Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
OMG omg OMG! I'm totally squeeing! XD It IS Ororon influenced! I don't know any other artist than Hakase Mizuki who does mouths and eyes (and fingers!) like that! Eeeeeeeeee!!! XD That's one of my favorite manga! It's so cool! I'm happy that there's someone else on theotaku that knows about it too! =>w<=
This story, even though I read the old version before, is really picking up now! It flows a lot better now. And you've picked up a ew new tricks, too (HAKASE MIZUKI! X3333). I'm so looking forward to reading more when it's up. =^_^=
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
Omg, I just have to say this... I totally noticed that page 11, the 5th and last frames are totally inspired by The Demon Ororon! Am I right? because the expressions looks just like some of the ones I saw in the book. =^_^= So cool if it was. Even if it wasn't, still cool. XD
First of all beautiful front cover!
I really loved the way you colored both of their eyes! Also, it has a very interesting story line. By reading all the far...I can really see how everything is about to come in place.
Also, I love the way you shaded each character´s face. And that girl is absolutely adorable! But...a lot of parts of your story didnt seem to make sense to me. Like how they were both so eager to get into his house...without any parents. To be honest I thought that was heading in a way different direction than inteded. And also, when the boy got that dagger out of nowhere! It was kind of strange.
But like I said beautiful artwork! And I cant wait to read more from you!
O_o Ugh, must.. have..more! Ahhhhh! Actually I liked it so much that I think I'm going to draw my own character! FAn art of Fan Comic!! I can't wait for the rest to come out so I can indulge my imagination!!! XD
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/10/09 | Reply
"Raaugh..." That's, like, my second favorite thing to come out of a person's mouth. Next to "Flahhh...!" (The sounds of opening th egates of Hell... it's from "Whose Line is it Anyway" =^_^=)
Haha... nuisance... =^_^= I wonder how a vampire would feel getting stabbed in the back as opposed to a human? =o.o=
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/07/09 | Reply
It's back?!?! =o>O= zomg! (and I've never used "zomg" before... what the heck is the z supposed to stand for? =o.o=) And you're back!!! Wow I thought you died! XD
I'm happy to see it back! I noticed that you changed the fact that the girl was his gf to being "just a friend." I thinkthat's better because a girlfriend would probably have fought mor efor her boyfriend. Though if anyone had someone they cared for attack by a vampire, they'd go through agonizing worry (and more!)
I luff vampires...! =^v^= Can't to see more of the new and improved version of V.V. =^_^=
Hey! How are you? xD I love this comic! It's awesome! I read the first version and I was waiting for it to continue xD I guess I will have to be a bit more patient... xD well, thanks for making it again, it looks a lot better! *hugs & favvs*
I LOVE IT!! *favs and hugs* This is amazing! Finally, one of my favorite fan mangas returns!! XD YAY!!!! I can't wait for more!! The original was great, so I know this is gonna be fantastic!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/28/09 | Reply
plz more
Otakuite | Posted 11/11/09 | Reply
Much better than the other one!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/09/09 | Reply
now this is getting good
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/08/09 | Reply
Otakuite+ | Posted 11/08/09 | Reply

Senior Otaku+ | Posted 11/01/09 | Reply
pleeeeezzzzz oh PLEASE continue!!!!!

Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/01/09 | Reply
yeah me too more plz
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/31/09 | Reply
I can't wait to see what happens next!!! I love ur manga its totally awesome. I love your shading of the scenes they're good.
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/31/09 | Reply
This comic is so amazing~~~
I love the coloring on each page, you must spend to much time on it!
And the story is so emotional, I really love it
That poor girl! *cries*
Not to mention poor Christian lol
I'm usually not into Vampire Stuff but I really love this!
*hugs and favs*
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
OMG omg OMG! I'm totally squeeing! XD It IS Ororon influenced! I don't know any other artist than Hakase Mizuki who does mouths and eyes (and fingers!) like that! Eeeeeeeeee!!! XD That's one of my favorite manga! It's so cool! I'm happy that there's someone else on theotaku that knows about it too! =>w<=
This story, even though I read the old version before, is really picking up now! It flows a lot better now. And you've picked up a ew new tricks, too (HAKASE MIZUKI! X3333). I'm so looking forward to reading more when it's up. =^_^=
Keep up the excellent work, Jones-san!
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
Omg, I just have to say this... I totally noticed that page 11, the 5th and last frames are totally inspired by The Demon Ororon! Am I right? because the expressions looks just like some of the ones I saw in the book. =^_^= So cool if it was. Even if it wasn't, still cool. XD
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
ive read it when you first put it up and i loved it then and you have only gotten like 200 freakin percent better! XP i love itt!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/22/09 | Reply
love it more plz

Otakuite+ | Posted 10/21/09 | Reply
Otakuite | Posted 08/07/09 | Reply
I like this version MUCH better than the first, but I still have them both favorited
Ghostly girl (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/14/09 | Reply
mew valchrist ish still as shmexay as ever! *drool*
Otakuite | Posted 02/10/09 | Reply
I REALLY LIKE IT good job on the outfitts, shadows, and body perportions ^^ WRITE MORE!
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
First of all beautiful front cover!
I really loved the way you colored both of their eyes! Also, it has a very interesting story line. By reading all the far...I can really see how everything is about to come in place.
Also, I love the way you shaded each character´s face. And that girl is absolutely adorable! But...a lot of parts of your story didnt seem to make sense to me. Like how they were both so eager to get into his house...without any parents. To be honest I thought that was heading in a way different direction than inteded. And also, when the boy got that dagger out of nowhere! It was kind of strange.
But like I said beautiful artwork! And I cant wait to read more from you!
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/26/09 | Reply
O_o Ugh, must.. have..more! Ahhhhh! Actually I liked it so much that I think I'm going to draw my own character! FAn art of Fan Comic!! I can't wait for the rest to come out so I can indulge my imagination!!! XD

Aurora Borealis
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/25/09 | Reply
cliff Hanger!!!!!! lol. I cant wait for more :)
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/10/09 | Reply
"Raaugh..." That's, like, my second favorite thing to come out of a person's mouth. Next to "Flahhh...!" (The sounds of opening th egates of Hell... it's from "Whose Line is it Anyway" =^_^=)
Haha... nuisance... =^_^= I wonder how a vampire would feel getting stabbed in the back as opposed to a human? =o.o=
Thanx for the update.
Kitty K.O.
Digital Neko (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/07/09 | Reply
It's back?!?! =o>O= zomg! (and I've never used "zomg" before... what the heck is the z supposed to stand for? =o.o=) And you're back!!! Wow I thought you died! XD
I'm happy to see it back! I noticed that you changed the fact that the girl was his gf to being "just a friend." I thinkthat's better because a girlfriend would probably have fought mor efor her boyfriend. Though if anyone had someone they cared for attack by a vampire, they'd go through agonizing worry (and more!)
I luff vampires...! =^v^= Can't to see more of the new and improved version of V.V. =^_^=
Senior Otaku | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
Hey! How are you? xD I love this comic! It's awesome! I read the first version and I was waiting for it to continue xD I guess I will have to be a bit more patient... xD well, thanks for making it again, it looks a lot better! *hugs & favvs*
~Amanita Muscaria
Shadows Goddess (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/05/09 | Reply
O_O OMG!!! You've improved soooooooooo much!!!!
I LOVE IT!! *favs and hugs* This is amazing! Finally, one of my favorite fan mangas returns!! XD YAY!!!! I can't wait for more!! The original was great, so I know this is gonna be fantastic!!!
Otakuite+ | Posted 01/04/09 | Reply
ooo oo really good so far. i like ur style
Otaku Legend | Posted 01/04/09 | Reply
Nice cliffhanger at the end! ;)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/03/09 | Reply
Yay i'm so excited. I love Vampire Valchrist.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/03/09 | Reply
AWESOME! (so far...JK)
I can't wait to see what happens next!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Same As Always,
Surprise me ;]