LOL its no problem, I actually learnt a lot!! I love seeing how other artists work and I didn't even know things like how Luminosity worked! It did help, Pennguin style is awesome style :D
oh man it's not really what cell shading is b/c i drifted away from the concept a little too much ^^; but this is how i color things hehhe
>< this is the pENNGUIN STYLE!! hahaha XD but I'm glad it helped someway?
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/13/13 | Reply
LOL its no problem, I actually learnt a lot!! I love seeing how other artists work and I didn't even know things like how Luminosity worked! It did help, Pennguin style is awesome style :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/13/13 | Reply
oh man it's not really what cell shading is b/c i drifted away from the concept a little too much ^^; but this is how i color things hehhe
>< this is the pENNGUIN STYLE!! hahaha XD but I'm glad it helped someway?
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/13/13 | Reply
Yes!!! You have no idea how much it helped me ^U^ *huggles* I have to thankyou for this...
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/09/13 | Reply
oho wow!! i;m glad it helped you !!! /;D
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/09/13 | Reply
This comic was very helpful!!! I've only recently began using Overlay and now I want to try more of Luminosity!! Thankyou, Pengu!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/09/13 | Reply
yeah i was plannnig on doing that xD