zup dude? ive got another comic in the works ;) this ones a zombie fest :P
bout pg 59-freaking glad i number those pages or that woulda been crazy hard to figure out :) totally ripped onthe smash bros but i figure its canon-enough
Midnas so freaking yeah. srsly shes one of the best characters in the sereies in my opinion
Hee um it's about an Angel (Faith) trying to prove herself in the Fruits of the Spirit because a demon (Egar) killed her "child"
But if you go read it now you'll be really confused because the pages are under constuction...*still stares blankly at them*
Then I had a really cheezy one I did last summer xD
Its like a mix between salor moon and mew mew and it makes me shudder now that I look back lol! xD (the art is terrible and the storyline=mush)
go to the click on the "backroom" link thats at the top of the screen then hit the "profile" link that shows up on your backroom page and then click "avatar" that'll get you to the page to upload avatars pics. Happy to Help :)
Haha totally! xD
Okayyy :D
I know what you mean, Mangas are hard work.
*stares blankly at her sketchbook full of pages she hasn't even scanned yet cuz she can't get off her lazy butt*
But that would be even awesomer! I can't wait~!!
*super huggles*
it over! woot! but it was a semi happy ending right? ehehe dont expect a sequel anytime soon but maybe a new comic altogether! :)
ANY ONE INTERESTED IN USING MY STORYLINE, OR ADAPTAIOINS OR LIKE WHATEVER FROM WASTE OF TIME YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION! OFFICIALLY (but if you could send me a link (no pun intended) so i could geek out about it that would be sweet!
thank you everyone for readign this I can't tell you how much it means to me! Have a great summer!
It had to end! I just couldn;t write anymore zelda! well maybe thats not true but that particular story is done! avatars are fun! I highly recommend pimpy yours out :)
Thank you SOOO much for keepiong up with this silly comic ofmine I can;t believe how many ppl actually took a look at this! Midna really does favor the black :P Glad you enjoyed it! i couldnl't just leave the lil alien looking zora baby down there... I dunno i think it would be un-Link like to do that at any rate. and yes the little waste of time line was planned from the get go.
srry bout the abrupt endding for you but yeah have been doing this for like a year soo yeah had to end it. Who knows waht sheiks up too probably messing with some blond hylians head lol.
Oh yeah we are doing like a splash thing right? now that wot is over ill getr right on that ehehehe itll be freaking yeah! Really glad you enjoyed your comments ment a lot to me and id like to think we have become friends of sorts, When i was playing around wiht ideas for wot, my sister said something about web comics being a waste of time so i loled about it and worked my story backwards from there. great creative process right? :p Kinda been playing with an idea for a sequel but im probably gonna start a new comic altogether, maybe make a few Zelda WOT side stories if anyones interested.
@Thyme Girl
.... No nothing was actually accomplished other than the bombing and Link killing some well monsters... but is was a fun ride right? :) plus zora kid was too cute to just leave! in like a froggy kinda way
I liked that last line from Navi. Way to punch the title. I'm gonna really miss waiting for pages for this. Is there gonna be a sequel? There are a lot of loose ends flying around here...I'd like to see them picked up again.
Regardless, this was great, and I really enjoyed watching you evolve over the course of this comic. And we still have an art trade going on. Do you remember? I've got a piece, but no scanner. I'll get it up sometime....
MONDAY?! That is much too quick. I protest. Not really, I'm just wondering how you're gonna wrap this up so quickly. I'll just have to wait and see, huh?
Seeing a new page of Waste of Time always makes my day.
AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! THE SERIES IS ALMOST OVER!?!?!?!? but but but....WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO SHEIK?!?!?! that better be in hte last pages!!!!!! sry, had a little crazi moment... i just dont want the series to end!!! well, at least u updated...
i think the next of it should be up this weekend if i can get around to it. sorry to keep you waiting. ive been pretty sloppy bout updating lately. Forgiveness! :P
Dude yeah, midna could even do the whole ransform thing like sheik/zelda it would be sw333t! actually i think id rather have a sequel to twilight princess :P also ganon should have used hhis sword. O.o i have not been keeping up with pokemon so i was confused as to what lucario was at first.
shame bout the ghibli movie not living up to expectations but who knows? maybe itll be worth thte wait after all. We can hope!
Eh, I'd rather have traded Lucario. He has almost no background in the whole pokemon plot. *pout* Heck, midna even has a great smash move! She'd put on the fused shadow held and boom, smash move all lined up! But no, they had to chose the most random pokemon over her. Feh... oh well, no use complaining about it now. At least they actually brought Sonic into it.
Well, I haven't been able to get much information on the Ponyo movie yet. I've seen some random japanese trailors for it. The graphics aren't studio Ghibley's best, and it seems like a little kid movie. Kinda like Totoro. From what I've been able to get out of the trailors, it's about a little boy who lives with his mother in a house by the sea. His father was a captain of a ship that was lost at sea, so he tends to the lighthouse for his father to come home. One day he finds a kappa while exploring the ocean cliffs and it ends up changing his life... at least that's what I think it's about...
dude yeah back seat gamers are freaking like addictive, played through Resident evil 4 the first time wiht my bro "caoching" me (hes such a navi) second time i tried to beat it without him was a nightmare!
hahahahaha. So true, so true. He'd would most definitely be up a creek. Poor Link. lol.
Kinda like my brother. When he's playing a game (usually Zelda or Metroid) I'm his Navi, if you will. I tell him things like, "There's a switch over there", "I think you need to shoot it in the head", things like that. He could never beat 'em with out me and I could never play them myself (I practically throw the controller or at least always pause it when ever anything larger than a deku baba appears. lol).
couldn't bring myself to off the cute lil plot device, besides link would be kind of lost without her. O_o you think if you like just got used to someone pointing out the obvios like ALL the time you would just stop noticing obvious things? O....o if thats the case i dunno how link's gonna save the world without her. lol
O.o I think spirit tracks is gonna be just like phantom hour glass as far as graphics goes, kinda puching the ds to its limit on that one. I hope linebeck shows back up! hes so cool heheheh kind of.
Dude yeah! midna would have been PERFECT for smash bros! I would totally trade ganon for her! shes a way bigger part of Twiliight princes! honestly i miss my mewtwo, he rocked so hardcore! but still midna better!
Hooray for new Zelda stuff! I'm oober excited now. Are the graphics any better than phantom hourglass, or about the same? At any rate, it's going to be awesome! And yes, Midna owns! I'm just kinda mad that they put Lucario in the S.S.B.B. (super smash brothers brawl)game instead of Midna. I mean come on!!
as fopr my friend, I'll have to call him sometime. I moved recently and haven't talked to him in a little while, but I'll figure out a way to get that stuff scanned in, even if I have to have him mail it here. n_n
Hooray for Ponyo! It's the new Studio Ghibli film that is commiong out. More on that later, the bell just rung.
O_< umm i guess the "maleman" and the mask dude could be secret lovers, the mailman does um "get around" clock town heheheh. I really don't know if hylians/humans have the right to tell gorons/zoras to put clothes on. I'm pretty sure all the gorons wore those loin clothes in twilight princess, and seeing as all gorons are male (they call each other brother) and yet they seem to be able to make babies (Durunia's Son in OOT) i think goron are A-sexual like piccilo from dbz kinda, so whith that logic do Gorons even have anything to cover up? Zoras on the other hand seem to have both genders, and some of them do wear clothes (twilight princes- zora queen and prince both clothed) and even link is clothed when a zora in MM but zoras are totally naked in LTTP. I dunno I mean they lay eggs so maybe that has something to do wiht it. >_< honestly i dont think zora/goron's modesty is all that bad i mean donald duck doesn't wear pants either.
*.* future ref, all my zoras/gorons will have clothes yeah not even gonna go there.
RE5 rocked my world!!! I LOVE that game! but honestly i did like RE4 better, that game was like OMFG sweetness, plus RE4 being on the wii made it supper fun. but RE5 Co-op is hecks yeah, i hope they make a Co-op mode like that for the next RE title for the Wii. that would be like my f4ngrrl dr33m C0m3 Tru3!!!
Has anybody played RE5 *Resident Evil 5* yet that game is crack on wheels i cant stop playing it your AI kicks some major zombie @$$ just give them a snipe and bam easy pickins upgrade it often though Ive taken a likn to the ramin is good yeah
HAHA SO i have a few (NINJA) agrees then so tell me gamer777 do you think the "happy" mask sales man and the Mailman"maleman" could ever be secret lover and speaking of secret love in the ootMM mask game they asumed it was allright to marry little children I frown apon this fact not blaming the child but the adult for children are inocent BUT adults have a since of being and responsibility i short I deam should Anzu ever remake an apperance in a oot game she be trown in jail for child milistation. Also have a problem or two with gorons and Zoros they walk are streets in the nude some feel the need to hide there same while others *majority* go about there dayly live in the nude (not cool) (i mean even the king of zoros didnt where pants) in short i propose we pass a law starting they where some form of protection for there *blah* personal parts or fins there those are just creepy
Nice to meet you gumbie, love to hear feed back especially the positive kind
O.o wow that is a lot of commeting! um yeah as far as i know piccilo the dragon ball Z character will in fact be green, im pretty sure i saw him in a preview and he was green.
kaligula had siphilus
O.O ya know that does make a lot of since Never though to hard on gonaons motive before, now its all clear! hes a juist trying to overhthroguh the monsrchy! how noble! actually I dunno, he is the king of the gerudo after all and seeing as they are thieves he cant be ALL that good, he also froza the zoras, helped destroy twilight, imprisoned sages, and tried to feed the gorons to a dragon and probably a lot of other stuff. but then again Zelda could be a cruel dictator... no one in the game seems to be anti-zelda though, even midna seems cool with her.
ok ok ok Deku scrubs is freaking yeah but they also ATTACK PPL, yeah know spitting and the like in OOT? Zora CAN speak to you so i dont know where your getting this. In like at least 4 games, OOT, MM, TP and LTTP. Zoras are punk rock
as far as i know hyrule= ruled by Zelda, so yeah take up your Zora complaints with her, and 0.o when did the zoras need a gov bailout, i thought the coombination of selling fish, zora tunics and The Indigos gave the zoras a good economy? I guess id blame it on the gorons. yup thier fault most def. I mean who live in volcanos? bad idea no tourism ever.
Gorons and deku shrubs is the madd notes but i personally think Zoras are over played if they cant speak hyrulian why dont they just go back into the ocean . And that makes me madd to my lobbster boats are coming up DRY ever since the government stepped in and bailed them out of another ink-resision thats got to be the third one this year BarRock Ogoro was going to bring change now i see hes only in it for the ruppies I should have voted for govener Mklink He knows how to deal with trash talking and lyers and evil mutant sand bandits trying to rule the world with a a piece of cheese wedge in there hands.. what is this world coming to when the First Gay marrage was held out side of clock town between the happyMask sales man AND the Mailman who legal chaged his name to Maleman so not to be cofused with his job when we asked Happy why the Maleman he simple smiled and said "His face" well im tired of all this nonces im going to the river to shoot fish in a barrel if you catch my drift *mabye things will go back to normal*
THIS IS MY SECOND TEXT BLOCK heay gamer777 can i ask you a queation have you evernoticed that the blade of evils bane never really does its job. I mean all it does it mabye make ganon go away for 10years tops then re-apers stronger. whatif ganondorlfs not evil at all but zelda is and links just playing limbo i mean where does it say he has to team up with zelda mabye her and her fammilys rule is a crule dictaorship and ganon luck out and belives in Freedom and as long as that ideas alive you cant kill ganon becuse dreams are made of ideas and you cant kill an idea. BAM thats gumbie serving it up TRue get back to me on this will some body
Really picclos not going to be green?how odd indeed. excuse i couldent help but over read your conversation i was just spamming threw my e-mail when a friend told me aboot this sight i had to check it out and being the zelda dork that i am I had to check out the pages must say a good read relaxed my eyes for a good while (then had a chat with caligula he threw chickens at me while trying to tell me the frog was right the solar empire was apon us after wich he Sh@t hiself making a mokkery my birthday party... but i didnt care i planned on eating my cake with or with out sh@t to bad before i could even taste the icing caligula woofled it down and a whole tin can of string beans *can and all*) id say about a good hour or two before i finished the read still worth it when would you say the next up date will be I like the name Gamer777 sounds a fresh without being pesikity i think ill stay and chat on this page for a good while hope you like ranting people.
i really hope they bring midna back shes is sooo very cool, and i much prefer her gigling as opposed to HEY Hey listen yeah. Spirit tracks looks pretty kewl, the new zelda train game, maybe streches the genre a bit but honestly i loved phantom hour glass! really wish nintendo would come out with another wii zelda game though!
Twili sequel comic? that is freaking yeah! when it gets posted you gotta let me know! hmm since like OOT majora mask and almost all of the other zelda games have mangas to go along with them, i wonder if twilight princess has one O.O google!!!!
DB movies gonna suck rightously, still cant get over bulmas hair not being blue, i mean i know people wiht blue hair!! its not impossible! i think the character are: Goku, chi chi, bulma, piccilo and roshi who is hawaiin and does not wear a turtle shell.... yeah and NO KRILLIN!!! >_< lame sauce. as a huge DB/DBZ fan im slightly irked since yeah know there have been rumors about this movie since the 90s... very much a let down
O.o is this like a virus or an otaku april fools? check the avatars wierdness!!!! I just changed my avatar too super l4m3
any way yeah i had to bring navi back, i cant have link talking for himself that would be way OOC, so yeah, obvious sparkle is back
>_< is any one else only seeing twilight avatars?! its getting really hard to figure out the comments.... princess mononoke is like the best movie eva!
Are you kidding?! I am absolutely psyched now! Studio Ghibleyis the most amazing film maker there is. I've watched almost every film thay've produced, and now I get to look foreward to a new one. Squee! n_n
Well, evil-looking entities can be good once in a while, can't they XD? I've been waiting so long for someone to come up with that (KH's Riku being a protagonist on the dark side doesn't count!)!
Anywho, good luck with the plot bunnies. Easter IS on its way...
Didn't you hear? Come August and there with be a new Ghelbi Film! (you know, like Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away?) That's DEFINITELY something to look forward to!
I agree, Twilight princess ended on such an open note, I mean, how could you close a story that big just by shattering a mirror? I had a friend of mine who drew a comic that was around 40 pages for his version of the sequel, but he doesn't have a scanner. n_n
As for this pannel, I love how you've portrayed Midna, she definately seems like the Midna we all know and love. Although, I don't think Navi's gonna get over that one any time soon. XD ha ha, pixie stick!
Lastly, I fully agree with the whole DB thing, and I didn't really watch much of it. High school? Come on, that is nothing like the show! And are they even going to introduce anyone of any character value? I mean, come on!! ::lets out deep breath:: Sorry, I am ticked at the whole 'no origional movies' streak that's happening, ignore my pointless ranting. ~_0
I have no idea what my next project's gonna be, maybe ill do some more with flash, and some short comics, prob nothing this long till i get like attacked by plot bunnys, i think i wanna do something steam punk....
I have my suspicions bout midna, they made the fused shadows seem so evil! i really think that game deserves a sequel
my first impression of midna was "She looks like the type of character who you trust for about half of the game and she betays you. :|" (said this 2 my brother XD) I'm rlly glad that instead she becomes a rlly good friend P:
(my brother: "And you said she would turn on us! XP")
i u dont continue WoT, i wonder what ull make instead..? XD? cant wait either way *a fan ull never lose *
my GOD a Pop-Eyes commercial!! now i wanna eat some chicken!! o.o!!
*gobbles up snicker doodle w/ ot shame* DUDE i love long comments! there the best and most fun to read!
yeah laptop got hardcore broke there was like well actually i just dropped it like major smashedge! but the harddrive and what not was all intact so i got my dad to take the whoel thing apart/ put it back together and clean and wallah! gammer777 is once again in business... not that i make any money... more like just cyber cookies....O.o
yeah i dont think link would be a fun character to write if he didn;t have like someone to talk at him or for him... but does give the side character a bit more value, and camera time
DUDE! graphic tablets are the Sh!*&!!! wacom makes a really cool one for like $75 that is like super cool, i dunno if i wanna do an 80 page sequel but i may do like some short stories or side progects, just couldn;t see me doing this comic for another year!
midnas like the coolest character since sheik! i even though her giggle was bad @$$, also hardcore funny how she bosses around link and he just like takes it lol poorp misguided hero.srsly at the beginning of that game i though for sure midna was a bad guy! cuz good guys are just never that cool
WHOA!!! did u update wen i wasnt looking!? I'm sorry i wasnt here straight away!!! DX y didnt my spidey-sense tingle?
hows it hangin, dude? m/ >.< m/ (ok im going to stop that before i insult somebody, or possibly myself...)
ur laptop broke!? that stinks. i hope that doesnt happen to mine; its the only connection to the internet i have anymore P:
i never plan on telling the neighbors that i steal their internet, btw P: then again, its a public access XD so is that really stealing then..? o.o..?
WELL! going to your comic...MIDNA!!!! *punches the air* awesomeness!!! tho navi seems to be having a bit of a problem, doesnt he? i can imagine y link wuld b devistated by that: if navi is eaten, and midna leaves, who will do the talking and narrating??
and a bummer that it'll end in only a few short pages...I'd love to do a sequal, but u cant blame me if its horrible :P all iv got is MSPaint and that's where it stand~! so if theres any sequal, i hope its by u urself XD maybe i'll just try a side story or too, lol XD
I seem to talk a lot lately! hope u werent intimidated wen u first saw my comment here! XD cya later!! *gives u a cyber snickerdoodle*
"MMM...fairy...Wonder what obviousness tastes like"- omg best quote eva! lol im sure fairys taste like pixie stix. dude so called the font, i use papyrus for navi an sheik varies depending on the content :P im so geeking out that you caught that
thak you thankyou!! huge fan of fooly cooly, gotta admit sheik would look pretty cool on a vespa.
yeah i guess your right, it is more like a bunch of momologues didnt really do that on purpose, i guess the idea of sheik and navi having deep conversations is just to outta place for waste of time.
Midnas so totally wicked sweet, really hope she shows up in maore zelda games, i think i might even like her better than zelda (not sheik:P), shes so aloof and fun to write. Twilight princess was def a good sequel, i really love how they left such a cliff hanger ending!
does seem a lil dark to off navi, im sure link would have a hard time dealing wiht the loss of the glowing obvios.
lol gotta love that face!
Last edited by gamer777 at 11:37:42 PM EDT on March 10, 2009.
Call me "Obiri" (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
I just bump into thish. Anyway, I'm new to this fan story but I really do know legend of zelda. I'll add this to favs. Right now I can't read it, maybe later. I'll comment again when I do.
I just checked out this manga and it is AWESOMENESS!! Have you noticed how Sheik looked like Haruko Haruhara? Oh yeah, that's cool. Keep posting. Me likey.
haha. What are you talking about!? I think your dialogue is awesome! Especially when Sheik is saying crazy metaphors and whatnot. Of course, it's not really dialogue when Link isn't talking back...oh well xD
I think you did a great job explaining how twilighty stuff happens, but whateva.
And yeah. Poor Navi xP Though I totally laughed when you had Midna eat her, I'm still slightly sad. For some reason I've always been attached to the annoying fairy. Still though. Wicked awesome.
Oh. And I'm so glad Midna's in this! Yay! Twilight Princess was definitely rockin' spiffy, yo. And I know what you mean. I can't design clothes either. lol. Though yours look pretty good to me. And I love the awesome color job. Rock on, my friend.
Last edited by ShikamaruRocks at 12:07:57 PM EDT on March 9, 2009.
I love the whole "hope we don't get sealed in here for 7 years thing". Wicked awesome. Also, though the style is definitely different due to being done in Flash, I think it's pretty awesome. Like almost looks like he's seven again. lol.
that was one quick commtn i bet this has only benn up for like 2 hours or so!
lol Imaturity is fun, highly recomend it when posting :P
The comments on this thing are freaking yeah! i think i even got a trophie icon on my profile page for it at least i think thats what its for, i go on an otkau hiatus and every thing changes!
._O i luv how you hid that guess! i only caught it cus i was highlighting you comment to make it easier to read, but im not giving anything away :)
Ugh. How long has it been since I commented on this? D:
Please please PLEASE excuse any immaturity in the earlier comments.
Anyway... ;;>>
You've executed the new pages beautifully. For a while, I had kinda forgotten about this, but after "reading up" on the recent pages, I realized just how AWESOME this was again.
OH WHO IS THAT CHICK LAUGHING ON PAGE 75? Methinks it looks like a different-looking-ish Midna...?
Fabulous, fabulous job so far. I can't wait to see the conclusion of this. [:
HOLY S***. I just realized two things. One, I reeeeaaaaly need to find some awesome LOZ stuff to post on Waste of Time. Two... 500+ comments?! Wow. Last time I checked there was... 350? Just... wow. :/
thanx, its a work in progress not sure if i like the black and white better or the color, i think the next page is gonna be full of color just to make up for the extreme tardiness of this update
i really lurve your coments they always make me lol. ive been toying with the idea of making a sequel or maybe doing an original, i do love making comics. If you really wanna do a sequel by all means! go for it! on the condition that you let me get all fan grrl over it. as far as art eqipment goes graphic tablets are the Sh#@! srsly this whole not having it on my person is freaking me out.
But unfortunalty my laptop crashed, really badly and took with it all my hopes and dreams! jk, but i did lose all my wot pages so im gonna have to remake the last bit, so its gonna be a while but i will see this to the end! promise on my graphic tablet. on the plus side i think my drawing skills have leveled up so yeah they might even be better than the originals ahahah yeah.....
Squee~! *clamps hand over mouth immediatly* wow was that embarassing...heh heh....ANYHOO! sweet awesomeness, they are new pages! booyah! but i dont want it to end, either...! Noooooooooo......! *echoes*
if i ever get a scanner i swear i'm gonna make a sequal myself if you dont forget copyright laws!! >:D
and about the anniversary thing, i havnt got even an itty bitty clue ^^ I'm always surprised out of my pants when something annual thats not marked on the calender is announced....like...TIME FOR THE 10TH ANNUAL PENGUIN PLUNG! me: "In January!? I thought it was last month! You mean it wasn't!?"
even if this ends, ud better keep in touch! or i shall eat u!
(i REALLY need a break from forums, i'm mutating...!)
catch ya later!
(edit: um, does it say something on the last page, second to last panel? o.o? its so small...o.o)
Last edited by PheonixFox at 10:36:27 AM EST on January 10, 2009.
Well, first I was in Japan for most of October, so not much checking updates happened. And then I was busy working. Then I was even BUSIER working once the holiday season started (apparently everybody has to buy coffee around then. Go figure). Then I got strep. Then I went back to work. Just got off from work tonight.
Yay for finishing Waste of Time! At the same time, though, I don't want it to end T-T. It is just, so amazing.
where you been man? actually took a little bit of a break this fall to get ready for college blah blah blah insert more exuses but i plan to have this thing done before i leave for school in mid january
i think wolfdog>cyclops kitty possibly i know this things kinda died since i havn;t been posting as often but yeah gonna try and finish this thing before i end up draggin it out a whole year what the aniversery of this thing? is it in Feb or Jan? ... i really should know this lol
I've been off theO for quite a while and lately I've sersiously been craving some WoT. Pretty awesome that there were like 8 pages for me to read. Sorry I didn't check sooner.
By the way, I totally love Link's outfit switch up. Tis pretty sweet.
And personally, I love Link's expression in the first panel of Alone. He just looks so precious. lol.
And, though so many people seem to think Navi is crazy annoying, I'm actually rather partial to her, so, yeah. You don't HAVE to feed her to something. lol.
You rock hard core, my friend. Thanks for continuing to draw this awesomeness.
its ok its ok its just the hustling bustlin omment board isnt so hustling and bustling anymore XP a bear 4 a dog sounds kool tho XD but i suppose ill keep the wolf
*just notices dedication* :O :D ty! XD
yay fillers :)
Last edited by PheonixFox at 9:12:42 AM EST on December 7, 2008.
*suddenly laughs evilly* NAVI IN A JAR! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! u r so going to regret that...not today tho lucky u lol (actually, i think i just wanted a reason 2 use that face lol)
i not only want a cat with glasses, i simply want a cat, period (sure, 1 of my dogs is part wolf, but a wolf with glasses just doesnt rival a cat with glasses XD ok maybe it does lol)
sheik and link do have a lot of wierd conversations, some quotable and some well kinda trippy lol thnx for the feed back always good to hear from a felow zelda fanatic
For doing it all on the computer, it looks fantastic.
The quote...I want to say is when Sheik teaches Link the Bolero of Fire. But maybe not. Maybe it's the water one? Ung; it bothers me that I can't remember. It's been ages since I've played OoT.
Yes! A new page! I love your comic. ^_^
As for your quote, isn't that one that Sheik gives Link in the Ice Cave? (It's one of those random conversation between Sheik and Link).
hmmmm i dunno, cats tend to have pretty good vision but im sure bogos kitty has to have some pretty freaking eyeware to keep up wiht the giant invisible cyclops.
halloween was pretty lame for me, stuck working....X)
O.o i know im really suprised ive been able to keep up wiht it for so long but ive made up my mind to try and have this finihed before start anymore projects so expect lots of posts
(the below post is completely scatterbrained! lol! chocolatesugarchocolatechocolatepeanutbuttersugarsugarsugarchocolate! bet you can guess wats goin on! XD)
I know, you have a lot of time and hard work invested in this comic no? =D And no problem!! I love it! Thank YOU for working on this long and not giving up on it!!
wow you are so amazing....XDD
That would be awesome! I just can't wait till you finish this one! I love it!! xD I know it takes a lot of time and work, you are amazing =]
I feel so loved right now. I'm being PUBLICIZED! Well, I guess that it's just you plugging for me, who is plugging for you. Aha ha. It's a mutual relationship, no?
But anyway, I like this page, especially where Bongo Bongo is fading away....
Graveyard shift, my God. Wouldn't be able to handle that....
your making me blush, pretty much all the drawing are done wiht just pencil and paper and then its scanned and shaded w/photoshop. i think if i did a sequel id want to have a lot of characters from other games show up.
....I hope you do a sequel then!! lol do you still have a good bit left to go before the end though???? I love this story and your art style! How do you do it? I mean do you draw it all by hand then photoshop it or something??
0.0 omg do you think the wittle kitty would turn into some kind of creepy bongo fusion and have giant purple hands!!! and possibly be a cyclops? dude that would be freaking the creepiest kitty ever.
i think his cat wuld mutate on a diet like that. into wat, i cannot say. or think. and eyedrops wuld rlealy be a major problem. maybe after mutating the cat wuld hav oposable thumbs? lol. tho oposable thumbs dont mean anything if u still cant screw of the cap and hold the bottle steady. wat a predicament.
hmm kinda miss that crazy guy, not so much the creepy faces though
true dat, you could mess up his vision and then run like heck! way better strategy def. i dunno if bongo would be for letting a creepy little feline slowly devour him(it?) but then again? if i had to guess id say the kittys feedin on baby zoras, (that fish/alien thing in a tank on like.. the second colored page. i wonder what he does fo eyedrops?
lol has been a few months since this whole thing started so maybe i should do a recap page? sheik talked link into helping find the master sword so that link can get some sweet revenge. yup thats pretty much the plot.
wow this is geting long better end it before i start rambling XD
it seems that carrotfeet/barak/bear/L/ninja has been kicked. again. and despite wat he said about switching accs everytime they booted him barak hasnt come back. its a mystery. o.o
hmm. wat would his cat eat? mayb mini evil hand and his own (name nami gave to a hand, in case it was forgotten--which in my case it almost was)
and who'd b willing 2 perform laser surgery on a monster? thatd b fun. id volunteer but having bad eyesight myself id prob jus make it worse XD but hey i gues id b helping out any vagabound vidiots (newest word in my vocabulary) like link who happen 2 want 2 pick a fite. y r these 2 even down there again? lol *long time ago*
lol wow that makes me sound a tad creepy, it was something along the lines of missed postig the comment, and enjoying these crazy little rants we go on.
i think if i were in his position id get lasics, laser eye surgery and what not, being a freak monster it would seem the way to go, foget his eye what about that poor kitty?
O.o im wondering if youve somehow read the ending! guessing that id use a cliffhanger, either that or psychic powers.... thanks for the support, its comments like these that make me wanna keep writing :)
i kno you replied 2 my comment on the world but since u erased the thread i dont kno wat u said :D all i got was 'i missed u too' lol
woo! a picture! *excited beyond words* must b fun 2 get poked in the eye like that, seriously. im suddenly starting 2 wondr about this guy's eye care (wat if he gets dry eye--or needs glasses??) and the bill wuld b castashrophic...maybe its a trade off 4 not needing the dentist since he doesnt hav teeth (as far as any of us kno)
well, anyway, kudos 4 the update! as well as 4 the awesome vid!
Yes seriously! I love your comic, and everyone I show it to gets hooked on it too! You should so publish it or something, THEN I COULD BUY IT!!! XDDD Yes, please do hurry and end this suspense...lol knowing you, you will but then just end it in yet another cliffhanger...lol but thats ok! XD Just gives us more to look forward to right!? XD
so sorry bout the crazy lack of updates but ive got a few pages done! havn't been neglecting Wot i swear! i am ridicoulosy close to posting the music vid for it, so ill have a new page/awesome music vid up pretty soon-will be totally worth wait.
lol angry zelda, wonder why you dont see that more often? maybe its cuz navi follows link?
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! CLIFFHANGER!!!!! NOOOOO!!!! *going crazy* RAAAWRRR!....can't wait till you post more!!!
You are so amazing, I have like 5 ppl hooked on this comic now. Your art style is so unique and you have a great sense of humor xD woo!
haha 2 tell the truth i'm kinda bummed shiek turned out as zelda aftr all--but i'll get ovr it XD kool pic i cant draw zelda 4 the life of me lol (i mean come on i screwed up on LINK 4 goodnrss sake..! >.<)
the scanner turned out 2 b a dud some guy gave my dad XD so no scans yet. grr. >.>
and looks like bear was caught. again. o.o o, yes, and bummer about losing the internet. wat r all of us without the INTERNET??
And I don't think it was too dramatic. Just the right amount of drama. lol. I mean, it IS called the Legend of Zelda and she JUST showed up. It should be dramatic.
dude i so know what ya mean even if you google it there are practically no pics of bong bongo and hes like one of the best baddies ever! got his own cut scene and everthing! no love for eyeball monsters i guess
lol thinks for the frackin complimetn, im totally boring that hehe, im kinda wondering if the zelda bit was a tad to dramatic? gimme some feedback
@Nakori sunblade
some pretty zelda goodness, although i prefer tomboys myself i think it turned out pretty good but i cant wait to have my sheik back ;P
thanX! for the attention to detail :) this pic took for ever! and finding a decent reference was killer hard! i think either the bow or the green apron thing on the front of her desk was the most diffiult,
cool name and kitty, at first i thought you were typing something to me in Leet, even got my cyberpunk sister to try and translate it for me, i dunno bout the best comic theres some pretty cool stuff on this site.
looks like links about 2 loose his eye in those goggles XD lol (how does shiek evn kno its coming?? :o)
btw! i recently tried drawing ur version of sheik ^^ a few things i forgot at first: ears, goggles on hat, wrappings on sleeves, wrapping on neck (i cant believe those last 2, i mean come on! ^^; tho aftrward i was too lazy 2 erase wat i had so now its a pic of shiek without em ^^ lol) and the hair looks weird , but thats cuz it was gonna b link at first ^^; my dads workin on getin a workin scanner, so if it starts up this'll b the first thing i put on it (the pic has navi in it, too, lol)
lmao ya personaly wouldn;t peg it for an animal lover but who could resist fluffy black kitties, kinda reminds me of kuwabara's kitty from yu yu hakusho. maybe its an evil cyclops kitty?
yeah, the giant flying eyeball has a pet cat that enjoys the benefits of millions of bones (not a dog here!!) and a gigantic bongo drum trampoline (i wuldnt think a cat wuld like that all too much... :P)
on the plus side, ud think thered b plenty of rats 4 it 2 mess with lol
I swear, it's about time someone got credit where its due. This is an Otaku phenomenon! This is a great fan comic, and its really funny(I stopped for a while and I just saw the drum scene, and I would do that!)
oooh fun skool (wish they had a puking icon on here lol) good luck with that.
yeah i was gonna make the hand "meow" i swear but then i kinda ran into a probem when i sorta kiled them off, well ones dead and the others for all intents and purposes is dead. also i dont think bongo bongo has mouth so umm i guess ill right it off as telepathy? or maybe a black cat hiding in the background whichevr you prefer
dude if nintendo decided to make a game outta this i swaer ill get copies for all Waste of time fans lol, i think i like sheiks out fit the best out of the two, although links layed back jacket i think speaks more to his personality, it really was a toss up between leaving the in famouse green hat or replacing it wiht maybe a beanieor somthing. best peice of scenerey in waste of time is totally the baby zora in the tank its in one of the colored pages. killer kool thanks for the comment love the feed back :)
heheh yeah, the meowing thing was put there cuz of an earlier discussion :P i'm glad u put it in, gamer XD tho it wasnt a hand, it was still kool of u 2 do it
btw, i am not in skool yet, a week from tomorow tho and u guys prob wont b cing much of me except 4 weekends...:( (limited computer time once high skool starts...)
@ gamer777:
I'm sorry that baraks account got deleted. its partly my fault because he keeps dragging me into the fight. well im not doing it anymore. so im sorry.
ROTFLMAO!!!!! almost a little too pg 13 barak lol omg cant believe you went there. i suppose brushing your teeth creepily is a good alternativ to going to the dentist, danon-dentist eww
i think theres a goron that you actual get to see eat a rock in majoras mask, and that one creepy sciensit dude mentions eating google eyed frog's eye when you do the side quest and uhhh that giant fish, Jabu Jabu, eats fish and zoras lol super geek trivia lol
ya i can see the adds now! you may get necro-raped but your teeth will look awesome! very strang evilness on ganons part but definetly creative.
oh yeah, they DID say something about eating rocks the in the dajango(sp?) caverns in OoT, didnt they? hmm...maybe its y darunia has 2 dance all the time, 2 get rid of all of that exess energy (sugar rush!!) thatd b pretty sick, tho, owning a whole dang cavern full of sweets.. (tho i nvr really saw any wen I was in there....
true, the redeads wuld b his ideal substitutes 4 happy gas, tho unfortunatly the patients wuld prob b vulnerable sitting in that chair, and it doesnt help that redeads hav that odd...'habit'....if u get myh meaning......
tho it'd b hard 2 b a dentist if ur teeth r hurting too.....hey, besides milk and potions (and soup and bee larva in TP) hav we rlly ever seen anybody--meaning Link--eating anything?? excluding also from TP the cat stealing ur fish >.>
i think you may be giving barak to much credit, then again if all his ninja claims are true maybe not,
maybe ganon could take up dentistry? honesly the dentist office is scary enough wihtout creepy green dentist. i bet he would just use redeads screams instead of laughing gas. dude death mountains is probably ful of rock candy which would explain the chubby gorons
will do, i'll even use a telescope (tho not really cuz even if i owned 1 i wuldnt hav a clue on how 2 use it lol) and where on earth or in hyrule wuld they get so much candy?? lol, tho mayb if there was enuff of it around ganon wuld also find himself craving the tooth-rotting goodness. all that wuld b left is zelda and then the triforce 3 wuld b under the complete conrtol of the local dentist.
let us pray that the dentist is on the good side.
and maybe 'grammar777' culd b seen as good luck 4 ur grammar (777--lucky number) or is that giving bear too much credit? (^-^;)
to be compared to vampire hunter D is a killer awsome complimetn! i did consider having link go all DDR on those hands but i dont think it would have been nearly as cool as a rain of senbon.
@ barak
so was you reunion a civil war reinactment or a really intense live action version of smash brohers? im leaning towards the latter. if my sheik starts showing up at your family reunions.. um that would be both cool and freaky as heck. you may want to consider givig bush back his chromosome before ya know the country explodes or something. femures do make pretty bitchin walking sticks, and im sure bus drivers could prevail wihtout lower apendages... eh maybe?Illl see what i can o about the darmani pic, did realize it was so big the cornynes is making my crave popcorn.
GRAMER777? im a terrible writer! thats why i doodle spastically, maybe grammer777 is my evil twin that writes LOZ fanfiction?
sheik is pretty bad @S$,maybe a little weierd lol i really like the pose in this page
@ ShikamaruRocks
im totally sick of drawing hands! bleh link does have some pretty cute expression, its kinda to make up for the whole doesn't talk thing.
-"You beez ar-some"- thanks?
lol the only hope for hyrule felled by serios tooth owie-ness if only ganon had known he could have just skipped all this trying to chop link up and just given him a life time supply of candy. thats a forehead smacker. it would have definetly funny i think il have to use that, be on the look out for meowing stuff.
The last panel on the "Swarm" page reminds me of the scene from Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust where it's raining arrows down on the zombie/bitten humans. Hee hee. I love it.
think again, 4 if he was facing off with, maybe, ganondorf, if he suddenly ducked his head and started holding his cheek hed b quite a bit vulnerable, wuldnt u think?
and hands that scream 'meow' when they're sliced....how scary is that, compared 2 the whole disattached evilness from earlier? none too much--though it wuld definetly wuld hav been a refreshing bit of humor lol
lol im not sure that diabetes/toothe decay would be enough to stop link but then again...i htink the only benifits of having the triforce of courage is that whole turning into a wolf bit. now hell be a scary wolf wiht bad teeth and a craving for insulin ;P
you cought me on the odd sound efects, i was really considering adding a "meow" just to see if anyone would catch it. and honestly i really dont know what the a "shadow hand getting stabbed by a senbon and then exploding" would sound like so yeah. also i was reading some naruto manga(which is way better than the anime,less flash backs) was kinda in awe of the wierd sounds if you cna call them that.
:) shadow hands are pretty graabed cant blame him for being to freaked
twilightzone is sveet but hte movie really creeps me out
im pretty much sick of drawing hands so ill off'em asap, im not sure why i get that whole twilizone vibe maybe its just the black and whiteness?
if he ate candy, he wuldnt hav the superhuman strength he does now...unless thats part of having the triforce of courage, but thats COURAGE, not STRENGTH >.>
hahalooks like u were tryin 2 figure out diferent sounds that represent the slicing and dicing of the hands (seriously, iv had the feeling of wanting all diferent sounds, no matr how much some of em r jus made up....:P) if i'm wrong, forgive me *tips sagging, pointy green hat*
lol freaking cool, narrator has killer accent. bout that time ay chaps? right O! lmao three cheers for nuclear winter. personally i htink its gonna zombies.
lol ill have to check out that flash stuff i got some software aboyut a week ago and have been playing wiht the idea of making a wast of time minisode or something.
you've seen the end of the world flash on newgrounds right well i liked it so much i started saying WTF mate instead of what the fuck.
Anywho i made you a guess poster in my world thingie but then i deleted it cause i didn;t know how to add to it so i was like fuck it i am not going to stand here with my dick in my hand wondering what i need to do to add more cause that was going to go along with the zelda fanfic to get feedback
um i dont think that paragraph made too much since, However i agrea we should give ganons almost balding mullet do respect. Ganon wouldn;t be the @hole he is wihtout his outlandish hairstyle. Neko is ok, and quit bashing zeldaofficialwebsite i mean the more fans the better rigt? more people to geek out with.
lol ganondorfs mullet is really a terrifying thing... ya think maybe ganon was trying to be a gangsta and pull off corn rows? then again i dont think hes to worried about what he looks like. i mean he is already greenish. wow youd htink they woudl give us a little more info on the master sword, maybe the sage of light? i mean other than the explanantion and the standard token he really didn;t do to much.
glad to seee you got the avatar! you like it? btw (and you dont have to answer this) whats whith the whole saying mate?
well they tell you oh it was magical sword forge by mortal hands tempered to be the key to the sacre realm evil bain the sword had the ability to repel all magic to never age or rust and always stayed sharp but where was it forged at who was the master smith who could create such a thing and ontop of that he was human wow. Anywho dude you know in all the games ganondorf has a mullet even in TP even though they are rolls its still a mullet
O.o u make sum gd points...tho if she went 'hyuk hyuk hyuk' the whole time i'd start thinking she was a hillbilly.....jk :P and whack-a-mole wit shadow hands? prob the best game ever! NOT!
I love your posts! the traiuler was completly new to me, and the timeline review really made me rethink the story line in a lot off the games. Could be growth or could be...decay into a world of stick figuers and 16 bit animatin! loll probably not htough. I hate those hands, having to redo a whole temple becauz of a few seconds of ADD is totally unfair.
@Thyme Girl
wow, um post if its convientent i dont wanna guilt tri anyonbe about it. I hope your words kick but! kudos on the new comics and stuff
pretty cool that you picked up on the subtle changes honestly if i hadn;t bee the one making them i doubt i would have caught on:P i liek to think im getting better at this whole comic thing.
Sorry bout the wierdness in the replys got a bit sidetracked
eh i dunno she does kinda have that i float around whenever i feel like it thing, and the red eyes and if you replace heheheh with hyuk hyuk hyuk the similarities are eerie, i would be very much afraid of playing whack-a-mole with creepy shadow hands.
forget ddrs whole stepping on arrows bit, creepy hands are better. abd practically lethal in a travel size kind of way
Hikari Mogami
lol maybe the funniest thing ive written in wastre of time
eh i liked the sword best when you imbued it wiht gold, thta was a pretty wicked design, fairy swird was ok, but a checkered pattern just doesn't say "im gonna kick you @$$" fairy sword kinda eh coulda been better. i would think the sages had a hand in makin ghte sword.
ok i wont tell you that i didn;t like banjokoozie, nope ill do you the favor of not revealing that useless tid bit of info, clay fighter 63 1/3 was pretty cool i like the pumpkin guy but its no smash bros.
this is madness!!!!
Vegeta what his power level?
freaking blows that i dont have an X box, freaking wanna play burst limit...you wonder why zeldaofficialwebsite never comment on here anymore?*glares at ninja/L/barak/craziest fanboy eva* As far as lame highschool drama movies go it was ok, maybe one of the wierder ones-Mclovinmade tht movie
thanks, i try and update about every other day if i can manage. THere are some pretty cool comics on otaku but not a whole lot of consistency in the posting. Its kind of annoying when you get into a comic and it ends half way through the story and the authors it.
although being able to comment and talk directly wiht the author i think is pretty cool, i really love getting feed back from fans.
you know now that i think about it they never really gave the master sword a back story, its like one of the most important part of the game and its never really explained.
what about the sword smith in a dream or something tell the story of the forging of the sword anywho umm email me the pic at linkloveszelda4ever@hotmail.com
Ahh!I'm sorry I haven't been able to post on the Waste of Time world!I've been so busy!I'm working on a manga for a friend who doesn't have a scanner,and I'm working on pics for that manga,and I'm doing my mangas as well,AND I'm trying to get my two worlds up and running,as well as bring a third one into existance,soooo...I'm not sure when I'll get around to posting.DX
Other than that,cool new page(s)!I think your new-ish drawing style is great!Will those hand-thingies EVER die?
~Thyme Girl
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
lolz mini hands. That really would annoy the crap outta you if you had to kill a million of those things. It's like wack a mole... Or step on a spider... or hand...
the legend of zelda the shinigami of time, id definitly buy that 1 lol, tho thn who wuld Midna b....? Ryuk? :P i jus cant seem 2 imagine Midna wit a craving 4 apples lol
wat the hek is kazooie??
"Let's play whack-a-hand!" ok tht was pretty lame on my part lol ^^;
mikami IS teh guy that calls kira god, not a shinigami. you may be caught in a time warp I suggest watching lots of tv and eating as much caffenin and sugar as you can get your hands on. srsly I think for the love of Nayru would be better. honesly ive only played the oracle of seasons. it pretty cool that you get to meat an incarnation of din, at least i think thats waht she was.... subrosia totally=twili! bombs solve all problems all the time
Nobody cares about banjo kazooie, that game was srsly lame, although i did like being able to fly around that wasw neat. i have no idea what conspiracy your talking about all i know is the next banjo kazooie game is coming out for the x box and since i dont have an xbox i will probblky not be playingit.
i think that clip might be implying that Znat killed ganon. and if thats the case then maybe he also recieved the triforce of power? cometo think of it does midna ever give back the triforce of wisdom? hmm wierdness
I guess Navi has a spontaniolsy nice side?
if zant=mikami that would make ganon=kira and Link=L? lmao the legend of zelda the shinigami of time.
LOL Thanks! Yah. When I got out of the store I stood for a minute and them thought 'What was I here for?' lol Indeed what was I there for? hmmmmmmm
zant like mikami? roflol i do believe ur rite, tho yeah, the personality change was prety odd...the moment he looses his hood he loses face, seriously, tho he still isnt BAD bad, cuz he ends up helpn u in the end wen u shove the sword in, tho how he helpd by criking his nek 2 the side i hav no clue, only tht ganondorf sudenly gaspd 4 air and turnd 2 stone.
i'm serious, i was tryin 2 find my bearings in jabu-jabu wen navi healed me, in the room wit the 2 oct-somthin-or-othrs (those deku shrubs on watr) and tht big red wiggly thingy (i was lost at the time >.>)
ths whole timeline thing has got my hed spinning and so i trashd it all be4 faln a sleep last nite lol, tho yeah, midna DOES seem like a gerudo.
and yes, u hav rantd bout the watr dungeons b4 lol
? not gonna argue that the twili got an unfair deal. They never mention when this seperation of the twili and light dwellers happen, if its inbetween OOT and twili its pretty likely that the gerudo where sent to this realm as punishment for helping ganon and would also explain why midna looks like a gerudo, has a headpiece similar to ganons, and why you dont see gerudos but they are mentioned.
if this event happened before OOT then its pretty likely that dark link came from the twili realm since he has pretty much all the atributes of a twili, red eyes, able to hide inlinks shadow and in the cut scene where they explain how the twili came to be you see a one of the twili steal links form. heck maybe even the subrosia in the oracle games are twili. Sorry bout the ranting, but i think that might clear up what i ment
Zant kinda reminds me of the mikami from deathnote and his whole God issue. although a lot funnnier. i love it how they made zant out to be all crazy evil for betraying midna, defeating zelda and what not and then they give his personality a complete turnaround and make him into a ganon worshipping lunatic. Maybe the triforce of power made him unstable?
I dunno about the navi healing you thing, you sure it wasn;t a randomly placed pink fairy? i really dont htink shes that usefull.
Jabu Jabu level sucks for srsly, ALL zelda water levels suck, (i think ive gone on this rant before) and the water temple in OOT is particularly annoying but totally worth it to fight your freaking shadow!
Im gonna go with jesse, throwing Ruto at the jellyfish things make it a LOT easier. useful squid girl isn;t she?
Hi i know i havent commented much but that is interesting ill have to find out how to make navi heal me. I dont use deku nuts there i just throw the zora girl at the jelly fish
ok first off: OMG did barak actually miss me??? i'm thuroughly touchd
all of those commets took me FOREVER 2 read--i was gone only wat, 3, 4 days? so much 2 say tho!
nonono bear and gamer!!! the twili in twilight princess r DESCENDANTS of the thieves who were sentecned 2 live there--its an unair punishment brought upon them by their ansestors horrible ways, and zont was only tryn 2 free evrybody, tho he got a little 2 desperate and ended up helpn ganondorf creat the Darkness, which was powerful enuf 2 take ovr zelda.
navi, by the way, DOES heal u, but NOT VERY OFTEN--seriously, hes rlly heald me, i promise i didnt take out a fairy or smash any pots in the vicinity, nor was i ded, he jus randomly decided i needed health and zippd around me and i was cured. vry freaky, i must say, i was so shockd i screeched at my brothr about it.
i seriously hate those electic creatures all inside the whale. and u run out of deku nuts real fast in there >.>
i think i kno how link wil win! link, put on those goggles!! *hint 2 all who want 2 kno my guess*
also, i'v playd soul caliber 2--i HAVE it! i cant use link 4 squat tho, i can rlly only use a few of the girls, all but ivy, 4 sum reason i stink wit prety much all the boys, tho ther r a few i can still pwn wit...its rlly hard 2 get usd 2 the controls tho since all my othr fighting games use B as an atak button and not as a blok--wen i playd it 4 the first time my arms kept twitchin wenevr i tried 2 attak using B...also, all games 4 zelda r on gamecube, or i think so, havnt seen majoras mask yet but i'm sure its out ther sumwhere
finally, awesome, graphic pages, try 2 keep this comic PG-13 at the minimum, dont go ratd R lol (too late?)
srry if i typd 2 much, it jus feels like its been so LONG! tho i sure hav been TYPING 4 long..! toodles, i'm off 2 read my piled up mail in my yahoo box (had 2 come here first!), cya!
lol Thanks for the warning I just saw it for a screeming $1 at a game stop. I laughed so hard the guy asked me to settle down.
I didn't buy it and even forgot what it was I ment to buy. *tch*
My brothers gonna go to school soon and asked if its o.k if I can email your comic to him? Do you mind? He says he has to get a laugh or hes doomed. lol
Well, he's in a jam so far, the more he cuts the hand, the more damage may occur to him. If there is a source where the hands are being controlled from it be good to target that area, yet, I don't think there is a source where he could target by what's occurring so far... Unless there is one.
ive seen a few clips on youtube and trust me on this its really not worth buying, its nots even as good as the mario cartoons. i wish someone would make a really GOOD anime out of the series.
Thanks for the priorityness! i still can get over how many people actually read this
Gosh. I've seen the zelda cartoon on DVD before. guess I awta get it so I can see if its as crappy as people say it is. ;P
Ya check out SC2 for cube man! you'll love it!! And thanks for another post! We support Zelda! Right now our many priority is your comic!!!! Love it!
link can tuse the swordin wolf form cuz dur wolfs have no hands... master sword is not as string as the triforce of power since the goddesses didn;t make it. and maybe link is a tad niave
you do bring up a good point but if you combine your theory of midna being a gerudo which seems entirly plausible wiht the one about shadow link being a twili, that would mean shadow link was a gerudo and im just not feeling that. Maybe its more like link to te past thatn previosly though. Like ANYONE who gets sent into the dark realm changes. so the Gerudo would become twili but not be the only one. yeah that reasoning has a better feel to it. and now that you mention it midna and ganon do have some uncanny similarites.. one is tinted green (ganon) and the other blue(midna), i googled the head pieces and they do seem uncannily similar. oh and now that i think about it maybe Phantom ganon the one you fight in the forest tample is a twili?
Ganon is not a good guy, the results of OOT prove it. HE fed the gorons to a dragon for dins sake! but you may be right about zelda i think shes just bored so starts these crazy scenarios, she definetly at fault in OOT. tricking link into openng the sacred real for shame.
OK i htink we are srsly alienating all non zelda fanatics. getting kidnapped by a severed hand is just embarrassing! no do over sensies?
i totally see what you mean, the whole cut scene right after you rescue lanryu says that the twili were light dwellers and seeing as one litirally steals links form references dark link maybe? I dont think it would be a stretch to say dark link is a twili that has disguised himself as link i mean midna changes into other characters when she tauntung link in twilight princess. wow talk about zelda mythology. thats nutty, really hope they come out with a twilight princess sequel to prove/disprove our theories. another piont. Midna is kind of the twili version of zelda, zant=ganon, but htey havn't shown a real link counter part, unless you coun thte wolf but that wouldn't be nearly as intersting.
Note to self-never be baraks sensie or trust goats.
Go forth and post lol, sheik deginelty should have had a bigger role in oot, anbd they totally should have brought sheik back for twilight princess, really cool teaser for that in brawl.
lol true dat! i don thtink bongs gonna play to big a role in the (maybe) sequel. intro some new characters maybe? any suggestions i definelyt want midna in there, and maybe a few of oot sages. Oh definetly Mikau the zora guitar player from majora mask. maybe skull kid?
lol yeah ima chargin ma lazer anywho that wouldn;t be such a bad idea but you know it could have a different effect all together it could freeze time maybe have once bongo bongo is defeated become a instrument link could use sorta like mask and he could collect a piece of a great puzzle that being the clock that he shatters and sends everything flying into chaos. You are talking to a true zelda otaku here so ideas are always fresh like subways claims its ingredients are
Dude feaking yeah. i think the world refernce in link the past could be the twilght realm, i mean yoy use mirrors to get there and change into an animal. very similar if youask me. maybe i could have bongo bongo play the song of timeon his giant drum and send link 7 years into the future probabbly not though.
I think if Link did that the Deku tree would get all im a crazy gaint tree on his @$$. lol she does keep link from ever having to ya know talk.
well that is a thought i mean maybe bongo opens a portal to the overworld and then suddenly link is transformed into a bunny. You know of all the things i thought of i thought this was funny navi is truely useless yes she tells you neat facts about monsters and shit which i missed in twilight princess but since you can bottle fairies you would think navi would have some kinda healing ability but no she floats around annoying the shit out of a awesome hero and he does nothing but listens to her. You know i was watching the fillipino news and this cop was discharged cause he was slapping the trainee in the back of the head when he wasn;t getting something right and my dad asked why would you hit someone with a loaded gun same thing applies for navi and link why annoy someone who could pwn you a thousand times over. At least in MM the fairy you had following you could smack and hit you meanign they actually did something as apossed to doing nothing and saying hey look hey listen and all that shit.
lmao no! not Zelda herasy now whta will i do for a hobby???!! summer=riuned. Not familar wiht either one sad to say. I did know that lik was on a soulcaliber game but ive never gota chance to play the game cube versoin. Im soo jealous! i gotta rent/buy that game now! and on top pf that you've got me itching to just wiki his storyline. got...to ...play.. zleda! resist spoilers... i think im come off as a real addict.
Zelda club? cool! i think a battle of the links coul;d be freaking sweet, onilink,darklink,blue/red/purplelink, younglink,adlt link, wolflink, bunny link,ummm toon link? i think thats all the links... he got to many aliases... oh black haired link from that crappy cartoon. Id watch it!
Ive heard good things about the really old like 16 bit zelda games but its hard to imagine anything better than mario in a 2D world. damned raccon power not nearly as cool as blasting fireballs.
WhaaaaaT!? You do know 'Soul Caliber 2' right !? The most kick ass game that Link was made the guest character for!!! If thou not know then thou hast commit a heresy against Zelda. lol
Kidding! Just kidding! Its a fighting game that was first put on the Saturn....I think. It was a very long time ago. Its extremely rare to find.
Anyhow when the cube came out they descided to make the sequel, that they never finished but cast a vote for guest fighters. As you can imagine Link won by a true landslide!!! lol
We bought it as soon as it came out and our Zelda Club (saddly now disbanded)held the 'battle of the Links'lol I won!!! I even beat my sister who had worked with Link longer than I could. I was busy with school and just made it for the contest!!! I still work with Link and if you've never played it. I highly recommed it! You will love Link's story mode. I beat that to. Hehehe!! Link RULES!!!
hmm i think i might like yoshis the best, i mean come on a flying fire breathing mutha f#$#r? hecks yeah. I used a lot of the smash bros move for sheik in this comic sesnse ya know sheik doesn;t really fight at all in OOT unless you count getting beat up by bong bongo..
I added you as a guest poster on the world! so feel free to do wiht it as you see fit.
yup this the what 2nd cover ive used? definelty the best of the lot though..
wow this is like what my tenth response? i am one dedictaed fanresponderer.(?)
Dud yeah wii is international! in the UK mariokart was like number one game eva! all those brits with there cool accents and wiis! Im pretty sure L stands for "L (actual first name) layette" or something to that effect. Death note rules! oh yeah dont remond me about the terrble winkingness you defasted the comment bosrd wiht. it was just awful. huh so gamecube makes it OOT harder? freaking sweet! im not sure what your talking about wiht the hole dark link becomes link bit but im sure youll be glad to elborate wiht crazy explanations. well have at it.
OOT is kick @$$!!! i think twilgiht princess came out for the gamecube, check it out!
thx i thin its more relevent than the last cover.
onca again thankyou! i really love the bones in the background, they turned out way better than id hoped!
Nice to hear from you again! eh it does feel like 20 pages, 20 kickawesome pages lol. im really not seeing how i could make this much more violent, naybe i could have navi go all vampire and bite somebody. i think its my huuuuge comment board that puts me in such a high position. gotta be. if by worried you meen ENRAGED! hehe who wuld thought fight hands in a well would make for such a close relationship? especially when only one person does the talking.
I dont think any one in there right mind would wanna come between a darklink/onilink fight but its be wicked cool to see! yeha the wolf is freaking cool no denying that but maybe ill turn my link into a bunny like from "link to the past" just to mess wiht you!
i think so too, perhaos too sparkily? at any rate i don't think im gonna be changing th title page again, this one took a good six hours to complete.
Noo! the new one is so much better! at least i think its better....i guess if i get a huge public outcru against the new one ill change it back. Your very fortunate. Goats are kinda like evel gremlins but they make alot more noise and attack cars(not kidding)
lol zelda is serioulsy addictive, once youve beaten that one you should try out majors mask, not too long but definetly worth the play.
after youve sold all the masks you get 4 new ones just to mess aornd wiht loads of fun! especially the mask of truth.
yeah youd really think a floating hand n'thave that much drive to keep on living *shrug* makes for good bad guys though. Photoshop is amazing! not gonna deny that.
dude love the final smash but you know it would have been better if link turnt into a wolf and just unleashed the beast upon everyone but i ain't complaining about his triforce smash anywho who wants my friend code
Man. I've been gone for maybe 2 weeks and it feels like you posted 20 pages. lol. More like 8, I think, but still.
I'm diggin' the new title page. Link's so cute (in an awesome way. lol). Also, nah. I don't think it's too violent. *I say, while looking at the most recent blood and carnage soaked page. lol*
But seriously, it's cool. Also, I think your fancomic may show up first because your fans are really quick to comment. Just an idea.
I love that Link was worried about the Sheik! And I love this in general. Keep it up and rock on^^
o tht reminds me! the othr day i playd OoT and aftr about half an hr nothin culd get me off of it, i only stoppd wen i culdnt figur out wat i was suposd 2 do in the zora domain, but all in 1 day i finally completed 2 dungeons (well ok i alredy half finishd 1st 1 but still) an 4 me thts a record lol, i like wearin the skull mask round castle town, it appears 2 iritate the hek outta everybody; i also learnd tht if ther was a mask contest 3 ppl wulda voted 4 me lol
lol i miss the old 1 alredy (jk)
iv only seen goats in peting zoos (nvr been 2 a real zoo b4) so i cant say i feel any empathy...tho yeah definatly dont want a goat lickn my feet, 4 obvious reasons
that would be bad ass beyond all reason oni verse dark link you could also include like the water temple boss in the background being all like oh shit i ain;t going to mess with those two then out of nowhere sheik like kills morphiea
nice avatar mr.detective, like i wouldn;t know shieks hair color? lol, its my take on the character and since Impa, the only real shiekah you ever meet has white hair it wouldn't be to much of a strecth to make my version of sheik wiht white hair.
yeah i dunno what thats about, it takes a while to update fully, glad to kow you like it! if you look from the top had to the bottom hand really fast it looks like the fingers move.... creepy!
sweet action! that would be killer i thin i would like to incorporate a dark link vs fierce diety, who wouldn't want to see that fight?
i think youre right about the "needing a fan world for wot" Ill see what i can do about that. maybe its just on my compuer but its the first one on the portal page right now and i havn't updated for a good 24 hours. i think its the comment board, it is like one of the biggest ones on the site i think, at least i havn't seen one bigger.
gotta love the following lol, i think its been runninh for almost what 4 monthsish? kinda lost track
vlad=bad@$$! i have in fact owned a goat and there is a reason they are so heavily assocaited wiht the devil, (theyr completly awfuL!) i would not wish a goat licking on anyone skinless or not
Thanks, but i dont think my artwork is quite up to par yet and my story telling could use a few adjustments like next comic im gonna have more than two characters that speak
Do you mean that it shows up frist right after you post on the fan comic page? I think that's because it's recently updated. And then after the day goes on and people start reading one comic in particular, it reshuffles the placement. Or maybe people read WoT a lot quicker than anything else (does that even make sense?).
You know I don't comment enough. I should start doing that.
And this comment pages is insanely huge. I wish you could make a secondary one so it's not so big. Maybe you should make a WORLD devoted to WoT....or something.
well with dark link you could do this whole color thingie where you show like dark link fighting his way into the castle to tell ganondorf about his defeat at links hand when he runs into din and she offers him a second chance you could do a comic called forged love of a second chance or something like that
awsum new pages! AHHHHHHHHHHH BLOOOOOD eithr bongos bleedin or sheik is, and i prefer the former, tyvm!!
vlad the impaler rox, the torture i'm impresd by the most is that hed tear the skin off of a persons feet, pour salt on it, and hav a goat lick it off. tht must hrt, not 2 mention eventualy tickle. i wish he was still alive, no doubt he wuldnt mind 1 xtra kid hangn outside his castle...plus a cuple Lak-Es or so...
Wo-ho! New stuff! Gotta get the other fans tomorrow and show them!!!
Zelda Party! Zelda Party! And I'll beat them all in SC2 as Link!!!!
Keep it up. We must have more! :D
phantom hourglass was aweeosem! it takes some getting used to but the games loads of fun, although the story line was a bit trippy.. if you liked that one fourswords fot the advance is pretty fun but Ocarina of time for n64 is the best zelda game eva!
that sounds pretty risky if hes got minions, id go with an annonymous rumor or being passive agressive thats always fun.
London calling to the imitation zone Forget it, brother, an go it alone London calling upon the zombies of death Quit holding out-and draw another breath London calling-and I dont wanna shout But when we were talking-i saw you nodding out London calling, see we aint got no highs Except for that one with the yellowy eyes
thanks! nice name and avatar btw im not sure if its humor or super annoying lol
ninja tones? pshh you can do better than that hows about the skulls and shurikens? id totally youtube that band. its kinda creepy thewhole id hange wiht a serial killer type thing and that no one bothered to take that lopez huy srsly, also i know im not the first one to notice this barak-barack as in barack obama? you wouldn't happen to be running for president and commenting on fancomics wiht a really badly made alias? id vote for you.
as 4 the gossip thing (the efect ur talkn bout is 'the ripple efect') i actualy only hav quiet frends, unless u count my bud, whom i label 'the girl with the iron finger,' tho if i told her bout Oreo he b wors ded by tomorow (she can seriously kil)...besides, wit skool ovr thers no1 2 tell eithr way...i dont want him ded, i'm gnna go ninja on this 1 and say tht a gd trik like a hoky mask in his lokr next yr lik wat my bud jon once did 2 sum1 wuld defintiy b my choice...but if i ws caught Lak-E and his buds wuld prob end up foloin me home on the bus..........
alrite link is starting 2 creep me out...seriously
fine fine fine the story the story, i gotcha gamer
ok the first incident went like this:
in music class on keybords practicing 'ode to joy' ovr and ovr and ovr again, i'm sittin next 2 thee 2 guys sharin a keybord: Oreo and his minion, who i am now 2 call Lak-E, nither of which id evr evn talkd 2 be4. al at once i hear all of thlow notes playn at once and jus in time i c Ereo bring his hand bak from my keybord, and while my ears were still ringn i was prety sure the 2 were lafin...i ignord an kept plyn and thn he did it again, and aftr that he TURNED UP THE VOLUME CONTROL 2 MAX and JAMMED THE KEYS, which RLLY HURT, and the brekn point was wen he pulld my earphons out--i was usin 1 of the beats so that i culd pratice, so he started laughin wen i got angry cuz he thought he caught me doin sumthin wrong (yeah hes not 2 brite, Oreo, i got permission)(almost pikd up chair 2 kill him) u shulda herd those 2 gufaw aftr that 1, and it wasnt the end...
lmao its probably cuz of the classic n64 controlers were pretty notoris for moving on there on, but randomly falling into a pit of lava is pretty rough. its pretty cool when he falls into it on twilight princess a lot more screaming and flailing, wow that sounded pretty sadistic...
You're welcome!Haha,I know,he's got butterfingers in the game too!Link can be so stupid.For example,when I was watching my friend play OoT and he went to go get something,he forgot to pause the game and Link started moving ON HIS OWN and fell off of a cliff into a pit of lava and burned to death!It was so funny!Of course,my friend was REALLY pissed off...But it was still hilarious!XD
That's all I wanted to say,so see ya!
youd think hed hold on to something so valuable, thank for the comment!
as alway lmoa!!! would totally love to see ganon trampoline, the mohawked guy is awesoem(the one in kariko village?), kafia/anju is to much of an overplayed couple, skull kid is a bad @ss wish idgiven him a better part, zora are freaking sweet if i had groupies i woul make themdress in hmm maybe cosp[lay? yeha that would be pretty funny. i HATE oocooos freaking creep me out, first time i saw one of those on twilight princess i screamed and tried to kill it. really hate those buggers...scarecrow=really bad toilet paper( i would think)thanks for the cookies but im in more of a rfrog with googly eyes mood.
yeha i thought it would come off a littele wierd.. actaully this entir series makes little to no sense unless you've played the game.. maybe ill make an loz oot summary page or something
check out the vicab! hehe aw come on! give us all these "he a jerk referenmces" and no story? almost unfair but if you don't want to say i'll not mention it again
yeah nuclear holocaust would have been my second choice but you know what would be more bad ass for a ring tone have link making all his sounds you know like when he falls from a high place when the coacoos attack stuff like that would be awesome for your crazy ex you could have like ganondorf laughing like he does in OoT when i get my phone it is going to be geeked out with zelda. oh i got an idea for a sequel to this he could be searching for the fierce diety mask along side din or someone i can give you the story i wrote via pm and you could turn it into a comic i have a few zelda fanfics some have nc 17 stuff which i guess i will have to omit out of the thing for the sake of you not getting banned anywho thankies for the shot out
Eeeep!There goes the lens!Link,you're such an idiot!Be more responsible!*Slaps*Anyway,awesome job on the new pages!The blood spatter back there looks really cool!I love bloodshed...XD Can't for the next page!
wow be4 i red the discription at the bottom i thought that shiek's head had been smashed into his shirt wen he hit the wall....yeah, not a pretty thought....
oreo and his minion r not of this site, i'm afraid, barak, tho i kno them from skool, which is ovr now...itd b creepy if i knew his email, since i pretty much stay wel away from the guy as much as possible--srry, but uv got ur work cut out 4 u...if u slit his throat, tho, make sure u tell me, tho do it fast cuz i herd hes moving in a month or 2 and mite not evn b cumin bak anyhow....doesnt mean i dont want revenge... but b carful cuz i think hes got more lackeys than hes let on
and gamers rite, hes got story behind him, but i dont think i'll b expounding today.
thanks, its toguh trying to get eh splatter just right.
eh heh yeah not gonna go in to detail about ganons wild and crazy week ends... the whole hot lava thing i think really captured the atmoshere of that pafe im betting hollow link reads this anyway so i think hell get you "props"
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/08 | Reply
I figured as much it was kinda a trick question. nice job Hallow Link!
Shiek did come out looking evil in Hot Lava... Kinda scared me.
Eww! look at all the blood! Link isn't doing anything!
thanks, i think making them ridicoulously complicated makes tham more fun to draw, i don't know about expressive since well link has the only face you can actually see. lol i htink the page counts gonna end up being roughly 80 so we got quite a few paages left to go
Man your characters are soooooo well built! I love your expretions Dude! I showed it to my sis',were both Zelda Freeks, And she laughed sooo hard we thought we gonna die! She wants to see more! And so do I!
hey hey rolflmao!!!! ive got to get that, too funny maybe even cooler than themario theme. srsly. lava defintly beats paper and rock. i would have gone wiht nuclear holocaust
yeha the first part kinda sux, thanbks for the compliment, as far as fanfiction goes i think its got enough canon in there to make up for the time jump
thanks! these action scenes are hard its so much easier to wite when there just taliking or being surprised, Links gonna end up kicking @ least as much a$$. sonds like theres some kinda story behind this oreo character, is he on otaku or somthing?
lol, personally not a fan of link in goggles when i first came up wiht the idea of lens of truth goggles i didn't really draw them to look bad a$$ on link, kinda wish i had so enjoy it cuz im gonana knockk em off in a few pages, i know ive predicted the end is near before but srsly i think its gonna be maybey 65 but dont quote me on it.
sorry i didn';tput this in the other comment, twiliwolf has a really funny loz fancomic, lol legend of link hilarios, and also a cool shiek one. if you know of any other cool zelda fancomics send me a link id love to read them!
its a real pain to scroll through all those hey hey listens so i can reply to everyones comments...
i think the moral really does a good job of summing up waste of time, anf you'llfind out next time i post probably tomoorow or tadoy depending on your time zone
At the beging of waste of time, i was using paint to color the pages, (very timeconsuming and hard the first 3 color pages where done that way and literally took e about three hours a pop) so like half teh pages are just pencil, ink, scan, and cool black dividers via paint. Now that i have photo shop and a super awesom graphic tablet ive been trying out new color schemes and styles, i might repost waste of time in a cool style since honestly the fisrt half kinda sux.
I think we already had this argument, sheik is in fact male and i would asume that hes 100% dude.. i think ill make i noce piece of fanart for you
For the love of GAWD!!!! i'm gonna stuff you in a bottle and shake you until there is so much pixy dust ing said bootle it will break the pull of gravity float off into space and explode in a magiacall shiny display of pure hatred... (JK) nah i dont really think your like navi, i dont think her rants are nearly that funny and as of oh about three weeks ago my hair has been green, bravo you guessed it! not try andkeep the comment to one at a time will you?
Great Job on the comic. When I first saw it I didn't think it go to well. Only a handful of people can pull of a Zelda comic. But its really good. Once again, great job!
ahh, u must b new 2 these pages--gamer was jus tryin out diferent styles or wat and seein wat ppl liked and didnt like.
shiek jumping is completely AWESOME! ACTION! ACTION! ACTION!--wens link's turn?
i'm goin wit the crowd. next page is scissors.
as 4 Oreo, hes this fat kid wit a friend named brandon, wit blak hair, red-white red sox t-shirt, evil grin plastered 2 his red face, etc. i think he may even b in league wit pirates. -_- also, i'm a pacifist and i once thought about beating him up with a chair...that cant be gd...btw he didnt pik his nikname cuz its actually his last name
:D awesome! This is a really great fan manga and it's active:) one little question: Why are there some colored pages and mostly black and white? no offense if its somewhat offending, just wondering
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/08 | Reply
Morals of the story are correct. Detatched hands are evil it's fun to stab a creature that's trying to kill you in the eyes and the third... We really need to find a way to get rid of Navi.
People are saying the next chapter is scissors. It might be, but usually when ppl say that the creator chooses a different title...
lmao mad skilz i think the water levels are always the most difficult, oot, lttp, tp, i wonder why that is. Maybe nintendo is anti-water? *snort* i think the hardest temple ever is the water temple in OOT. kicked my butt even now it takes me like a good 45 minutes to get through it.
Too cool! i never get to go to convention cuz i live out in the middle of nowhere. Thanks for the recommendations! girl links huh? sweet. boy princess zeldas would be funnier. it be great to dress up like navi and follow around links going hey hey listen. ;)
wow even drunk and listening to screamo music i still manage to beat the great deku tree in like 10 minutes or so i have the place memorized that good anywho the juba juba gave me the hardest time gah i love conventions they are awesome i saw 3 girl links i know you are probably saying wtf mate why is he talking about this and the reason why i bring the convention i been at for 3 days now is cause i been recommending that they read the comic
dear barak:
nty. i'm a pacifist. tho i may reconsider if u can manage 2 take out a punk whose nikname is Oreo, but then i still dont feel i'd insult zeldaofficialsite--it'd b acting too much like Oreo, if u get wat i'm saying.
u jus asked a trik question jesse--if the honest answer is that it IS annoying, u may nvr hear it.
dont let any1 get 2 u zeldaofficialsite. honestly, i believe u hav more ppl 4 u than against.
Hey just stopped in to ask does it ever get annoying i mean i have been reading these comments and the thing i see the most are blams from barak and your comics the best just asking.
great comic 4 real im not really in to zelda and all that but this was 2 cool and by the way Great ART WORK LOVE the style ur comics so ko..kooool im sending u a nija =)
yeah ALL of the bug related challenges sucked, fiding the golden bugs, the bugs that steal the spirits light, and fighting bugs is just unpleasant.
The i dont advocate blamming thing is kind of a tell off at *cuough* barak and jesse for bullying zeldaofficialwebsite
I know your likemy number one fan but it takes me almost twenty minutes to respond to all of these comments!!!! Srsly!!! I have green hair and in live in a magical world filled with evil fairys that want my attention and shout meanless rambles at me all the time. Barak i think you may be my navi, just start off your comment wiht hey! or listen! and my head may explode. Thabks for the virtaul cookies, pepsi does a lot of advertising in horror films wierd. Being cahsed by a zombie? have a pepsi... not the greatest advertising campaign but ill take it. Ill give you some more indepth responses when i have a bit more time see ya!
Cool! cant wait to see your comic.
thanks! googles tht reveal truth are totally bad a$$
sounds really cool, ill have to youtube it/ find a nice manga scan. as soon as ive seen/read a few episoes ill drop you a line.
sorry for the blamming, i really have tried to put a stop to it. YOur artwork is amazing i cant wait to see your next post.
@barak and jesse hill
Barak you did not scare me off. I just stopped talking to you. I dont care if you two or anyone else think my work is crappy. To tell the truth barak, I think your fancomic is one of the greatest on here. I'm not saying that to make people think I'm the good guy either. That's my honest oppinion. And Jesse or Matt or whatever your name is, I have nothing against you or barak. barak, im sorry for that nasty comment i sent you. i know it was the wrong thing to do... thats why i sent that apology letter thingy. Hope you continue your comic barak. i want to read more of it. love the characters!
ah you mean the two forward strong slashes one right anywho i love the fire temple boss he ish easy as pie for me well i think the hardest boss for me was twinrova cause it took me a while to figure out oh i have to use the mirror shield on the hooker gah no fair
You can call me Matt because Jesse instn my real name Jesse was the name of a guy i know, and Hill was just a shout out to King of the Hill. I decline your offer as I find it hard to insult people and I dont want to be public enemy number one for legend of zelda official website
my fav was definatly the dragon, simply cuz i luv dragons and cuz i wasnt frustrated by it cuz it was done by my brother and not me :P tho my second fav wuld definatly b the skull, tho i shouted at the 'cheating' zombis that popped up round the tail. imature, i kno.
my least fav: DEFINATLY the twilight bug in lake hylia. not exactly a temple boss, but despisable notheless.
wats wit the 'i dont advocating blame' thing? a new motto? o.o?
Ive gotta check that out! the artwork is so cool! at first glance i thought it was a demon scarecrow! very creepy. Is it a manga or an anime?
@jesse hill
is that your last name or a play on something? ya know what dont answer that. hill-people are hilarios. I don;'t advocat blamming don't do it in my name! Thanks for the whole liking my comic thing i thinks its gotten a lot better fisrt few pages where kinda iffy though.
demons die is aweseom but i like the video for woods better and the gone fishing song is pretty good too!
ummm youre predicting my hairstyle/color? thats kinda stalker creepy.. my favorite color howver is green and that the only info youll get from me. Ninja are scary and creepy no getting away fromthat unnerving fact. i dont advocate blamming. It is an honor to be compared to Stan Lee, but definetly an exageration.
So cool! Twitlight princess is amazing! i had no idea about the fishing rod and bottle thing ive gotta try that one out. youd think someone whos practically immortal wouldn';t be too concerened wiht cheap fishing lures but hey whatever... realy makes you wonder though. Best fight in twilight princess has gotta be the one in the temple right before you see the twilight mirror for the first time, what was your favorite?
AH hes bleeding he nvr bleeds!--does he? naw, 2 violent....except, then thers the redead, and that bug u hav 2 bite in 1 of the most unusual places...these guys had their priorities mixed up wen they made this game, seriously
woo! beat twilight princess! i jus luv how u dont hav 2 use ur sword or sheild against possessed zelda! (we found out online wen lookin 4 cheats 4 the golden bugs that u can 'punch' the balls of lite by hittin em wit an EMPTY BOTTLE--the site isnt as funny as the thought of it, fightin zelda wit a BOTTLE. try 2 imagine the volume of my lafter.
distractin ganondorf on the last battle wit the bobber didnt do me as much justice tho >.> tho it was still kinda funny....i can imagine peter pan versus cap'n hook wit that 1 lol (hes a cod fish!) *completely random* wow bear is rubin off on me. o i'm srry the ninja or was it L?
thanx! comics are awesoem and all but serioulsy time consuming and even though im a huge loz fan, im getting a little annoyed with it and it takes a crazy ammount of time. worth it though!
Thats cool zelda games rock, just beat phantom hourglass the other day, liked it way better than windwaker. i have noticed that most of my fans do not know much about the zelda franchise, id love to hear your thoughts on the Waste of time.
first off i love our avatar where is the picture from?? im not saying i wont change color schemes but im really loving this one so ill probably stick wiht that.
Thanks! the pseudo sword is pretty cool but a huge pain to draw
priates suck! but thanks for the compliments, what if i write a decent ending and possibly start on an original series would my fans be satified? lol
i think it would have been better if i added some bad a$$ blood spots, to late to change it now though
i guess im flattered by the threats..and consider my windows locked lol, I'll finish i promise! I don't know why you guys think im gonna not finish it, im not that ADD
aww this is such a cute page of the manga!! X3 I love this so far!! gonna keep readin it^_^ I LOVE THIS!! its inspiring me to make one its juts im so ADD, i cant work too long on one thing lol ^_^;;
uh-oh. oops. now it looks like if u ever try 2 stop the comic, ul hav 2 make sure all of ur doors and windows r always locked
not to freak u out or anything
and it looks like baraks at it again ^^ tho i dont think u shuld b degradin zeldaofficialsite, 4 2 reasons: 1, this is gamer's comic, and zeldaofficialsite mite not wanna red it if she knos ur insulting her. that hurts gamers comic mor than hers, especialy wit animosity hangin round the comment bord. 2, its not nice. yeah. thats all i got.
well, a ninja doesnt need 2 put ppl down. thats dishonorable. *bows* now, 2 get me sum fairies....
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
Dang this manga is good. I honestly couldn't draw that good at all...
And I feel many ppl are right, if you stop this manga, ppl will hunt you down, but not kill you. I'd say they'd force you to continue...
Hopefully those pirates won't get to you again. (Ninjas are waaaay better than pirates anyway)
Keep up the good work!
eh id say waste of time is roughly 3/4s done, i think it might maybe be 60 or so pages but don;t quote me on this cuz i haven;t gotten the pages inked so its liable to change (although ive alredy drawn out ot like 50)...so yeha anime movies are cool, i also like my drawing style,sstay away from the dbz movies though they generally suck dragon balls..i think zeldaofficalwebsite's comic is cool, i would like to see where they go with it and i dont thnk they are calling link's mom a skank. I called her dead, well imp[lied it any way. school is gay, insomnia is fun, ninja wouldn't have to threaten people cuz there bad @$$es, I htink link cna giggle, bad stuff should happen to navi, i support your fairy lifestyle
barak is one angry ninja, not sure why, probably the dead parent shoes im sure they are dreadfully uncomfortable. double winks are awfullty stylish glad i could be aof service as far as improving your week
i guess link is mohawless so sad, i dont know whether to be flattered or threatended, Its nice to knowpeopel are interested in this, ill definetly keep at it until i get to a proper ending.
@ Sakaira
Thanks! i'm kinda surprised so many people like this story without ever having played the game, i mean as a stand alone i think it just comes off as being really wierd. zelda s not really an online game but i bet if you went to newgrounds.com you could find a nice spoof, if i findone ill send it to you.
I was wondering when you comment
Navi talkin smack lol it beats hey hey listen, hands are kind of a theme in like every zelda game that and giant eyeballs dont ask me why...
love you comic gammer777 couldent make it through the week with out it and i agree with pheonixfox you shouldent stop working on this its awsome double wink score
You're right. The bounce page is enormously amazing because of Link's expression in the last panel. Also, dude, Navi's cooler than in the game. Rock on. Talkin' smack to Link. Not really. lol.
And yeah for more hands! w00t! lol.
Sorry I haven't been getting on lately so I haven't been keeping up with your posts regularly. Ugh.
great manga! although i never played legend of zelda before, it's seems fun. if you know a online game sorta like it, it could be made on game maker i dont care, please pm me the web :D you have really nice art
if ud ever stopped at 20 ppl wuld prob hunt u down and kill u 4 not continuing. not a gd thing. and i dont think he has a mohawk, either, since hes got the hair that stiks outta his hat. thatd b sick tho. tho mayb a bit creepy as well...
OMG I JUST CANT GET OVER YOUR ART STYLE!!! XDD I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! XDD HAHAHA I love the page where he bounces and the one where Navi says you just got pwned! XD Hilarious! You are an aweosme manga artist! xDD
LOL, YOU just got pwnd!!!! XD *Gets bitch slapped by link* *glares at link* "WHAT TEH FUGDE LINK?!" *bitch slaps link back* "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Peoples stare at meh. *Grabs link and runs*
you would think that an anoying ball of light would be an easy target, i think i might have to kill navi! but hten who would speak for ever quiet link?
Mohawks are the best!(maybe thats what links hiding under his cap?)
Its refence to one of his attacks in smash bros melee where he uses a twohanded swing, so i guess if you considered smash bros canon lol, thanks for the input ill try and keep his kickassery one handed
OMG Love the comic i hope you come out with more you do know that link is a one handed swords men with the boardswords like that unless you meant to make him a two hander anyways kudos to you
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
^^ Really awesome manga! I love your style!
OMG! I know that zombie thing! It's so creepy but insanely awesome! XD
I love the way you draw it!
ah...Bongo bongo...Ever since that giant hand thing I've known he was coming up. 'cept I haven't gotten that far in OoT so i didn't know what the room was. lol I heard it was the hardest boss in the game, maybe even harder than Ganon. O.o
Well, Keep it up! i can't wait to see more updates!
lol i thought there should be at least on e positive thing in this for link and there you have it a boss room with a trampoline floor!
Caffine makes everything better
Mohawks are freaking cool! You probably shouldnt be wearing your parents as shoes....It would be poetic justice if link ate Navi and then gained the ability to speak! he could probably only say hey hey and listen but its a start. Lovethe OOT quote that lazy hero lol, YOur avatar is cool! is that albert wesker fromyour comic Mcevil?
Isn't this more like a room from Ocarina of Time? (page 37) It looks like the drum that Bongo Bongo (Shadow Temple boss) is fought on? Now to read the next page!
Yeha its is blue tinted i think that just a default on my coloring program, ill see if i can tint the next one green lol
its the eye of truth without the tear shape at the bottom, but i can see the egyptian references, i think it works since sheikah is probably a play on the word shiekh which is an honorific in the arabic language that could be a refernce to nobility or importance.
totally wicked that yuo got the games! i wonder whats its gonna be like matching up the monsters in waste of time with the actually ones they were based on? seriosly cool! Wind waker is ok but ocarina is better! way scarier and the story is better, i think. actaully the plot for windwaker is gonna be crazy hard to understand if you havn't beatn OOT. wow this is one long comment.
@Dark lord
Yes! i think it would be cool! i mean boots are soo middle ages lol
YOur avatar is freaking long i could see why it took so long for pheonixfox to comment. Thankyou!
Glad to hear you like it! ive been workng on my style trying to up my artwork before i try something original so ive done several differnet color schemes ans formats. Motive? eh the titles more a reflection of the story plot and a play on the zelda game "ocarina of time"
heh i wulda posted this sooner but i was too busy readin mysterioushanyou's avatar--man its HILARIOUS! jus had 2 say that.
LOL link's faces r PRICELESS on this page! i absolutely luv it!!! and i'm gd with the coloring. its also a bit of a compromise between those who like color and those who prefer blak and white. woo!
blue! my favorite color! (well, on MY computer it looks blue, idk if it looks diferent on any1 else's computer...) and yea, the eye looks like its from yu-gi-oh or somthin else egyptain.
FINALLY! i got Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker!!! ok so i just barely started them but now i understand wat they're like. definatly like Wind Waker more--much better story and art. hated the prison tho. those pigs give u major heart ataks and make u hypervenalate.
i finally understand the 'hey hey hey' thing navi. heh.
haha. like always. frickin' awesome gamer xD love your artwork. favorite style out of everyone's I've seen hands down. >xD I wanna know what happens next! (and now that I think about it... having the name "A Waste of Time" makes me suspicious of your motives for this is.... lol)
Ok. First, wicked awesome spiffy coloring scheme. It's the coolness.
Also, I fail because I actually never got the chance to play Link to the Past. Please don't judge me T-T
And I giggle because the eye totally just made me think of Millenium Items in Yu-Gi-Oh. lol. I've never seen the actual anime, just the abriged version on youTube xD
dude you gotta post it! andgimme the heads up when you do!
@shikamaru rocks
OMG!! link would well actually i dunno if hed be good at DDR but i bet durunia(that fat dancing goron) would be wicked good at it.
Thanks! i love that expreesion so cute! and kinda of evil.
nice name! um i uplaod it to the otaku site homes so if its not loading take it up wiht them, ive had that problem a couple of times too but it normally fixes itself
yup now that ive figuered out photoshop more or less i can color pages in like 30 minutes, which is freaking sweet cuz it used to take me like 3 hours with paint
@carrot feeet
hello! glad to know you like the comic what parts your favorite? BTW i wouldn't talk to barak hes a crazy blammer, im just glad i have not envoked his wrath
Aaaw! Link looks so forlorn. lol. That or he's like "God, Navi. Just shut up." lol. I don't think he'd actually ever think that though. Of course, no one knows what Link think's cuz he never talks...hm. Quite a delima xD
Hahaha. Good point. Of course he's a gamer. He would totally own at Soul Caliber. Dude!!! Now I really wanna draw Link playing DDR!! That's just too funny an image xD
Yay for more color pages! That's wicked spiffy.
Oh, and thanks. Glad you like it. My ava makes me giggle.
yups bears definnelyt accounts for at least half of all random posting on otaku and we love himfor it. I did catch the D being blue but i thought it looked awesoem so left it.
Link is totally got to be a gamerwhere else would he get those bad a$$ sword skillz? i wonder if he plays DDR lol. i m totally geeking about how cool this page turned out i think ill go back once the stories been completly posted and redo some pics in color.
Hahahahha I LOVE the way you make Link act in your comic! XD And Navi still yet pointing out the obvious! XD Awesome awesome job!!! Cant wait to read more! You are so awesome! XD
wow. link looks like me or my brother wenever our gradpa tells us we play video games too much o well :D heh u missed 1 of the pixie-dust splotches and hit the 'D' instead :D
gah! barak's message(s) were super-short! run 4 the hills, the sites about 2 explode!!! honestly, now that its been goin on 4 a while if he doesnt keep it up ppl mite actually start MISSING it! (ZeldaOfficalWebsite included! u hav 2 admit it!) also, if he stopped completely, say goodbye 2 the otaku and all we kno in it lol jk
OMG the hilarious!!! Navi huge MCR fan. emo fairys! i think we would all have to start worring a bit if links hat started to bleed.... Lurves the crazy comments
eh you are a die hard fan so post as much as you would like! try and keep it on topic if you would be so kind im afraid of ninjas!!! i bet you and navi would get along great. Hey! Listen!
those heads took FOREVER 2 load on my screen.....foxfire, eh? i suppose if i refuse ul jus call me it anyhow so i wont. this way i wont feel harassed and u dont feel superior. i honestly think u may hav a sickness (jk). u type too much (not jk).
just dont elevate foxfire 2 shippo. hes a cool caracter and all but all the same. once again: foxfire. not shippo. thank you.
srry gamer i realize this is ur comment board and not his ^^ sick page. makes me wonder wat navi's thinkin...'snot....' (dont think i didnt catch it comin out) o mayb 'this guy is in serious need of a manicure'
that guys nails actually look somwat close 2 mine. scary thought.
redeads. my first experience with them was Super Smash Melee:
"devon-devon-devon get over here! help me, i cant get my caracter away from the zombie thing, its...its....sexualy abusing her or...or...jus how do i get the zombi off of princess peach????"
"read WAT??? jus help me get this stupid zombi off my princess! video game caracters shuldnt rape other caracters! wat is this game rated again???"
no joke, that 1. stupid redead. princess peach is probably still traumatized.
rotflmao i am still laughing about your comments. teh whoel list of ramdomn characters bwhahaha to cool. I GOT A GRAPHIC TABLET+PHOTOSHOP!!! WOOT! totally jazzed on that so i won;t be posting for a while probably not until sunday anyways cuz im playing with my new toy
well, since navi doesnt talk in third person, the only name i think we'd ever hear is 'sheik.' wait, another question: y doesnt LINK ever get into the trouble? no, hes jus gotta SAVE every1 ELSE! 2 b a hero... *sigh*
carrot ocarina are sweet officially! i wonder if that guy does a how too? id so want to make one of those.
Its totalyy true sharp teeth=bite sword. I have watched more than a few inyuyasha episodes and have no intention of pulling a whole links evil brother blah blah blah thing, i think his older bro would be a goron and yeah not as cool as seshomaru. although i think navi would be all for the screaming out each others name all the time bit, the KAGOME!!! INUYASHA!!! zeldafied it would be like Sheik!!!! Naviii!!! since well link doesn't seem the screaming type
out of a CARROT???? i want 1, too! i used 2 play a recorder--i wonder if they're similar in any way? all i can remember how 2 play tho is hot cross buns. phooey.
decapitated hands. lovely.
and y do monsters with freaky sharp teeth always bite swords???? (i dont kno if u kno wat i mean, but it happens 2 inuyasha too....srry not jus a zelda--no, LINK--fan ^^) wats next, is som1 gona use the monsters teeth 2 make their OWN sword???? (u havta kinda kno the show 2 understand........)
Link looks emo in the first panel. lol. Not really. He looks intense, what with severed arms flying and everything XP
The coming out of the darkness effect really is very cool. Nicely done.
I also miss Sheik. And I think your dialogue is awesome! As are your metaphors. lol. Feeding navi to something. Awesome. hehehe.
An ocarina out of a carrot?! For realz?!?! That is so cool. I have a little ocarina made out of clay that I can play Zelda tunes on but I didn't make it myself. Sweet. I want to meet this guy.
fan manga is freaking sweeeeeet! every one i think whos ever played the game thought link was zelda at first glance. kinda bogus i mean in most zelda game shse doesn;t really do much of anything OOT was probably her most influential role. Midna is a really cool character, and very stylish, and her back story was dramatic and cool. The heheheing can get a bit annoying but she was a bit more fun thatn navi just because of her comments. The sword is pretty hard to draw but its good practice and it looks pretty cool so its worth the time
i could definetly see the resemblence to a light saber but actually i based it more on a weapon i saw on a ./hack video game box picture. Not really a fan of the series not because i dislike it but because ive never really seen it.
Serioulsy!!! Too many comments! argh well whatever. No i do not know what that creepy monster guy that guards the lenss of truth name is... ragonomics are aweseom. I would totally ewield a sword made of cucuus and use it to fly around. that would be sweet. So far i have not put in any sexual innuenedos and if i had a wish i would wish for the cuucuu sword to fight evil so its not selfish Oh and a cool job at an art studio so i could write comics all the time. i know this answers arn't in a particular order but hey i tried to answer at least half of your crazy sugar induced questions.
yo! i posted a fanmanga 4 waste of time.....kind of--i didnt really try drawing/'painting' any of the caracters. idk wats wit the site, tho; it keeps alternating between it being there and it NOT bein there, and it hasnt even appeared on the 'FanComics' section (tho its in my portfolio)(this is wen i'm typin this, the situation may hav changed by the time any1 reads this)
WOW i missed 3 whole pages while hangin at borders...links hat? mayb 1 of the village kids glued it on him as a prank? then again in Twilight Princess he doesnt start out with it....mayb it stays on cuz its magic (in the game, in this manga he apparently has it the whole time). and hes not bald (c the beginning of the previously mentioned game). That WULD b weird tho.
Midna? honestly at first i thought she was bratty, but after cin zelda the 2nd time i thought she was the best caracter EVER (besides link himself, of course!)
and finally: i pity u. lov the sword, but this also means u had/hav 2 draw that thing about a million more times...make sure 2 get a doc 2 chek ur hand if it starts compulsing ^^ we wuldnt want u 2 become left handed (unless u already r, or r ambidextrous ^^ but u still wanna keep ur right hand)
dood that pseudo master sword is teh sh!t The design is amazing Love it! And I like the way you drew Link's hair and his expression in the bottom panel. very badass ^^
I want to draw fanart for you....but my neck is hurt so I can't really look down much....maybe later^^ I would love to do something chibi n____n
Which game was the boss from? I haven't played Ocarina in ages (sorry if I spelled it wrong.....) but he seems similar to one of the creepy dudes in that.
hahaha. Yeah! I've always wondered about that hat. It stays on while swimming, and jumping, and being chewed on by scary plants. You'd think it would fall off sometimes...hm...lol
Dude, really? Waste of Time fanart? Wicked!! I'll try to find it. Was it posted recently?
zeld afan manga master huh? sounds freaking cool! I was considering having his hat puuled off but this way you can just keep guessing why it is that hes wearing that hat. suspicios isn't it? wouldd't it be too funny if he was bald under lmao
check out redleafs fanart! ITs a waste of time peice!!!! im so psyched about it!
I like Link's expression in the second panel a little more than that in the last panel but, meh. It's all good^^ And I mean that literally. All of your pages are good, so no sweat.
The scary veins in the arms and hands are creeeepy.
Also, reverse necrophila. hehehehe. That shouldn't be funny, but it made me snork. lol (that's the sound I made, if you were wondering :P)
I'm not sure how many good memories link has of redeads im sure it falls into the supressed memories category. As for why they do what they do to him I have no idea, i guess the game designers thought reverse necrophila was funny. The lens of truth is freaking sweet.
Hahaha. Yeah, sure. I'll tell you if I start one^^ If I do, it'll have to be in like...a month or so cuz that's when I graduate and I'll be uber busy till then.
So you know exactly how this is gonna end?!?! Rock on, man!! I think lots of people start these things with only a basic idea and it kinda goes from there^^
And, cha!! Minda rocks hard core. lol. Don't worry, I'm don't actually talk like this in real life. Well usually. heh heh.
Oh, and thanks for complimenting my compliments. lol
its almost become a habit now, and since ive already got the pages "scripted out" it only take me a good thrity minutes to draw them.if you start a fanmanga you gotta gimme the heads up id love to read it and return all of these wicked sweet comments.
Yes. There is a great multitude of hands in Zelda, isn't there? Gee...I guess I hadn't particularly thought about it. Midna is quite possibly one of the coolest version of said hands, though. I squeel half the time she's on the screen, I think she's that awesome. lol.
Also, once again, Link just looks so cool. His eyes and stuff are crazy. You capture how much Link exudes coolness perfectly. lol
And, holy crap muffins, man. How do you pump out the pages like this? I've pondered posting a few fan manga, or original things, but you make me feel like I'd be letting my fans (if I had any, lol) down by how not frequently I'd be posting. lol. Anyway, it rocks, as always^^
yeah i saw that loz live action teaser too. the dude with the accent at the begiining almost sold me but i think if holly wood was gonna do a loz movie they would make Link lose the hat and stay away from all mj references. YOU CAN SEE BONG BONGO'S HANDS. Its his wierd body that you need the lens of truth to see. Your mucking up my comment board bear try and keep the crazy rants to one or two comments.
Yeah its a redead jumping link, theres a nice sign wiht an arrow in one of the shots, maybe i'll slow down the animation so you can see it. I'm really glad to get some postitve feedback about the crazy metaphors. the more i look at it the trippier it seems
nuthin 2 say, its jus there'v been way 2 many other posts since my last 1 tho yeah, i agree wit puttin in a metaphor, or riddle, or watever. always gotta hav some odd-end question in a game like this or its jus som silly, unconfusing game, and we dont ever wanna hav that.
o yeah and nice new avatar too!
--wat the hek is that thing, anyhow???? struk me as redead (only ever played Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros. Melee, lik i'v said....)
I don't think Sheik could have been any clearer either. Of course, if you didn't know who Sheik is, it may take a while to figure out.
We haven't seen who's beatin up Sheik yet, have we? Man, I can't wait to see who it is. Of course, I have some ideas, but I'll just keep those to myeslf.
I love the little face above the No Input message XP Rock on.
Yeah. It really does give it that special Zelda feel^^ I love the way I think I have no idea what's going on sometimes while playing. It's awesome. hehe. I'm not so good at writing super deep sounding stuff, so this blows me away. Rock on.
yeah i really considered taking it out but i think this gives the story more of the epic feel that you get from most zelda games, and adds a serios tone to sheik. in far out sorta way.
plus the metaohors were ment to confuse so i guess it served its purpose
THIS IS AWESOME!!!! I love your art style its amazing!! Did you draw all of this by hand?! You are so gooood! I wish I could draw manga or comics like this! *I favs* so so awesome x3
ps.I love the way you made Navi aggrivating like she is in the game XP lol
a gd reson, i think--and i agree, he/(she?--that questons stil there, isnt it?) has got sum kool poses! and a third person i agree with is NAVI of all ppl/fairies: I CANT TAKE THE SUSPENSE!!!
I would absolutly love to see anyone cosplay as a waste of time character! if you do it you have to send me pics! that would be too cool. I liked sheiks poses too, im been trying to make them overly expresseive since you can't see sheiks face,and maintain the coolness.
Its totally awesome that so many people are into waste of time at first i thought it would be so uncannon that not many zelda fans would be interested.
Ah, but the violence makes it so much better^^ Of course, I really like Sheik, so seeing all that goin' down is a little distressing. lol.
I love how cool you make Sheik look in the first panel of Camera 2, too. lol. A very nonchalant pose.
Hm....I think it would be fun to cosplay your Sheik...hm....I would have to be a bean-pole for that to work though, lol.
Oh! And Link in the middle of the Camera 1 page is adorable. lol. He looks like a little kid to me n______n
As always, I love it! Oh! And I had my brother read all the pages up the the SciFi one (you hadn't posted any others when I showed it to him) and he said it rocked, so, um, Go You!!! I guess. lol
Yeah, me and a friend of mine made something we called the "Navi Cafe" it was a semi-gruesome cook book of Navi "dishes" including pancakes, sushi, cooked, grilled, chopped, shredded, and nuked. It was very fun, & me and him made drawings of the results.(I made instructions!):D
ok sheik is not vaati, maybe a resemblence if you sqint your eyes or something. I think i will start changing my pass word every few hours...a conspiracy to hack my account seems pretty far fetched and i dont see the piont, its not like im making any money off of this.
Barak you may have a sugar/deathnote addiction seek help. although the rants are pretty funny
is this really tru??? holy cow wat the hek culd these ppl want??? gamer, u mite wanna change ur password every 2 hrs or somthin O.o i hope nothin happens but jus in case...
gameshow? cool! im not a real fan of dresses myself, the one i made is the only one i own. and it was really uncomfortable, the duct tape kind of made a corset and it was really difficult to breath, not gonna wear it again anytime soon though
i'v seen duct-tape clothes only once be4, on a GAMESHOW o.o pretty kool, i'd say, tho i myself wuldnt favor wearin it myself--i'm stikin 2 t-shirts and pants, thank u all the same, and besides, my friend and i havnt worn dresses in almost half our liftime and thus its almost taboo 2 start now......
size doesnt really matter, it all depends on the space you have on the desk, the small is about the size of a mouse pad but look what i can do!(art in my profile) there are larger versions but it's expensive
Lol I like this page too.
Hmm, well for a graphit table, I reccomand a Waccom.
Any one will do, but I like them better.
They come in three or four different sized, depending on how big you want your workspace to be on the waccom, a bigger one is better. But i got a small one because I work better small hahaha. :]
I think it is Waccom, or wacom.
lmao!!!! serioulsy? thats hilarios! i guess i didn't make it clear enoguh, he is in fact blowing out the fire! Im going to be laughing about this all day
i'm embarassed 2 admit it but i kinda got confused on wat link was doin 2 navi on the last panel of 'pixie dust...' my first few takes on it were:
a) Link randomly decided 2 kiss Navi
b) Link was performing CPR (why, i have no clue)
c) He blew on Navi in a bursty of inspiration to see pixie dust fly off (by this time i'd actually read the page title)
d) After fighting Goro Link needed 2 heal and thus sucked in the dust (like with fairies in a bottle)
e) (and this is when my brain started working again) Link was graciously blowing out the flames engulfing Navi so he wouldn't burn to ash or whatever
so yea, thats pretty much everything i thought wen i looked at the panel....
Wow when you compliment you reeeallly compliment! thanks i really apreaciate the feedback. i don't really know how far ill take it ive kind of got the ending all figured out but its gonna leave off at a place that is easy to continue from.
yup. I made this wicked duct tape dress (hence all the dealys) with an anarchy sign spray painted on the side. its was pretty sweeet. although i couldn't move or breath in it....
I had a spring vacation but it snowed alot this year so lost it all to snow days. loved it at the time hate it now
hehehe. That's amazing. Way to go Link! Maybe Navi won't squeak as much now? Or perhaps she will more? It looks like he may have disslocated one of her wings. lol.
Man, as always, Link looks awesome.
And I love that zombie thing. It's ribs really freak me out. lol. Great job!
Its a very long and complicated (very boring)story...
i used my dad laptop and logged onto otaku a few weeeks back and forgot to log off so even though somebody was messing with that account i was able to get back on it through his pc. i went ahead and deleted Wasrte of time on his account and will continue useing gamer777. i really wished id remebered that....
btw im gonna post the color page later today so chaeck back later
Man. Rock on. How do you pump the pages out like this?
Yes! Finally! Link with a sword! Plus, way to go you and drawing it in his left hand!! Rock on even more!! I think some people forget Link's lefthanded.
I looove his expression in the 2nd panel. He loosk so...determined.
It's cool for it to go off cannon a bit. It's awesome to see new stuff with the characters we all know and love. Plus, Link is totally Link. I mean, he reacts the way I would expect him to and stuff. Rock on. Again. lol
OMG! Yes Do IT!!!!! I would love to see fanart for Waste Of TIME!!!!
I'm excited to see what your take on it will be!
Its a fine line trying to keep it Canon but having such a radical twist. but i think ive done pretty good staying to true to Links character. especailly Navi. annoying in the game and in manga. Though i think my sheik is bit of a stretch, maybe not as poetic as the OOT Sheik.
Oh, my God, is that a ceiling/floor hand?! I HATE those things. Or maybe it's Bango Bango? I guess I'll have to wait and see. I like the Majora's Mask in the background.
Anyway, I really love the comic. It's so fresh but brings back good memories of the game.
Hey, would you mind if I did a fanart of this (all credit to you, of course)?
well Link doesn't have really any say in all this no pun intended. His homes been obliterated and a friendly masked stranger offers him a shot at revenge. who wouldn't take it? and im sure the whole the world is over bit has him a teeny bit traumatized. so theres that.
am i the only 1 here (mayb besides gamer) that link never even agreed 2 this? tho he seems pretty ok--and even eager--2 go into a haunted well with sum strnger he jus met 2 fite evil floating skulls over dead bodies.
now that i think it over more, mayb hes crazy. jk
go link and shiek! (wenever i c shiek's name, y do i always think of shrek????)
hahaha. Yeah. It would probably sound pretty trip. lol
So, I just noticed the new page (even though I already replied to your comment....-_-') and I think the corny-ness rocks. lol. Makes Sheik unique. And I love that Link never talks. It would be pretty weird if he did (cuz he never does, duh) but at the same time it's different when he doesn't talk when it's not a video game. I don't make much sense....meh.
Awesome page. I like the creepy hand. Eeeeeew. heh heh
For 2 reasons:
2. One less week before I graduate. Rock on.
3. It's Sundy, durf.
Anywhoo, I just tried drawing then coloring in a quick little sketch. It took FOREVER and it doesn't look so good (ok for a first time, I suppose). Theeeen when I saved it it got all fuzzy and crap. Yuck.
I told my brother (who is my Zelda playing buddy, lol) about your manga and he thinks it sounds awesome. I'm spreadin' the word, yo. haha
Amazing!! I am soooo happy I gave you those cookies! *huggles cookie cooking empliments*
I reeeeally want to learn how to get so good at shading and what not. I shall attempt to draw, ink, and color something soon (hopefully) and I would really appriciate it if you'd look at it when I do.
I really enjoy this story and look forward to more (and the color pages!!)
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/12 | Reply
it would be so cool if link turns into a wolf like he did in the game!

Otakuite+ | Posted 12/02/11 | Reply
Love this comic! awesome job. and love the brawl reference :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/06/09 | Reply
umm new account? im still on ol' gamer777 just havn;t been posting lately
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/01/09 | Reply
zup dude? ive got another comic in the works ;) this ones a zombie fest :P
bout pg 59-freaking glad i number those pages or that woulda been crazy hard to figure out :) totally ripped onthe smash bros but i figure its canon-enough
Midnas so freaking yeah. srsly shes one of the best characters in the sereies in my opinion
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/29/09 | Reply
pg77: GUEST STAR!! awsome, she's really pretty and you draw her well Gamer777 ^_^
**and for when i finished the series:
this was awsome. i'm a little sad its over thought. please make more comics! you're good at them.
Last edited by twiliwolf at 1:51:34 AM EST on November 29, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/29/09 | Reply
HA!!! awsome ^_^. i did NOT see that coming
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/29/09 | Reply
pg 55
sorry i haven't read in a long time Gamer D: its been to long
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/14/09 | Reply
This is amazeing! The drawings are great, and so is the story!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/05/09 | Reply
It's over, noooooooooooo!
It took you long enough. o__O
And look, an itty-bitty Zora pet! Sweet. Never see that in the video games! XD
Now I want one. >_>
May I bow to you? m(_ _)m Thanks. X]
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/09 | Reply
sounds really intense! gonna post it on the otaku?
sailor moon and mew mew... a manga like that could probably give you diabetes lol
wolf eye
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/09 | Reply
thank you very much if theres anything i could help you with just ask
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/09 | Reply
Hee um it's about an Angel (Faith) trying to prove herself in the Fruits of the Spirit because a demon (Egar) killed her "child"
But if you go read it now you'll be really confused because the pages are under constuction...*still stares blankly at them*
Then I had a really cheezy one I did last summer xD
Its like a mix between salor moon and mew mew and it makes me shudder now that I look back lol! xD (the art is terrible and the storyline=mush)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/09 | Reply
hahaha. Sweet. And, yeah. I think that it would have been un-Link-ish as well. XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/09 | Reply
dude lurves me some web comic, wazzit about? O.O
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/09 | Reply
@wolf eye:
go to the click on the "backroom" link thats at the top of the screen then hit the "profile" link that shows up on your backroom page and then click "avatar" that'll get you to the page to upload avatars pics. Happy to Help :)
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/03/09 | Reply
Haha totally! xD
Okayyy :D
I know what you mean, Mangas are hard work.
*stares blankly at her sketchbook full of pages she hasn't even scanned yet cuz she can't get off her lazy butt*
But that would be even awesomer! I can't wait~!!
*super huggles*
wolf eye
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/09 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/09 | Reply
it over! woot! but it was a semi happy ending right? ehehe dont expect a sequel anytime soon but maybe a new comic altogether! :)
ANY ONE INTERESTED IN USING MY STORYLINE, OR ADAPTAIOINS OR LIKE WHATEVER FROM WASTE OF TIME YOU HAVE MY PERMISSION! OFFICIALLY (but if you could send me a link (no pun intended) so i could geek out about it that would be sweet!
thank you everyone for readign this I can't tell you how much it means to me! Have a great summer!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/09 | Reply
@wolf eye:
It had to end! I just couldn;t write anymore zelda! well maybe thats not true but that particular story is done! avatars are fun! I highly recommend pimpy yours out :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/09 | Reply
Thank you SOOO much for keepiong up with this silly comic ofmine I can;t believe how many ppl actually took a look at this! Midna really does favor the black :P Glad you enjoyed it! i couldnl't just leave the lil alien looking zora baby down there... I dunno i think it would be un-Link like to do that at any rate. and yes the little waste of time line was planned from the get go.
srry bout the abrupt endding for you but yeah have been doing this for like a year soo yeah had to end it. Who knows waht sheiks up too probably messing with some blond hylians head lol.
Oh yeah we are doing like a splash thing right? now that wot is over ill getr right on that ehehehe itll be freaking yeah! Really glad you enjoyed your comments ment a lot to me and id like to think we have become friends of sorts, When i was playing around wiht ideas for wot, my sister said something about web comics being a waste of time so i loled about it and worked my story backwards from there. great creative process right? :p Kinda been playing with an idea for a sequel but im probably gonna start a new comic altogether, maybe make a few Zelda WOT side stories if anyones interested.
@Thyme Girl
.... No nothing was actually accomplished other than the bombing and Link killing some well monsters... but is was a fun ride right? :) plus zora kid was too cute to just leave! in like a froggy kinda way
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/09 | Reply
ahhhh It's all overrr! Dx
Well, that was a great series ^^
lol will there be a sequel? xDDD
awesome job!!!
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/09 | Reply
im gonna miss this too >.< - definitely one of my fav mangas on this site.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
I liked that last line from Navi. Way to punch the title. I'm gonna really miss waiting for pages for this. Is there gonna be a sequel? There are a lot of loose ends flying around here...I'd like to see them picked up again.
Regardless, this was great, and I really enjoyed watching you evolve over the course of this comic. And we still have an art trade going on. Do you remember? I've got a piece, but no scanner. I'll get it up sometime....
wolf eye
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
lol this is so funny i like it
my avater feels so plain
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
A lol-ending to a truly awesome fan comic. Nice play on the name~
(fff Link took the Zora kid <3)
Now that I think about it, was anything accomplished at all? Because the bomb dest-
Oh, yeah. The bomb. Forgot about that. P:
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
why did it have to end soooo quickly?!
i just discovered this manga a month ago!!! >.<
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/09 | Reply
Rocking awesome, my friend. It's been quite a ride and I've enjoyed every page of it.
Link's holding the little blue dude XD lol.
Did you have this end planned from the very beginning? Because that's a really hysterical reason for the name Waste of Time. Sweet.
I look forward to seeing more great work from you in the future.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/31/09 | Reply
MONDAY?! That is much too quick. I protest. Not really, I'm just wondering how you're gonna wrap this up so quickly. I'll just have to wait and see, huh?
Seeing a new page of Waste of Time always makes my day.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/09 | Reply
but but but....WHATS GONNA HAPPEN TO SHEIK?!?!?! that better be in hte last pages!!!!!!
sry, had a little crazi moment...
i just dont want the series to end!!!
well, at least u updated... 
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/09 | Reply
Link looks so cooool in the first panel. lol.
Noes! It's almost over! Sad day :( Well, It's been awesome. Made me look at Zelda stuff in a whole new light. Very cool.
Midna does look better in black. You're most certainly right. (I <3 Midna)
Well, I look forward to the update of the final page. Rock on, buddy.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/09 | Reply
i think the next of it should be up this weekend if i can get around to it. sorry to keep you waiting. ive been pretty sloppy bout updating lately. Forgiveness! :P
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/09 | Reply
Dude yeah, midna could even do the whole ransform thing like sheik/zelda it would be sw333t! actually i think id rather have a sequel to twilight princess :P also ganon should have used hhis sword. O.o i have not been keeping up with pokemon so i was confused as to what lucario was at first.
shame bout the ghibli movie not living up to expectations but who knows? maybe itll be worth thte wait after all. We can hope!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/20/09 | Reply
when are you going to update this?! >< i wanna know what happens next!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
Eh, I'd rather have traded Lucario. He has almost no background in the whole pokemon plot. *pout* Heck, midna even has a great smash move! She'd put on the fused shadow held and boom, smash move all lined up! But no, they had to chose the most random pokemon over her. Feh... oh well, no use complaining about it now. At least they actually brought Sonic into it.
Well, I haven't been able to get much information on the Ponyo movie yet. I've seen some random japanese trailors for it. The graphics aren't studio Ghibley's best, and it seems like a little kid movie. Kinda like Totoro. From what I've been able to get out of the trailors, it's about a little boy who lives with his mother in a house by the sea. His father was a captain of a ship that was lost at sea, so he tends to the lighthouse for his father to come home. One day he finds a kappa while exploring the ocean cliffs and it ends up changing his life... at least that's what I think it's about...
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/07/09 | Reply
dude yeah back seat gamers are freaking like addictive, played through Resident evil 4 the first time wiht my bro "caoching" me (hes such a navi) second time i tried to beat it without him was a nightmare!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/06/09 | Reply
hahahahaha. So true, so true. He'd would most definitely be up a creek. Poor Link. lol.
Kinda like my brother. When he's playing a game (usually Zelda or Metroid) I'm his Navi, if you will. I tell him things like, "There's a switch over there", "I think you need to shoot it in the head", things like that. He could never beat 'em with out me and I could never play them myself (I practically throw the controller or at least always pause it when ever anything larger than a deku baba appears. lol).
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
couldn't bring myself to off the cute lil plot device, besides link would be kind of lost without her. O_o you think if you like just got used to someone pointing out the obvios like ALL the time you would just stop noticing obvious things? O....o if thats the case i dunno how link's gonna save the world without her. lol
midna rox hardcore!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
O.o I think spirit tracks is gonna be just like phantom hour glass as far as graphics goes, kinda puching the ds to its limit on that one. I hope linebeck shows back up! hes so cool heheheh kind of.
Dude yeah! midna would have been PERFECT for smash bros! I would totally trade ganon for her! shes a way bigger part of Twiliight princes! honestly i miss my mewtwo, he rocked so hardcore! but still midna better!
way to commit to fancomicness! I soo got read it!
Ponyo!? wazzit gonna be about?
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/27/09 | Reply
Kinda happy navi isn't dead, but yeah. It was pretty funny when she got chomped xD
Also, I totally understand the rant. Even though I haven't really read or seen much of dragonball even I can tell it's gonna be a bit off.
Gotta love Midna. She's so awesome. lol.
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/16/09 | Reply
Hooray for new Zelda stuff! I'm oober excited now. Are the graphics any better than phantom hourglass, or about the same? At any rate, it's going to be awesome! And yes, Midna owns! I'm just kinda mad that they put Lucario in the S.S.B.B. (super smash brothers brawl)game instead of Midna. I mean come on!!
as fopr my friend, I'll have to call him sometime. I moved recently and haven't talked to him in a little while, but I'll figure out a way to get that stuff scanned in, even if I have to have him mail it here. n_n
Hooray for Ponyo! It's the new Studio Ghibli film that is commiong out. More on that later, the bell just rung.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/06/09 | Reply
O_< umm i guess the "maleman" and the mask dude could be secret lovers, the mailman does um "get around" clock town heheheh. I really don't know if hylians/humans have the right to tell gorons/zoras to put clothes on. I'm pretty sure all the gorons wore those loin clothes in twilight princess, and seeing as all gorons are male (they call each other brother) and yet they seem to be able to make babies (Durunia's Son in OOT) i think goron are A-sexual like piccilo from dbz kinda, so whith that logic do Gorons even have anything to cover up? Zoras on the other hand seem to have both genders, and some of them do wear clothes (twilight princes- zora queen and prince both clothed) and even link is clothed when a zora in MM but zoras are totally naked in LTTP. I dunno I mean they lay eggs so maybe that has something to do wiht it. >_< honestly i dont think zora/goron's modesty is all that bad i mean donald duck doesn't wear pants either.
*.* future ref, all my zoras/gorons will have clothes yeah not even gonna go there.
RE5 rocked my world!!! I LOVE that game! but honestly i did like RE4 better, that game was like OMFG sweetness, plus RE4 being on the wii made it supper fun. but RE5 Co-op is hecks yeah, i hope they make a Co-op mode like that for the next RE title for the Wii. that would be like my f4ngrrl dr33m C0m3 Tru3!!!
Otakuite | Posted 04/06/09 | Reply
Has anybody played RE5 *Resident Evil 5* yet that game is crack on wheels i cant stop playing it your AI kicks some major zombie @$$ just give them a snipe and bam easy pickins upgrade it often though Ive taken a likn to the ramin is good yeah
Otakuite | Posted 04/06/09 | Reply
HAHA I just thought of this GUM GUM TEXT
Otakuite | Posted 04/06/09 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/05/09 | Reply
Nice to meet you gumbie, love to hear feed back especially the positive kind
O.o wow that is a lot of commeting! um yeah as far as i know piccilo the dragon ball Z character will in fact be green, im pretty sure i saw him in a preview and he was green.
kaligula had siphilus
O.O ya know that does make a lot of since Never though to hard on gonaons motive before, now its all clear! hes a juist trying to overhthroguh the monsrchy! how noble! actually I dunno, he is the king of the gerudo after all and seeing as they are thieves he cant be ALL that good, he also froza the zoras, helped destroy twilight, imprisoned sages, and tried to feed the gorons to a dragon and probably a lot of other stuff. but then again Zelda could be a cruel dictator... no one in the game seems to be anti-zelda though, even midna seems cool with her.
ok ok ok Deku scrubs is freaking yeah but they also ATTACK PPL, yeah know spitting and the like in OOT? Zora CAN speak to you so i dont know where your getting this. In like at least 4 games, OOT, MM, TP and LTTP. Zoras are punk rock
as far as i know hyrule= ruled by Zelda, so yeah take up your Zora complaints with her, and 0.o when did the zoras need a gov bailout, i thought the coombination of selling fish, zora tunics and The Indigos gave the zoras a good economy? I guess id blame it on the gorons. yup thier fault most def. I mean who live in volcanos? bad idea no tourism ever.
good enough feed back for ya?
Otakuite | Posted 04/04/09 | Reply
Gorons and deku shrubs is the madd notes but i personally think Zoras are over played if they cant speak hyrulian why dont they just go back into the ocean . And that makes me madd to my lobbster boats are coming up DRY ever since the government stepped in and bailed them out of another ink-resision thats got to be the third one this year BarRock Ogoro was going to bring change now i see hes only in it for the ruppies I should have voted for govener Mklink He knows how to deal with trash talking and lyers and evil mutant sand bandits trying to rule the world with a a piece of cheese wedge in there hands.. what is this world coming to when the First Gay marrage was held out side of clock town between the happyMask sales man AND the Mailman who legal chaged his name to Maleman so not to be cofused with his job when we asked Happy why the Maleman he simple smiled and said "His face" well im tired of all this nonces im going to the river to shoot fish in a barrel if you catch my drift *mabye things will go back to normal*
Otakuite | Posted 04/04/09 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 04/04/09 | Reply
(then had a chat with caligula he threw chickens at me while trying to tell me the frog was right the solar empire was apon us after wich he Sh@t hiself making a mokkery my birthday party... but i didnt care i planned on eating my cake with or with out sh@t to bad before i could even taste the icing caligula woofled it down and a whole tin can of string beans *can and all*)id say about a good hour or two before i finished the read still worth it when would you say the next up date will be I like the name Gamer777 sounds a fresh without being pesikity i think ill stay and chat on this page for a good while hope you like ranting people.gamer777
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/01/09 | Reply
Thankyou! always good to get feed back, i dunno man im not even sure piccilos gonna have antennas.. but i think he is gonna be green so that something
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/01/09 | Reply
i really hope they bring midna back shes is sooo very cool, and i much prefer her gigling as opposed to HEY Hey listen yeah. Spirit tracks looks pretty kewl, the new zelda train game, maybe streches the genre a bit but honestly i loved phantom hour glass! really wish nintendo would come out with another wii zelda game though!
Twili sequel comic? that is freaking yeah! when it gets posted you gotta let me know! hmm since like OOT majora mask and almost all of the other zelda games have mangas to go along with them, i wonder if twilight princess has one O.O google!!!!
DB movies gonna suck rightously, still cant get over bulmas hair not being blue, i mean i know people wiht blue hair!! its not impossible! i think the character are: Goku, chi chi, bulma, piccilo and roshi who is hawaiin and does not wear a turtle shell.... yeah and NO KRILLIN!!! >_< lame sauce. as a huge DB/DBZ fan im slightly irked since yeah know there have been rumors about this movie since the 90s... very much a let down
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/01/09 | Reply
O.o is this like a virus or an otaku april fools? check the avatars wierdness!!!! I just changed my avatar too super l4m3
any way yeah i had to bring navi back, i cant have link talking for himself that would be way OOC, so yeah, obvious sparkle is back
>_< is any one else only seeing twilight avatars?! its getting really hard to figure out the comments.... princess mononoke is like the best movie eva!
Senior Otaku | Posted 03/29/09 | Reply
nice job once again!
as for DB:E......as long as piccilo is green...I'm fine :P
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/28/09 | Reply
Are you kidding?! I am absolutely psyched now! Studio Ghibleyis the most amazing film maker there is. I've watched almost every film thay've produced, and now I get to look foreward to a new one. Squee! n_n
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/28/09 | Reply
Well, evil-looking entities can be good once in a while, can't they XD? I've been waiting so long for someone to come up with that (KH's Riku being a protagonist on the dark side doesn't count!)!
Anywho, good luck with the plot bunnies. Easter IS on its way...
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/28/09 | Reply
Didn't you hear? Come August and there with be a new Ghelbi Film! (you know, like Howl's Moving Castle and Spirited Away?) That's DEFINITELY something to look forward to!
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/27/09 | Reply
I agree, Twilight princess ended on such an open note, I mean, how could you close a story that big just by shattering a mirror? I had a friend of mine who drew a comic that was around 40 pages for his version of the sequel, but he doesn't have a scanner. n_n
As for this pannel, I love how you've portrayed Midna, she definately seems like the Midna we all know and love. Although, I don't think Navi's gonna get over that one any time soon. XD ha ha, pixie stick!
Lastly, I fully agree with the whole DB thing, and I didn't really watch much of it. High school? Come on, that is nothing like the show! And are they even going to introduce anyone of any character value? I mean, come on!! ::lets out deep breath:: Sorry, I am ticked at the whole 'no origional movies' streak that's happening, ignore my pointless ranting. ~_0
News Correspondent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
NOES!! Why is Navi alive? WHY, WHY, WHY!?!?!?
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/24/09 | Reply
I have no idea what my next project's gonna be, maybe ill do some more with flash, and some short comics, prob nothing this long till i get like attacked by plot bunnys, i think i wanna do something steam punk....
I have my suspicions bout midna, they made the fused shadows seem so evil! i really think that game deserves a sequel
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/15/09 | Reply
my first impression of midna was "She looks like the type of character who you trust for about half of the game and she betays you. :|" (said this 2 my brother XD) I'm rlly glad that instead she becomes a rlly good friend P:
(my brother: "And you said she would turn on us! XP")
i u dont continue WoT, i wonder what ull make instead..? XD? cant wait either way
*a fan ull never lose
my GOD a Pop-Eyes commercial!! now i wanna eat some chicken!! o.o!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
*gobbles up snicker doodle w/ ot shame* DUDE i love long comments! there the best and most fun to read!
yeah laptop got hardcore broke there was like well actually i just dropped it like major smashedge! but the harddrive and what not was all intact so i got my dad to take the whoel thing apart/ put it back together and clean and wallah! gammer777 is once again in business... not that i make any money... more like just cyber cookies....O.o
yeah i dont think link would be a fun character to write if he didn;t have like someone to talk at him or for him... but does give the side character a bit more value, and camera time
DUDE! graphic tablets are the Sh!*&!!! wacom makes a really cool one for like $75 that is like super cool, i dunno if i wanna do an 80 page sequel but i may do like some short stories or side progects, just couldn;t see me doing this comic for another year!
midnas like the coolest character since sheik! i even though her giggle was bad @$$, also hardcore funny how she bosses around link and he just like takes it lol poorp misguided hero.srsly at the beginning of that game i though for sure midna was a bad guy! cuz good guys are just never that cool
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/13/09 | Reply
WHOA!!! did u update wen i wasnt looking!? I'm sorry i wasnt here straight away!!! DX y didnt my spidey-sense tingle?
hows it hangin, dude? m/ >.< m/ (ok im going to stop that before i insult somebody, or possibly myself...)
ur laptop broke!? that stinks. i hope that doesnt happen to mine; its the only connection to the internet i have anymore P:
i never plan on telling the neighbors that i steal their internet, btw P: then again, its a public access XD so is that really stealing then..? o.o..?
WELL! going to your comic...MIDNA!!!! *punches the air* awesomeness!!! tho navi seems to be having a bit of a problem, doesnt he? i can imagine y link wuld b devistated by that: if navi is eaten, and midna leaves, who will do the talking and narrating??
and a bummer that it'll end in only a few short pages...I'd love to do a sequal, but u cant blame me if its horrible :P all iv got is MSPaint and that's where it stand~! so if theres any sequal, i hope its by u urself XD maybe i'll just try a side story or too, lol XD
I seem to talk a lot lately! hope u werent intimidated wen u first saw my comment here! XD cya later!! *gives u a cyber snickerdoodle*
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
thank you, the art gets better as it goes on i think you can tell when i got a graphic tablet/photoshop
omg been at it fir like over a year now, i think its gonna end at just over 80 pgs.
Last edited by gamer777 at 11:50:58 PM EDT on March 10, 2009.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
"MMM...fairy...Wonder what obviousness tastes like"- omg best quote eva! lol im sure fairys taste like pixie stix. dude so called the font, i use papyrus for navi an sheik varies depending on the content :P im so geeking out that you caught that
thak you thankyou!! huge fan of fooly cooly, gotta admit sheik would look pretty cool on a vespa.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
yeah i guess your right, it is more like a bunch of momologues didnt really do that on purpose, i guess the idea of sheik and navi having deep conversations is just to outta place for waste of time.
Midnas so totally wicked sweet, really hope she shows up in maore zelda games, i think i might even like her better than zelda (not sheik:P), shes so aloof and fun to write. Twilight princess was def a good sequel, i really love how they left such a cliff hanger ending!
does seem a lil dark to off navi, im sure link would have a hard time dealing wiht the loss of the glowing obvios.
lol gotta love that face!
Last edited by gamer777 at 11:37:42 PM EDT on March 10, 2009.
Call me "Obiri" (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
I just bump into thish. Anyway, I'm new to this fan story but I really do know legend of zelda. I'll add this to favs. Right now I can't read it, maybe later. I'll comment again when I do.
Looks awsome after I skimmed the first page. XD
Otakuite+ | Posted 03/10/09 | Reply
Oh wow, you've gone really far on this comic.
Ha ha, midna food!
News Correspondent (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
I just checked out this manga and it is AWESOMENESS!! Have you noticed how Sheik looked like Haruko Haruhara? Oh yeah, that's cool. Keep posting. Me likey.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
haha. What are you talking about!? I think your dialogue is awesome! Especially when Sheik is saying crazy metaphors and whatnot. Of course, it's not really dialogue when Link isn't talking back...oh well xD
I think you did a great job explaining how twilighty stuff happens, but whateva.
And yeah. Poor Navi xP Though I totally laughed when you had Midna eat her, I'm still slightly sad. For some reason I've always been attached to the annoying fairy. Still though. Wicked awesome.
Oh. And I'm so glad Midna's in this! Yay! Twilight Princess was definitely rockin' spiffy, yo. And I know what you mean. I can't design clothes either. lol. Though yours look pretty good to me. And I love the awesome color job. Rock on, my friend.
Last edited by ShikamaruRocks at 12:07:57 PM EDT on March 9, 2009.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
Yay! She ate Navi! XD
P.S: Links face is priceless!
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
Awesome! i dont think that page was worth the wait it sux3d!!! but these next two should makeup for it
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
O...0 possibly
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/09/09 | Reply
lol yeah im not goog with dialogue or GOOD plot devices, so i work w/ what i have
>_< i really disliked the one done in flash but i figuered it would be better to post something bad than nothing at all...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/03/09 | Reply
A new page is always worth the wait!!!
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/03/09 | Reply
Is that a Minda I see? If so, cool!
Time always spirals, and here I am, stuck in the wrong sprial.
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/03/09 | Reply
wa-BAM! Yay for updates!
I love the whole "hope we don't get sealed in here for 7 years thing". Wicked awesome. Also, though the style is definitely different due to being done in Flash, I think it's pretty awesome. Like almost looks like he's seven again. lol.
Oh, and lame plot device. Niiiice.
You still rock hard core, just so you know :3
Otaku Legend | Posted 03/02/09 | Reply
@Summer Daydream:
that was one quick commtn i bet this has only benn up for like 2 hours or so!
lol Imaturity is fun, highly recomend it when posting :P
The comments on this thing are freaking yeah! i think i even got a trophie icon on my profile page for it at least i think thats what its for, i go on an otkau hiatus and every thing changes!
._O i luv how you hid that guess! i only caught it cus i was highlighting you comment to make it easier to read, but im not giving anything away :)
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/02/09 | Reply
Ugh. How long has it been since I commented on this? D:
Please please PLEASE excuse any immaturity in the earlier comments.
Anyway... ;;>>
You've executed the new pages beautifully. For a while, I had kinda forgotten about this, but after "reading up" on the recent pages, I realized just how AWESOME this was again.
OH WHO IS THAT CHICK LAUGHING ON PAGE 75? Methinks it looks like a different-looking-ish Midna...?
Fabulous, fabulous job so far. I can't wait to see the conclusion of this. [:
HOLY S***. I just realized two things. One, I reeeeaaaaly need to find some awesome LOZ stuff to post on Waste of Time. Two... 500+ comments?! Wow. Last time I checked there was... 350? Just... wow. :/
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/24/09 | Reply
thanx, its a work in progress not sure if i like the black and white better or the color, i think the next page is gonna be full of color just to make up for the extreme tardiness of this update
i really lurve your coments they always make me lol. ive been toying with the idea of making a sequel or maybe doing an original, i do love making comics. If you really wanna do a sequel by all means! go for it! on the condition that you let me get all fan grrl over it. as far as art eqipment goes graphic tablets are the Sh#@! srsly this whole not having it on my person is freaking me out.
But unfortunalty my laptop crashed, really badly and took with it all my hopes and dreams! jk, but i did lose all my wot pages so im gonna have to remake the last bit, so its gonna be a while but i will see this to the end! promise on my graphic tablet. on the plus side i think my drawing skills have leveled up so yeah they might even be better than the originals ahahah yeah.....
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/24/09 | Reply
Thanks! still expirementing with my style trying to find a nice mesh of coolness :P
oh hohohoh well arn;t we gettingt ahead of oursleves? link doesn;t get sealed away in all of the video games;)
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/10/09 | Reply
Squee~! *clamps hand over mouth immediatly* wow was that embarassing...heh heh....ANYHOO! sweet awesomeness, they are new pages! booyah! but i dont want it to end, either...!
Noooooooooo......! *echoes*
if i ever get a scanner i swear i'm gonna make a sequal myself if you dont
forget copyright laws!! >:D
and about the anniversary thing, i havnt got even an itty bitty clue ^^ I'm always surprised out of my pants when something annual thats not marked on the calender is announced....like...TIME FOR THE 10TH ANNUAL PENGUIN PLUNG! me: "In January!? I thought it was last month! You mean it wasn't!?"
even if this ends, ud better keep in touch!
or i shall eat u! 
(i REALLY need a break from forums, i'm mutating...!)
catch ya later!
(edit: um, does it say something on the last page, second to last panel? o.o? its so small...o.o)
Last edited by PheonixFox at 10:36:27 AM EST on January 10, 2009.
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/09/09 | Reply
like the new colour scheme (even if im commenting on it soo late) - love ur lil parody comic fic - link is so adorable ^_^'
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/09/09 | Reply
wowee! Zelda looks soooooooooo cool in this! Fantastic job!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/08/09 | Reply
lol i liked the last dialogue on the last page, cuz you know its gonna happen.... s-so its funny.... right? lol
we loves you Gamer
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/08/09 | Reply
Wow! busy much srsly jealous about the going to japan thing! sux about the strep hope ya feel better!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/31/08 | Reply
Well, first I was in Japan for most of October, so not much checking updates happened. And then I was busy working. Then I was even BUSIER working once the holiday season started (apparently everybody has to buy coffee around then. Go figure). Then I got strep. Then I went back to work. Just got off from work tonight.
Yay for finishing Waste of Time! At the same time, though, I don't want it to end T-T. It is just, so amazing.
Nice to hear from you :)
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/08 | Reply
where you been man? actually took a little bit of a break this fall to get ready for college blah blah blah insert more exuses but i plan to have this thing done before i leave for school in mid january
i think wolfdog>cyclops kitty possibly i know this things kinda died since i havn;t been posting as often but yeah gonna try and finish this thing before i end up draggin it out a whole year what the aniversery of this thing? is it in Feb or Jan? ... i really should know this lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/30/08 | Reply
totally referencd both games with the fight scene, lurvs me some smash bros. way to catch the easter egg, not tooo many people caught that
Senior Otaku | Posted 12/27/08 | Reply
This Reminds Me of Super Smash Bro.melee and brawl, and Pg 16 i noticed Majoras Mask O.o
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/19/08 | Reply
Sweet, I'm the 501st! ^_^ This is STILL awesome!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/07/08 | Reply
OMG, YAYZ!! An update that I finally caught!
I've been off theO for quite a while and lately I've sersiously been craving some WoT. Pretty awesome that there were like 8 pages for me to read. Sorry I didn't check sooner.
By the way, I totally love Link's outfit switch up. Tis pretty sweet.
And personally, I love Link's expression in the first panel of Alone. He just looks so precious. lol.
And, though so many people seem to think Navi is crazy annoying, I'm actually rather partial to her, so, yeah. You don't HAVE to feed her to something. lol.
You rock hard core, my friend. Thanks for continuing to draw this awesomeness.
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/07/08 | Reply
its ok its ok
its just the hustling bustlin omment board isnt so hustling and bustling anymore XP a bear 4 a dog sounds kool tho XD but i suppose ill keep the wolf 
*just notices dedication* :O :D ty! XD
yay fillers :)
Last edited by PheonixFox at 9:12:42 AM EST on December 7, 2008.
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/06/08 | Reply
dude part wolf thats so freaking kewl, my dogs look like small bears, fat lazy bears...... maybe not so much dead as really preocupied! sorry
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/06/08 | Reply
um. is everyone besides me dead...?
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/14/08 | Reply
*suddenly laughs evilly* NAVI IN A JAR! MWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! u r so going to regret that...not today tho
lucky u
lol (actually, i think i just wanted a reason 2 use that face lol)
i not only want a cat with glasses, i simply want a cat, period
(sure, 1 of my dogs is part wolf, but a wolf with glasses just doesnt rival a cat with glasses XD ok maybe it does lol)
Uta Okami
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/10/08 | Reply
I love your manga! It's such an origional way to tell a Zelda story ^.^
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/10/08 | Reply
its really wierd drawing it from scrath on the pc, still havn;tmastered the photoshiop but eh its a work in progress
i really thinking of getting some glasses for my kitty just cuz you said that lol cats with poor eye sight
Last edited by gamer777 at 6:05:23 AM EST on November 10, 2008.
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/10/08 | Reply
@White Witness:
sheik and link do have a lot of wierd conversations, some quotable and some well kinda trippy lol thnx for the feed back always good to hear from a felow zelda fanatic
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/10/08 | Reply
Woot! thank you i try
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/07/08 | Reply
lol, some think the quotes from the water temple, some from the fire temple. isnt it from the forest, though? wen hes looking for Saria again?
i dont kno, but thats my guess (and its not because it isnt taken lol)
*tries 2 think of a cat with glasses*
(if u dont c me from now on iv died of laughter XD ok no not rly)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/06/08 | Reply
For doing it all on the computer, it looks fantastic.
The quote...I want to say is when Sheik teaches Link the Bolero of Fire. But maybe not. Maybe it's the water one? Ung; it bothers me that I can't remember. It's been ages since I've played OoT.
White Witness
Senior Otaku | Posted 11/06/08 | Reply
Yes! A new page! I love your comic. ^_^
As for your quote, isn't that one that Sheik gives Link in the Ice Cave? (It's one of those random conversation between Sheik and Link).
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/06/08 | Reply
WOO HOO!! YESSS! XDDDD Awesomeness...=D
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/08 | Reply
hmmmm i dunno, cats tend to have pretty good vision but im sure bogos kitty has to have some pretty freaking eyeware to keep up wiht the giant invisible cyclops.
halloween was pretty lame for me, stuck working....X)
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/03/08 | Reply
O.o i know im really suprised ive been able to keep up wiht it for so long but ive made up my mind to try and have this finihed before start anymore projects so expect lots of posts
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/02/08 | Reply
(the below post is completely scatterbrained! lol! chocolatesugarchocolatechocolatepeanutbuttersugarsugarsugarchocolate! bet you can guess wats goin on! XD)
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/02/08 | Reply
,,,wuld the cat need an eye-doctor, too...? lol
riku's rite, ur dedication is admirable! (u kno how long it is between my posts rite?? XD)
shiek is shiek again! yay! XD and all that jazz (that did NOT just exit my mouth....)
so how was everyone's halloween nights? XD
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/01/08 | Reply
I know, you have a lot of time and hard work invested in this comic no? =D And no problem!! I love it! Thank YOU for working on this long and not giving up on it!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/29/08 | Reply
its so crazy looking back at how long this has taken! thanx for keeping up wiht it for so long
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/28/08 | Reply
wow you are so amazing....XDD
That would be awesome! I just can't wait till you finish this one! I love it!! xD I know it takes a lot of time and work, you are amazing =]
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/24/08 | Reply
lol true dat were just a couple otakus feeding off each other, hope this gets you some more traffic
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/24/08 | Reply
I feel so loved right now. I'm being PUBLICIZED! Well, I guess that it's just you plugging for me, who is plugging for you. Aha ha. It's a mutual relationship, no?
But anyway, I like this page, especially where Bongo Bongo is fading away....
Graveyard shift, my God. Wouldn't be able to handle that....
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/22/08 | Reply
your making me blush, pretty much all the drawing are done wiht just pencil and paper and then its scanned and shaded w/photoshop. i think if i did a sequel id want to have a lot of characters from other games show up.
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/21/08 | Reply
....I hope you do a sequel then!! lol do you still have a good bit left to go before the end though???? I love this story and your art style! How do you do it? I mean do you draw it all by hand then photoshop it or something??
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/19/08 | Reply
lol im just saying im gonna leave the ending open, just in case a wanna do a sequel, im not gonna end wiht too much suspense
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/18/08 | Reply
YAAAY I FEEL SPECIAL!! XD LOL Omg......are you saying that you end this series on a cliffhanger?......*glares at you*....
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/18/08 | Reply
spelling is not so much my strong suit ehehe....
0.0 omg do you think the wittle kitty would turn into some kind of creepy bongo fusion and have giant purple hands!!! and possibly be a cyclops? dude that would be freaking the creepiest kitty ever.
Party! woot!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/17/08 | Reply
*steals a party hat* woo!
i think his cat wuld mutate on a diet like that. into wat, i cannot say. or think. and eyedrops wuld rlealy be a major problem. maybe after mutating the cat wuld hav oposable thumbs? lol. tho oposable thumbs dont mean anything if u still cant screw of the cap and hold the bottle steady. wat a predicament.
...did i even spell 'oposable' rite? lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/15/08 | Reply
You Betcha! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/13/08 | Reply
:) hehe worth the wait?
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/13/08 | Reply
hmm kinda miss that crazy guy, not so much the creepy faces though
true dat, you could mess up his vision and then run like heck! way better strategy def. i dunno if bongo would be for letting a creepy little feline slowly devour him(it?) but then again? if i had to guess id say the kittys feedin on baby zoras, (that fish/alien thing in a tank on like.. the second colored page. i wonder what he does fo eyedrops?
lol has been a few months since this whole thing started so maybe i should do a recap page? sheik talked link into helping find the master sword so that link can get some sweet revenge. yup thats pretty much the plot.
wow this is geting long better end it before i start rambling XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/08 | Reply
Yay you've finally posted! *pulls out balloons and party hats* Hurray!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/08 | Reply
it seems that carrotfeet/barak/bear/L/ninja has been kicked. again. and despite wat he said about switching accs everytime they booted him barak hasnt come back. its a mystery. o.o
hmm. wat would his cat eat? mayb mini evil hand and his own (name nami gave to a hand, in case it was forgotten--which in my case it almost was)
and who'd b willing 2 perform laser surgery on a monster? thatd b fun. id volunteer but having bad eyesight myself id prob jus make it worse XD but hey i gues id b helping out any vagabound vidiots (newest word in my vocabulary) like link who happen 2 want 2 pick a fite. y r these 2 even down there again? lol *long time ago*
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/08 | Reply
lol wow that makes me sound a tad creepy, it was something along the lines of missed postig the comment, and enjoying these crazy little rants we go on.
i think if i were in his position id get lasics, laser eye surgery and what not, being a freak monster it would seem the way to go, foget his eye what about that poor kitty?
where has barak gone?
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/12/08 | Reply
O.o im wondering if youve somehow read the ending! guessing that id use a cliffhanger, either that or psychic powers.... thanks for the support, its comments like these that make me wanna keep writing :)
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/08 | Reply
i kno you replied 2 my comment on the world but since u erased the thread i dont kno wat u said :D all i got was 'i missed u too' lol
woo! a picture! *excited beyond words* must b fun 2 get poked in the eye like that, seriously. im suddenly starting 2 wondr about this guy's eye care (wat if he gets dry eye--or needs glasses??) and the bill wuld b castashrophic...maybe its a trade off 4 not needing the dentist since he doesnt hav teeth (as far as any of us kno)
well, anyway, kudos 4 the update! as well as 4 the awesome vid!
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/12/08 | Reply
Yes seriously! I love your comic, and everyone I show it to gets hooked on it too! You should so publish it or something, THEN I COULD BUY IT!!! XDDD Yes, please do hurry and end this suspense...lol knowing you, you will but then just end it in yet another cliffhanger...lol but thats ok! XD Just gives us more to look forward to right!? XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/11/08 | Reply
O.o SRSLY? thats freaking yeah! cliffhangers are both fun and evil, ill see what i can do about ending the suspense
Otaku Legend | Posted 10/11/08 | Reply
so sorry bout the crazy lack of updates but ive got a few pages done! havn't been neglecting Wot i swear! i am ridicoulosy close to posting the music vid for it, so ill have a new page/awesome music vid up pretty soon-will be totally worth wait.
lol angry zelda, wonder why you dont see that more often? maybe its cuz navi follows link?
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/10/08 | Reply
...*trying to envision princess Zelda shouting 'For the Love of Nayru!'*
update! plz!
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/10/08 | Reply
AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! CLIFFHANGER!!!!! NOOOOO!!!! *going crazy* RAAAWRRR!....can't wait till you post more!!!
You are so amazing, I have like 5 ppl hooked on this comic now. Your art style is so unique and you have a great sense of humor xD woo!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/19/08 | Reply
haha 2 tell the truth i'm kinda bummed shiek turned out as zelda aftr all--but i'll get ovr it XD kool pic i cant draw zelda 4 the life of me lol (i mean come on i screwed up on LINK 4 goodnrss sake..! >.<)
the scanner turned out 2 b a dud some guy gave my dad XD so no scans yet. grr. >.>
and looks like bear was caught. again. o.o o, yes, and bummer about losing the internet. wat r all of us without the INTERNET??
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/17/08 | Reply
hahaha. Yeah. I can see that. Shiek is the coolness. lol.
I think putting her in was a good choice though. Plus, I love your interpretation of her^^ Pretty sweet.
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/16/08 | Reply
:) lol i ws really considering not putting her in at all since sheik is just do cool Frack yeah
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/16/08 | Reply
Borrow away, my friend.
And I don't think it was too dramatic. Just the right amount of drama. lol. I mean, it IS called the Legend of Zelda and she JUST showed up. It should be dramatic.
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/15/08 | Reply
dude i so know what ya mean even if you google it there are practically no pics of bong bongo and hes like one of the best baddies ever! got his own cut scene and everthing! no love for eyeball monsters i guess
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/15/08 | Reply
lol thinks for the frackin complimetn, im totally boring that hehe, im kinda wondering if the zelda bit was a tad to dramatic? gimme some feedback
@Nakori sunblade
some pretty zelda goodness, although i prefer tomboys myself i think it turned out pretty good but i cant wait to have my sheik back ;P
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/15/08 | Reply
thanX! for the attention to detail :) this pic took for ever! and finding a decent reference was killer hard! i think either the bow or the green apron thing on the front of her desk was the most diffiult,
cool name and kitty, at first i thought you were typing something to me in Leet, even got my cyberpunk sister to try and translate it for me, i dunno bout the best comic theres some pretty cool stuff on this site.
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/15/08 | Reply
I want to thank you for making pictures of Bongo Bongo, I've been looking everywhere for pictures of him. So once again, Thank you. *bows*
Nakori sunblade
Otakuite | Posted 09/12/08 | Reply
uwaaa Zelda looks pretty, you did an awsome job. still link is pretty yummy himself. and yes YAY FANDOM!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/11/08 | Reply
You freaked me out for a sec, because you put "Noezzelz!"
My name is Noelle, and I thought it said "Noellezzzz" So I was like,
"HOLY CAT!!!! My name's on here for no reason!!"
Surprise me ;]
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/11/08 | Reply
Ooooooo. The uber coolness/beautiousness of Zelda is pretty frackin' sweet.
OH NOEZZELZ!! Link got injurlated!!
Now that that's out of my system....
Also always, you are wicked awesome and rock oh so hard. lol. I love that Zelda's the only part that's colored. Sweetness.
The Elusive (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/10/08 | Reply
Princess Zelda looks amazing! The detail of her clothes, bow, and the glow at the end of the arrow!! Beautiful!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/10/08 | Reply
apparently giant eyeball=not so defense less
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/10/08 | Reply
@Nakori sunblade:
gotta love the fandom
Otaku Legend | Posted 09/04/08 | Reply
Oh noes! Link got shanked by Bongo Bongo!
Nakori sunblade
Otakuite | Posted 09/03/08 | Reply
^_^ thats what i am a big ole' ball of crazy fandom.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/25/08 | Reply
wow! that kind of comment froma an otaku legend! im blushing so hard i can barely type!
@Nakori sunblade
lol biting giant eyeballs can't be good for you although the enthusiams is aprecaited. try stabbingi t with a sword that could work.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/25/08 | Reply
oh come now! dont riun the suspense! any way i promise soemthing super good for the next page.
dude! where you been? gotta say i loves the chatting
thank you, doing what i can.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/25/08 | Reply
sheik can see the pseudo sword, soo cool
duude! cant wait to see it! you gotta tell me when you start uplaoding pics! im so psyched for you!
Nakori sunblade
Otakuite | Posted 08/24/08 | Reply
* goes on fangirl rampage and bites the creepy eye thing* No hutring the hero! Sitll an awsome fic!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/21/08 | Reply
this is an amazing manga keep up the good work
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/20/08 | Reply
Everyone uses this like a chatting box, haha. xD I haven't commented in a while. o_o; But I have to say I can't wait for more! >D
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/20/08 | Reply
Oh noes! D: He got stabbed! I wonder if Link'll live after this.
(duh. obviously he will. Wouldn't be a series without him.)
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/20/08 | Reply
looks like links about 2 loose his eye in those goggles XD lol (how does shiek evn kno its coming?? :o)
btw! i recently tried drawing ur version of sheik ^^ a few things i forgot at first: ears, goggles on hat, wrappings on sleeves, wrapping on neck (i cant believe those last 2, i mean come on! ^^; tho aftrward i was too lazy 2 erase wat i had so now its a pic of shiek without em ^^ lol) and the hair looks weird , but thats cuz it was gonna b link at first ^^; my dads workin on getin a workin scanner, so if it starts up this'll b the first thing i put on it
(the pic has navi in it, too, lol)
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/19/08 | Reply
*shakes head slowly* the world is truly a mysterious place, my frend
(hey wait a second, this is YOUR world!!--well, sort of, lol)
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/19/08 | Reply
lmao ya personaly wouldn;t peg it for an animal lover but who could resist fluffy black kitties, kinda reminds me of kuwabara's kitty from yu yu hakusho. maybe its an evil cyclops kitty?
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/19/08 | Reply
O.O i dunno about all that ehehehe. thanks for the commetns, trampoline drums are killer awesoem
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/19/08 | Reply
yeah, the giant flying eyeball has a pet cat that enjoys the benefits of millions of bones (not a dog here!!) and a gigantic bongo drum trampoline (i wuldnt think a cat wuld like that all too much... :P)
on the plus side, ud think thered b plenty of rats 4 it 2 mess with lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/19/08 | Reply
I swear, it's about time someone got credit where its due. This is an Otaku phenomenon! This is a great fan comic, and its really funny(I stopped for a while and I just saw the drum scene, and I would do that!)
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/18/08 | Reply
oooh fun skool (wish they had a puking icon on here lol) good luck with that.
yeah i was gonna make the hand "meow" i swear but then i kinda ran into a probem when i sorta kiled them off, well ones dead and the others for all intents and purposes is dead. also i dont think bongo bongo has mouth so umm i guess ill right it off as telepathy? or maybe a black cat hiding in the background whichevr you prefer
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/18/08 | Reply
dude if nintendo decided to make a game outta this i swaer ill get copies for all Waste of time fans lol, i think i like sheiks out fit the best out of the two, although links layed back jacket i think speaks more to his personality, it really was a toss up between leaving the in famouse green hat or replacing it wiht maybe a beanieor somthing. best peice of scenerey in waste of time is totally the baby zora in the tank its in one of the colored pages. killer kool thanks for the comment love the feed back :)
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/18/08 | Reply
heheh yeah, the meowing thing was put there cuz of an earlier discussion :P i'm glad u put it in, gamer XD tho it wasnt a hand, it was still kool of u 2 do it
btw, i am not in skool yet, a week from tomorow tho and u guys prob wont b cing much of me except 4 weekends...:( (limited computer time once high skool starts...)
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
Shveetness. I sooo can't wait.
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/13/08 | Reply
@ gamer777:
I'm sorry that baraks account got deleted. its partly my fault because he keeps dragging me into the fight. well im not doing it anymore. so im sorry.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
dude this new editing thing is sweet! it also maybe me realize my time is an hour behind whatever time frame otaku is using
links gonna kill srsly! besides with all the hyahhing he does in the game i couldn't leave it out :)
psh totally not, i more of the quiet type and id like to think id be more sure about the gender of my alter ego lol
Last edited by gamer777 at 11:01:47 PM EDT on August 12, 2008.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
@Sakura Irving:
lol love the brawl!
@Nakori sunblade
i think this is like the second time ive given link a sound effect neatness
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
its gonna be so cool! i think ill post a teaser to it on my world so be int he lookout for that
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
...i'm srry 4 jus barely noticing this, but shiek almost seems 2 b a bit like u gamer, lol. alter ego or somthing?
Nakori sunblade
Otakuite | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
wooot woot! can't wait for the vid your makeing..and heee i love the battle cry
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
how about wolf teeth that glow in the dark to mix it up a bit?
is link giving a battle cry???
roflol srry barak u were wide open
wow it tells every1 wen u edit it. lol.
Last edited by PheonixFox at 12:19:52 PM EDT on August 12, 2008.
Sakura Irving
Otakuite+ | Posted 08/12/08 | Reply
I saw this page, and I said, "BRAWL!!!" xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/11/08 | Reply
Yay!! Two pages for me to read!! (because I missed the last update. lol)
As always, this comic totally owns.
hehehe. I don't know why I love Link in those goggles so much. lol.
Love the name of this page too. lol. And I can't wait to see the flash vid. Sound like it really IS going to rock^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/11/08 | Reply
i would invest in some bad@$$dentures maybe some that glow in the dark? or wolf teeth who wouldn't want that lol
I think you may caught barak lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/11/08 | Reply
ROTFLMAO!!!!! almost a little too pg 13 barak lol omg cant believe you went there. i suppose brushing your teeth creepily is a good alternativ to going to the dentist, danon-dentist eww
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/11/08 | Reply
u kno wat, i dont think i'd evr go 2 the dentist again. let my teeth rot--i swear i'd rather gum all my food, lol
and ok, barak--i mean, carrotfeet--all ur flirting is getting a little old ^_-
submit again, soon!!
Nakori sunblade
Otakuite | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
heh i just wish i was remotely that good. you have my fan support of this cool comic! good luck!
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/07/08 | Reply
.........O.O i think baraks account might have been frozen i bet he got banned for blamming, sucks
Otakuite++ | Posted 08/04/08 | Reply
THank you Gamer777. Your a really good person. But what happened to all of baraks comments?
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/04/08 | Reply
@Nakori sunblade:
thnX! took lots and lots of crazy trying to get the designs right, especially with sheik but i think it turned out pretty good
Nakori sunblade
Otakuite | Posted 08/04/08 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/02/08 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/02/08 | Reply
i think theres a goron that you actual get to see eat a rock in majoras mask, and that one creepy sciensit dude mentions eating google eyed frog's eye when you do the side quest and uhhh that giant fish, Jabu Jabu, eats fish and zoras lol super geek trivia lol
ya i can see the adds now! you may get necro-raped but your teeth will look awesome! very strang evilness on ganons part but definetly creative.
Otaku Legend | Posted 08/02/08 | Reply
sorry bout all the harasment zeldaofficialwebsite, if you wanna still comment you can pm me or something....
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/24/08 | Reply
oh yeah, they DID say something about eating rocks the in the dajango(sp?) caverns in OoT, didnt they? hmm...maybe its y darunia has 2 dance all the time, 2 get rid of all of that exess energy (sugar rush!!) thatd b pretty sick, tho, owning a whole dang cavern full of sweets.. (tho i nvr really saw any wen I was in there....
true, the redeads wuld b his ideal substitutes 4 happy gas, tho unfortunatly the patients wuld prob b vulnerable sitting in that chair, and it doesnt help that redeads hav that odd...'habit'....if u get myh meaning......
tho it'd b hard 2 b a dentist if ur teeth r hurting too.....hey, besides milk and potions (and soup and bee larva in TP) hav we rlly ever seen anybody--meaning Link--eating anything?? excluding also from TP the cat stealing ur fish >.>
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/23/08 | Reply
i think you may be giving barak to much credit, then again if all his ninja claims are true maybe not,
maybe ganon could take up dentistry? honesly the dentist office is scary enough wihtout creepy green dentist. i bet he would just use redeads screams instead of laughing gas. dude death mountains is probably ful of rock candy which would explain the chubby gorons
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/23/08 | Reply
will do, i'll even use a telescope (tho not really cuz even if i owned 1 i wuldnt hav a clue on how 2 use it lol) and where on earth or in hyrule wuld they get so much candy?? lol, tho mayb if there was enuff of it around ganon wuld also find himself craving the tooth-rotting goodness. all that wuld b left is zelda and then the triforce 3 wuld b under the complete conrtol of the local dentist.
let us pray that the dentist is on the good side.
and maybe 'grammar777' culd b seen as good luck 4 ur grammar (777--lucky number) or is that giving bear too much credit? (^-^;)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/23/08 | Reply
lol. That would have been really funny, I think. The way you actually did it is a little more dramatic, which fits.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
to be compared to vampire hunter D is a killer awsome complimetn! i did consider having link go all DDR on those hands but i dont think it would have been nearly as cool as a rain of senbon.
@ barak
the cornynes is making my crave popcorn.
so was you reunion a civil war reinactment or a really intense live action version of smash brohers? im leaning towards the latter. if my sheik starts showing up at your family reunions.. um that would be both cool and freaky as heck. you may want to consider givig bush back his chromosome before ya know the country explodes or something. femures do make pretty bitchin walking sticks, and im sure bus drivers could prevail wihtout lower apendages... eh maybe?Illl see what i can o about the darmani pic, did realize it was so big
GRAMER777? im a terrible writer! thats why i doodle spastically, maybe grammer777 is my evil twin that writes LOZ fanfiction?
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
thanks! i used a softer shadow effect to kind of mellow out the pic, i think it turned out pretty good. BTW cool avatar
eh it winding down, in pretty much tired of writing actiony pages. im also prety much out of ideas for hand related violence
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
sheik is pretty bad @S$,maybe a little weierd lol i really like the pose in this page
@ ShikamaruRocks
im totally sick of drawing hands! bleh link does have some pretty cute expression, its kinda to make up for the whole doesn't talk thing.
-"You beez ar-some"- thanks?
lol the only hope for hyrule felled by serios tooth owie-ness if only ganon had known he could have just skipped all this trying to chop link up and just given him a life time supply of candy. thats a forehead smacker. it would have definetly funny i think il have to use that, be on the look out for meowing stuff.
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
lol yes so true
go sheik!!! 

Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
The last panel on the "Swarm" page reminds me of the scene from Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust where it's raining arrows down on the zombie/bitten humans. Hee hee. I love it.
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
think again, 4 if he was facing off with, maybe, ganondorf, if he suddenly ducked his head and started holding his cheek hed b quite a bit vulnerable, wuldnt u think?
and hands that scream 'meow' when they're sliced....how scary is that, compared 2 the whole disattached evilness from earlier? none too much--though it wuld definetly wuld hav been a refreshing bit of humor lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
hahaha. I was thinking just that. Sheik is so cool^^ And I love how happy Link looks :)
I'd be uber stoked it I could draw people who look that wicked awesome.
Yeah for being done with hands!!
Rock on, my friend. You beez ar-some.
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/08 | Reply
W00t Sheik's back! I don't believe the battle is over yet... (Especially since that mostly happens)
The Elusive (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
I really like how you drew sheik hanging on the chain with the hand! It looks so natural/casual like that! awesome!
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
YES! whoo! sheik RAWKS!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
lol im not sure that diabetes/toothe decay would be enough to stop link but then again...i htink the only benifits of having the triforce of courage is that whole turning into a wolf bit. now hell be a scary wolf wiht bad teeth and a craving for insulin ;P
you cought me on the odd sound efects, i was really considering adding a "meow" just to see if anyone would catch it. and honestly i really dont know what the a "shadow hand getting stabbed by a senbon and then exploding" would sound like so yeah. also i was reading some naruto manga(which is way better than the anime,less flash backs) was kinda in awe of the wierd sounds if you cna call them that.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
lol the impateince is flattering, i think ill post the next page in ohh say ten mins? sheiks too cool toi need rescuing
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
:) shadow hands are pretty graabed cant blame him for being to freaked
twilightzone is sveet but hte movie really creeps me out
im pretty much sick of drawing hands so ill off'em asap, im not sure why i get that whole twilizone vibe maybe its just the black and whiteness?
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
if he ate candy, he wuldnt hav the superhuman strength he does now...unless thats part of having the triforce of courage, but thats COURAGE, not STRENGTH >.>
hahalooks like u were tryin 2 figure out diferent sounds that represent the slicing and dicing of the hands (seriously, iv had the feeling of wanting all diferent sounds, no matr how much some of em r jus made up....:P) if i'm wrong, forgive me *tips sagging, pointy green hat*
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
ahh! the tension is killing me! stupid hands! get outta the way so link can go save the sheika!!!
please update soon! 
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/21/08 | Reply
Its not really Twilightish as much as it shaded. Ya' know? Poor Link. The hands need to die soon. lol Thanks for the new post!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/20/08 | Reply
hahaha. Dear laord. I am in love with Link's expression. He looks majorly freaked. lol. You rock.
And so does the Twilight Zone xD
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/20/08 | Reply
lol freaking cool, narrator has killer accent. bout that time ay chaps? right O! lmao three cheers for nuclear winter. personally i htink its gonna zombies.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/20/08 | Reply
yeah i could see zelda being takada lol link would make a vary odd L, hed have to satrt eating more candy i think.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/20/08 | Reply
dude know its cool! im srsly gonna chekc out that flash though!:P
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/19/08 | Reply
gd question...1 of em is prob takada or sumthin tho (prob zelda, wuldnt u think?)
wow that IS fun 2 say, points 4 barak
Otakuite | Posted 07/19/08 | Reply
sweet and sorry for the inapporiately placed anology
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/18/08 | Reply
lol ill have to check out that flash stuff i got some software aboyut a week ago and have been playing wiht the idea of making a wast of time minisode or something.
Otakuite | Posted 07/18/08 | Reply
you've seen the end of the world flash on newgrounds right well i liked it so much i started saying WTF mate instead of what the fuck.
Anywho i made you a guess poster in my world thingie but then i deleted it cause i didn;t know how to add to it so i was like fuck it i am not going to stand here with my dick in my hand wondering what i need to do to add more cause that was going to go along with the zelda fanfic to get feedback
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/18/08 | Reply
um i dont think that paragraph made too much since, However i agrea we should give ganons almost balding mullet do respect. Ganon wouldn;t be the @hole he is wihtout his outlandish hairstyle. Neko is ok, and quit bashing zeldaofficialwebsite i mean the more fans the better rigt? more people to geek out with.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/16/08 | Reply
lol ganondorfs mullet is really a terrifying thing... ya think maybe ganon was trying to be a gangsta and pull off corn rows? then again i dont think hes to worried about what he looks like. i mean he is already greenish. wow youd htink they woudl give us a little more info on the master sword, maybe the sage of light? i mean other than the explanantion and the standard token he really didn;t do to much.
glad to seee you got the avatar! you like it? btw (and you dont have to answer this) whats whith the whole saying mate?
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/16/08 | Reply
lol true i think with the whole link=farmer bit they really shouldn't try pushing the hillbillness. would that make zelda=misa or llia=misa?
Otakuite | Posted 07/15/08 | Reply
well they tell you oh it was magical sword forge by mortal hands tempered to be the key to the sacre realm evil bain the sword had the ability to repel all magic to never age or rust and always stayed sharp but where was it forged at who was the master smith who could create such a thing and ontop of that he was human wow. Anywho dude you know in all the games ganondorf has a mullet even in TP even though they are rolls its still a mullet
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/15/08 | Reply
O.o u make sum gd points...tho if she went 'hyuk hyuk hyuk' the whole time i'd start thinking she was a hillbilly.....jk :P and whack-a-mole wit shadow hands? prob the best game ever! NOT!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
I love your posts! the traiuler was completly new to me, and the timeline review really made me rethink the story line in a lot off the games. Could be growth or could be...decay into a world of stick figuers and 16 bit animatin! loll probably not htough. I hate those hands, having to redo a whole temple becauz of a few seconds of ADD is totally unfair.
@Thyme Girl
wow, um post if its convientent i dont wanna guilt tri anyonbe about it. I hope your words kick but! kudos on the new comics and stuff
pretty cool that you picked up on the subtle changes honestly if i hadn;t bee the one making them i doubt i would have caught on:P i liek to think im getting better at this whole comic thing.
Sorry bout the wierdness in the replys got a bit sidetracked
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
eh i dunno she does kinda have that i float around whenever i feel like it thing, and the red eyes and if you replace heheheh with hyuk hyuk hyuk the similarities are eerie, i would be very much afraid of playing whack-a-mole with creepy shadow hands.
forget ddrs whole stepping on arrows bit, creepy hands are better. abd practically lethal in a travel size kind of way
Hikari Mogami
lol maybe the funniest thing ive written in wastre of time
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/14/08 | Reply
eh i liked the sword best when you imbued it wiht gold, thta was a pretty wicked design, fairy swird was ok, but a checkered pattern just doesn't say "im gonna kick you @$$" fairy sword kinda eh coulda been better. i would think the sages had a hand in makin ghte sword.
ok i wont tell you that i didn;t like banjokoozie, nope ill do you the favor of not revealing that useless tid bit of info, clay fighter 63 1/3 was pretty cool i like the pumpkin guy but its no smash bros.
this is madness!!!!
Vegeta what his power level?
freaking blows that i dont have an X box, freaking wanna play burst limit...you wonder why zeldaofficialwebsite never comment on here anymore?*glares at ninja/L/barak/craziest fanboy eva* As far as lame highschool drama movies go it was ok, maybe one of the wierder ones-Mclovinmade tht movie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
I'm honored. I'm glad you like what I post.
-_-' Mini floor masters. I hate those things. They creep me out. *twitch*
I like the changes. It just means you're growing as an artist. ^_^ It's always a good thing.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
I noticed the changes! They are good! And Yes, navi's dialog was a freshing experiences. LOL Hey! You! Listen to ME!!!!! lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
@Destainy Lost:
thanks, i try and update about every other day if i can manage. THere are some pretty cool comics on otaku but not a whole lot of consistency in the posting. Its kind of annoying when you get into a comic and it ends half way through the story and the authors it.
although being able to comment and talk directly wiht the author i think is pretty cool, i really love getting feed back from fans.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
you know now that i think about it they never really gave the master sword a back story, its like one of the most important part of the game and its never really explained.
Destainy Lost
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
You have some serious talent. I haven't come on the O in say 3 days. And then I'm pages behind. This is the only fan manga I read. Keep kinkin it!
Otakuite | Posted 07/12/08 | Reply
what about the sword smith in a dream or something tell the story of the forging of the sword anywho umm email me the pic at linkloveszelda4ever@hotmail.com
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
Ahh!I'm sorry I haven't been able to post on the Waste of Time world!
I've been so busy!I'm working on a manga for a friend who doesn't have a scanner,and I'm working on pics for that manga,and I'm doing my mangas as well,AND I'm trying to get my two worlds up and running,as well as bring a third one into existance,soooo...I'm not sure when I'll get around to posting.DX
Other than that,cool new page(s)!I think your new-ish drawing style is great!Will those hand-thingies EVER die?
~Thyme Girl
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
lolz mini hands. That really would annoy the crap outta you if you had to kill a million of those things. It's like wack a mole... Or step on a spider... or hand...
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/11/08 | Reply
the legend of zelda the shinigami of time, id definitly buy that 1 lol, tho thn who wuld Midna b....? Ryuk? :P i jus cant seem 2 imagine Midna wit a craving 4 apples lol
wat the hek is kazooie??
"Let's play whack-a-hand!" ok tht was pretty lame on my part lol ^^;
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
hecks yeah! one of teh best smashes in tha game! of course foxs giant space-tank is pretty bad @$$ too.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
mikami IS teh guy that calls kira god, not a shinigami. you may be caught in a time warp I suggest watching lots of tv and eating as much caffenin and sugar as you can get your hands on. srsly I think for the love of Nayru would be better. honesly ive only played the oracle of seasons. it pretty cool that you get to meat an incarnation of din, at least i think thats waht she was.... subrosia totally=twili! bombs solve all problems all the time
Nobody cares about banjo kazooie, that game was srsly lame, although i did like being able to fly around that wasw neat. i have no idea what conspiracy your talking about all i know is the next banjo kazooie game is coming out for the x box and since i dont have an xbox i will probblky not be playingit.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
water dungeons=bad!
i think that clip might be implying that Znat killed ganon. and if thats the case then maybe he also recieved the triforce of power? cometo think of it does midna ever give back the triforce of wisdom? hmm wierdness
I guess Navi has a spontaniolsy nice side?
if zant=mikami that would make ganon=kira and Link=L? lmao the legend of zelda the shinigami of time.
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
i really love it when you
do that move in Brawl. x]
it's so much fun to just KO
someone when they barely
have any damage at all =D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/10/08 | Reply
LOL Thanks! Yah. When I got out of the store I stood for a minute and them thought 'What was I here for?' lol Indeed what was I there for? hmmmmmmm
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/09/08 | Reply
zant like mikami? roflol i do believe ur rite, tho yeah, the personality change was prety odd...the moment he looses his hood he loses face, seriously, tho he still isnt BAD bad, cuz he ends up helpn u in the end wen u shove the sword in, tho how he helpd by criking his nek 2 the side i hav no clue, only tht ganondorf sudenly gaspd 4 air and turnd 2 stone.
i'm serious, i was tryin 2 find my bearings in jabu-jabu wen navi healed me, in the room wit the 2 oct-somthin-or-othrs (those deku shrubs on watr) and tht big red wiggly thingy (i was lost at the time >.>)
ths whole timeline thing has got my hed spinning and so i trashd it all be4 faln a sleep last nite lol, tho yeah, midna DOES seem like a gerudo.
and yes, u hav rantd bout the watr dungeons b4 lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
@Jesse Hill:
Commenting is aweosem youshould do it more often!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
? not gonna argue that the twili got an unfair deal. They never mention when this seperation of the twili and light dwellers happen, if its inbetween OOT and twili its pretty likely that the gerudo where sent to this realm as punishment for helping ganon and would also explain why midna looks like a gerudo, has a headpiece similar to ganons, and why you dont see gerudos but they are mentioned.
if this event happened before OOT then its pretty likely that dark link came from the twili realm since he has pretty much all the atributes of a twili, red eyes, able to hide inlinks shadow and in the cut scene where they explain how the twili came to be you see a one of the twili steal links form. heck maybe even the subrosia in the oracle games are twili. Sorry bout the ranting, but i think that might clear up what i ment
Zant kinda reminds me of the mikami from deathnote and his whole God issue. although a lot funnnier. i love it how they made zant out to be all crazy evil for betraying midna, defeating zelda and what not and then they give his personality a complete turnaround and make him into a ganon worshipping lunatic. Maybe the triforce of power made him unstable?
I dunno about the navi healing you thing, you sure it wasn;t a randomly placed pink fairy? i really dont htink shes that usefull.
Jabu Jabu level sucks for srsly, ALL zelda water levels suck, (i think ive gone on this rant before) and the water temple in OOT is particularly annoying but totally worth it to fight your freaking shadow!
Im gonna go with jesse, throwing Ruto at the jellyfish things make it a LOT easier. useful squid girl isn;t she?
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Go for it, im pretty cool wiht letting people do whatever thye want wiht waste of time.
freakin hilarios story, still i dont think iwould waste a buck onsomething that could potentially ruin the series for me.
i try, link is prety adorable
Jesse Hill
Otakuite | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
Hi i know i havent commented much but that is interesting ill have to find out how to make navi heal me. I dont use deku nuts there i just throw the zora girl at the jelly fish
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/08 | Reply
ok first off: OMG did barak actually miss me??? i'm thuroughly touchd
all of those commets took me FOREVER 2 read--i was gone only wat, 3, 4 days? so much 2 say tho!
nonono bear and gamer!!! the twili in twilight princess r DESCENDANTS of the thieves who were sentecned 2 live there--its an unair punishment brought upon them by their ansestors horrible ways, and zont was only tryn 2 free evrybody, tho he got a little 2 desperate and ended up helpn ganondorf creat the Darkness, which was powerful enuf 2 take ovr zelda.
navi, by the way, DOES heal u, but NOT VERY OFTEN--seriously, hes rlly heald me, i promise i didnt take out a fairy or smash any pots in the vicinity, nor was i ded, he jus randomly decided i needed health and zippd around me and i was cured. vry freaky, i must say, i was so shockd i screeched at my brothr about it.
i seriously hate those electic creatures all inside the whale. and u run out of deku nuts real fast in there >.>
i think i kno how link wil win! link, put on those goggles!! *hint 2 all who want 2 kno my guess*
also, i'v playd soul caliber 2--i HAVE it! i cant use link 4 squat tho, i can rlly only use a few of the girls, all but ivy, 4 sum reason i stink wit prety much all the boys, tho ther r a few i can still pwn wit...its rlly hard 2 get usd 2 the controls tho since all my othr fighting games use B as an atak button and not as a blok--wen i playd it 4 the first time my arms kept twitchin wenevr i tried 2 attak using B...also, all games 4 zelda r on gamecube, or i think so, havnt seen majoras mask yet but i'm sure its out ther sumwhere
finally, awesome, graphic pages, try 2 keep this comic PG-13 at the minimum, dont go ratd R lol (too late?)
srry if i typd 2 much, it jus feels like its been so LONG! tho i sure hav been TYPING 4 long..! toodles, i'm off 2 read my piled up mail in my yahoo box (had 2 come here first!), cya!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
lol Thanks for the warning I just saw it for a screeming $1 at a game stop. I laughed so hard the guy asked me to settle down.
I didn't buy it and even forgot what it was I ment to buy. *tch*
My brothers gonna go to school soon and asked if its o.k if I can email your comic to him? Do you mind? He says he has to get a laugh or hes doomed. lol
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
Hahaha yeahh I love Link XD You draw him so good! Hes so smexy! XD LOL
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
Well, he's in a jam so far, the more he cuts the hand, the more damage may occur to him. If there is a source where the hands are being controlled from it be good to target that area, yet, I don't think there is a source where he could target by what's occurring so far... Unless there is one.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
ive seen a few clips on youtube and trust me on this its really not worth buying, its nots even as good as the mario cartoons. i wish someone would make a really GOOD anime out of the series.
Thanks for the priorityness! i still can get over how many people actually read this
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
new And shiny
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/07/08 | Reply
no guesse as to how hes gonan beat it?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
Gosh. I've seen the zelda cartoon on DVD before. guess I awta get it so I can see if its as crappy as people say it is. ;P
Ya check out SC2 for cube man! you'll love it!! And thanks for another post! We support Zelda! Right now our many priority is your comic!!!! Love it!
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
Heyyyy nice new coverr! =D
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
Well... Link's screwed unless he comes up with something to kill the evil hand of doom that will not die.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
link can tuse the swordin wolf form cuz dur wolfs have no hands... master sword is not as string as the triforce of power since the goddesses didn;t make it. and maybe link is a tad niave
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
you do bring up a good point but if you combine your theory of midna being a gerudo which seems entirly plausible wiht the one about shadow link being a twili, that would mean shadow link was a gerudo and im just not feeling that. Maybe its more like link to te past thatn previosly though. Like ANYONE who gets sent into the dark realm changes. so the Gerudo would become twili but not be the only one. yeah that reasoning has a better feel to it. and now that you mention it midna and ganon do have some uncanny similarites.. one is tinted green (ganon) and the other blue(midna), i googled the head pieces and they do seem uncannily similar. oh and now that i think about it maybe Phantom ganon the one you fight in the forest tample is a twili?
Ganon is not a good guy, the results of OOT prove it. HE fed the gorons to a dragon for dins sake! but you may be right about zelda i think shes just bored so starts these crazy scenarios, she definetly at fault in OOT. tricking link into openng the sacred real for shame.
OK i htink we are srsly alienating all non zelda fanatics. getting kidnapped by a severed hand is just embarrassing! no do over sensies?
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/06/08 | Reply
@twilight luna:
nice to see a fan! i post a few times every week so yeah.. any comments insults whatever happen to hear em
twilight luna
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
Wow, you have no idea how much I love this manga and I found out about it just yesterday! ^^ I totally can't wait until another update!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
i totally see what you mean, the whole cut scene right after you rescue lanryu says that the twili were light dwellers and seeing as one litirally steals links form references dark link maybe? I dont think it would be a stretch to say dark link is a twili that has disguised himself as link i mean midna changes into other characters when she tauntung link in twilight princess. wow talk about zelda mythology. thats nutty, really hope they come out with a twilight princess sequel to prove/disprove our theories. another piont. Midna is kind of the twili version of zelda, zant=ganon, but htey havn't shown a real link counter part, unless you coun thte wolf but that wouldn't be nearly as intersting.
Note to self-never be baraks sensie or trust goats.
i like 99 red balloons
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
Go forth and post lol, sheik deginelty should have had a bigger role in oot, anbd they totally should have brought sheik back for twilight princess, really cool teaser for that in brawl.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/05/08 | Reply
lol true dat! i don thtink bongs gonna play to big a role in the (maybe) sequel. intro some new characters maybe? any suggestions i definelyt want midna in there, and maybe a few of oot sages. Oh definetly Mikau the zora guitar player from majora mask. maybe skull kid?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Hmm. Haven't seen Yoshi's smash....(I'm lame).
Yeah, Sheik doesn't see too much action in OoT. Which is a shame because I think those fight scenes would be amazing.
I get guest poster status?! Woo! You made my day.
Otakuite | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
lol yeah ima chargin ma lazer anywho that wouldn;t be such a bad idea but you know it could have a different effect all together it could freeze time maybe have once bongo bongo is defeated become a instrument link could use sorta like mask and he could collect a piece of a great puzzle that being the clock that he shatters and sends everything flying into chaos. You are talking to a true zelda otaku here so ideas are always fresh like subways claims its ingredients are
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Dude feaking yeah. i think the world refernce in link the past could be the twilght realm, i mean yoy use mirrors to get there and change into an animal. very similar if youask me. maybe i could have bongo bongo play the song of timeon his giant drum and send link 7 years into the future probabbly not though.
I think if Link did that the Deku tree would get all im a crazy gaint tree on his @$$. lol she does keep link from ever having to ya know talk.
Otakuite | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
well that is a thought i mean maybe bongo opens a portal to the overworld and then suddenly link is transformed into a bunny. You know of all the things i thought of i thought this was funny navi is truely useless yes she tells you neat facts about monsters and shit which i missed in twilight princess but since you can bottle fairies you would think navi would have some kinda healing ability but no she floats around annoying the shit out of a awesome hero and he does nothing but listens to her. You know i was watching the fillipino news and this cop was discharged cause he was slapping the trainee in the back of the head when he wasn;t getting something right and my dad asked why would you hit someone with a loaded gun same thing applies for navi and link why annoy someone who could pwn you a thousand times over. At least in MM the fairy you had following you could smack and hit you meanign they actually did something as apossed to doing nothing and saying hey look hey listen and all that shit.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
lol looks pretty sweet! smash bos brawl kicks butt!
Otakuite | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
Link's Final Smash! Sweet!
Brawl rox!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
lmao no! not Zelda herasy now whta will i do for a hobby???!! summer=riuned. Not familar wiht either one sad to say. I did know that lik was on a soulcaliber game but ive never gota chance to play the game cube versoin. Im soo jealous! i gotta rent/buy that game now! and on top pf that you've got me itching to just wiki his storyline. got...to ...play.. zleda! resist spoilers... i think im come off as a real addict.
Zelda club? cool! i think a battle of the links coul;d be freaking sweet, onilink,darklink,blue/red/purplelink, younglink,adlt link, wolflink, bunny link,ummm toon link? i think thats all the links... he got to many aliases... oh black haired link from that crappy cartoon. Id watch it!
Ive heard good things about the really old like 16 bit zelda games but its hard to imagine anything better than mario in a 2D world. damned raccon power not nearly as cool as blasting fireballs.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
WhaaaaaT!? You do know 'Soul Caliber 2' right !? The most kick ass game that Link was made the guest character for!!! If thou not know then thou hast commit a heresy against Zelda. lol
Its a fighting game that was first put on the Saturn....I think. It was a very long time ago. Its extremely rare to find.
Kidding! Just kidding!
Anyhow when the cube came out they descided to make the sequel, that they never finished but cast a vote for guest fighters. As you can imagine Link won by a true landslide!!! lol
We bought it as soon as it came out and our Zelda Club (saddly now disbanded)held the 'battle of the Links'lol I won!!! I even beat my sister who had worked with Link longer than I could. I was busy with school and just made it for the contest!!! I still work with Link and if you've never played it. I highly recommed it! You will love Link's story mode. I beat that to. Hehehe!! Link RULES!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
hmm i think i might like yoshis the best, i mean come on a flying fire breathing mutha f#$#r? hecks yeah. I used a lot of the smash bros move for sheik in this comic sesnse ya know sheik doesn;t really fight at all in OOT unless you count getting beat up by bong bongo..
I added you as a guest poster on the world! so feel free to do wiht it as you see fit.
yup this the what 2nd cover ive used? definelty the best of the lot though..
wow this is like what my tenth response? i am one dedictaed fanresponderer.(?)
Dud yeah wii is international! in the UK mariokart was like number one game eva! all those brits with there cool accents and wiis! Im pretty sure L stands for "L (actual first name) layette" or something to that effect. Death note rules! oh yeah dont remond me about the terrble winkingness you defasted the comment bosrd wiht. it was just awful. huh so gamecube makes it OOT harder? freaking sweet! im not sure what your talking about wiht the hole dark link becomes link bit but im sure youll be glad to elborate wiht crazy explanations. well have at it.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
OOT is kick @$$!!! i think twilgiht princess came out for the gamecube, check it out!
thx i thin its more relevent than the last cover.
onca again thankyou! i really love the bones in the background, they turned out way better than id hoped!
Nice to hear from you again! eh it does feel like 20 pages, 20 kickawesome pages lol. im really not seeing how i could make this much more violent, naybe i could have navi go all vampire and bite somebody. i think its my huuuuge comment board that puts me in such a high position. gotta be. if by worried you meen ENRAGED! hehe who wuld thought fight hands in a well would make for such a close relationship? especially when only one person does the talking.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
I dont think any one in there right mind would wanna come between a darklink/onilink fight but its be wicked cool to see! yeha the wolf is freaking cool no denying that but maybe ill turn my link into a bunny like from "link to the past" just to mess wiht you!
i think so too, perhaos too sparkily? at any rate i don't think im gonna be changing th title page again, this one took a good six hours to complete.
Noo! the new one is so much better! at least i think its better....i guess if i get a huge public outcru against the new one ill change it back. Your very fortunate. Goats are kinda like evel gremlins but they make alot more noise and attack cars(not kidding)
lol zelda is serioulsy addictive, once youve beaten that one you should try out majors mask, not too long but definetly worth the play.
after youve sold all the masks you get 4 new ones just to mess aornd wiht loads of fun! especially the mask of truth.
yeah youd really think a floating hand n'thave that much drive to keep on living *shrug* makes for good bad guys though. Photoshop is amazing! not gonna deny that.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Ya! I love the new cover!
Surprise me ;]
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
That's my favorite smash on Brawl. I'm glad you incorporated it in here.
I'm glad you took my idea about a world. It's going to become my second home....
Otakuite | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
dude love the final smash but you know it would have been better if link turnt into a wolf and just unleashed the beast upon everyone but i ain't complaining about his triforce smash anywho who wants my friend code
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Man. I've been gone for maybe 2 weeks and it feels like you posted 20 pages. lol. More like 8, I think, but still.
I'm diggin' the new title page. Link's so cute (in an awesome way. lol). Also, nah. I don't think it's too violent. *I say, while looking at the most recent blood and carnage soaked page. lol*
But seriously, it's cool. Also, I think your fancomic may show up first because your fans are really quick to comment. Just an idea.
I love that Link was worried about the Sheik! And I love this in general. Keep it up and rock on^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
That's an awesome new cover. :]
I really like the colors and Link's pose. Awesome very awesome.
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
awesome new cover! i love it!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
o tht reminds me! the othr day i playd OoT and aftr about half an hr nothin culd get me off of it, i only stoppd wen i culdnt figur out wat i was suposd 2 do in the zora domain, but all in 1 day i finally completed 2 dungeons (well ok i alredy half finishd 1st 1 but still) an 4 me thts a record lol, i like wearin the skull mask round castle town, it appears 2 iritate the hek outta everybody; i also learnd tht if ther was a mask contest 3 ppl wulda voted 4 me lol
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/03/08 | Reply
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
Awesome new cover! *I wish I had photoshop*
Looks like Link may be in trouble cuz the hand doesn't look like it wants to die!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
lol i miss the old 1 alredy (jk)
iv only seen goats in peting zoos (nvr been 2 a real zoo b4) so i cant say i feel any empathy...tho yeah definatly dont want a goat lickn my feet, 4 obvious reasons
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
WOAH!!! i love the new cover gamer!!!! its amazing and sparkly!!!! *spaz*
Otakuite | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
that would be bad ass beyond all reason oni verse dark link you could also include like the water temple boss in the background being all like oh shit i ain;t going to mess with those two then out of nowhere sheik like kills morphiea
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
nice avatar mr.detective,
like i wouldn;t know shieks hair color? lol, its my take on the character and since Impa, the only real shiekah you ever meet has white hair it wouldn't be to much of a strecth to make my version of sheik wiht white hair.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/02/08 | Reply
yeah i dunno what thats about, it takes a while to update fully, glad to kow you like it! if you look from the top had to the bottom hand really fast it looks like the fingers move.... creepy!
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
sweet action! that would be killer i thin i would like to incorporate a dark link vs fierce diety, who wouldn't want to see that fight?
i think youre right about the "needing a fan world for wot" Ill see what i can do about that. maybe its just on my compuer but its the first one on the portal page right now and i havn't updated for a good 24 hours. i think its the comment board, it is like one of the biggest ones on the site i think, at least i havn't seen one bigger.
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
gotta love the following lol, i think its been runninh for almost what 4 monthsish? kinda lost track
vlad=bad@$$! i have in fact owned a goat and there is a reason they are so heavily assocaited wiht the devil, (theyr completly awfuL!) i would not wish a goat licking on anyone skinless or not
Thanks, but i dont think my artwork is quite up to par yet and my story telling could use a few adjustments like next comic im gonna have more than two characters that speak
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
forgive my dumbness bur sc2 is??? glad to hear you like it. other fans? neat laets party lol
thanks for the congrats super excited that its finally out of the writing process and as of right now sheik is hiding in a wall sort of...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
Do you mean that it shows up frist right after you post on the fan comic page? I think that's because it's recently updated. And then after the day goes on and people start reading one comic in particular, it reshuffles the placement. Or maybe people read WoT a lot quicker than anything else (does that even make sense?).
You know I don't comment enough. I should start doing that.
And this comment pages is insanely huge. I wish you could make a secondary one so it's not so big. Maybe you should make a WORLD devoted to WoT....or something.
Otakuite | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
well with dark link you could do this whole color thingie where you show like dark link fighting his way into the castle to tell ganondorf about his defeat at links hand when he runs into din and she offers him a second chance you could do a comic called forged love of a second chance or something like that
Otakuite | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
Your comic is one of the best! I mean, look at all of the views it has! It really deserves all of the views!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
awsum new pages! AHHHHHHHHHHH BLOOOOOD eithr bongos bleedin or sheik is, and i prefer the former, tyvm!!
vlad the impaler rox, the torture i'm impresd by the most is that hed tear the skin off of a persons feet, pour salt on it, and hav a goat lick it off. tht must hrt, not 2 mention eventualy tickle. i wish he was still alive, no doubt he wuldnt mind 1 xtra kid hangn outside his castle...plus a cuple Lak-Es or so...
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
aww your fan comics is awesome! i remember win it was first on the home page lol dont worry im a loyal fan!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
i just wanna say congrats on your success with LOZ: A Waste Of Time! and onoez where's dah shiek?!?!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/01/08 | Reply
Wo-ho! New stuff! Gotta get the other fans tomorrow and show them!!!
Zelda Party! Zelda Party! And I'll beat them all in SC2 as Link!!!!
Keep it up. We must have more! :D
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/30/08 | Reply
phantom hourglass was aweeosem! it takes some getting used to but the games loads of fun, although the story line was a bit trippy.. if you liked that one fourswords fot the advance is pretty fun but Ocarina of time for n64 is the best zelda game eva!
that sounds pretty risky if hes got minions, id go with an annonymous rumor or being passive agressive thats always fun.
London calling to the imitation zone Forget it, brother, an go it alone London calling upon the zombies of death Quit holding out-and draw another breath London calling-and I dont wanna shout But when we were talking-i saw you nodding out London calling, see we aint got no highs Except for that one with the yellowy eyes
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/30/08 | Reply
thanks! nice name and avatar btw im not sure if its humor or super annoying lol
ninja tones? pshh you can do better than that hows about the skulls and shurikens? id totally youtube that band. its kinda creepy thewhole id hange wiht a serial killer type thing and that no one bothered to take that lopez huy srsly, also i know im not the first one to notice this barak-barack as in barack obama? you wouldn't happen to be running for president and commenting on fancomics wiht a really badly made alias? id vote for you.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/30/08 | Reply
thanks! i kinda thought the blue and the red made a really wierd efect, and links expression seem off
what a jack @$$, sounds like a complete retard, i might just say take baraks advice
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/29/08 | Reply
wow sum1 interupted ur rant! thats a first!
as 4 the gossip thing (the efect ur talkn bout is 'the ripple efect') i actualy only hav quiet frends, unless u count my bud, whom i label 'the girl with the iron finger,' tho if i told her bout Oreo he b wors ded by tomorow (she can seriously kil)...besides, wit skool ovr thers no1 2 tell eithr way...i dont want him ded, i'm gnna go ninja
on this 1 and say tht a gd trik like a hoky mask in his lokr next yr lik wat my bud jon once did 2 sum1 wuld defintiy b my choice...but if i ws caught Lak-E and his buds wuld prob end up foloin me home on the bus..........
btw bear, evr herd of vlad the impaler?
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/29/08 | Reply
I LUV YOUR COMIC bacause i have link games and there all awsome!
i got LINK AND THE PHANTOM HOUR GLASS for ds and i love it!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/29/08 | Reply
alrite link is starting 2 creep me out...seriously
fine fine fine the story the story, i gotcha gamer
ok the first incident went like this:
in music class on keybords practicing 'ode to joy' ovr and ovr and ovr again, i'm sittin next 2 thee 2 guys sharin a keybord: Oreo and his minion, who i am now 2 call Lak-E, nither of which id evr evn talkd 2 be4. al at once i hear all of thlow notes playn at once and jus in time i c Ereo bring his hand bak from my keybord, and while my ears were still ringn i was prety sure the 2 were lafin...i ignord an kept plyn and thn he did it again, and aftr that he TURNED UP THE VOLUME CONTROL 2 MAX and JAMMED THE KEYS, which RLLY HURT, and the brekn point was wen he pulld my earphons out--i was usin 1 of the beats so that i culd pratice, so he started laughin wen i got angry cuz he thought he caught me doin sumthin wrong (yeah hes not 2 brite, Oreo, i got permission)(almost pikd up chair 2 kill him) u shulda herd those 2 gufaw aftr that 1, and it wasnt the end...
tho thats all 4 now -_- and now u kno part of it
Otakuite | Posted 06/28/08 | Reply
Yes, new page!
The spinning slash looks really cool and dramatic here.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/28/08 | Reply
@Summer Daydream:
lmao its probably cuz of the classic n64 controlers were pretty notoris for moving on there on, but randomly falling into a pit of lava is pretty rough. its pretty cool when he falls into it on twilight princess a lot more screaming and flailing, wow that sounded pretty sadistic...
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/28/08 | Reply
You're welcome!Haha,I know,he's got butterfingers in the game too!Link can be so stupid.For example,when I was watching my friend play OoT and he went to go get something,he forgot to pause the game and Link started moving ON HIS OWN and fell off of a cliff into a pit of lava and burned to death!It was so funny!Of course,my friend was REALLY pissed off...But it was still hilarious!XD
That's all I wanted to say,so see ya!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/27/08 | Reply
id love to hear any ideas send'em too me. i was serioulsy considering having the fierce dirty in the sequel adn definetly dark link.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/27/08 | Reply
@Summer Daydream:
youd think hed hold on to something so valuable, thank for the comment!
as alway lmoa!!! would totally love to see ganon trampoline, the mohawked guy is awesoem(the one in kariko village?), kafia/anju is to much of an overplayed couple, skull kid is a bad @ss wish idgiven him a better part, zora are freaking sweet if i had groupies i woul make themdress in hmm maybe cosp[lay? yeha that would be pretty funny. i HATE oocooos freaking creep me out, first time i saw one of those on twilight princess i screamed and tried to kill it. really hate those buggers...scarecrow=really bad toilet paper( i would think)thanks for the cookies but im in more of a rfrog with googly eyes mood.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/27/08 | Reply
yeha i thought it would come off a littele wierd.. actaully this entir series makes little to no sense unless you've played the game.. maybe ill make an loz oot summary page or something
check out the vicab! hehe aw come on! give us all these "he a jerk referenmces" and no story? almost unfair but if you don't want to say i'll not mention it again
Otakuite | Posted 06/26/08 | Reply
yeah nuclear holocaust would have been my second choice but you know what would be more bad ass for a ring tone have link making all his sounds you know like when he falls from a high place when the coacoos attack stuff like that would be awesome for your crazy ex you could have like ganondorf laughing like he does in OoT when i get my phone it is going to be geeked out with zelda. oh i got an idea for a sequel to this he could be searching for the fierce diety mask along side din or someone i can give you the story i wrote via pm and you could turn it into a comic i have a few zelda fanfics some have nc 17 stuff which i guess i will have to omit out of the thing for the sake of you not getting banned anywho thankies for the shot out
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/23/08 | Reply
this is seriously making me wish i owned a giant bongo so i culd use it as a trampoline.
Summer Daydream
Mahou Shoujo (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/22/08 | Reply
Eeeep!There goes the lens!Link,you're such an idiot!
Be more responsible!*Slaps*Anyway,awesome job on the new pages!The blood spatter back there looks really cool!I love bloodshed...XD Can't for the next page!
Jesse Hill
Otakuite | Posted 06/21/08 | Reply
Hey havent posted in a while and id like to say I love the new pages i wounder how far it will go
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/08 | Reply
wow be4 i red the discription at the bottom i thought that shiek's head had been smashed into his shirt wen he hit the wall....yeah, not a pretty thought....
oreo and his minion r not of this site, i'm afraid, barak, tho i kno them from skool, which is ovr now...itd b creepy if i knew his email, since i pretty much stay wel away from the guy as much as possible--srry, but uv got ur work cut out 4 u...if u slit his throat, tho, make sure u tell me, tho do it fast cuz i herd hes moving in a month or 2 and mite not evn b cumin bak anyhow....doesnt mean i dont want revenge...
but b carful cuz i think hes got more lackeys than hes let on
and gamers rite, hes got story behind him, but i dont think i'll b expounding today.
2 expound expounding, it means explaining
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/21/08 | Reply
i have played that part but...i dont know...im glad you explained it in captions tho
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/08 | Reply
zelda is super wierd so if you havn;t played the games some things most defintely need to be explained....
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/08 | Reply
links gonna kick some butt hes just gotta wait his turn lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/21/08 | Reply
thanks, its toguh trying to get eh splatter just right.
im betting hollow link reads this anyway so i think hell get you "props"
eh heh yeah not gonna go in to detail about ganons wild and crazy week ends... the whole hot lava thing i think really captured the atmoshere of that pafe
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/19/08 | Reply
lol i didn't get page 51 at first but i get it now!! good job!!
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/18/08 | Reply
I figured as much it was kinda a trick question. nice job Hallow Link!
Shiek did come out looking evil in Hot Lava... Kinda scared me.
Eww! look at all the blood! Link isn't doing anything!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/18/08 | Reply
Aw, wicked awesome. Sheik's stance on the lava page. Rock on. Also, the blood is way cool.
I'm going on vacation so probably won't be able to comment in a while. Keep up the awesome work!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/18/08 | Reply
thanks, i think making them ridicoulously complicated makes tham more fun to draw, i don't know about expressive since well link has the only face you can actually see. lol i htink the page counts gonna end up being roughly 80 so we got quite a few paages left to go
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/18/08 | Reply
lol, hot lava was hollow links guess
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/18/08 | Reply
Man your characters are soooooo well built! I love your expretions Dude! I showed it to my sis',were both Zelda Freeks, And she laughed sooo hard we thought we gonna die! She wants to see more! And so do I!

HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/17/08 | Reply
lol darn you fooled me
whered hot lava come from???
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/08 | Reply
hey hey rolflmao!!!! ive got to get that, too funny maybe even cooler than themario theme. srsly. lava defintly beats paper and rock. i would have gone wiht nuclear holocaust
yeha the first part kinda sux, thanbks for the compliment, as far as fanfiction goes i think its got enough canon in there to make up for the time jump
thanks! these action scenes are hard its so much easier to wite when there just taliking or being surprised, Links gonna end up kicking @ least as much a$$. sonds like theres some kinda story behind this oreo character, is he on otaku or somthing?
lol, personally not a fan of link in goggles when i first came up wiht the idea of lens of truth goggles i didn't really draw them to look bad a$$ on link, kinda wish i had so enjoy it cuz im gonana knockk em off in a few pages, i know ive predicted the end is near before but srsly i think its gonna be maybey 65 but dont quote me on it.
sorry i didn';tput this in the other comment, twiliwolf has a really funny loz fancomic, lol legend of link hilarios, and also a cool shiek one. if you know of any other cool zelda fancomics send me a link id love to read them!
its a real pain to scroll through all those hey hey listens so i can reply to everyones comments...
@Everyone who answered
youllfind out when i post
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/08 | Reply
i think the moral really does a good job of summing up waste of time, anf you'llfind out next time i post probably tomoorow or tadoy depending on your time zone
At the beging of waste of time, i was using paint to color the pages, (very timeconsuming and hard the first 3 color pages where done that way and literally took e about three hours a pop) so like half teh pages are just pencil, ink, scan, and cool black dividers via paint. Now that i have photo shop and a super awesom graphic tablet ive been trying out new color schemes and styles, i might repost waste of time in a cool style since honestly the fisrt half kinda sux.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/17/08 | Reply
I think we already had this argument, sheik is in fact male and i would asume that hes 100% dude.. i think ill make i noce piece of fanart for you
For the love of GAWD!!!! i'm gonna stuff you in a bottle and shake you until there is so much pixy dust ing said bootle it will break the pull of gravity float off into space and explode in a magiacall shiny display of pure hatred... (JK)
nah i dont really think your like navi, i dont think her rants are nearly that funny and as of oh about three weeks ago my hair has been green, bravo you guessed it! not try andkeep the comment to one at a time will you?
@Hikari Mogami
I ove you avatar!malon so cute.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/16/08 | Reply
Geeky Link is hot. lol. JK.
Seeing Link gawk at Sheik is one of the coolest things ever.
The fact that you almost have 50 pages rocks. Sorry I haven't commented in so long. I haven't been getting on theO, actually. No time.
Anywho, I simply love this rockin' fan manga thingy, as always. Wish I had more time to post in depth, but, ya know.
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/16/08 | Reply
Great Job on the comic. When I first saw it I didn't think it go to well. Only a handful of people can pull of a Zelda comic. But its really good. Once again, great job!
Otakuite | Posted 06/16/08 | Reply
i'm going with lava cause i think lava destorys all mwhahaha anywho you should like make it so navi get attack by a redead or a like like
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/08 | Reply
ahh, u must b new 2 these pages--gamer was jus tryin out diferent styles or wat and seein wat ppl liked and didnt like.
shiek jumping is completely AWESOME! ACTION! ACTION! ACTION!--wens link's turn?
i'm goin wit the crowd. next page is scissors.
as 4 Oreo, hes this fat kid wit a friend named brandon, wit blak hair, red-white red sox t-shirt, evil grin plastered 2 his red face, etc. i think he may even b in league wit pirates. -_- also, i'm a pacifist and i once thought about beating him up with a chair...that cant be gd...btw he didnt pik his nikname cuz its actually his last name
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/16/08 | Reply
:D awesome! This is a really great fan manga and it's active:) one little question: Why are there some colored pages and mostly black and white? no offense if its somewhat offending, just wondering
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/16/08 | Reply
Morals of the story are correct. Detatched hands are evil it's fun to stab a creature that's trying to kill you in the eyes and the third... We really need to find a way to get rid of Navi.
People are saying the next chapter is scissors. It might be, but usually when ppl say that the creator chooses a different title...
Otakuite | Posted 06/16/08 | Reply
i met a guy with navi saying hey listen as his ringtone it was funny
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/15/08 | Reply
*doesn't read other comments* I'm thinking scissors but some ppl probably already said it. ._.
:O wow, 300+ comments, never seen so many. XDD
Otakuite | Posted 06/15/08 | Reply
The suspense is killing me!
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/15/08 | Reply
heh im guessing,,,scissors?

great action scene, btw
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/15/08 | Reply
lmao mad skilz i think the water levels are always the most difficult, oot, lttp, tp, i wonder why that is. Maybe nintendo is anti-water? *snort* i think the hardest temple ever is the water temple in OOT. kicked my butt even now it takes me like a good 45 minutes to get through it.
Too cool! i never get to go to convention cuz i live out in the middle of nowhere. Thanks for the recommendations! girl links huh? sweet. boy princess zeldas would be funnier. it be great to dress up like navi and follow around links going hey hey listen. ;)
Otakuite | Posted 06/15/08 | Reply
wow even drunk and listening to screamo music i still manage to beat the great deku tree in like 10 minutes or so i have the place memorized that good anywho the juba juba gave me the hardest time gah i love conventions they are awesome i saw 3 girl links i know you are probably saying wtf mate why is he talking about this and the reason why i bring the convention i been at for 3 days now is cause i been recommending that they read the comic
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/08 | Reply
its even creepier when its hover 10 feet over your head and you cant't see it O.O
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/08 | Reply
@Jesse Hill:
woo hoo 300 comments!!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/14/08 | Reply
sweet! i always wanted a ninja! does he have his shots? :)
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/08 | Reply
nuthin like a giant eyeball starin u down 2 get u pumped :D
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/08 | Reply
dear barak:
, but then i still dont feel i'd insult zeldaofficialsite--it'd b acting too much like Oreo, if u get wat i'm saying.
nty. i'm a pacifist. tho i may reconsider if u can manage 2 take out a punk whose nikname is Oreo
u jus asked a trik question jesse--if the honest answer is that it IS annoying, u may nvr hear it.
dont let any1 get 2 u zeldaofficialsite. honestly, i believe u hav more ppl 4 u than against.
Jesse Hill
Otakuite | Posted 06/13/08 | Reply
Hey just stopped in to ask does it ever get annoying i mean i have been reading these comments and the thing i see the most are blams from barak and your comics the best just asking.
Jesse Hill
Otakuite | Posted 06/13/08 | Reply
Yeah I felt the need to be the 300th comment so thats why im posting this one the comic is awesome ect.
Jesse Hill
Otakuite | Posted 06/13/08 | Reply
I have posted two pages of my comic it is called the advetures of young link and I have 2 pages posted check them out
Just a Thought
Grand Otaku | Posted 06/13/08 | Reply
This is one of the best manga I've seen on this site ^_^ keep up the good work XP
Otakuite | Posted 06/13/08 | Reply
great comic 4 real im not really in to zelda and all that but this was 2 cool and by the way Great ART WORK LOVE the style
ur comics so ko..kooool im sending u a nija
Otakuite | Posted 06/13/08 | Reply
I think Link looks cute wearing the Lens of Truth. =3 lol
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/13/08 | Reply
heehee Link does look very geekish =3
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/12/08 | Reply
yeah ALL of the bug related challenges sucked, fiding the golden bugs, the bugs that steal the spirits light, and fighting bugs is just unpleasant.
The i dont advocate blamming thing is kind of a tell off at *cuough* barak and jesse for bullying zeldaofficialwebsite
I know your likemy number one fan but it takes me almost twenty minutes to respond to all of these comments!!!! Srsly!!! I have green hair and in live in a magical world filled with evil fairys that want my attention and shout meanless rambles at me all the time. Barak i think you may be my navi, just start off your comment wiht hey! or listen! and my head may explode. Thabks for the virtaul cookies, pepsi does a lot of advertising in horror films wierd. Being cahsed by a zombie? have a pepsi... not the greatest advertising campaign but ill take it. Ill give you some more indepth responses when i have a bit more time see ya!
Cool! cant wait to see your comic.
thanks! googles tht reveal truth are totally bad a$$
sounds really cool, ill have to youtube it/ find a nice manga scan. as soon as ive seen/read a few episoes ill drop you a line.
sorry for the blamming, i really have tried to put a stop to it. YOur artwork is amazing i cant wait to see your next post.
Jesse Hill
Otakuite | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
Im starting my own little fan comic of the legend of zelda check it out its called the adventures of Young Link
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
@barak and jesse hill
Barak you did not scare me off. I just stopped talking to you. I dont care if you two or anyone else think my work is crappy. To tell the truth barak, I think your fancomic is one of the greatest on here. I'm not saying that to make people think I'm the good guy either. That's my honest oppinion. And Jesse or Matt or whatever your name is, I have nothing against you or barak. barak, im sorry for that nasty comment i sent you. i know it was the wrong thing to do... thats why i sent that apology letter thingy. Hope you continue your comic barak. i want to read more of it. love the characters!
Jesse Hill
Otakuite | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
I myself thouht the water temple boss was hard because every time i would pull it out of the water it would run into me
Otakuite | Posted 06/11/08 | Reply
ah you mean the two forward strong slashes one right anywho i love the fire temple boss he ish easy as pie for me well i think the hardest boss for me was twinrova cause it took me a while to figure out oh i have to use the mirror shield on the hooker gah no fair
Jesse Hill
Otakuite | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
You can call me Matt because Jesse instn my real name Jesse was the name of a guy i know, and Hill was just a shout out to King of the Hill. I decline your offer as I find it hard to insult people and I dont want to be public enemy number one for legend of zelda official website
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
omg i love the way you did the lense of truth!! rock on!!!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/08 | Reply
my fav was definatly the dragon, simply cuz i luv dragons and cuz i wasnt frustrated by it cuz it was done by my brother and not me :P tho my second fav wuld definatly b the skull, tho i shouted at the 'cheating' zombis that popped up round the tail. imature, i kno.
my least fav: DEFINATLY the twilight bug in lake hylia. not exactly a temple boss, but despisable notheless.
wats wit the 'i dont advocating blame' thing? a new motto? o.o?
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/08 | Reply
Ive gotta check that out! the artwork is so cool! at first glance i thought it was a demon scarecrow! very creepy. Is it a manga or an anime?
@jesse hill
is that your last name or a play on something? ya know what dont answer that. hill-people are hilarios. I don;'t advocat blamming don't do it in my name! Thanks for the whole liking my comic thing i thinks its gotten a lot better fisrt few pages where kinda iffy though.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/09/08 | Reply
demons die is aweseom but i like the video for woods better and the gone fishing song is pretty good too!
ummm youre predicting my hairstyle/color? thats kinda stalker creepy.. my favorite color howver is green and that the only info youll get from me. Ninja are scary and creepy no getting away fromthat unnerving fact. i dont advocate blamming. It is an honor to be compared to Stan Lee, but definetly an exageration.
So cool! Twitlight princess is amazing! i had no idea about the fishing rod and bottle thing ive gotta try that one out. youd think someone whos practically immortal wouldn';t be too concerened wiht cheap fishing lures but hey whatever... realy makes you wonder though. Best fight in twilight princess has gotta be the one in the temple right before you see the twilight mirror for the first time, what was your favorite?
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/08 | Reply
AH hes bleeding he nvr bleeds!--does he? naw, 2 violent....except, then thers the redead, and that bug u hav 2 bite in 1 of the most unusual places...these guys had their priorities mixed up wen they made this game, seriously
woo! beat twilight princess! i jus luv how u dont hav 2 use ur sword or sheild against possessed zelda! (we found out online wen lookin 4 cheats 4 the golden bugs that u can 'punch' the balls of lite by hittin em wit an EMPTY BOTTLE--the site isnt as funny as the thought of it, fightin zelda wit a BOTTLE. try 2 imagine the volume of my lafter.
distractin ganondorf on the last battle wit the bobber didnt do me as much justice tho >.> tho it was still kinda funny....i can imagine peter pan versus cap'n hook wit that 1 lol (hes a cod fish!) *completely random* wow bear is rubin off on me. o i'm srry the ninja
or was it L?
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
if you think "woods" is good, look up secon person's other song "demons die" i love that one!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
thanx! comics are awesoem and all but serioulsy time consuming and even though im a huge loz fan, im getting a little annoyed with it and it takes a crazy ammount of time.
worth it though!
Thats cool zelda games rock, just beat phantom hourglass the other day, liked it way better than windwaker. i have noticed that most of my fans do not know much about the zelda franchise, id love to hear your thoughts on the Waste of time.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
first off i love our avatar where is the picture from?? im not saying i wont change color schemes but im really loving this one so ill probably stick wiht that.
Thanks! the pseudo sword is pretty cool but a huge pain to draw
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
priates suck! but thanks for the compliments, what if i write a decent ending and possibly start on an original series would my fans be satified? lol
i think it would have been better if i added some bad a$$ blood spots, to late to change it now though
i guess im flattered by the threats..and consider my windows locked lol, I'll finish i promise! I don't know why you guys think im gonna not finish it, im not that ADD
Otakuite | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
aww this is such a cute page of the manga!! X3 I love this so far!! gonna keep readin it^_^ I LOVE THIS!! its inspiring me to make one
its juts im so ADD, i cant work too long on one thing lol ^_^;;
Otakuite | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
whoa, it cool and good lol *smile* i alway play zelda games lol
Senior Otaku | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
Wow! this is so cool!! I love the style and the sword is cool too!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
uh-oh. oops. now it looks like if u ever try 2 stop the comic, ul hav 2 make sure all of ur doors and windows r always locked
not to freak u out or anything
and it looks like baraks at it again ^^ tho i dont think u shuld b degradin zeldaofficialsite, 4 2 reasons: 1, this is gamer's comic, and zeldaofficialsite mite not wanna red it if she knos ur insulting her. that hurts gamers comic mor than hers, especialy wit animosity hangin round the comment bord. 2, its not nice. yeah. thats all i got.
well, a ninja doesnt need 2 put ppl down. thats dishonorable. *bows* now, 2 get me sum fairies....
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
ok thx. i kinda meant an online immitation of the game w/e OOH! new page! XD
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
Dang this manga is good. I honestly couldn't draw that good at all...
And I feel many ppl are right, if you stop this manga, ppl will hunt you down, but not kill you. I'd say they'd force you to continue...
Hopefully those pirates won't get to you again. (Ninjas are waaaay better than pirates anyway)
Keep up the good work!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
Oh, shveet!!! Sheik^^ Dude. That's so awesome. The black and white totally rocks.
Not to mention, I totally love how you captured Sheiks movement with the swirlies. lol.
Rock on, as always.
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
eh id say waste of time is roughly 3/4s done, i think it might maybe be 60 or so pages but don;t quote me on this cuz i haven;t gotten the pages inked so its liable to change (although ive alredy drawn out ot like 50)...so yeha anime movies are cool, i also like my drawing style,sstay away from the dbz movies though they generally suck dragon balls..i think zeldaofficalwebsite's comic is cool, i would like to see where they go with it and i dont thnk they are calling link's mom a skank. I called her dead, well imp[lied it any way. school is gay, insomnia is fun, ninja wouldn't have to threaten people cuz there bad @$$es, I htink link cna giggle, bad stuff should happen to navi, i support your fairy lifestyle
glad i could be aof service as far as improving your week
barak is one angry ninja, not sure why, probably the dead parent shoes im sure they are dreadfully uncomfortable. double winks are awfullty stylish
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
i guess link is mohawless
so sad, i dont know whether to be flattered or threatended
, Its nice to knowpeopel are interested in this, ill definetly keep at it until i get to a proper ending.
@ Sakaira
Thanks! i'm kinda surprised so many people like this story without ever having played the game, i mean as a stand alone i think it just comes off as being really wierd. zelda s not really an online game but i bet if you went to newgrounds.com you could find a nice spoof, if i findone ill send it to you.
I was wondering when you comment
Navi talkin smack lol it beats hey hey listen, hands are kind of a theme in like every zelda game that and giant eyeballs dont ask me why...
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
Wait give back link i need him to finish my story.. aw man... um i guess ill just have to substitue link wiht tingle, this could get awkward....
Thank you thank you, do you like the coloring scheme ive been playing around wiht it (as you probably know) but eh?
Otakuite | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
love you comic gammer777 couldent make it through the week with out it and i agree with pheonixfox you shouldent stop working on this its awsome double wink score

Otakuite | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
i think that might have been a little to much dont yuo think barak
i mean how old is this girl anyway and you just blam her like that shame
Otakuite | Posted 06/04/08 | Reply
..................................................................................................................................................................... harsh
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/08 | Reply
You're right. The bounce page is enormously amazing because of Link's expression in the last panel. Also, dude, Navi's cooler than in the game. Rock on. Talkin' smack to Link. Not really. lol.
And yeah for more hands! w00t! lol.
Sorry I haven't been getting on lately so I haven't been keeping up with your posts regularly. Ugh.
Anyway, yay for new cover pages as well^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/03/08 | Reply
great manga! although i never played legend of zelda before, it's seems fun. if you know a online game sorta like it, it could be made on game maker i dont care, please pm me the web :D you have really nice art
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/03/08 | Reply
if ud ever stopped at 20 ppl wuld prob hunt u down and kill u 4 not continuing. not a gd thing. and i dont think he has a mohawk, either, since hes got the hair that stiks outta his hat. thatd b sick tho. tho mayb a bit creepy as well...
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
OMG I JUST CANT GET OVER YOUR ART STYLE!!! XDD I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!! XDD HAHAHA I love the page where he bounces and the one where Navi says you just got pwned! XD Hilarious! You are an aweosme manga artist! xDD
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
LOL, YOU just got pwnd!!!! XD *Gets bitch slapped by link* *glares at link* "WHAT TEH FUGDE LINK?!" *bitch slaps link back* "MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Peoples stare at meh. *Grabs link and runs*

Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
you would think that an anoying ball of light would be an easy target, i think i might have to kill navi! but hten who would speak for ever quiet link?
Mohawks are the best!(maybe thats what links hiding under his cap?)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
Its refence to one of his attacks in smash bros melee where he uses a twohanded swing,
so i guess if you considered smash bros canon lol, thanks for the input ill try and keep his kickassery one handed
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
thankyou! Bong BOngo is one wicked boss! either him(it?) or volvagia has got to be the toughtest boss. my fav boss though would have to be
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
hey, y DONT monsters ever hit navi? r they makin us suffer? it must b bad 4 them, too!
mohawks, eh? roflol my brother has a mohawk--he made my dad shave it on him. tho my dad's bad at it....:P
Otakuite | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
OMG Love the comic i hope you come out with more you do know that link is a one handed swords men with the boardswords like that unless you meant to make him a two hander anyways kudos to you
NOT THE COMPANY ;D (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
^^ Really awesome manga! I love your style!
OMG! I know that zombie thing! It's so creepy but insanely awesome! XD
I love the way you draw it!
ah...Bongo bongo...Ever since that giant hand thing I've known he was coming up. 'cept I haven't gotten that far in OoT so i didn't know what the room was. lol I heard it was the hardest boss in the game, maybe even harder than Ganon. O.o
Well, Keep it up! i can't wait to see more updates!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
Don;t worry about barak hes nucking futz. Nope not a pro just a teenager with a lot of free time and a video game addiction.
@anime artist15
Kudos! you called it! best bosroom ever! except for maybe the fighting inside a giant fish (jabu jabu) that was pretty cool
That could be my favorite link pictuer ever, the ending is aweome spoilers:)
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
lol i thought there should be at least on e positive thing in this for link and there you have it a boss room with a trampoline floor!
Caffine makes everything better
Mohawks are freaking cool! You probably shouldnt be wearing your parents as shoes....It would be poetic justice if link ate Navi and then gained the ability to speak! he could probably only say hey hey and listen but its a start. Lovethe OOT quote that lazy hero lol, YOur avatar is cool! is that albert wesker fromyour comic Mcevil?
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
link looks really awesome in that bottom panel!
i wish i could draw like you can :]
can't wait to find out what happens next!! x333
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
Isn't this more like a room from Ocarina of Time? (page 37) It looks like the drum that Bongo Bongo (Shadow Temple boss) is fought on? Now to read the next page!
Otakuite | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
gammer777 you have such a great span of art work tell me are you a pro
Otakuite | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
wish i had a fairy (was that barak like) and neko is cute

Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
Haha, okay xD I'll be awaiting more. Love page 38. Frickin' hilarious. (but it might just be because I had too much soda)
The Elusive (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
Link looks so happy bouncin' on that floor!
Your comic is awesome!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
Yeha its is blue tinted i think that just a default on my coloring program, ill see if i can tint the next one green lol
its the eye of truth without the tear shape at the bottom, but i can see the egyptian references, i think it works since sheikah is probably a play on the word shiekh which is an honorific in the arabic language that could be a refernce to nobility or importance.
totally wicked that yuo got the games! i wonder whats its gonna be like matching up the monsters in waste of time with the actually ones they were based on? seriosly cool! Wind waker is ok but ocarina is better! way scarier and the story is better, i think. actaully the plot for windwaker is gonna be crazy hard to understand if you havn't beatn OOT. wow this is one long comment.
@Dark lord
Yes! i think it would be cool! i mean boots are soo middle ages lol
YOur avatar is freaking long i could see why it took so long for pheonixfox to comment. Thankyou!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
Glad to hear you like it! ive been workng on my style trying to up my artwork before i try something original so ive done several differnet color schemes ans formats. Motive? eh the titles more a reflection of the story plot and a play on the zelda game "ocarina of time"
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
yeah sensless violence is the best,
ReallY???? yugioh? can't say im a fanof the series but cool eh i was goingfor the eye of truth.
Dark Lord XIII
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
im sorry if this went over my head before but is link wearing converse shoes? thats awsome.
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
heh i wulda posted this sooner but i was too busy readin mysterioushanyou's avatar--man its HILARIOUS! jus had 2 say that.
LOL link's faces r PRICELESS on this page! i absolutely luv it!!! and i'm gd with the coloring. its also a bit of a compromise between those who like color and those who prefer blak and white. woo!
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
really good! x333
can't wait for more! x]
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
blue! my favorite color! (well, on MY computer it looks blue, idk if it looks diferent on any1 else's computer...) and yea, the eye looks like its from yu-gi-oh or somthin else egyptain.
FINALLY! i got Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker!!! ok so i just barely started them but now i understand wat they're like. definatly like Wind Waker more--much better story and art. hated the prison tho. those pigs give u major heart ataks and make u hypervenalate.
i finally understand the 'hey hey hey' thing navi. heh.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
haha. like always. frickin' awesome gamer xD love your artwork. favorite style out of everyone's I've seen hands down. >xD I wanna know what happens next! (and now that I think about it... having the name "A Waste of Time" makes me suspicious of your motives for this is.... lol)
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/30/08 | Reply
Ok. First, wicked awesome spiffy coloring scheme. It's the coolness.
Also, I fail because I actually never got the chance to play Link to the Past. Please don't judge me T-T
And I giggle because the eye totally just made me think of Millenium Items in Yu-Gi-Oh. lol. I've never seen the actual anime, just the abriged version on youTube xD
Oh, and like always. Dudes. I love your work :3
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/25/08 | Reply
Violent video games teaches us the most important lesson.
Killing/ protection
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/24/08 | Reply
WOO another new page! in color! i like blak and white a bit more than color, tho i still luv them both
and guys, try 2 keep the animosity down 2 a minimum here...
i like nekos
but i only hav 2 dogs--1s part wolf tho so i', gd 
'dont get killed' ...easier said than done, navi :P
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/22/08 | Reply
Haha ok I will! =D
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/22/08 | Reply
dude you gotta post it! andgimme the heads up when you do!
@shikamaru rocks
OMG!! link would well actually i dunno if hed be good at DDR but i bet durunia(that fat dancing goron) would be wicked good at it.
Thanks! i love that expreesion so cute! and kinda of evil.
nice name! um i uplaod it to the otaku site homes so if its not loading take it up wiht them, ive had that problem a couple of times too but it normally fixes itself
yup now that ive figuered out photoshop more or less i can color pages in like 30 minutes, which is freaking sweet cuz it used to take me like 3 hours with paint
@carrot feeet
hello! glad to know you like the comic what parts your favorite? BTW i wouldn't talk to barak hes a crazy blammer, im just glad i have not envoked his wrath
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/22/08 | Reply
i was wondering what happened to you. Do you like the new colored pics? or should i go back to black and or white?
Otakuite | Posted 05/22/08 | Reply
just read you commic its the bomb
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/08 | Reply
Aaaw! Link looks so forlorn. lol. That or he's like "God, Navi. Just shut up." lol. I don't think he'd actually ever think that though. Of course, no one knows what Link think's cuz he never talks...hm. Quite a delima xD
I love the coloring job. You're uber talented^^
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/21/08 | Reply
YAY! More colored pages! I love it!
Otakuite | Posted 05/21/08 | Reply
dope 4 real but wer yu upload i cant find da page
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/21/08 | Reply
The last frame on PAGE 35 is hilarious! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
Hahaha. Good point. Of course he's a gamer. He would totally own at Soul Caliber. Dude!!! Now I really wanna draw Link playing DDR!! That's just too funny an image xD
Yay for more color pages! That's wicked spiffy.
Oh, and thanks. Glad you like it. My ava makes me giggle.
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
hahahaha I remember after I played Zelda Ocarina of Time, I made a comic where navi got eaten! XD lol I should upload it...lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
why thankyou i try, navi is an incredibly easy charater to write, and slighlyt annoying im still contemplating letting her get eaten by something...
this page goes out to everyone's inner blood lusting violence addicted gamer. lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
yups bears definnelyt accounts for at least half of all random posting on otaku and we love himfor it. I did catch the D being blue but i thought it looked awesoem so left it.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
Link is totally got to be a gamerwhere else would he get those bad a$$ sword skillz? i wonder if he plays DDR lol. i m totally geeking about how cool this page turned out i think ill go back once the stories been completly posted and redo some pics in color.
lov ethe new icon btw!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
Haha! Too many violent video games is the some here! ^_~
Surprise me ;]
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
Hahahahha I LOVE the way you make Link act in your comic! XD And Navi still yet pointing out the obvious! XD Awesome awesome job!!! Cant wait to read more! You are so awesome! XD
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
wow. link looks like me or my brother wenever our gradpa tells us we play video games too much
o well :D heh u missed 1 of the pixie-dust splotches and hit the 'D' instead :D
gah! barak's message(s) were super-short! run 4 the hills, the sites about 2 explode!!! honestly, now that its been goin on 4 a while if he doesnt keep it up ppl mite actually start MISSING it!
(ZeldaOfficalWebsite included! u hav 2 admit it!) also, if he stopped completely, say goodbye 2 the otaku and all we kno in it
lol jk
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/20/08 | Reply
Oh my God! Link is so freaking adorable in that last panel!!! I'm about to pass out from fangirlish glee!! lol.
It's awesome to think of a video game character being a gamer. lol.
How are you so amazing at capturing facial expressions?
Oh, and woot for more color pages and for an update!! I acutally began to wonder if I had simply missed all of the update announcements. lol.
Rock on.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/15/08 | Reply
OMG the hilarious!!! Navi huge MCR fan. emo fairys! i think we would all have to start worring a bit if links hat started to bleed.... Lurves the crazy comments
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/08 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/14/08 | Reply
eh you are a die hard fan so post as much as you would like! try and keep it on topic if you would be so kind
im afraid of ninjas!!! i bet you and navi would get along great. Hey! Listen!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/12/08 | Reply
those heads took FOREVER 2 load on my screen.....foxfire, eh? i suppose if i refuse ul jus call me it anyhow so i wont. this way i wont feel harassed and u dont feel superior. i honestly think u may hav a sickness (jk). u type too much (not jk).
just dont elevate foxfire 2 shippo. hes a cool caracter and all but all the same. once again: foxfire. not shippo. thank you.
srry gamer i realize this is ur comment board and not his ^^ sick page. makes me wonder wat navi's thinkin...'snot....' (dont think i didnt catch it comin out) o mayb 'this guy is in serious need of a manicure'
that guys nails actually look somwat close 2 mine. scary thought.
redeads. my first experience with them was Super Smash Melee:
"devon-devon-devon get over here! help me, i cant get my caracter away from the zombie thing, its...its....sexualy abusing her or...or...jus how do i get the zombi off of princess peach????"
"read WAT??? jus help me get this stupid zombi off my princess! video game caracters shuldnt rape other caracters! wat is this game rated again???"
no joke, that 1. stupid redead. princess peach is probably still traumatized.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/12/08 | Reply
that is actually scary....*runs*
Surprise me ;]
Saruna Kuromai
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/12/08 | Reply
I love it! What monster is that? It's not a redead... cuz they well... u kno...
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/11/08 | Reply
Man. He really did die awesomely. (that's just too funny a phrase, just so you know xD)
Man, his fingernails are so groady! Rock on!
And I'm way happy that we finally get another page. Go you!
I love that it kind of looks like the "H" in "SLASH" is cutting his head off. lol
The splat is way gross. Rock on.
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/10/08 | Reply
I'm Rating your Manga! from a 1 through 10 Ill give it a 20 It's the best I've seen here that why
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/09/08 | Reply
i'm scared. o.o
and o yea barak i'm a girl ^^ i only ever use girl heads
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/08/08 | Reply
rotflmao i am still laughing about your comments. teh whoel list of ramdomn characters bwhahaha to cool. I GOT A GRAPHIC TABLET+PHOTOSHOP!!! WOOT! totally jazzed on that so i won;t be posting for a while probably not until sunday anyways cuz im playing with my new toy
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/08 | Reply
well, since navi doesnt talk in third person, the only name i think we'd ever hear is 'sheik.' wait, another question: y doesnt LINK ever get into the trouble? no, hes jus gotta SAVE every1 ELSE! 2 b a hero... *sigh*
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/07/08 | Reply
hey Gamer777, I was wondering, what's your favorite Legend of Zelda game anyway, I like that one for the wii, but no one can beat it...seriously.
Surprise me ;]
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/07/08 | Reply
carrot ocarina are sweet officially! i wonder if that guy does a how too? id so want to make one of those.
Its totalyy true sharp teeth=bite sword. I have watched more than a few inyuyasha episodes and have no intention of pulling a whole links evil brother blah blah blah thing, i think his older bro would be a goron and yeah not as cool as seshomaru. although i think navi would be all for the screaming out each others name all the time bit, the KAGOME!!! INUYASHA!!! zeldafied it would be like Sheik!!!! Naviii!!! since well link doesn't seem the screaming type
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/08 | Reply
out of a CARROT???? i want 1, too! i used 2 play a recorder--i wonder if they're similar in any way? all i can remember how 2 play tho is hot cross buns. phooey.
decapitated hands. lovely.
and y do monsters with freaky sharp teeth always bite swords???? (i dont kno if u kno wat i mean, but it happens 2 inuyasha too....srry not jus a zelda--no, LINK--fan ^^) wats next, is som1 gona use the monsters teeth 2 make their OWN sword???? (u havta kinda kno the show 2 understand........)
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/07/08 | Reply
Ah. Rock on. Finally another page. Sweet!
Link looks emo in the first panel. lol. Not really. He looks intense, what with severed arms flying and everything XP
The coming out of the darkness effect really is very cool. Nicely done.
I also miss Sheik. And I think your dialogue is awesome! As are your metaphors. lol. Feeding navi to something. Awesome. hehehe.
An ocarina out of a carrot?! For realz?!?! That is so cool. I have a little ocarina made out of clay that I can play Zelda tunes on but I didn't make it myself. Sweet. I want to meet this guy.
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/07/08 | Reply
dang.. every page just keeps getting better and better!! Love it!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/06/08 | Reply
fan manga is freaking sweeeeeet! every one i think whos ever played the game thought link was zelda at first glance. kinda bogus i mean in most zelda game shse doesn;t really do much of anything OOT was probably her most influential role. Midna is a really cool character, and very stylish, and her back story was dramatic and cool. The heheheing can get a bit annoying but she was a bit more fun thatn navi just because of her comments. The sword is pretty hard to draw but its good practice and it looks pretty cool so its worth the time
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/06/08 | Reply
i could definetly see the resemblence to a light saber but actually i based it more on a weapon i saw on a ./hack video game box picture. Not really a fan of the series not because i dislike it but because ive never really seen it.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/06/08 | Reply
Serioulsy!!! Too many comments! argh well whatever. No i do not know what that creepy monster guy that guards the lenss of truth name is... ragonomics are aweseom. I would totally ewield a sword made of cucuus and use it to fly around. that would be sweet. So far i have not put in any sexual innuenedos and if i had a wish i would wish for the cuucuu sword to fight evil so its not selfish Oh and a cool job at an art studio so i could write comics all the time. i know this answers arn't in a particular order but hey i tried to answer at least half of your crazy sugar induced questions.
Otakuite | Posted 05/05/08 | Reply
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/04/08 | Reply
the pseudo-master sword makes me think of star wars....
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/08 | Reply
yo! i posted a fanmanga 4 waste of time.....kind of--i didnt really try drawing/'painting' any of the caracters. idk wats wit the site, tho; it keeps alternating between it being there and it NOT bein there, and it hasnt even appeared on the 'FanComics' section (tho its in my portfolio)(this is wen i'm typin this, the situation may hav changed by the time any1 reads this)
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/08 | Reply
WOW i missed 3 whole pages while hangin at borders...links hat? mayb 1 of the village kids glued it on him as a prank? then again in Twilight Princess he doesnt start out with it....mayb it stays on cuz its magic (in the game, in this manga he apparently has it the whole time). and hes not bald (c the beginning of the previously mentioned game). That WULD b weird tho.
Midna? honestly at first i thought she was bratty, but after cin zelda the 2nd time i thought she was the best caracter EVER (besides link himself, of course!)
and finally: i pity u. lov the sword, but this also means u had/hav 2 draw that thing about a million more times...make sure 2 get a doc 2 chek ur hand if it starts compulsing ^^ we wuldnt want u 2 become left handed (unless u already r, or r ambidextrous ^^ but u still wanna keep ur right hand)
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/03/08 | Reply
AWSOME!! Love the sword!!
Saruna Kuromai
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/03/08 | Reply
You're right about the villian thing!
Sakura Irving
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/02/08 | Reply
That is a way awesome pseudo-master sword. I also like Link's expression. You have done a wonderful job on this manga so far. ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/02/08 | Reply
Aaaaaaah. Gotcha^^ I played that game about 6...maybe 7 years ago. I think...hm.
Maaan. That sword rocks. And I love how Link like doesn't react to that horrifying thing screaming in his face. Rock on.
Oh, and pseudo is one of the coolest words ever. A friend of my mine read it wrong once. He said "poo-see-doo" hehehe.
Anyway, wicked awesome page. The triforce glowing is kickin'.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/02/08 | Reply
whoa really did a good job on the sword. Two out of three parts of me like it.
Surprise me ;]
Art Munkee
Saskies (Otakuite++) | Posted 05/02/08 | Reply
dood that pseudo master sword is teh sh!t The design is amazing
Love it! And I like the way you drew Link's hair and his expression in the bottom panel. very badass ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/02/08 | Reply
hes the hunched over creepy dude that you have to beat to get the lens of truth
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/02/08 | Reply
I want to draw fanart for you....but my neck is hurt so I can't really look down much....maybe later^^ I would love to do something chibi n____n
Which game was the boss from? I haven't played Ocarina in ages (sorry if I spelled it wrong.....) but he seems similar to one of the creepy dudes in that.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
hecks yeah im loving the fanart. and the bad guy is freaky as heck but then again his inspiration was one of the creepier bosses
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
hahaha. Yeah. That's one weird growth, then XP
Man! That bad guy rocks! Sooooo creepy! And dear lord! This is the second page today! Rock on, man!
Oh, and I love all of Link's expressions on this page. All of 'em are totally perfect! :3
And that fan art pic kicks butt! That kid has got talent.
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
That bad guy on pg. 31 is freakin awsome looking!! *hugs*!!
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
I dont think links expressions are bad. u draw him great!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
yeha either last night orr toaday im not sure. Maybe his hat is actually part oof his head....lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
hahaha. Yeah! I've always wondered about that hat. It stays on while swimming, and jumping, and being chewed on by scary plants. You'd think it would fall off sometimes...hm...lol
Dude, really? Waste of Time fanart? Wicked!! I'll try to find it. Was it posted recently?
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
zeld afan manga master huh? sounds freaking cool! I was considering having his hat puuled off but this way you can just keep guessing why it is that hes wearing that hat. suspicios isn't it? wouldd't it be too funny if he was bald under lmao
check out redleafs fanart! ITs a waste of time peice!!!! im so psyched about it!
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
Awesome. One of 'em's grabbing Link's hat!!! lol
I like Link's expression in the second panel a little more than that in the last panel but, meh. It's all good^^ And I mean that literally. All of your pages are good, so no sweat.
The scary veins in the arms and hands are creeeepy.
Also, reverse necrophila. hehehehe. That shouldn't be funny, but it made me snork. lol (that's the sound I made, if you were wondering :P)
Rock on, my Zelda fan manga master^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
I'm not sure how many good memories link has of redeads im sure it falls into the supressed memories category. As for why they do what they do to him I have no idea, i guess the game designers thought reverse necrophila was funny. The lens of truth is freaking sweet.
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/01/08 | Reply
Hahaha. Yeah, sure. I'll tell you if I start one^^ If I do, it'll have to be in like...a month or so cuz that's when I graduate and I'll be uber busy till then.
So you know exactly how this is gonna end?!?! Rock on, man!! I think lots of people start these things with only a basic idea and it kinda goes from there^^
And, cha!! Minda rocks hard core. lol. Don't worry, I'm don't actually talk like this in real life. Well usually. heh heh.
Oh, and thanks for complimenting my compliments. lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
I do love cber cookies
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
its almost become a habit now, and since ive already got the pages "scripted out" it only take me a good thrity minutes to draw them.if you start a fanmanga you gotta gimme the heads up id love to read it and return all of these wicked sweet comments.
Midna is one of the best zelda characters ever!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
luv the expression wen Link realizes sheik's jus down the hall. and navi jus keeps on talkin!
tho i gotta ask: which digit on that hand comin thru the wall is the THUMB??? *random question* i dunno bout u but my thumb doesnt bend in 3 places
and i think we'v got enuf anger cookies ^^ how bout ginger? (almost spelt the same, too!)
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
Yes. There is a great multitude of hands in Zelda, isn't there? Gee...I guess I hadn't particularly thought about it. Midna is quite possibly one of the coolest version of said hands, though. I squeel half the time she's on the screen, I think she's that awesome. lol.
Also, once again, Link just looks so cool. His eyes and stuff are crazy. You capture how much Link exudes coolness perfectly. lol
And, holy crap muffins, man. How do you pump out the pages like this? I've pondered posting a few fan manga, or original things, but you make me feel like I'd be letting my fans (if I had any, lol) down by how not frequently I'd be posting. lol. Anyway, it rocks, as always^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
yeah i saw that loz live action teaser too. the dude with the accent at the begiining almost sold me but i think if holly wood was gonna do a loz movie they would make Link lose the hat and stay away from all mj references. YOU CAN SEE BONG BONGO'S HANDS. Its his wierd body that you need the lens of truth to see. Your mucking up my comment board bear try and keep the crazy rants to one or two comments.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
Yeah its a redead jumping link, theres a nice sign wiht an arrow in one of the shots, maybe i'll slow down the animation so you can see it. I'm really glad to get some postitve feedback about the crazy metaphors. the more i look at it the trippier it seems
Art Munkee
Saskies (Otakuite++) | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
That is an awesome map!! XD And I love Link's determined look in the last panel ^^ hurry with the next page! The suspense is killing meh!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/30/08 | Reply
That is quite possibly the most amazing map I have ever seen. XD
Man, does Link ever look determined! Go Link! hehe.
Sorry, gotta go. I'd love to leave a longer comment. Maybe laterrrr!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
nuthin 2 say, its jus there'v been way 2 many other posts since my last 1
tho yeah, i agree wit puttin in a metaphor, or riddle, or watever. always gotta hav some odd-end question in a game like this or its jus som silly, unconfusing game, and we dont ever wanna hav that. 
o yeah and nice new avatar too!
struk me as redead (only ever played Twilight Princess and Super Smash Bros. Melee, lik i'v said....)
--wat the hek is that thing, anyhow????
and like ShikamaruRocks always says: Rock On!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
I don't think Sheik could have been any clearer either. Of course, if you didn't know who Sheik is, it may take a while to figure out.
We haven't seen who's beatin up Sheik yet, have we? Man, I can't wait to see who it is. Of course, I have some ideas, but I'll just keep those to myeslf.
I love the little face above the No Input message XP Rock on.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
Ok, no problem,^^ I just got to make the pictures look better because I'm not an artist and when I came up with it, they looked very generic looking.
The Poison Of God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/29/08 | Reply
I love it!It's so cool!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
You didn't miss anything, it's just Navi hitting link repeatedly.
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
Where did all the lil faereies come from or am I just missing something
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
Yeah. It really does give it that special Zelda feel^^ I love the way I think I have no idea what's going on sometimes while playing. It's awesome. hehe. I'm not so good at writing super deep sounding stuff, so this blows me away. Rock on.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
yeah i really considered taking it out but i think this gives the story more of the epic feel that you get from most zelda games, and adds a serios tone to sheik. in far out sorta way.
plus the metaohors were ment to confuse so i guess it served its purpose
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
This is awesome even though I've only played one of the Legend of Zelda games
Art Munkee
Saskies (Otakuite++) | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
love the color in the new page! You're awesome! ^^
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
Awesome, as always. Even more awesome cuz of the color^^
I already know who Sheik is, but I tilted my head and squinted anyway. lol. Too bad I couldn't make out the hint. I feel lame now. lol.
The metaphore is a bit trippy, but I think that this version of Sheik is totaly cool. The trippy-ness ads to the awesome factor. lol.
Rock on.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
mmm peanutbuttery anger
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
oh dude you gotta tell me when you post it
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/28/08 | Reply
I'll try to up load this thing, but it might not work, so sorry in advance just in case.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/27/08 | Reply
Great comic gamer777, I really like it. Lol, if Barak keeps this up, you'll have 200 comments in no time.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/27/08 | Reply
my 100th comment!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/26/08 | Reply
lol, cuz everyone loves seeing shiek getting pwned buy somthing off camera!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/08 | Reply
whoawhoawhoa sav ur breath and ul liv a couple more years, barak V
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/26/08 | Reply
this is sooooooooooo friggin cool!!!!! i sooo love it!!!!!! *spaz-like scream*
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/08 | Reply
THIS IS AWESOME!!!! I love your art style its amazing!! Did you draw all of this by hand?! You are so gooood! I wish I could draw manga or comics like this! *I favs* so so awesome x3
ps.I love the way you made Navi aggrivating like she is in the game XP lol
Saruna Kuromai
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/26/08 | Reply
Agh! I second Navi!! I Can't take the suspence!!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
a gd reson, i think--and i agree, he/(she?--that questons stil there, isnt it?) has got sum kool poses! and a third person i agree with is NAVI of all ppl/fairies: I CANT TAKE THE SUSPENSE!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
I would absolutly love to see anyone cosplay as a waste of time character! if you do it you have to send me pics! that would be too cool. I liked sheiks poses too, im been trying to make them overly expresseive since you can't see sheiks face,and maintain the coolness.
Its totally awesome that so many people are into waste of time at first i thought it would be so uncannon that not many zelda fans would be interested.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
Ah, but the violence makes it so much better^^ Of course, I really like Sheik, so seeing all that goin' down is a little distressing. lol.
I love how cool you make Sheik look in the first panel of Camera 2, too. lol. A very nonchalant pose.
Hm....I think it would be fun to cosplay your Sheik...hm....I would have to be a bean-pole for that to work though, lol.
Oh! And Link in the middle of the Camera 1 page is adorable. lol. He looks like a little kid to me n______n
As always, I love it! Oh! And I had my brother read all the pages up the the SciFi one (you hadn't posted any others when I showed it to him) and he said it rocked, so, um, Go You!!! I guess. lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
lmao! thats hilarious youve got to show me some pics
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
Yeah, me and a friend of mine made something we called the "Navi Cafe" it was a semi-gruesome cook book of Navi "dishes" including pancakes, sushi, cooked, grilled, chopped, shredded, and nuked. It was very fun, & me and him made drawings of the results.(I made instructions!):D
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/25/08 | Reply
AH so that expains it!
tho it'd b best if we got ourselves som *YAWM* sleep.
who'm i kidin??? all-nighter! *falls asleep*
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/08 | Reply
lmao! didn't think of that one. then link would have squished fairy all over the bottomof his sneaker.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/08 | Reply
nu uh! ive got a three day week end thank you spring vacation!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/24/08 | Reply
woohoo! sheiks BACK!!!! (and MAN r u up late! unlike me u hav sjool tomorow!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/08 | Reply
ok sheik is not vaati, maybe a resemblence if you sqint your eyes or something. I think i will start changing my pass word every few hours...a conspiracy to hack my account seems pretty far fetched and i dont see the piont, its not like im making any money off of this.
Barak you may have a sugar/deathnote addiction seek help. although the rants are pretty funny
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/24/08 | Reply
is this really tru??? holy cow wat the hek culd these ppl want??? gamer, u mite wanna change ur password every 2 hrs or somthin O.o i hope nothin happens but jus in case...
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/08 | Reply
Simply adoarable. lol. I love the little heart by Navi. Oh, and Link looks so serious. haha. Rock on.
I love the quick updates^^ Don't feel pressured, though.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/24/08 | Reply
It would have been funny to seen Link stomp Navi into dust, but that was cute.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
gameshow? cool! im not a real fan of dresses myself, the one i made is the only one i own. and it was really uncomfortable, the duct tape kind of made a corset and it was really difficult to breath, not gonna wear it again anytime soon though
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
i'v seen duct-tape clothes only once be4, on a GAMESHOW o.o pretty kool, i'd say, tho i myself wuldnt favor wearin it myself--i'm stikin 2 t-shirts and pants, thank u all the same, and besides, my friend and i havnt worn dresses in almost half our liftime and thus its almost taboo 2 start now......
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
hahahaha. Well, it was an awesome page.
Glad the dress wasn't too hard. I'd love a picture of it, if you have one, that is.
Saruna Kuromai
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
I love it!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
thanks! i was looking at the bamboo fun ones and i think ill cut my teeth on that, I'll probably end up wiht a small one just because they are cheaper
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
eh Link doesn't have a choice about it, hes the hero he has to save navi. This could be the funniest page ive ever written.
making the dress wan't to bad, and thats coming fromsomeon ewho knows nothing about sewing.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
Dude, that dress sounds awesome. Man, I've always wished I could do cool stuff like that with duct tape. lol.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
hahahaha! Awesome. Poor Navi, but seriously, "hey hey im on fire hey!" is one of the funniest things ever. Rock on.
And Links super nice, blowing the fire out like that. lol.
Sorry, I probably know less about these graphic tablets of which you speak than you do. lol.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
size doesnt really matter, it all depends on the space you have on the desk, the small is about the size of a mouse pad but look what i can do!(art in my profile) there are larger versions but it's expensive
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
Lol I like this page too.
Hmm, well for a graphit table, I reccomand a Waccom.
Any one will do, but I like them better.
They come in three or four different sized, depending on how big you want your workspace to be on the waccom, a bigger one is better. But i got a small one because I work better small hahaha. :]
I think it is Waccom, or wacom.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
how much does the size matter? the bamboo small seems pretty tiny compared to the geniuspen models that have a bigger screen and are a little cheaper
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
lmao!!!! serioulsy? thats hilarios! i guess i didn't make it clear enoguh, he is in fact blowing out the fire! Im going to be laughing about this all day
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/23/08 | Reply
if you want a tablet, get a bamboo brand tablet. it's good, i have one.^^ it's not made of bamboo don't worry, it's just the brand name
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
i am very srry if i am a freak of nature
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
i'm embarassed 2 admit it but i kinda got confused on wat link was doin 2 navi on the last panel of 'pixie dust...' my first few takes on it were:
a) Link randomly decided 2 kiss Navi
b) Link was performing CPR (why, i have no clue)
c) He blew on Navi in a bursty of inspiration to see pixie dust fly off (by this time i'd actually read the page title)
d) After fighting Goro Link needed 2 heal and thus sucked in the dust (like with fairies in a bottle)
e) (and this is when my brain started working again) Link was graciously blowing out the flames engulfing Navi so he wouldn't burn to ash or whatever
so yea, thats pretty much everything i thought wen i looked at the panel....
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
Wow when you compliment you reeeallly compliment! thanks i really apreaciate the feedback. i don't really know how far ill take it ive kind of got the ending all figured out but its gonna leave off at a place that is easy to continue from.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
its no suprise! this is awsome! you really add a great twist on to the zelda series! i want you to cont it forever! and i love your style!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
OMG!!! ive almost got 1,000 views!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
@shikamarurox/pheonix fox
yup. I made this wicked duct tape dress (hence all the dealys) with an anarchy sign spray painted on the side. its was pretty sweeet. although i couldn't move or breath in it....
I had a spring vacation but it snowed alot this year so lost it all to snow days. loved it at the time hate it now
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
nice comic =D
one of da best on theotaku.
luv how the characters all hav their own personalities.
srry bout u're old account =(
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
wicked shadowing on the spikes! cant do it myself, cookies or no :P
prom week huh? thats actually kinda funny 2 me--while u hav absolutly no time i hav all the time in the world thnx 2 april vactation!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
Awesome. I love Link's emo expression near the end of the Goro page. Rock on.
Oh, and don't worry about the delays. It's prom week here, too, and ton's of my friends are freaking out. lol. Did you go?
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/22/08 | Reply
Now that I look back, this game was that fun. Ocarina of Time is still being played by thousands of gamers.
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/21/08 | Reply
Cool art and funny comic but it needs to be colored and finished! :P
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/21/08 | Reply
yup, this is still the BESTEST comic ever! (on the otaku that is ^-^")
Surprise me ;]
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/21/08 | Reply
Thanks! all the stuff is hand drawn, i only use the computer to add the borders and draken the ink.
Grand Otaku | Posted 04/21/08 | Reply
OMG DID U DRAW THIS!? it looks so professional! i really like the way you drew the hand! *votes* faves*
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/20/08 | Reply
Nice one..
Otakuite++ | Posted 04/15/08 | Reply
Sweet! That is the coolest thing ever!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
Absolutely amazing, like always. I love the way Link's all washed out when you see him through the tube. And the Zora baby is fantastic.
Link looks mildly freaked, which is awesome too. I love it.
Oh and,
COLOR!!! YAY!!!! lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
thanx! drew all the pics myself i went to http://www.lunapic.com/editor/ its got some pretty stuff but kinda lame that you can only use 5 pics...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
hey gamer777 I like you avatar...I was wondering how you animated it.
(love this series!)
Surprise me ;]
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
sorry about the late color page update, when i tried to log in around ten to post it the site was down.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/14/08 | Reply
I hope navi gets beat up a lot! =^_^=
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
hehehe. That's amazing. Way to go Link! Maybe Navi won't squeak as much now? Or perhaps she will more? It looks like he may have disslocated one of her wings. lol.
Man, as always, Link looks awesome.
And I love that zombie thing. It's ribs really freak me out. lol. Great job!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
Its a very long and complicated (very boring)story...
i used my dad laptop and logged onto otaku a few weeeks back and forgot to log off so even though somebody was messing with that account i was able to get back on it through his pc. i went ahead and deleted Wasrte of time on his account and will continue useing gamer777. i really wished id remebered that....
btw im gonna post the color page later today so chaeck back later
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/08 | Reply
@gamer 7:
then none done! ^^ (hey did u get ur acc back? it says gamer_7 now!)
gamer 7
Otakuite | Posted 04/12/08 | Reply
huh i called you a psycho? sorryy i think i was writing psycho analysis and got side tracked. I abit ADD. Sorry! No harm intended!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/12/08 | Reply
I love it! I love how much detail you put into some of the pages!

Surprise me ;]
Saruna Kuromai
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/12/08 | Reply
cool! you're art is awesome!!!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/12/08 | Reply
wat do we do with a sword hilt? u throw it at the hand as hard as u can!!!
--wait, gamer, did u jus call my a psycho???i prefer mentally impaired!
still love it!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
Man. Rock on. How do you pump the pages out like this?
Yes! Finally! Link with a sword! Plus, way to go you and drawing it in his left hand!! Rock on even more!! I think some people forget Link's lefthanded.
I looove his expression in the 2nd panel. He loosk so...determined.
It's cool for it to go off cannon a bit. It's awesome to see new stuff with the characters we all know and love. Plus, Link is totally Link. I mean, he reacts the way I would expect him to and stuff. Rock on. Again. lol
Oh and, Sunday's only 2 days away!! Yay! lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
OMG! Yes Do IT!!!!! I would love to see fanart for Waste Of TIME!!!!
I'm excited to see what your take on it will be!
Its a fine line trying to keep it Canon but having such a radical twist. but i think ive done pretty good staying to true to Links character. especailly Navi. annoying in the game and in manga. Though i think my sheik is bit of a stretch, maybe not as poetic as the OOT Sheik.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
its inked in and then i tweak the contrast to make the ink darker.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
Oh, my God, is that a ceiling/floor hand?! I HATE those things. Or maybe it's Bango Bango? I guess I'll have to wait and see. I like the Majora's Mask in the background.
Anyway, I really love the comic. It's so fresh but brings back good memories of the game.
Hey, would you mind if I did a fanart of this (all credit to you, of course)?
Otakuite | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
Nice job~ I like your drawing style. And Link looks adorable! Do you ink your art? Or is that just really dark pencil?
p.s. I like how it starts to have shading in like page 3. xD
Chat Guardian (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
dude this is hilarious
can't wait to find out what happens next
kita mikichi
Chibi Artist Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/08 | Reply
Link's face is hilarious!!! XD
Otakuite | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
Love the colros (sorry 4 commenting soooooooo much!!!)
Otakuite | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
Liek the gray scale too btw, but a little color here and there is always a nice touch!*
Otakuite | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
oh, that's too bad.... Well, I really liek your manga if it helps...
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
Well, they rock. I count do coolio stuff like that.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
@White Witness:
kudos! your the first one to catch it, not really relevent to the story but yeah
White Witness
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
Hey, nice comic. So far, it's really interesting.
As to this page (#16) is that Majora's Mask I see in the background?
ing masta
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
Nice... I'm simplistic.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
thaks, i was partial to those creeps in the background, really hard to make it look realistic but at the same time zombified and freaky
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
Man, crazy. I love Sheiks feet dripping. Awesome. And the vein on the hand. You're good.
Oh, and "no pun intened". Rock on. lol
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
psycho analyzing Link huh?
well Link doesn't have really any say in all this no pun intended. His homes been obliterated and a friendly masked stranger offers him a shot at revenge. who wouldn't take it? and im sure the whole the world is over bit has him a teeny bit traumatized. so theres that.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
Dude, this is awesome! Love the art... and Navi being annoying as usual... lol. Jeez... SAY SOMETHING LINK!!!
(jk, jk) Continue soon please!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/10/08 | Reply
Course he didn't agree to it. Link never talks, man. haha. But yeah, I think he's just a tidge crazy ^_~
Art Munkee
Saskies (Otakuite++) | Posted 04/09/08 | Reply
I love sheik's face in that 2nd panel! XD Write more please and thankies!
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/09/08 | Reply
am i the only 1 here (mayb besides gamer) that link never even agreed 2 this? tho he seems pretty ok--and even eager--2 go into a haunted well with sum strnger he jus met 2 fite evil floating skulls over dead bodies.
now that i think it over more, mayb hes crazy.
go link and shiek! (wenever i c shiek's name, y do i always think of shrek????)
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/09/08 | Reply
hahaha. Yeah. It would probably sound pretty trip. lol
So, I just noticed the new page (even though I already replied to your comment....-_-') and I think the corny-ness rocks. lol. Makes Sheik unique. And I love that Link never talks. It would be pretty weird if he did (cuz he never does, duh) but at the same time it's different when he doesn't talk when it's not a video game. I don't make much sense....meh.
Awesome page. I like the creepy hand. Eeeeeew. heh heh
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/09/08 | Reply
dude seriously? wow ive got a following awesome! between school and work im swamped during the week. but ill do what i can no promises
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/09/08 | Reply
I can't wait for Sunday!
For 2 reasons:
2. One less week before I graduate. Rock on.
3. It's Sundy, durf.
Anywhoo, I just tried drawing then coloring in a quick little sketch. It took FOREVER and it doesn't look so good (ok for a first time, I suppose). Theeeen when I saved it it got all fuzzy and crap. Yuck.
I told my brother (who is my Zelda playing buddy, lol) about your manga and he thinks it sounds awesome. I'm spreadin' the word, yo. haha
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/09/08 | Reply
Thanks! I do love cookies! and compliments, ill post another color one on sunday!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/09/08 | Reply
CURSE YOU EVIL PIRATES! (Ninjas are cooler anyway) I'm glad it's back.
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/08/08 | Reply
Amazing!! I am soooo happy I gave you those cookies! *huggles cookie cooking empliments*
I reeeeally want to learn how to get so good at shading and what not. I shall attempt to draw, ink, and color something soon (hopefully) and I would really appriciate it if you'd look at it when I do.
I really enjoy this story and look forward to more (and the color pages!!)
Stealthy Puppy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/08/08 | Reply
whaaa... nice i love the new page!!!! keep up the good work
about u'r stolen account... whaa i'm really mad about it!!! anyways don't worry you still have u'r Talent...

Otaku Legend | Posted 04/08/08 | Reply
eh it blows alot, at least i kept all my back up pics so no big loss
Awesomesauce (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/08/08 | Reply
ur arts still kickin! (wow wat a lame line that was...) and srry bout ur stolen acc, which it hadnt happened tho i kno wishin wont help...
terrific, now i'm a pity party. plz excuse me wilst i smash my head against a wall.
thank u 4 ur time.
Otakuite | Posted 04/08/08 | Reply
This is one of the BEST manga's on this site=D
I just can't wait to see what happens next!