Congratulations of your first comic ^^
Really it's cool, but some of the Coloring messed up
It's not like you at all.
When I saw your Fan art, you colored it very good and Only the Shading that's still messed up.
But, I appreciate everyone who can create their own Comic
Hope I can see your art More.
And I'm really Looking forward the next comic you make ^^.
Last edited by kachaminekochan at 5:34:32 AM EDT on August 14, 2013.
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/09/13 | Reply
Thank you so much ^^
Otakuite | Posted 11/08/13 | Reply
I was just thinking that ONLY a true Otaku would know the meaning of...(Spacin Out) BAKA, by the way good job. (Thumbs Up) . X3 !
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/14/13 | Reply
Thank you so much

Glad you like it
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/14/13 | Reply
Hahahahaha, its so cool xD It made me laugh so much :D Thanks for sharing this
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/14/13 | Reply
Thanks for the Comment

Of course I wil make it better and also I'm just learning hehe
But, I will make the next comic better
Otakuite | Posted 08/14/13 | Reply
Congratulations of your first comic ^^

Really it's cool, but some of the Coloring messed up
It's not like you at all.
When I saw your Fan art, you colored it very good and Only the Shading that's still messed up.
But, I appreciate everyone who can create their own Comic
Hope I can see your art More.
And I'm really Looking forward the next comic you make ^^.
Last edited by kachaminekochan at 5:34:32 AM EDT on August 14, 2013.