ROFL too funny!!! and plus....L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was @ a convention yesterday and this guy cosplaying as him totaly looked like he does in the movie! he even did "the pose" for me! he sat in a char and everything! all so I could take his picture ^//^ I was soo happy!
Last edited by Ryusora at 5:39:06 PM CDT on October 10, 2010.
I sit like that and do the same thing with my fingers ^^. Did the finger thing before I read DN but I sit like him because I'm obsessed with L......... I think it's starting to annoy my friend, Skittles.....well, freak her. I'm an obsessed type of person.
you know what i do when i get nervous or anxious? I do one of two things.
1.i put the tip of my pinky on the bottom of my thumb, press my pinky down, then while still pressing down, i flick my pinky up. kind of like..if you want to flick somebody in the head, you usually use your index finger and your thumb, insted of the index finger, i use my pinky. i hope that exsplanes(spell check) the first one better.Now for the second one.(dont worry it's not long.)
2. i bite (and hard. not enough for it to bleed.) on the bass of my index finger (you know right above you knuckle).
I've wanted to watch Death Note for awhile now, but never get the chance.
Gtg! Ja Ne!!;)
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/08 | Reply
XD that's hilarious! It's funny cause I do the hair twisty thing like Near does and my friends ask me if I do that because of him and I'm like no! I have been doing that for years.... Weird how people can be...
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/08 | Reply
lol, I do the same thing. After Death Note was released as an anime and manga over here, people kept asking if L was my favorite character since I mimic him. (He's my fav character now though) Nice job again Hoshi-san. I always enjoy your comics and drawings ^^
Otakuite | Posted 12/31/10 | Reply
iv been going that way before death note was made too lol
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/10/10 | Reply
ROFL too funny!!! and plus....L!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was @ a convention yesterday and this guy cosplaying as him totaly looked like he does in the movie! he even did "the pose" for me! he sat in a char and everything! all so I could take his picture ^//^ I was soo happy!
Last edited by Ryusora at 5:39:06 PM CDT on October 10, 2010.
Blackie Kiryu
Otakuite+ | Posted 04/18/10 | Reply
I sit like that and do the same thing with my fingers ^^. Did the finger thing before I read DN but I sit like him because I'm obsessed with L......... I think it's starting to annoy my friend, Skittles.....well, freak her. I'm an obsessed type of person.
Otaku Legend | Posted 02/23/10 | Reply
I sit like that too--also way before seeing Death Note. And, yes, L is my favorite character.
Last edited by CDCDCD89 at 11:19:03 PM EST on February 23, 2010.
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/28/09 | Reply
ur really good
plus i love how he sits 
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/05/09 | Reply
i sit like that to but my i just bite my nail XD
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/19/09 | Reply
lols!!! that was halarious!:
Namida Ketsueki
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/01/09 | Reply
Lol Thats great~ All your drawings are so neat and awesome~
okami akaee
Otakuite | Posted 12/25/08 | Reply
awe kewl maybe i should do that
Otakuite | Posted 12/18/08 | Reply
I sit like that too lol
kittens 3
The Stalker (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/12/08 | Reply
Man! I do the same thing too! Sometimes I bite my hand really hard!
Otakuite | Posted 10/23/08 | Reply
super cute love it write me at Ambermangalove if u want to talk bout death note ps i sit like l too
Otakuite | Posted 10/07/08 | Reply
:neko: Dude! I use to do that too...come to think of it i still do...
Dovahkiin (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/04/08 | Reply
you know what i do when i get nervous or anxious? I do one of two things.
1.i put the tip of my pinky on the bottom of my thumb, press my pinky down, then while still pressing down, i flick my pinky up. kind of like..if you want to flick somebody in the head, you usually use your index finger and your thumb, insted of the index finger, i use my pinky. i hope that exsplanes(spell check) the first one better.Now for the second one.(dont worry it's not long.)
2. i bite (and hard. not enough for it to bleed.) on the bass of my index finger (you know right above you knuckle).
I've wanted to watch Death Note for awhile now, but never get the chance.
Gtg! Ja Ne!!;)
Neko Girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/08 | Reply
XD that's hilarious! It's funny cause I do the hair twisty thing like Near does and my friends ask me if I do that because of him and I'm like no! I have been doing that for years.... Weird how people can be...
Hot and Cold (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/08 | Reply
lol, I do the same thing. After Death Note was released as an anime and manga over here, people kept asking if L was my favorite character since I mimic him. (He's my fav character now though) Nice job again Hoshi-san. I always enjoy your comics and drawings ^^
~Deidara, un
imouto chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/22/08 | Reply
ROFL! That's funneh ^_^