I'm all motivated again and I have idea for the next page now too :)
Thankyou thankyou!! Its funny cuz those are the two things I'm unsure about always, the screentone and expressions... I'm always experimenting with them to find a good fit. Ah lol, you're super nice to say that!! I know what you mean about breaking records, but I've never thought of it like that! It makes me very happy to know that you think that about me ^_^ Thankyou so much!!
Thankyou so much again, with your support alone, I think I could be powered to keep making this manga ^///^
AH Panda!!! I wouldn't want to kill you! LOL But I'm super glad that you enjoyed this first page!! Submitting it has already helped me a lot seeing that I get such awesome encouragement from you and I also have a clearer idea on how to start the next page now that this first page is cemented xD
You just made me extra happy!!! I'm so glad that u like the first page and I'll be working on the next page ASAP!!!
As for the tones, I used THIS tutorial. I practically save screentones off of DA and then upload them on SAI along with my sketched lineart page, and then cut pieces from the screentone, copy those pieces, and paste them on layers over the lineart... Sometimes I have to change the opacity or effect of the tone to make it show the lineart underneath. Then I just erase the excess bits of tone that I don't need! Its fun but takes quite long sometimes xP especially since I'm still experimenting!
Kyaaaaaa Bonnie-chan, another awesome comment from you.... I'm just speechless, I'm so happy you like page one!! Lol ^///^ I'm blushing now tho, you are way too nice to me and I'm definitely nothing special... Its cuz of you that I was able to make it this far, like I always tell you! You're MY inspiration! I can't wait to make more pages now too!!
Ah I have to think of that... I sketched the first panel around the beginning of December. And then screentoned the first panel only which took about 3-4 hours. Then the rest of the page was really fast... I sketched the images quickly one night, probably within one hour. And then screentoned them for 3-4 hours again, and took about 2-3 hours putting together the full page and editing it. Soooo *count up the hours* I guess approx. 11 hours at the most? Maybe even more tho, seeing the screentoning and editing takes quite long. And then u have to add all my hours of laziness in between XD It practically took me all of December to get this one page done XD But I think I'll be able to speed up when I get back into my normal schedule! The holidays made me more lazy instead of productive xD
Thankyou again!
SAHFJKALH!! Elric-chan, I don't know what to say!!!! You are always so nice! I'm glad u like page 1, I'm glad I submitted it since I feel more inspired to work on more of the manga now ^_^ Thankyou SO much for your encouragement!! <3 Love u!
Jen jen! This is absolutely amazing! You nailed the comic book style spot on! Lookin forward to reading more!( I need to get out of my lazy mode too, so don't worry lol)
Whoa, Didn't see this coming! I like surprises.... :D
I like how you used the screen tones, it adds a nice touch. Her expression is well done too. You have outdone yourself once again Jen! I feel like you're always breaking records! Does that make sense..?! I don't know what I'm saying..other then, AWESOME WORK!
Motivation is hard to keep, but I'm sure everyone on here will keep on supporting you and hopefully it will keep you motivated :)
how did you do the tones?
also i'm gona add and say that "YOU KILLED ME" with this page. killed me by shocking me with the subtle details that say more than words and by making me to wait for the next page. >< oye... i don't how i'll keep my sanity for the next one. Please make more XD
*___* Page one is pure awesomeness-pro-fantastica! can I bow down to you masterful mangaka Jenna? XD soooooo amazing! I can't wait to read more >O< By the way, how long did this page take??
Take cares~~
*gasp gasp gasp gasp gasp, hands fly up to face* OH MAI GAWSH!! Page 1 is a bowlful of AWSHUMNESS! Le screentoning... character design... assorted sound effects... they all come together to make one incredible page! I can't wait to see more! Keep up the awesome work, Jen!
Thanks, Snow fox!! I must say, its a rather lazy process on my part, seeing I kinda draw what I want and piece it together xD But its fun and easier on me and its working right now^^ Thankyou SO much, that means a lot to hear that from u!
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/12 | Reply
Wow, that's a really interesting sounding process you're using to make these images. I love it when artists shed light on that kind of thing! Good luck with your project, you're always so ambitious!
Thankyou!! I used only a pencil for the lineart.. I know, i'm lazy xD and then I digitally edit it to make it darker or erase un-needed lines and also add the screen tones/textures :)
You're welcome, Jen! I feel so honored to have inspired you :3 Keep up with the awesome work, I can't wait to see what you'll submit next!
If being a published manga-ka is your dream, don't lose sight of it! You might get the opportunity someday... so make sure to answer your door every time it rings!
JAN-CHAN!!!! MAN you are so nice, your comment always gives me a smile when I read it!!!!!! KYAAA I cannot wait to make more pages for you!! <33333333333333 Thankyou, I love ya!! *HUGS*
^^ Thanks, Ramen!! It made me smile when I read ur comment, I'm really glad ur enjoying the manga so far! I almost forgot to make one more little filler picture so that'll be posted as soon as I finish it... and then after that, I'll probably not past new pages until much later although I will be working on them^^
Thanks! And thanks for letting me know, good luck on your Finals!! Christmas break will be such a nice time after everything is done! :) See ya!
Thankyou SO much, Elric-chan!!! ^//u//^ I'm so happy, your comment is so sweet!! Yup I found that screentoning is pretty fun! It actually is like a magic curtain tho, my drawing look more authentic cuz of a bit of tone xD lol Thankyou!!
Waaaaaah!!! Something like that would be my dream, if I could sit down and finish my work^^' Thankyou again, you've inspired me beyond words... Seriously, it really means a lot to me and I shall not give up on this manga for sure!
Oh I know right? *highfives* Its a neat way to put together a manga page! and it works too ;)
*big smile* You have no idea how much your words mean to me, Izuzu!! You inspire me so much and your own comic makes me want to keep working like you do!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be looking out for new pages from you too <3 Thanks my dear friend!!
Thanks Han!! Sorry for the late comment, we kinda already chatted but I wanted to answer u here... I didn't draw the Japanese lettering, just used font/text and cut the letters out in block shapes. I wanted to try manually writing those letters but there's no way I could do it XD
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
whoo! this is looking so Pro so far even though the story has not started!!!! XD
I'm getting so excited again! I'm so looking forward to this!
But just remember not to stress out and have fun!!!
Awesome! There's new pages :) Glad to hear that the ideas are coming together for you and the evil art block is gone. It's all good, I'm very satisfy with these pages and I know that every one appreciate your hard work. Best gift ever :D
Keep up the good work and talk to you soon.
I'll be in study mode for next week because I'm taking my finals then, so don't worry if you don't see me around :)
OwO *owl eyes* OMG EPICCCC!!!!!!! I love the new pages! I can't wait to read the actual story. PLEASE POST MORE PAGEZ!!!!!!!!! Pwetty PLease? JUDAI wants more MANGA<3!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! YOshi is HOTTT!!!!!!!!<3333333 *random fangirl is random*
OMYGAWSH! Jen, this is INCREDIBLE! You even whatcha-ma-callit-ed it *looks at Brody artwork* screentoned it! Just like pro manga-ka do! (Manga-kas? Is there a plural?)
I think you could actually get published someday (not that theO isn't publishing, but I mean actually getting paid to draw manga that'll be sold in stores)!
it's fantastic! ^.^ The shading, the style, the hair... Ayako's hand (I think ayako is the girl... >.> Sorry, I don't know for sure >.<) looks really good!! I look forward to more! :D
Kyaaa, the intro filler is so cute!<3 I love the effects you added Jenna~ :D I can't wait till you post more. And, the chapter page is nice as well! The shading effect you used on this page makes everything seem more smoother >U< Great job so far! *thumbs up*
Take cares~~
I'm so happy that i made your day awesome, and i am so late to replying back D: and i'm glad that it inspires you to work harder on your manga :D I just need to be on the look out for them >.< ♥
Thankyou SO much, Judai^^ I'm glad u saw this title page! I shall do my best, I'm working on it but I had some trouble =_= It can be really tough sometimes... but if you make a manga, I'll be supporting you the whole way!! Thanks! I've only drawn one page so far, but I have some related pictures to put up so I'll do that asap <3
Beautiful cover. Looks awesome in color and monochrome. Amazing details. Saw your art meme. So amazing. I can't wait to read your manga. I need to start one soon. I may need help though. I can't wait to read some pages when you post them. Please post pages soon!
Wow! Alchemic Mushroom!! I love your comics!!! Thankyou so much for checking out my manga, I'm working on some pages and shall have some up soon <3 thankyou again!
^_____________________^ Rose, you made my day awesome!! Thankyou for the sweet comment!! It really inspires me to work more!! I shall definitely work harder too, and get some pages up asap <3
Cool. Can't wait to see them :D And yeah, we can be our own worst critics sometimes. I would just go with it (your story, I mean) and not worry about it too much :)
You did, you did!! I couldn't do anything but smile!!! xD I'm glad we are typing here tho, cuz I'd still be too emotional to say anything xD You are so sweet and I really appreciate all your encouragement and support, Bonnie!!! Ahahaha *hugs!* Oh I know, I feel that too! Sometimes I don't realize how much I've improved myself until I look over my old art and see ur comments always cheering me on^^ Thankyou SO much!!
Ugh I hate when something like that stops me from working on art!! Just hang in there! Keep feeling inspired, and then you'll blast off after exams!! I'm gonna be waiting *thumbs up*
And I began the first couple of pages but I can't believe that I'm so worried... I keep thinking its not like a proper manga, but instead now I shall just remind myself to focus on doing the best I can do and making a manga that you will enjoy^^ <3
Thanks Sushi! I shall have the first pages up soon... I just finished drawing a filler page and I just hope that my story holds together xD I'm so critical of it, I better loosen up lol!
Thankyou SO muh, Poochy!! Its about time, eh? XD I felt like I'd never get motivated if I didn't actually get started... and the other day, I hit some bumps but hopefully I can keep going and totally finish this story eventually! After reading ur comment, I feel all cheered on!! Thankyou again, my friend!!!
Ooo I love ur icon! Kimi ni Todoke!! I'm currently reading that series <3
^^ Thanks again, Toya! And KK is happy but she's getting annoyed since I'm complaining about my work a lot xD I'm just so unsure haha!
LOL! That makes me wanna work on it more! I won't rush it but I still should start drawing soon. I did begin the first page but I might restart xD I'll probably post pages when I get quite a bit pages finished. It might be slow too cuz of Christmas and my trips in January, but I'll definitely do this! XD
Yeah thats what I'm thinking... The mind-reader plot was giving me lots of ideas while Love Locket is supposed to be very short. If only it would stay short! I keep adding too many details to it as if its a series xD
:D Thankyou, Sachi-chan!!!! It really is a big thanks to u for helping me stay inspired by sending swap notes ^_^ I'm glad that I'm finally working on a manga... Sometimes I still feel like I can't do it tho xP but I'm gonna do my best here!! And knowing that you r excited makes me even more excited and inspired!!!
This is gonna be awesome! I can't wait to see it! I get to practice being patient AND read an awesome manga by an awesome artist and an awesome friend!
This is such a lovely early christmas present >.<! I must say I CAN NOT WAIT TO READ MORE OF YOUR MANGA I AM SO EXCITED I WANT TO JUMP AROUND THE COMPUTER LAB! X3 I really love to see more, your cover is amazing! I love the sketchy feel to it and how you color it! I just love it, love it, love it! :D
^__^ Did I make you speechless for a sec then? >3 If so, mission accomplished! LOL, jk. I already know because you’re so nice that you’re grateful at all the comments here. <3 I wish I could hug you forever too! Though, only a one arm hug so you can continue drawing with your other hand XD It feels like yesterday when I first commented on your chibi dogs or POT drawings. You’re progressed so much and I’m super happy/proud of ya~ :D Keep going and become famous X3
I wanna start now! >__< WHY EXAMS? WHY do you get in my way??? T^T I shall have to put aside my temptation for just a few more weeks! Thank you for your support ^__^ Can’t wait until you upload more!!
Take cares~~ *hugs*
Jen! Wow!!!! I'm so very happy to see your manga cover finally up and SO happy to hear that you're going along with your shoujo x3 The cover looks amazing and I'm very excited to read this. And your main girl looks beautiful owo And her locket too. Eee, I'm so excited for you, Jen! I wish you good luck with your new manga!
I didn't mind listening your ideas! and I'm sure your sister help plenty too! XD I bet she's happy to see it process!
lol you're going to keep a lot of people in suspense. XD
I think it's good your separated the ideas then. You can use the mind reading one for a different story line then?
^_^ I feel like that too!! I'm glad i got the cover started since I was having trouble with getting the idea rolling and now its coming together even better!
Thanks also for your help, I barely told anyone about my ideas except for you and you helped me a lot!! I'm going to remember your advice when I do this! And let me know if anything gets weird in the story xD
:D Kyaaaaa I'm bursting from being too excited! I'm gonna draw a filler page first and then get into the story soon :)
I have an idea for the mind-reading idea, but I'll probably do that later! In this one-shot, I found I was trying to stuff all my ideas into it and it worked a lot better when I separated them^^
Thankyou SO much again Toya!!! I keep saying thankyou, but I really mean it!!
Wow, I can't believe this! So many people are so nice to me!!! O///u///O especially you!! Thankyou so much Ramen!!! I loved reading your comment!! Kyaaaa I'm gonna do my best!!
Yay!! I love your feedback already!! I'm telling ya, I felt so unsure about the whole cover at times and even when I posted it, I wasn't sure if it all looked ok... but now I'm really confident! It really means a lot to me to hear that you like the idea and cover!! I'm really glad you like this, seriously!!! You're making me smile!!!
I'm gonna get to work on doing some pages asap... I wanna draw a filler page and then get into the story^^ I'm so excited!
OH!! Thankyou so much!! ^//_//^ I'm glad u think so, and man, you are just so nice!! *HUGS* Thankyou for everything, Ramen!!
You're making me so hyper xD I'm gonna work on this asap!
Thanks so much for ll your inspiration, you made me not give up on making my own manga <3
This is so unexpected and totally made my day :)
I bet you this will be mind blowing. And it's the best x-mas gift too, thanks.
I like the idea, it's cute too because I think pocketwatches and lockets are cool :D Ayako's hair is a neat design, I don't think I even seen it before, which is nice. It's even cooler that you put on some japanese characters,it's a nice touch. I don't read or watch alot of shoujos stuff, but this, YES!
Can't wait to see more
P.S Your last name is cool, I can see your name being publish right now :D So happy that you are confident to do this now!
lol no problem Manga! XD It's really exciting to see you post something up since we had been talking about it for a while, so this is a great step forward!
I could see that there were some changes to it cause the summary, but I think that's great! it make me look forward to what is going to happen!
I like the mind reading idea too, but I can see if would of been difficult to do something with it, but this is fine!
I really look forward to seeing what you do!
Thanks so much, Kita!! I'll do my best and get to work on it soon^^
Btw I love your new avatar icon :D Min-seong!! I must continue reading that story^^
Epic Sera!!! *hugs* Thankyou for checking this out!! I hope to have some new pages up soon, gotta make them xD
Thankyou so much for your kind words, my friend!
Kyaaaaaa Panda, I'm SO grateful for your lovely compliments and support!!! Thankyou!! You are so sweet and you always make me feel better, stronger, and more inspired^^
AHAHA!!! You are making me excited too! I'm gonna get to work on the first pages asap! :D
AH!!! Somany compliments!! >//////< You're making me feel so happy!!! ^///U///^ Thankyou again, Panda!!!
Oh man, Toya!! I can't stop smiling xD I'm just so happy you like my cover so much!!! I'm giggling, I'm so happy XD haha! Thankyou!!!
AH yeah, I'm glad u like the summary! I changed it so much, I didn't even realize until I looked back to my older idea. The mind-reading thing ended up holding me down, since that idea might be more of a longer series. I was worried tho, in case some people were expecting my old idea @_@
Gah!! ME TOO!!!!! XD lets flip out together xD jkjk but seriously... your comment made me so happy!!!
BONNIE!!!! I don't know what to say!!! If I say Thankyou, I'll have the urge to say it over and over to really prove how grateful I am for your kind compliments and everything you've done for me!! asdfhjkaslhfjalshdf I could just hug u forever!! You always encourage me and thats how I've been able to keep going! Thankyou SOSOSO much, my dear!!!
AND YES PLEASE START YOUR MANGA ASAP!! I'll be supporting you along the whole way as well!! Ahahaha you are so sweet Bonnie-chan!! You're making me want to work on the first pages right now! Yay we're inspiring each other! *U*
WHAAA! This looks AMAZING! I'm already eager to read this manga! It looks so professional! It really looks amazing! XD I don't think I can stop praising you ^__^ You've improved so much and your style is adorable. Keep up the excellent work, and of course I'll support you along your way~ Awww, now I so badly want to start mine, but my exams are holding me back! I will during the Christmas break though, for sure! Oh, and did I mention this looks AMAZING? XD
Take cares~~
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
oh my cheese Manga!!! That cover is just gorgeous!!!! I know the story hasn't even started but I can't wait to see it into action!!! I'm so excited to see it already post here!!!!
I like the small summary two, it sounds really different compared to the original idea you told me, so I really look forward to what twist you put to it!
lol I'm just just flipping out! XD
Of course it won't...what are you saying? Anything you say or post or share never dissapoint me and i think it's the same for everyone too ^^
hahaha im so excited i can't help but to chant "OMG"s in my head right now because your dream is coming along :D 'o-o'
ttyl, Jen!!!
I was unsure about adding the Japanese title since I barely know anything about Japanese xD but I just had to have it there and then the English title stuck too. I'm glad u like it!!^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/19/14 | Reply
What!! I just looked up Nisekoi.. I had no idea they had their story built around a locket toooooo nooooooo! This is good for me to know tho. I spent awhile trying to think of a unique story line (so hard with so many shoujo stories out there!! xD) Darn, I'm reading the wikipedia writeup about it. It sounds really interesting but I'm sad its just like my story almost >O< Hehe thats ok tho. I'm so glad you like how my manga was starting out.. I will take your encouragement and make a new manga soon!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/13/14 | Reply
AH! I'll have to look up that manga... Sadly I didn't get to continue this story >_< I feel like a failure xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/04/13 | Reply
ashdfjkhafjklhdjaklfhsa You are so nice to leave me such a sweet comment like that!!! Thankyou!!! I'm so honored u think so ^///^
Ive been thinking of this manga recently and really wanting to get in the mood to draw more but I've just been so distracted and all >3< BUT I'll definitely try to draw more soon! I cant tell when, but this is still an active project for me :) And when I feel the inspiration hit, I'll continue! Thanku again for reading the intro of it! ^_^
Otakuite | Posted 04/01/13 | Reply
Oh my heck, your art/animation is so amazing!! Your work tops with some the the top manga artists. You are amazing!!
(gets on knees) I know its a lot to ask for, but please update soon!! 
Drachen Herz (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/16/13 | Reply
Love how you put the emotion and facial expression by Ayako in your first page.
I can also see that you placed the pages in a good order and to you tell the truth... It looks excellent. :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/15/13 | Reply
AH thankyou, Bonnie!! Forgive me that its not an actual manga page xD LOL now I'm laughing xD You know just how to make me want to get back to work hahaha xD I'll be sure to keep working soon!
Ugh yeah, us and our one-shots... Its definitely not easy to draw a manga O_O I can't believe how mangakas do it!
I think I'll be taking sketch requests soon since I'm feeling like drawing different things for a bit XP
Administrator | Posted 02/15/13 | Reply
ALKJDGS. I got so excited when I saw this in my backroom. Just saying XD Even though it's not a new story line page, it's a new page so I'm like YAYYYYYY SUNSHINE HAIL THE SUNSHINE!!! Ahem. Well not exactly like that, but you know ^__^ Can't wait for the next update!
Speaking of disciplined drawing mood...>___> I'm also guilty of that. *isshot*
Take cares~~
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/12/13 | Reply
Thanks! I hope so, I'm definitely lazy right now xD but I do have the story in my head, just have to draw it xD
Grand Otaku | Posted 02/11/13 | Reply
Ah, don't worry I'm sure you'll get back in the mood for drawing manga.
Oh, lol, sorry x)
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/27/13 | Reply
Thanks Hannah!! Thanks for the comment! I'm having trouble focusing on this manga after our amazing trip tho xD Ugh i just remembered that i forgot to write down some ideas I got in AZ too O_O" and now I forgot them lol xD
Grand Otaku | Posted 01/23/13 | Reply
Looks good so far :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/11/13 | Reply
Ah I meant, its only going to be two or three chapters, I'm not sure how many pages tho. Thankyou!!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/11/13 | Reply
Ah you are so sweet!! I will definitely stay determined to finish this ;) I'll work on one page at a time. Its not supposed to be too long but I still don't want to be lazy with it!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/06/13 | Reply
^_^ I hope you enjoyed it! I'm getting really lazy right now... so I'm slacking off Dx but I do have everything planned out so I just need to stay determined like you!!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/06/13 | Reply
Thankyou So much!! I'm working on it a lot but haven't gotten any more of my ideas onto paper yet :/ but I'll be working on getting more pages done soon! Thanks again!
Otakuite | Posted 01/05/13 | Reply
I liked it and it started off really well and was drawn great too. I want to see what happened.
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/04/13 | Reply
Sounds good!! Its really fun experimenting too, so I hope you enjoy it! and thankyou again for the email with the helpful screentone+manga links!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/04/13 | Reply
Thankyou!!! I'll be working faster ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/04/13 | Reply
AH!!! Thankou Temi!!! Reading your sweet comment motivates me back!!
I will! I've been so lazy but I'm gonna work on more pages asap!
Kyaaaa! I'm glad u like Ayako! OH of course, u can borrow her!!! If u drew her, I'd spaz to no end XD asdfhjakldhfjak!!!
<3 Thanks so much Temi-chan!!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/03/13 | Reply
You're welcome! That's what friends are for :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/03/13 | Reply
thanks for the tutorial!! it was really helpful :) I think i'm gona start experimenting too ^^
getting screentones from da is not a bad idea... XD
I'll be waiting for the next page for sure!
Last edited by pandaman08 at 2:32:48 AM EST on January 3, 2013.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
afdassajhashkajjk u are motivating me jen!! >//v//<
continue your gorgeous manga~
and oh, ummm, can I borrow ayako some time in the future ^^)/
her design is adorable!
more power to you my dear~ <3
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
XD I'll be waiting!!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Hime!! I hope to work on more pages soon and then post them in groups ;)
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Thanks so much, Silver-chan!! I'm glad it looks fine... I have't been to highschool before so I'm winging some things or relying on past experiences of nervousness XD I think I'm modeling Ayako kind of after me, so I hope it all works out^^'
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
@Aria Sky:
AH!!!! I didn't even know you hadn't seen this!! I'm glad that you have seen it now, cuz you always give me such awesome support that inspires me lots :) I hope this story will not disappoint u! If you have any criticsm too, let me know^^
Thankyou So much, Lea!!!!! <33333 Happy New Year btw!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Thankyou SO much!! thankyouthankyou!! I could say thankyou forever, I'm so thankful for a friend like you and also for all your support!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Thankyou, Yo-kun!!!! That means a lot to me to hear that from u :D I'll definitely create new pages soon! Let's beat this laziness xD
Aria Sky
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Ermehgurd, even the cover page is so beautiful! I love how one of the words is even designed to look like a locket! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Ahahaha! I didn't know I would post this page so soon, but I figured that I should since I was having trouble with drawing the next page... but no worries, cuz I'm all motivated again and I have idea for the next page now too :)
Thankyou thankyou!! Its funny cuz those are the two things I'm unsure about always, the screentone and expressions... I'm always experimenting with them to find a good fit. Ah lol, you're super nice to say that!! I know what you mean about breaking records, but I've never thought of it like that! It makes me very happy to know that you think that about me ^_^ Thankyou so much!!
Thankyou so much again, with your support alone, I think I could be powered to keep making this manga ^///^
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
:3 What can I say? I must give credit (and a heaping spoonful of praise) where it is due ^w^ Aww thanks, love u too! <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
AH Panda!!!
I wouldn't want to kill you!LOL But I'm super glad that you enjoyed this first page!! Submitting it has already helped me a lotseeing that I get such awesome encouragement from youand I also have a clearer idea on how to start the next page now that this first page is cemented xDYou just made me extra happy!!! I'm so glad that u like the first page and I'll be working on the next page ASAP!!!
As for the tones, I used THIS tutorial. I practically save screentones off of DA and then upload them on SAI along with my sketched lineart page, and then cut pieces from the screentone, copy those pieces, and paste them on layers over the lineart... Sometimes I have to change the opacity or effect of the tone to make it show the lineart underneath. Then I just erase the excess bits of tone that I don't need! Its fun but takes quite long sometimes xP especially since I'm still experimenting!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Kyaaaaaa Bonnie-chan, another awesome comment from you.... I'm just speechless, I'm so happy you like page one!! Lol ^///^ I'm blushing now tho, you are way too nice to me and I'm definitely nothing special... Its cuz of you that I was able to make it this far, like I always tell you! You're MY inspiration! I can't wait to make more pages now too!!
Ah I have to think of that... I sketched the first panel around the beginning of December. And then screentoned the first panel only which took about 3-4 hours. Then the rest of the page was really fast... I sketched the images quickly one night, probably within one hour. And then screentoned them for 3-4 hours again, and took about 2-3 hours putting together the full page and editing it. Soooo *count up the hours* I guess approx. 11 hours at the most? Maybe even more tho, seeing the screentoning and editing takes quite long.
And then u have to add all my hours of laziness in between XDIt practically took me all of December to get this one page done XD But I think I'll be able to speed up when I get back into my normal schedule! The holidays made me more lazy instead of productive xDThankyou again!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
XD This looks AMAZING!! And it's so true. Highschool=nervous breakdown XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
SAHFJKALH!! Elric-chan, I don't know what to say!!!! You are always so nice! I'm glad u like page 1, I'm glad I submitted it since I feel more inspired to work on more of the manga now ^_^ Thankyou SO much for your encouragement!! <3 Love u!
Hylian Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Jen jen! This is absolutely amazing! You nailed the comic book style spot on! Lookin forward to reading more!( I need to get out of my lazy mode too, so don't worry lol)
Otakuite++ | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Awesome!!! I luv it so far.
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
Whoa, Didn't see this coming! I like surprises.... :D
I like how you used the screen tones, it adds a nice touch. Her expression is well done too. You have outdone yourself once again Jen! I feel like you're always breaking records! Does that make sense..?! I don't know what I'm saying..other then, AWESOME WORK!
Motivation is hard to keep, but I'm sure everyone on here will keep on supporting you and hopefully it will keep you motivated :)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
how did you do the tones?
also i'm gona add and say that "YOU KILLED ME" with this page. killed me by shocking me with the subtle details that say more than words and by making me to wait for the next page. >< oye... i don't how i'll keep my sanity for the next one. Please make more XD
Administrator | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
*___* Page one is pure awesomeness-pro-fantastica! can I bow down to you masterful mangaka Jenna? XD soooooo amazing! I can't wait to read more >O< By the way, how long did this page take??
Take cares~~
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/02/13 | Reply
*gasp gasp gasp gasp gasp, hands fly up to face* OH MAI GAWSH!! Page 1 is a bowlful of AWSHUMNESS! Le screentoning... character design... assorted sound effects... they all come together to make one incredible page! I can't wait to see more! Keep up the awesome work, Jen!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/31/12 | Reply
@snow fox:
Thanks, Snow fox!! I must say, its a rather lazy process on my part, seeing I kinda draw what I want and piece it together xD But its fun and easier on me and its working right now^^ Thankyou SO much, that means a lot to hear that from u!
snow fox
The Silent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/31/12 | Reply
Wow, that's a really interesting sounding process you're using to make these images. I love it when artists shed light on that kind of thing! Good luck with your project, you're always so ambitious!
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/29/12 | Reply
Wow... Alright thank you
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/29/12 | Reply
Thankyou!! I used only a pencil for the lineart..
I know, i'm lazy xDand then I digitally edit it to make it darker or erase un-needed lines and also add the screen tones/textures :)HimeofPandas
Otakuite++ | Posted 12/26/12 | Reply
Awesome!!! What did u use to make this???
Last edited by HimeofPandas at 2:43:21 PM EST on December 28, 2012.
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/24/12 | Reply
Merry Christmas!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/24/12 | Reply
Lol! Thankyou so much, Hi-chan! Lov u, Merry Christmas!!
Golden Phoenix (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/23/12 | Reply
The cover is so beautiful! (wiping tears from eyes lol)
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/22/12 | Reply
You can always do initials beside your Otaku name!^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/19/12 | Reply
^w^ You're welcome!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/19/12 | Reply
Oh I know, I usually get uneasy about using my whole name too >3< But I figured that I should for copyright reasons!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/19/12 | Reply
Thanks for your advice and encouragement too, that means more then words can say!!! *//U//*
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/16/12 | Reply
You're welcome, Jen! I feel so honored to have inspired you :3 Keep up with the awesome work, I can't wait to see what you'll submit next!
If being a published manga-ka is your dream, don't lose sight of it! You might get the opportunity someday... so make sure to answer your door every time it rings!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/16/12 | Reply
JAN-CHAN!!!! MAN you are so nice, your comment always gives me a smile when I read it!!!!!! KYAAA I cannot wait to make more pages for you!! <33333333333333 Thankyou, I love ya!! *HUGS*
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/16/12 | Reply
^^ Thanks, Ramen!! It made me smile when I read ur comment, I'm really glad ur enjoying the manga so far! I almost forgot to make one more little filler picture so that'll be posted as soon as I finish it... and then after that, I'll probably not past new pages until much later although I will be working on them^^
Thanks! And thanks for letting me know, good luck on your Finals!! Christmas break will be such a nice time after everything is done! :) See ya!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/16/12 | Reply
Thankyou SO much, Elric-chan!!! ^//u//^ I'm so happy, your comment is so sweet!! Yup I found that screentoning is pretty fun! It actually is like a magic curtain tho, my drawing look more authentic cuz of a bit of tone xD lol Thankyou!!
Waaaaaah!!! Something like that would be my dream, if I could sit down and finish my work^^' Thankyou again, you've inspired me beyond words... Seriously, it really means a lot to me and I shall not give up on this manga for sure!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/16/12 | Reply
8D You just made me more inspired!!!
Oh I know right? *highfives* Its a neat way to put together a manga page! and it works too ;)
*big smile* You have no idea how much your words mean to me, Izuzu!! You inspire me so much and your own comic makes me want to keep working like you do!!!!!!!!!!! I'll be looking out for new pages from you too <3 Thanks my dear friend!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/16/12 | Reply
Thanks Han!! Sorry for the late comment, we kinda already chatted but I wanted to answer u here... I didn't draw the Japanese lettering, just used font/text and cut the letters out in block shapes. I wanted to try manually writing those letters but there's no way I could do it XD
Otakuite | Posted 12/15/12 | Reply
Please oh please update soooon!!!!

toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
whoo! this is looking so Pro so far even though the story has not started!!!! XD
I'm getting so excited again! I'm so looking forward to this!
But just remember not to stress out and have fun!!!
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
Awesome! There's new pages :) Glad to hear that the ideas are coming together for you and the evil art block is gone. It's all good, I'm very satisfy with these pages and I know that every one appreciate your hard work. Best gift ever :D
Keep up the good work and talk to you soon.
I'll be in study mode for next week because I'm taking my finals then, so don't worry if you don't see me around :)
Have a good one
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
OwO *owl eyes* OMG EPICCCC!!!!!!! I love the new pages! I can't wait to read the actual story. PLEASE POST MORE PAGEZ!!!!!!!!! Pwetty PLease? JUDAI wants more MANGA<3!!!!!! I LOVE IT!!!! YOshi is HOTTT!!!!!!!!<3333333 *random fangirl is random*
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
complexity thy name is mangakid.lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
OMYGAWSH! Jen, this is INCREDIBLE! You even whatcha-ma-callit-ed it *looks at Brody artwork* screentoned it! Just like pro manga-ka do! (Manga-kas? Is there a plural?)
I think you could actually get published someday (not that theO isn't publishing, but I mean actually getting paid to draw manga that'll be sold in stores)!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
So proud off you Kid!! <333333333333333333333
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
it's fantastic! ^.^ The shading, the style, the hair... Ayako's hand (I think ayako is the girl... >.> Sorry, I don't know for sure >.<) looks really good!! I look forward to more! :D
Administrator | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
Kyaaa, the intro filler is so cute!<3 I love the effects you added Jenna~ :D I can't wait till you post more. And, the chapter page is nice as well! The shading effect you used on this page makes everything seem more smoother >U< Great job so far! *thumbs up*
Take cares~~
Find a reason to smile
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/14/12 | Reply
I'm so happy that i made your day awesome, and i am so late to replying back D: and i'm glad that it inspires you to work harder on your manga :D I just need to be on the look out for them >.< ♥
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/13/12 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thankyou SO much, Judai^^ I'm glad u saw this title page! I shall do my best, I'm working on it but I had some trouble =_= It can be really tough sometimes... but if you make a manga, I'll be supporting you the whole way!! Thanks! I've only drawn one page so far, but I have some related pictures to put up so I'll do that asap <3
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/12/12 | Reply
Beautiful cover. Looks awesome in color and monochrome. Amazing details. Saw your art meme. So amazing. I can't wait to read your manga. I need to start one soon. I may need help though. I can't wait to read some pages when you post them. Please post pages soon!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/11/12 | Reply
@Alchemic Mushroom:
Wow! Alchemic Mushroom!! I love your comics!!! Thankyou so much for checking out my manga, I'm working on some pages and shall have some up soon <3 thankyou again!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/11/12 | Reply
*smile* Thankyou, Gummi!!! That makes me feel more confident... I'll do my best!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/11/12 | Reply
^_____________________^ Rose, you made my day awesome!! Thankyou for the sweet comment!! It really inspires me to work more!! I shall definitely work harder too, and get some pages up asap <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/11/12 | Reply
Thankyou so much!! I'll be adding pages soon^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/11/12 | Reply
Thanks, Sushi!!! Your advice means so much to me <3 My story is now working out pretty well and I'm very excited to get some pages up soon!!
Otakuite | Posted 12/10/12 | Reply
Can't wait to read this~
It looks very cool!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/08/12 | Reply
Cool. Can't wait to see them :D And yeah, we can be our own worst critics sometimes. I would just go with it (your story, I mean) and not worry about it too much :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/08/12 | Reply
You did, you did!! I couldn't do anything but smile!!! xD I'm glad we are typing here tho, cuz I'd still be too emotional to say anything xD You are so sweet and I really appreciate all your encouragement and support, Bonnie!!! Ahahaha *hugs!* Oh I know, I feel that too! Sometimes I don't realize how much I've improved myself until I look over my old art and see ur comments always cheering me on^^ Thankyou SO much!!
Ugh I hate when something like that stops me from working on art!! Just hang in there! Keep feeling inspired, and then you'll blast off after exams!! I'm gonna be waiting *thumbs up*
And I began the first couple of pages but I can't believe that I'm so worried... I keep thinking its not like a proper manga, but instead now I shall just remind myself to focus on doing the best I can do and making a manga that you will enjoy^^ <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/08/12 | Reply
Thanks Sushi! I shall have the first pages up soon... I just finished drawing a filler page and I just hope that my story holds together xD I'm so critical of it, I better loosen up lol!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/08/12 | Reply
Thankyou SO muh, Poochy!! Its about time, eh? XD I felt like I'd never get motivated if I didn't actually get started... and the other day, I hit some bumps but hopefully I can keep going and totally finish this story eventually! After reading ur comment, I feel all cheered on!! Thankyou again, my friend!!!
Ooo I love ur icon! Kimi ni Todoke!! I'm currently reading that series <3
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/08/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
^^ Thanks again, Toya! And KK is happy but she's getting annoyed since I'm complaining about my work a lot xD I'm just so unsure haha!
LOL! That makes me wanna work on it more! I won't rush it but I still should start drawing soon. I did begin the first page but I might restart xD I'll probably post pages when I get quite a bit pages finished. It might be slow too cuz of Christmas and my trips in January, but I'll definitely do this! XD
Yeah thats what I'm thinking... The mind-reader plot was giving me lots of ideas while Love Locket is supposed to be very short.
If only it would stay short! I keep adding too many details to it as if its a series xDMangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/08/12 | Reply
:D Thankyou, Sachi-chan!!!! It really is a big thanks to u for helping me stay inspired by sending swap notes ^_^ I'm glad that I'm finally working on a manga... Sometimes I still feel like I can't do it tho xP but I'm gonna do my best here!! And knowing that you r excited makes me even more excited and inspired!!!
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/07/12 | Reply
Pretty girl, very cool cover, Also the colors you used are real pretty :3 How'd you do the Japanese lettering?
Alchemic Mushroom
Angel (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/12 | Reply
Beautiful art so far. Can't wait to see this comic!
Hylian Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/12 | Reply
Very nice art style! Excited for the comics debut! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
This is gonna be awesome!
I can't wait to see it!I get to practice being patient AND read an awesome manga by an awesome artist and an awesome friend!Gummi
Otakuite+ | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
Holy cow! You're awesome!! Your manga will
be amazing for sure! :D I'm looking forward to reading it ^.^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
This is such a lovely early christmas present >.<! I must say I CAN NOT WAIT TO READ MORE OF YOUR MANGA I AM SO EXCITED I WANT TO JUMP AROUND THE COMPUTER LAB! X3 I really love to see more, your cover is amazing! I love the sketchy feel to it and how you color it! I just love it, love it, love it! :D
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
You're very welcome!! I love Min-Seong too. *^^*
Administrator | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
^__^ Did I make you speechless for a sec then? >3 If so, mission accomplished! LOL, jk. I already know because you’re so nice that you’re grateful at all the comments here. <3 I wish I could hug you forever too! Though, only a one arm hug so you can continue drawing with your other hand XD It feels like yesterday when I first commented on your chibi dogs or POT drawings. You’re progressed so much and I’m super happy/proud of ya~ :D Keep going and become famous X3
I wanna start now! >__< WHY EXAMS? WHY do you get in my way??? T^T I shall have to put aside my temptation for just a few more weeks! Thank you for your support ^__^ Can’t wait until you upload more!!
Take cares~~ *hugs*
Find a reason to smile
WatcherOnTheO (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/06/12 | Reply
Can't wait to read it! manga-sensei!
Everyone has creativity. It's yours and noone else!
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Nice! :D I'm on the cover page right now, but I'll say that I'm definitely looking forward to it! :D
Patchwork Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Jen! Wow!!!! I'm so very happy to see your manga cover finally up and SO happy to hear that you're going along with your shoujo x3 The cover looks amazing and I'm very excited to read this. And your main girl looks beautiful owo And her locket too. Eee, I'm so excited for you, Jen! I wish you good luck with your new manga!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
I didn't mind listening your ideas! and I'm sure your sister help plenty too! XD I bet she's happy to see it process!
lol you're going to keep a lot of people in suspense. XD
I think it's good your separated the ideas then. You can use the mind reading one for a different story line then?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
The cover looks amazing! X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
^_^ I feel like that too!! I'm glad i got the cover started since I was having trouble with getting the idea rolling and now its coming together even better!
Thanks also for your help, I barely told anyone about my ideas except for you and you helped me a lot!! I'm going to remember your advice when I do this! And let me know if anything gets weird in the story xD
:D Kyaaaaa I'm bursting from being too excited! I'm gonna draw a filler page first and then get into the story soon :)
I have an idea for the mind-reading idea, but I'll probably do that later! In this one-shot, I found I was trying to stuff all my ideas into it and it worked a lot better when I separated them^^
Thankyou SO much again Toya!!! I keep saying thankyou, but I really mean it!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Wow, I can't believe this! So many people are so nice to me!!! O///u///O especially you!! Thankyou so much Ramen!!! I loved reading your comment!! Kyaaaa I'm gonna do my best!!
Yay!! I love your feedback already!! I'm telling ya, I felt so unsure about the whole cover at times and even when I posted it, I wasn't sure if it all looked ok... but now I'm really confident! It really means a lot to me to hear that you like the idea and cover!! I'm really glad you like this, seriously!!! You're making me smile!!!
I'm gonna get to work on doing some pages asap... I wanna draw a filler page and then get into the story^^ I'm so excited!
OH!! Thankyou so much!! ^//_//^ I'm glad u think so, and man, you are just so nice!! *HUGS* Thankyou for everything, Ramen!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
You're making me so hyper xD I'm gonna work on this asap!
Thanks so much for ll your inspiration, you made me not give up on making my own manga <3
Agent Ramen (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
This is so unexpected and totally made my day :)
I bet you this will be mind blowing. And it's the best x-mas gift too, thanks.
I like the idea, it's cute too because I think pocketwatches and lockets are cool :D Ayako's hair is a neat design, I don't think I even seen it before, which is nice. It's even cooler that you put on some japanese characters,it's a nice touch. I don't read or watch alot of shoujos stuff, but this, YES!
Can't wait to see more
P.S Your last name is cool, I can see your name being publish right now :D So happy that you are confident to do this now!
Have a good one
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
lol no problem Manga! XD It's really exciting to see you post something up since we had been talking about it for a while, so this is a great step forward!
I could see that there were some changes to it cause the summary, but I think that's great! it make me look forward to what is going to happen!
I like the mind reading idea too, but I can see if would of been difficult to do something with it, but this is fine!
I really look forward to seeing what you do!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
@kita mikichi:
Thanks so much, Kita!! I'll do my best and get to work on it soon^^
Btw I love your new avatar icon :D Min-seong!! I must continue reading that story^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Epic Sera!!! *hugs* Thankyou for checking this out!! I hope to have some new pages up soon, gotta make them xD
Thankyou so much for your kind words, my friend!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Kyaaaaaa Panda, I'm SO grateful for your lovely compliments and support!!! Thankyou!! You are so sweet and you always make me feel better, stronger, and more inspired^^
AHAHA!!! You are making me excited too! I'm gonna get to work on the first pages asap! :D
AH!!! Somany compliments!! >//////< You're making me feel so happy!!! ^///U///^ Thankyou again, Panda!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Oh man, Toya!! I can't stop smiling xD I'm just so happy you like my cover so much!!! I'm giggling, I'm so happy XD haha! Thankyou!!!
AH yeah, I'm glad u like the summary! I changed it so much, I didn't even realize until I looked back to my older idea. The mind-reading thing ended up holding me down, since that idea might be more of a longer series. I was worried tho, in case some people were expecting my old idea @_@
Gah!! ME TOO!!!!! XD
lets flip out togetherxD jkjk but seriously... your comment made me so happy!!!MangaKid
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
BONNIE!!!! I don't know what to say!!! If I say Thankyou, I'll have the urge to say it over and over to really prove how grateful I am for your kind compliments and everything you've done for me!! asdfhjkaslhfjalshdf I could just hug u forever!! You always encourage me and thats how I've been able to keep going! Thankyou SOSOSO much, my dear!!!
AND YES PLEASE START YOUR MANGA ASAP!! I'll be supporting you along the whole way as well!! Ahahaha you are so sweet Bonnie-chan!! You're making me want to work on the first pages right now! Yay we're inspiring each other! *U*
Administrator | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
WHAAA! This looks AMAZING! I'm already eager to read this manga! It looks so professional! It really looks amazing! XD I don't think I can stop praising you ^__^ You've improved so much and your style is adorable. Keep up the excellent work, and of course I'll support you along your way~ Awww, now I so badly want to start mine, but my exams are holding me back! I will during the Christmas break though, for sure! Oh, and did I mention this looks AMAZING? XD
Take cares~~
Find a reason to smile
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
oh my cheese Manga!!! That cover is just gorgeous!!!! I know the story hasn't even started but I can't wait to see it into action!!! I'm so excited to see it already post here!!!!
I like the small summary two, it sounds really different compared to the original idea you told me, so I really look forward to what twist you put to it!
lol I'm just just flipping out! XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
i forgot to add that ayako's hair looks stunnning ^^ and the cover looks so professional too :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Of course it won't...what are you saying? Anything you say or post or share never dissapoint me and i think it's the same for everyone too ^^
hahaha im so excited i can't help but to chant "OMG"s in my head right now because your dream is coming along :D 'o-o'
ttyl, Jen!!!
Azure Dragon (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
*o* a new Manga created by awesome Jen! XD I can't wait to see how it's like! :D
but I'm sure no one will be disappointed ;)
Grand Otaku | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Looking forward to reading this! Let's see where it goes. =]
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Great cover design!! Can't wait to read this!
Star Crossed
Otaku Eternal | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
bahhhh im so excited!!
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
I really like the art, can't wait for future installments!

Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
I was unsure about adding the Japanese title
since I barely know anything about JapanesexD but I just had to have it there and then the English title stuck too. I'm glad u like it!!^^Artgrrl
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
This looks cute. I look forward to reading it :)
I like how both the English and Japanese title look
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
Thankyou!! I'm glad u think so!! I took so long to decide on how to make this cover xD
Awkward Turtle (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/05/12 | Reply
This looks adorable <3