the green one means smthng like "giving a smell off" (sorry for the s*** transscribtion, but I dunno the english word...I´m going to look it up![something like "secrete">). The other one means ceasar, king.
Ne, and I dunno if he´s really written with one of these Kanji, it´s just amazing how different there meanings are!
Last edited by OoAnBuOo at 7:33:25 AM EST on January 6, 2009.
Otakuite | Posted 11/16/10 | Reply
Someone's gonna get it!![](http://www.theotaku.com/global/images/icons/ninja.gif)
Otaku Legend | Posted 07/06/10 | Reply
alen.will.die. its as simple as that
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 02/27/09 | Reply
allen is dead......
Jabbawookie (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/27/08 | Reply
the green one means smthng like "giving a smell off" (sorry for the s*** transscribtion, but I dunno the english word...I´m going to look it up![something like "secrete">). The other one means ceasar, king.
Ne, and I dunno if he´s really written with one of these Kanji, it´s just amazing how different there meanings are!
Last edited by OoAnBuOo at 7:33:25 AM EST on January 6, 2009.