Of course... I can understand that. If someone tried to act like me through my manga, I think I'd be annoyed by that as well. Though on the other side of the coin, I think maybe people try to act Japanese because they're really excited about the culture that the wonderful creation of manga came from, so they get ahead of themselves... Still, I suppose if they want to act Japanese, they should at least do their reasearch first... *scratches head* Sorry... I have the bad habit of rambling. =^_^=
What really gets me is how people try to be Japanese just because of anime/manga and nothing else. They think they know everything about Japan through anime/manga, and act like-know-it alls. Truthfully, there is a lot more to Japan than anime/manga.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
That sounds rather... harsh. Well, doesn't matter. I couldn't be "wapanese" if I tried. I'm not white =o.o= Either way though, I don't care what ppl say I like anime and manga and would like to make manga... is that so wrong just because I am American?
i just use -chan and -sensei with my friends. i'm not trying to be azn or w/e, i'm just using my own wording. i'm not trying to kill japanese language, i juts like the meanings so i use them.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/07/08 | Reply
Mercury Dragon
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/08 | Reply
I hate when people butcher languages. It's annoying. Love the comic, though!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/03/08 | Reply
I love your art!!
And you make a good point.
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
It doesn't bother me that you like anime/manga.
What really gets me is how people try to be Japanese just because of anime/manga and nothing else. They think they know everything about Japan through anime/manga, and act like-know-it alls. Truthfully, there is a lot more to Japan than anime/manga.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/02/08 | Reply
Otaku Legend | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
i just use -chan and -sensei with my friends. i'm not trying to be azn or w/e, i'm just using my own wording. i'm not trying to kill japanese language, i juts like the meanings so i use them.
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
I am not azn therefore my animu suxz.
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/01/08 | Reply
White person trying to be asian. D:
The Poison Of God (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
What's a wapanese?
Afrofantastic (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/31/08 | Reply
It means Asian.