What a nice looking person on the cover! You did a great job on her hair, I love the color! I lover her eye...
I hope the story is just as intersting as the cover. :D
NICE JOB! That eye is sooo pretty! Hehe, I dunno, I just think it is! =^-^=
Erk, the character on the cover IS a girl, right?? I mean, the eye looks like a girl's, but then again,the hairstyle looks like a boy's,...it does say "girl" in the tags though...
WAHH, I'm confused!
But anyway, this still looks really good. I like your cover layout and art. This must be one of the better ones on this site...
By the way, you may want to write your name on this (with a watermark, maybe?) so that nobody takes it. They never did it to me, but it happened to one of my friends once. GGGRRR... Blasted art theives!
Anyway, Ive already favrorited this, and I'll be looking for updates.
If you don't post more soon, I'll send my army of flying, rubbery squids of DOOOMM after you! Just kidding! ^^ LOL XD
Great Job, and I'll be looking foreward to seeing more from you!!
*vote and faves*
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/20/07 | Reply
Mini Kitty
Otakuite | Posted 09/12/07 | Reply
Sora Hanaki
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/09/07 | Reply
potato u princess
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/07/07 | Reply
Nishika Nori
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/07/07 | Reply