YEAH, I'm still doing it, but for right now it has been put aside from lack of inspiration. (i think you know what I'm talking about)
I should have the next few pages up soon, that will be a relief.
and by the way, if you have inspiration, start drawing it!
you can always go back and change stuff later anyway!
(and i wanna see your stories) *likes stories*
lol yeah i know it's annoying right? XD lol it took me a while to get used to it as well lol i like the story so far so keep up dah gud work lol and you'll get the hang of this new junky site eventually
eh.. don't worry... i've been on here for ages, disappeared, came back and was like "holy shit... am i on the right site?!" you'll eventually get used to it lol
BUT! onto the art! I absolutely adore his hair! Along with his face, it's just so amazing! The other guy's clothes are pretty awesome, too! Oh, and excellent background details! :D
Can't wait to see the results of this!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/22/08 | Reply
thats all i can say at the moment!
so yea: DUDE!!!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/09/08 | Reply
please update soon. =D
Otakuite++ | Posted 07/29/08 | Reply
~arya minato and itachi
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 07/27/08 | Reply
YEAH, I'm still doing it, but for right now it has been put aside from lack of inspiration. (i think you know what I'm talking about)
I should have the next few pages up soon, that will be a relief.
and by the way, if you have inspiration, start drawing it!
you can always go back and change stuff later anyway!
(and i wanna see your stories) *likes stories*
Fox Faith
Senior Otaku | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
oh wow. that's a really neat cover... my currant story. " Fox Shirne is so getting a new cover.... great job
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/04/08 | Reply
This is a great story so far, can't wait to read more! ^_^ I love your drawing style, too.
ari N52
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/05/08 | Reply
ooooh O_o i like this........
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/28/08 | Reply
very, very, VERY good!!! Artwork, story...all of it is amazing! great job, can't wait to see more!
Senior Otaku | Posted 05/28/08 | Reply
lol yeah i know it's annoying right? XD lol it took me a while to get used to it as well
lol i like the story so far so keep up dah gud work
lol and you'll get the hang of this new junky site eventually 

Otaku Legend | Posted 05/27/08 | Reply
eh.. don't worry... i've been on here for ages, disappeared, came back and was like "holy shit... am i on the right site?!" you'll eventually get used to it lol
BUT! onto the art! I absolutely adore his hair! Along with his face, it's just so amazing! The other guy's clothes are pretty awesome, too! Oh, and excellent background details! :D
Can't wait to see the results of this!