Hahahahaaha!!!! It's kinda funny how maiko get's kissed right after she was almost rapde, and by the savior too! Haha! I find it kinda funny! Anyways Update soon!
If it was me, I'm pretty sure I'd slap him (even though he's totally gorgeous). lol.
Also, I love his expressions on the first Kyaaaa page in the upper panels. Seriously. How did you manage to draw that middle one? His face is like, ridiculously perfect! lol.
And thanks for saying I can draw bishies like you!! Makes me want to make more time to draw so I can improve :3
Also. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can't draw people kissing. I've tried before and it looks like their sharing one head. lol.
Where did you download the screen tones? I'm dying to know! Love the manga! I'm single so this appeals to me in a way. XD I'm not too interested in Shojo manga, but this is addictive! >:3 I love the clean lines and the story progression is so well laid-out! Great job and I'm waiting for the next awesome installment! Laterz~! <3
XD LOL...This is depressing, you see...this actually, happened to me. My dad left when I was 5 for another woman, but the divorce was never finally put through so he's come back and beat me as well.
And, same with me...I don't want to date and get involved because I don't want to end up like that. Wow, it's amazing how you could have got that right for someone really going through the first part of this, but anwyays! You're art is really pretty and I love the poses!
I lloovvvee shojo mangas!!!! Like strawberry panic and inubaka(even though its supposed to be a comedy -_-# its turning into a shojo though!!!) Anyways keep up the good work!!! Plus can i have some tips on how to make mangas...cuz i have my own little manga my self but idk how to make it into a manga. Reply back soon!!!
Sincerely, Luna Kitte
I can't wait to see more! :D Seems like it'll be tons of fun later.
Just a question (and don't worry, you don't have to answer :]), but what program do you do this in? I've always wanted to figure out how to do screentones.
Senior Otaku | Posted 08/11/09 | Reply
Hahahahaaha!!!! It's kinda funny how maiko get's kissed right after she was almost rapde, and by the savior too! Haha! I find it kinda funny! Anyways Update soon!
Stealthy Puppy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/07/09 | Reply
tnx glad you like it!!!
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/03/09 | Reply
whooOOAA!! i'm gettin' wRap with excitements!
the story is very WOW! I'm thrilled whahahaLOL!!
that was a good one!! oh yeah!! XP
RikuisHOT (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/19/08 | Reply
KYAAA!! XDD AMAZING!! I cant wait to read more! You are so good at manga and drawing!!! xD
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/17/08 | Reply
lol she kinda reminds me of one of my friends when it comes to guys XD
i like how you alredy added background to your charecter ^^
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/17/08 | Reply
beatutiful~!! i want more more more!!
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
Ooohh... =O///O= I stopped breathing for a moment...
What can I say...? Oh I know... KYAAAAAAAA!!!! = > V < =
Wowee!!! Can't wait to see what happens next. =^_^= Thanks for the wonderful update.
AngeliqueNade (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
Oooh-la-la. New manga in the making and it's getting really good so far with just a simple kiss! ^^
I like it! Can't wait to read more. =D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
[page nine response] "Consider that my reward for saving you?" What the foo?! o_o; (But he IS cute...^///^)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
[page eight response] Oo-la-la!
(I sense disaster. XD)
Last edited by Shadweh at 7:46:34 PM EST on November 16, 2008.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
[page three response] OUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCH!!! Ice-queen! X|
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
He ha. I'd probably be doing what she's doing. Just staring into space, completely stunned! I love your style of drawing!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
YEAH FOR KISSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XD Huzzah!! Aww, those two pages were adorable!! >w< *hugs* I can't wait for more updates... X3
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/16/08 | Reply
hahahaha! Rock on, dude. Steal that kiss!
If it was me, I'm pretty sure I'd slap him (even though he's totally gorgeous). lol.
Also, I love his expressions on the first Kyaaaa page in the upper panels. Seriously. How did you manage to draw that middle one? His face is like, ridiculously perfect! lol.
And thanks for saying I can draw bishies like you!! Makes me want to make more time to draw so I can improve :3
Also. Yeah, I'm pretty sure I can't draw people kissing. I've tried before and it looks like their sharing one head. lol.
Grand Otaku | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
Where did you download the screen tones? I'm dying to know! Love the manga! I'm single so this appeals to me in a way. XD I'm not too interested in Shojo manga, but this is addictive! >:3 I love the clean lines and the story progression is so well laid-out! Great job and I'm waiting for the next awesome installment! Laterz~! <3
Stealthy Puppy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
of course you can
Stealthy Puppy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
whooaa... really? aww.... i can't believe someone will relate to this manga... i hope u'r okie..
thx i'm glad you like my art style!! have a nyc day
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
OMG I LOVE IT *dies*
please continue to work on it!!!!
i so badly want to see what happens in it!!!!!!! :D
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
Ah, good work! You turned out quite a few. =^_^= Waiting for more. heh Let's see what this "main man" will say next. =^v^=
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
Makes sense. =^_^=
Pokemon Master (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
This is really awesome! *Foams at mouth* Update! Update! Update! *Spazzes out and falls off of computer chair* lol
The story so far is cute! I like your drawing style, and the guy with dark hair is cute! Haha
Please update this very soon. ^-^
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
XD LOL...This is depressing, you see...this actually, happened to me. My dad left when I was 5 for another woman, but the divorce was never finally put through so he's come back and beat me as well.
And, same with me...I don't want to date and get involved because I don't want to end up like that. Wow, it's amazing how you could have got that right for someone really going through the first part of this, but anwyays! You're art is really pretty and I love the poses!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/15/08 | Reply
So, yeah. He's really pretty. lol. Wish I could draw bishies like you.....
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/14/08 | Reply
I loves it so far, girl. You beez the rock, yo. haha. Just shoot me now. I shouldn't talk like that because I sound uber lame. lol.
As always, love your style. I really like the cover page too. Very nice.
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/14/08 | Reply
I lloovvvee shojo mangas!!!! Like strawberry panic and inubaka(even though its supposed to be a comedy -_-# its turning into a shojo though!!!) Anyways keep up the good work!!! Plus can i have some tips on how to make mangas...cuz i have my own little manga my self but idk how to make it into a manga
. Reply back soon!!!
Sincerely, Luna Kitte
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/14/08 | Reply
I am really starting to love this. And I love the cover, keep it up!!
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/14/08 | Reply
This is going to be a fun story! Keep it UP!!
red kie
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/14/08 | Reply
awww new romance manga !!! sweet
i will try to read it latter
)Oo~ Black rabit ~oO(
Stealthy Puppy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/14/08 | Reply
@Kitty K.O.:
well that's her plan she always cut her hair to look boyish so that she'll be unattracted to boys- she will explain this in the manga
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/13/08 | Reply
Whoo hoo... =^_^= This is shaping up to be another hit for you, Heartless! But doesn't she look rather like a boy herself? =o.o=
At any rate, I'm looking forward to more here.
Stealthy Puppy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/13/08 | Reply
i just downloaded the screentones in DA and othe sites.. i used adobe photoshop 7
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/13/08 | Reply
I can't wait to see more! :D Seems like it'll be tons of fun later.
Just a question (and don't worry, you don't have to answer :]), but what program do you do this in? I've always wanted to figure out how to do screentones.
The Dreamer (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/13/08 | Reply
Thanks a lot for the quick pace of the uploading. Again, your characters are very real and I can't wait to continue the story!
Otaku Legend | Posted 11/13/08 | Reply
X3 I luv the plot of the story! the cover is sooo shojo manga!XD it's very cute.Keep up the good work.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/12/08 | Reply
sounds interesting, the cover looks good too.
Sakura Kokoro
Keepsake<3 (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/12/08 | Reply
Lovely cover and I can't wait to read it~~ xD
Crazy Cat Lady (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/12/08 | Reply
ohh very nice cover!i love the background!the flowers are really good too!i cannot wait for you to make more ♥