I've been trying and trying to get photoshop to color my pictures. But I can NEVER find the right program. Most photoshops are for editing images off a carema. BUt I want the same program that you have. so I just wont to know a few questions.
1) What's the program called?
2) Do you need to buy it, and/or Pay for it like , every month I have pay (blah blah blah) amount of money to keep the program?
OMG! You have to help me out. I've been trying to use the photoshop to color my drawings, but I don't have the right one. Could you tell me how to get one? Please?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/07/10 | Reply
I've been trying and trying to get photoshop to color my pictures. But I can NEVER find the right program. Most photoshops are for editing images off a carema. BUt I want the same program that you have. so I just wont to know a few questions.
1) What's the program called?
2) Do you need to buy it, and/or Pay for it like , every month I have pay (blah blah blah) amount of money to keep the program?
Senior Otaku | Posted 10/09/08 | Reply
arigato gozaimasu chu toriare sensei.
Last edited by ani-hay at 10:21:48 AM EDT on October 9, 2008.
Otakuite | Posted 05/12/08 | Reply
wow. thxs teach me!! >w
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/26/08 | Reply
Thanks! This is really helpful! I see you were on aim and was listening to Itunes.But how do you inport something from paint into photoshop???
Otakuite | Posted 03/25/08 | Reply
Sweet! And He's Hot! >w<
Otakuite | Posted 10/08/07 | Reply