Hmm,perhaps, but you know, it was never finished and I don't really see the point in finishing a old story, I have lost interest in it.
However, I wish to express my joy at hearing that you think it's actually good.
Er, so you might think I'm strange but I kinda like it. I'm not sure it would do well as a fanfic, but it has great potential as an anime. It just has the humor and mental image to be successful.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/13 | Reply
I think we're all like that with old work... I used to really like my Snowball Express, Sonic, and Teen Titans fanfictions, but now I'm just like, meeeeehhhhh ._. So yeah, I totally hear ya.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/17/13 | Reply
Totally understand. I have a story that needs so much work (really old) that I find myself wondering if it's worth it xD
bahahahaaa! Glad that made you that happy X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/17/13 | Reply
Hmm,perhaps, but you know, it was never finished and I don't really see the point in finishing a old story, I have lost interest in it.
However, I wish to express my joy at hearing that you think it's actually good.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/17/13 | Reply
Er, so you might think I'm strange but I kinda like it. I'm not sure it would do well as a fanfic, but it has great potential as an anime. It just has the humor and mental image to be successful.
Lombax of Earth (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/17/13 | Reply
I think we're all like that with old work... I used to really like my Snowball Express, Sonic, and Teen Titans fanfictions, but now I'm just like, meeeeehhhhh ._. So yeah, I totally hear ya.