Mm-hmm, well, to me Samus DOES get a bit cranky around Snake(actually, her relationship with him is supposed to be like hate/love, she just won't admit her interest in a slight bonehead like Snake! XD)
Hello demented bench.
I think that bench is my new favorite character. ♥_♥
Rumeidia-chan looks so pretty in the last panel of page 95! >w< Aww, she and Link are so cute. :3
Well, luckily for Pit, Rumeidia will never ever hear that, Roy most likely won't say anything(besides trying to convince him Rumeidia would NEVER act like his mom and be all careless and never realizing what she did wrong)
Well, I really can't draw in the same style the creators of Mario and WarioWare, so I just try changing their looks from the usual semi-cartoony style to my style XD
I've seen two comics that used that as a joke XD
Heck, it works even better XD
Well, for me anyway 8D
IT ACTUALLY SAID THAT IN THE GAME. FOR CEREAL. I think I told you that before. o3o But w/e. Marth's children works too. xD;;
...a limey, eh? *Looks it up in the dictionary* Looks like I'm a British sailor now.
What's Ness whispering to Lucas? D: *Is terrible at inferring stuff*
MERRIC!!! IIIIII LOOOOOVE MERRICCCCCC!!!!! He's amazing. and extremely useful to the game. :DDDDD Haha. If you put him in, I'll be really happy. xD
So many characters!!! :DDDDDD
"Oh, no, I'll just speak to Ike a bit more."
WHATEVER DO YOU MEAN BY THAT, SOREEEEEEN?? He's gonna be talkin' dirty to Ike.JUST kidding.
You should go to the magical wonderland of Fire Emblem Wikia!!!!! :DDDD But yeah, the mark's right. ^^
You wish you were as cool as Sothe. -3- Pshhh.
She's just standing a bikini and towel wrap... XD
I dunno, I thought it'd be funny and for some reason I felt like drawing fanservice...I'm so weird XD
You stole that last line that peach said.
From someone on deviantart, who was also making a ssb comic.
I believe you should change that. D: Stealing is bad.
Last edited by moonlit dream at 10:09:25 PM EDT on May 13, 2009.
Good idea! XD Besides, even if Falco still has his tail feathers, it still won't be easy telling who he is, since of course it won't always be there right behind him XD and Sonic won't always be seen with his short tail.
Luckily this won't be an issue whenever I draw(if I will, most likely I will)Fox and Wolf, since Wolf's hair/wolf ears/tail is lighter than Fox's XD
You should give Falco wings. :D Or a beak, something like that. Otherwize, Falco and Sonic look the same. (Since it's uncolored.)
Oh, and shade the sunglasses a little too. :D So he doesn't look like he's wearing normal glasses.
I had a hard time figuring out who he was too. Dx
Last edited by moonlit dream at 9:58:28 PM EDT on May 10, 2009.
Oh! Rumeidia is fighting with Falco(from StarFox). I couldn't draw Falco the way he's usually draw, so I humanized him(though he still has his tail feathers). Some people prefer to humanize him(and Fox, Wolf, and a few other characters who weren't already human) in comics and art, so that's what I did(though I didn't/won't humanize a few characters)
Eh, I don't care XD I say our Roys are equal(since I got the idea of Roy's personality from you), our Ikes I dunno, but our, my Pit is usually a jack@ss, and is all overconfident XD
Too bad I can't do the same to you with IkexMarth DX Curse you...OF COURSE MARTH LOVES IKE! Well, my Marth loves Ike XD they were meant to be XD
I'm tall, too :D About a week ago, the day after my family went to a relative's house(he just got married in Morroco and came back with his new wifey, so we're celebrating :D), my mom told me some of my relatives told her that I look very teenage-y and grown-up(they were speaking in Turkish, and I don't understand too much yet, so I didn't get some of the stuff they said).
He'd be giggling because-- HEY WAIT. He doesn't giggle. SO THERE.
Yer just jealous because my Marth is more manly than yours. D:< (psh. what? x3)
He's not ALWAYS grump. D: He just complains a lot. :]
I did.
Cool, huh? >:D
NOOOO MARTH DOESN'T LIKE IKE, HE'S TOO MANLY. (Ike is too manly, I mean. xD)
Then again, I wonder what your Marth would've been giggling about anyway...of course, (my)Marth was giggling when Ike told him that they'll stop teasing Rume "for now," but my Marth is just...normal(or something, I CANT TELL ANYMORE D:) and stuff. But your Marth is usually as grumpy pantsexcept toward Elise sometimes, of course, since he DID say he loves her, well, only like close friends or siblings...
OR EVEN LIKE "MOTHER" AND DAUGHTER LIKE HER AND MY MARTH, LOLOLO--*shot* You had that planned the whole time?! *gasp* probably adds to the shoujo-ishness of this part of the chapter. BUT LIKE I SAID, MARTHY-BOY'S HEART BELONGS TO IKE NOW >:D
Pfft, that just reminded me of what happened earlier at school for me today:there was a meeting(there's this whole sporting event that the 6th, 7th and 8th graders do known as Sport's Night, though 7th and 8th do more with it than 6th. There's two teams(Blue and Gold, cuz that's my school's school colors), and we compete) my team had to go to, and one girl was wondering if the shirts were supposed to be made very big, and the teacher(who holds Gold Team meetings in her room) goes to her, "They're not big, you're just so small"
She wasn't making fun of her, she really is small XD she's one of the shortest kids in my grade.
That would've been funny if your Marth did giggle XD Meh, I blame you for making me start to like MarthxRoy...BUT IKEXMARTH WILL STAY IN MY FANGIRLY LITTLE MIND! >:D What? No you don't! You're just the only one who frequently comments, that's all
Pfft, I've drawn uke-er faces. xP
HOMG. MARTH GIGGLED. xDD I wouldn't hear the end of it from my sister if I made MY marth giggle. xDD
(2nd to last panel of page 37- marfxroy! >:D)
Edit: pfffaarrgh. I comment too much. D:
Last edited by moonlit dream at 9:33:04 PM EDT on May 4, 2009.
Yeah, that's pretty much Elise's worst nightmare in a nutshell D: Ray's, too! Actually, Elise confessed how she felt about feeling like she sometimes can't protect the ones she wants to protect to RJ. And once(spoiler to a whole different story that I might put in here), Ray thought Kagami was critically injured and cried D:
Yes, I know what you mean. Eh, I can't relate to ANY of my characters XD though I used to act a little like Kagami when she was younger(when she was selfish and mean to her poor brother D: but now she turned nicer, but still a little harsh sometimes and is occasionally overprotective over David like how Elise really wants to protect her parents and brother. In fact, she wants to protect everyone she loves/cares about)
Though inside Elise sometimes feels like she can't protect the ones she wants to protect. In fact, (slight spoiler for a mini-comic here, but if you saw my latest tegakie pic then you'll sort of get it)Elise once had a nightmare where she saw Ike, Marth and Ray killed right in front of her eyes, and she wasn't able to do anything about it. D: You have no idea how broken hearted she was
Yes. >:D Because roy and marth are 1000 times better than ike. >:DDDDDD
meh. I just can't relate to pit and roy. -3-
not that I can relate to any of them, but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Last edited by moonlit dream at 8:57:58 PM EDT on May 3, 2009.
What? NOOO, ok, Marth USED to have a crush on Roy(in here) like I said, but it faded away XDYep...and there's also gonna be an extra IkexMarth moment after that(Well, not REALLY IkexMarth, it's some ex-one-sided MarthxRoy, AND some IkexMarth...yeah)
I blame you for making me starting to like MarthxRoy! XD But I'm still not into IkexPit, and of course, Rumeidia still wants Marth in Ike's pants and Pit's in Roy's XD
Yes, the kissing scene between Ike and Marth! Also, Roy shows up again! :D AUGH, I know DX that's the whole reason why I don't draw it a lot(if I did, it would be side view)
Sorry XD I felt like explaining my Marth, Ike, Link, Roy and Pit(and Rumeidia, but all I did now was Marth, Ike and Rume XD)
YES I KNOW XD Ike's and (sorta, but not really) Marth's 1st time teasing Rumeidia XD (Just to warn you, you're not going to be happy w/ one/two panels on the next page....)
HEY MAN. you stole that "character info" template from me. xD
.. and I can tell...
Your Marth and Ike are taller than my Marth and Ike. Weird.
Meh, to be honest I'm not into "yaoi" yaoi(as in the hardcore stuff), just the fluff. And don't worry too much, I may like some yaoi now, but I'm still the same Ice! I'm not(and never will be) one of those psycho, annoying weeaboos on DA...besides, I'm not that big of a yaoi fan, just moderate(something like that)
I don't know! But Roy dressed as a pigeon sounds very funny XD
I KNOW. I'm so weird...but being weird to me is "cool." XD My rl friend even told me I am! And she is, too :D She actually told me she's been reading TGL! She likes it! YAY ME~! XD She's not too far into it yet, but she says she'll try to finish reading chapter 1.
Hm...I wonder if I should do some minicomics for TGL with the future SSB generation...Ah, I made a whole bunch of 2nd Generation SSB characters XD yes, besides our wonderful four "manchildren" and two natural-born children XD to name a few:Sandra(daughter of Snake&Samus, don't ask...),Princess Plum and her brother who I haven't named yet(daughter and son of Mario and Peach),Princess Daffodil(daughter of Luigi&Daisy) and Angela "Angie" Lombardi :D(Falco's and Katt's daughter;she has a split personality XD sweet and shy around Marcus McCloud, but otherwise just...spunky XD)
I see...when I 1st saw DR's IkexMarth art I didn't know Marth was a guy at the time XD(He&Ike were in casual clothes, and Marth had kitty ears, so...yeah) and later on, I saw kaisuki's IkexMarth art(I found out Marth was a guy before that), and soon, I fell in LOVE~
ROY'S FACE MADE ME LOL AND SCARE ME AT THE SAME TIME :' D Eugh, what is it with me rping as Elise?!
Elise:Perhaps the fact you're obsessed with IkexMarth, and that I myself am an IkexMarth LOVECHILD?
Oh great, I think I'm making Elise OOC, SHE'S SUPPOSED TO ACT LIKE HER "MOM" (in other words, she's supposed to act like Marth XD)
Don't worry XD it's fun spamming my own comment box! XD
Last edited by icefoxchan at 8:47:43 PM EDT on April 26, 2009.
WELL. I played Melee first, so Marth and Roy were the obvious pairing. Although back then, I just thought they were BFFLs or something. And as a result, I created my comic The Adventures of Marth and Roy. (I love talking about my really lame comic. >:D) Yeah. BUT that was back in 5th grade, and the first version was REALLY REALLY lame. The only chapter I actually took from it was the cross-dressing chapter. (ie: chapter 1) (A 5th grader who's into drawing guys cross-dress. What kind of child was I? xD) Erm. Anyways...
LOLOL TRICKED YOU, DIDN'T I??? xDD I love that comic, though. xDDDDD "NOTHINGGGG."
I like RPing as me. :D
Me: Totally.
Me: Totally.
Is that the only word you know, me?
Me: Totally.
You're stupid, me. -3-
Me: Totally.
I keep on spamming your comment box. My bad. xDD
GOOD. BUT THE OTHER FANGIRLS ARE GONNA KILL ME D: *has gun ready just in case* Eh, I don't see MarthxRoy D: I saw IkexMarth stuff first, and now I'm in love with IkexMarth(Pfft, I blame it on dragonrider13025's art that opened me up to IkexMarth, and then Kaisuki(she and DR13025 are on DA)'s FABULOUS work that really sold me to the pairing! Though, Kaisuki does have a RoyxMarth pic somewhere in her gallery, it's true)
Even if I started liking MarthxRoy, I would've started liking IkexMarth, and then have Marth break it off with Roy to be with Ike! And then that's when Pit comes in and confesses to Roy how he feels about him and that Marth won't love him like he does! XD Besides, I'm crazy enough about those pairings to make IkexMarth and RoyxPit lovechildren...
Elise:Ice, do me a favor and stop dragging us into your conversations with that one girl! -_- And to any IkexPit fangirls ready to kill Ice AND me, or Ray, if you so even TRY to touch me,*takes out sword* you're going to wish you've never even met me...*puts sword away and leaves*
I don't know why, but I'm starting to get addicted to rping as Elise O_o Maybe because I'm addicted to IkexMarth and she's actually a female "man-child?" I dunno...
Naww, I won't kill you. :D *secretly stashes a knife back into her pocket* NO. I DON'T OWN KNIVES. I'M NOT SOTHE. D:< (from Fire Emblem)
Noooo, RoyxMarth is so much betterr!!!! >:[ Ike's too manly for Marth. D: Marth and Roy are just the right size for eachother. :D (alskdthasdt that sounded really perverted, and I didn't want it to. D:), I'm gonna get killed now, aren't I? Now that I said, "Better than IkexPit?"...the IkexPit fans are going to kill meee...well, hopefully not you, but, the others, yes. *hides in hole* And well, IkexMarth makes plenty of sense in TGL...Marth and Ike were looking at eachother are googley before and Rumeidia is going to imply they like eachother! Especially in the slightly-random chapter I'm doing after this...
Actually, I like IkexPit more. >:D Not that I really care for it either way, it just makes more sense to me given the relationship I have for them in my comic. (It's a father-son relationship. x3)
That's all.
XD I'm sorry D: but to be honest, there won't really be much RoyxPit hints, there's a little more IkexMarth hinting and some Limeidia, yeah, I know RoyxPit is weird, but hey, it's better than IkexPit...I think(And that's weird, because here both Roy and Ike are, like, 18 or 19, and Pit's only 15...). I guess I just feel that way since there's actually a lot of IkexPit(and no, I'm not lying) stories and art and comics and shizz.
Hmm...I think it's time to make use of that one mouse my dad bought a few months ago! If it really is that bad, and not even holding down the left button harder than usual, Imma replacing it!
NO DUH HE IS! mouse is still being lazy DX but hopefully it really does just need some alcohol and a Q-tip and get "ungunked" (That word makes feel weird for some reason O_o Gunked....)
OF COURSE! Why do you think I'm dedicating these next few pages to YOU? ILU SO MUCH~ THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME REALIZE HE DESERVES TO BE IN TGL! It's thanks to you I realized my inner fangirl will be even HAPPIER with him in it!
He'll be burned for weeks! Unless he's wearing a lot of sunscreen. >:D O wait.
Sunscreen protects against ultraviolet rays, not infrared. :/
... um...
Yep, good ol' Dr., soo, Roy isn't the janitor of Smash Manor then? Hm...Dr. Mario treats injured brawlers, Kirby is the head chef(I guess he would, cuz of his final smash XD) so....
Good point! Besides, there's good ol' Dr.Mario(yes, I'm talking THE Dr. Mario from Melee) ready to aid his paetients! Even if hates them(and when I say hate, I mean Wario and Bowser XD)
Don't worry, my time is even worse! It's...14:30 or something like that(I don't remember, except for the 14 minutes) Yes you would D: and you'd look like a giant, burnt cookie...which won't taste very good D: then again, almost anyone would look like that after attacked with Rumeidia's smash...
Pfft, she's not fighting you! XD Even if she was, with Rumeidia so fast(not as fast as Fox or Sonic, but fast). Besides, I would've reccommended you to forfeit! Or else she'll take hold of a smash ball and give you, like, 250 degree burns or something!
D'aww, thanks! Hehe, I actually thought Marth really was a girl. But that was because: A)The drawing style made him look girly B)He was in casual clothes and C)He was with Ike(Ok, I have no idea what that has to do with Marth looking like a girl)
I don't remember if I thought Marth was a girl when I first saw him, but people who watch me when I draw Marth almost always think he's a girl. TT.TT
x3 I love how cute the pictures are!! ♥♥♥
Otakuite | Posted 01/19/12 | Reply
I like this story you have here I can't wait too see more
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/31/11 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/31/11 | Reply
GGGHHAAAAHH CLIFF HANGER. I look forward to more. ;3;
Oh Lookuhs, what happened to you, you poor soul...icefoxchan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/21/10 | Reply
Mm-hmm, well, to me Samus DOES get a bit cranky around Snake(actually, her relationship with him is supposed to be like hate/love, she just won't admit her interest in a slight bonehead like Snake! XD)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/12/10 | Reply
Link! ;A;
Wait, what?
HARVEST GODDESS (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/25/10 | Reply
Aww~ Page 70=CUUUTE <3
xD Keep it up~!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/25/10 | Reply
What is the meaning of this?
Why are you holding my hand, link? :0
/Me pretending to be fake Rume.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 02/27/10 | Reply
Ohoho, I'm sure you do~ And no problem at all 8D
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/30/09 | Reply
AaaaAAAaaAaaaahw~~ >3< They're so cute!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/08/09 | Reply
HA HA HA. Marth does look like a girl tough!

moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/07/09 | Reply
Hello demented bench.
I think that bench is my new favorite character. ♥_♥
Rumeidia-chan looks so pretty in the last panel of page 95! >w< Aww, she and Link are so cute. :3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/05/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Well, luckily for Pit, Rumeidia will never ever hear that, Roy most likely won't say anything(besides trying to convince him Rumeidia would NEVER act like his mom and be all careless and never realizing what she did wrong)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/05/09 | Reply
Pit. I can't believe you called Rumeidia annoying. she's gonna beat you up now. xD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/29/09 | Reply
Well, I really can't draw in the same style the creators of Mario and WarioWare, so I just try changing their looks from the usual semi-cartoony style to my style XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/22/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
I've seen two comics that used that as a joke XD
Heck, it works even better XD
Well, for me anyway 8D
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/22/09 | Reply
IT ACTUALLY SAID THAT IN THE GAME. FOR CEREAL. I think I told you that before. o3o But w/e. Marth's children works too. xD;;
aha I knew it was Micaiah all along. x3 sorta.
Rawrtastic Siren (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/21/09 | Reply
woah tention buidling ready to explode!!!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/17/09 | Reply
Oh, I've heard that song XD
Pff, that's actually part of where I got the title from XD
Thank you~ 8D
The Skullboy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/16/09 | Reply
Oh geez~
every time I see this updated I ALWAYS think of that one song that goes something like:
' welcome to the good life,
better than the life I live
something something something
go crazy~'
(yeah that's how bad I remember stuff!XD)
something like that!XD
anyway keep it up!8D
Last edited by healer94 at 9:57:08 PM EDT on September 16, 2009.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/12/09 | Reply
I'm so proud of Roy. He got a fishie~ ♥
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/03/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Yeah, a---
....British sailor?
Uhhh, whatever...
Anyways, you'll see once I get the next page or two up~<3
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 09/03/09 | Reply
...a limey, eh? *Looks it up in the dictionary* Looks like I'm a British sailor now.
What's Ness whispering to Lucas? D: *Is terrible at inferring stuff*
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/23/09 | Reply
MERRIC!!! IIIIII LOOOOOVE MERRICCCCCC!!!!! He's amazing. and extremely useful to the game. :DDDDD Haha. If you put him in, I'll be really happy. xD
So many characters!!! :DDDDDD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/16/09 | Reply
"Oh, no, I'll just speak to Ike a bit more."
He's gonna be talkin' dirty to Ike.JUST kidding.icefoxchan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/16/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Aww, glad you're happy Sothe's there, and yes, Sothe is a handsome man~ XD
Pfft, you should hear what Soren's gonna say after the Rume/Micaiah conflict XD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/16/09 | Reply
SOTHE! ONE OF MY FAVORITE CHARACTERSSSSSSS!!!! :O He's beautiful. xD Yaaay, Micaiah and Soooothe~~~~
"Ah, yes, it's good to see you, too, Ike..."
...I sense a hidden message within your words, Soren... mehehe. (jk, jk. xD)
Last edited by moonlit dream at 2:35:07 PM EDT on August 16, 2009.
Grand Otaku | Posted 08/16/09 | Reply
*looks up Sothe and Micaiah* HOLY CRAP! *pulls out brother comics* Theres an ad for the game and there pictures are on there!!!!!!!(sorry spam XP)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/09 | Reply
SOTHE! My love! :D
xDD Wow. I'll look forward to that.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 08/06/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Ok, making sure :D
Hoho, Sothe is gonna appear soon, with Micaiah 8D
And there's gonna be some Rumeidia/Micaiah conflict XD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 08/06/09 | Reply
You should go to the magical wonderland of Fire Emblem Wikia!!!!! :DDDD But yeah, the mark's right. ^^
You wish you were as cool as Sothe. -3- Pshhh.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
She's just standing a bikini and towel wrap... XD
I dunno, I thought it'd be funny and for some reason I felt like drawing fanservice...I'm so weird XD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/22/09 | Reply
Ohhh, Rumeidia... What for art thou wearing? :O
x3 I love Roy and Pit's face on the bottom panel of page 61.
The Skullboy (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/03/09 | Reply
ffff, boy, did link ever hit the nail on the head on that claim!XD
PFFT, Roy better stop watching Pit sleep cuz he's thiiiiis close to becoming obsessed!XD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/01/09 | Reply
Uhh, Toon Link just THINKS of Link and Rumeidia as his mother and father, they're not ACTUALLY related...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/21/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Yes he does 8D Then again, that's for Eliwood being a manwhore XD
Roy:Eh? :3
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/21/09 | Reply
Roy has so many moms. 8D
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/13/09 | Reply
Ohhhh. It's a smart bomb. xD I thought it was a mysterious floating "B" for a sec. xD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 06/09/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
I know :D He's all, "Good boy!" and Pit's all, "Whatever, man" XD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/09/09 | Reply
I really like that last picute of Link. xDD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/30/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Okey dokey! Then Donkey and Diddy shall talk like the monkeys they really are(even if I humanized them to an extent)!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/30/09 | Reply
Give the monkeys their monkey speech! :D Yeah.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/17/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
XD I know Marthy's got a tiara
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/17/09 | Reply
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
Yup! Thanks for doing that. ;D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
I knew it! Just changed Peach's lines! New lines should turn up any minute now...hopefully.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
Yup. That's the one.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/14/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Oh sh!t! I remember seeing that comic! I gotta change that immeidiately!
Wait, just checking...did the comic have older versions of Popo and Nana?
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/13/09 | Reply
You stole that last line that peach said.
From someone on deviantart, who was also making a ssb comic.
I believe you should change that. D: Stealing is bad.
Last edited by moonlit dream at 10:09:25 PM EDT on May 13, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/11/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Good idea! XD Besides, even if Falco still has his tail feathers, it still won't be easy telling who he is, since of course it won't always be there right behind him XD and Sonic won't always be seen with his short tail.
Luckily this won't be an issue whenever I draw(if I will, most likely I will)Fox and Wolf, since Wolf's hair/wolf ears/tail is lighter than Fox's XD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
You should give Falco wings. :D Or a beak, something like that. Otherwize, Falco and Sonic look the same. (Since it's uncolored.)
Oh, and shade the sunglasses a little too. :D So he doesn't look like he's wearing normal glasses.
I had a hard time figuring out who he was too. Dx
Last edited by moonlit dream at 9:58:28 PM EDT on May 10, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
Oh! Rumeidia is fighting with Falco(from StarFox). I couldn't draw Falco the way he's usually draw, so I humanized him(though he still has his tail feathers). Some people prefer to humanize him(and Fox, Wolf, and a few other characters who weren't already human) in comics and art, so that's what I did(though I didn't/won't humanize a few characters)
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/10/09 | Reply
on page 41 I'm confused....Who is Rumedia(sp?)battling/fighting what eva....(sorry I got a tude)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Eh, I don't care XD I say our Roys are equal(since I got the idea of Roy's personality from you), our Ikes I dunno, but our, my Pit is usually a jack@ss, and is all overconfident XD
Too bad I can't do the same to you with IkexMarth DX Curse you...OF COURSE MARTH LOVES IKE! Well, my Marth loves Ike XD they were meant to be XD
I'm tall, too :D About a week ago, the day after my family went to a relative's house(he just got married in Morroco and came back with his new wifey, so we're celebrating :D), my mom told me some of my relatives told her that I look very teenage-y and grown-up(they were speaking in Turkish, and I don't understand too much yet, so I didn't get some of the stuff they said).
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
He'd be giggling because-- HEY WAIT. He doesn't giggle. SO THERE.
Yer just jealous because my Marth is more manly than yours. D:< (psh. what? x3)
He's not ALWAYS grump. D: He just complains a lot. :]
I did.
Cool, huh? >:D
NOOOO MARTH DOESN'T LIKE IKE, HE'S TOO MANLY. (Ike is too manly, I mean. xD)
I'm reletively tall. >:D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Then again, I wonder what your Marth would've been giggling about anyway...of course, (my)Marth was giggling when Ike told him that they'll stop teasing Rume "for now," but my Marth is just...normal(or something, I CANT TELL ANYMORE D:) and stuff. But your Marth is usually as grumpy pants
except toward Elise sometimes, of course, since he DID say he loves her, well, only like close friends or siblings...OR EVEN LIKE "MOTHER" AND DAUGHTER LIKE HER AND MY MARTH, LOLOLO--*shot* You had that planned the whole time?! *gasp* probably adds to the shoujo-ishness of this part of the chapter.
BUT LIKE I SAID, MARTHY-BOY'S HEART BELONGS TO IKE NOW >:DPfft, that just reminded me of what happened earlier at school for me today:there was a meeting(there's this whole sporting event that the 6th, 7th and 8th graders do known as Sport's Night, though 7th and 8th do more with it than 6th. There's two teams(Blue and Gold, cuz that's my school's school colors), and we compete) my team had to go to, and one girl was wondering if the shirts were supposed to be made very big, and the teacher(who holds Gold Team meetings in her room) goes to her, "They're not big, you're just so small"
She wasn't making fun of her, she really is small XD she's one of the shortest kids in my grade.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/05/09 | Reply
That would be terrible! D:
MUAHAHA. Then my evil plan has succeeded. >:]
Okay. ^^;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
That would've been funny if your Marth did giggle XD Meh, I blame you for making me start to like MarthxRoy...BUT IKEXMARTH WILL STAY IN MY FANGIRLY LITTLE MIND! >:D What? No you don't! You're just the only one who frequently comments, that's all
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/09 | Reply
Pfft, I've drawn uke-er faces. xPHOMG. MARTH GIGGLED. xDD I wouldn't hear the end of it from my sister if I made MY marth giggle. xDD
(2nd to last panel of page 37- marfxroy! >:D)
Edit: pfffaarrgh. I comment too much. D:
Last edited by moonlit dream at 9:33:04 PM EDT on May 4, 2009.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
Awwh. D: *Hugs Ray and Elise*
Dude, man! I don't even know, but I'm so psyched (sp?) for your contest! >:DDD MUAHAHA. I'm enjoying myself with drawing the pic. >:D
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
No fair. Your Pit's tall. (Sorta. x3)
Marth and Ike.
Fools. >:D (In a good way, I suppose.)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Yeah, that's pretty much Elise's worst nightmare in a nutshell D: Ray's, too! Actually, Elise confessed how she felt about feeling like she sometimes can't protect the ones she wants to protect to RJ. And once(spoiler to a whole different story that I might put in here), Ray thought Kagami was critically injured and cried D:
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
I can relate with my characters all the time!! :D Okay... not all the time. WHATEVER. x3
Nooo!! Elise!! D: That's really sad. ;3;
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Yes, I know what you mean. Eh, I can't relate to ANY of my characters XD though I used to act a little like Kagami when she was younger(when she was selfish and mean to her poor brother D: but now she turned nicer, but still a little harsh sometimes and is occasionally overprotective over David like how Elise really wants to protect her parents and brother. In fact, she wants to protect everyone she loves/cares about)
Though inside Elise sometimes feels like she can't protect the ones she wants to protect. In fact, (slight spoiler for a mini-comic here, but if you saw my latest tegakie pic then you'll sort of get it)Elise once had a nightmare where she saw Ike, Marth and Ray killed right in front of her eyes, and she wasn't able to do anything about it. D: You have no idea how broken hearted she was
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
Yes. >:D Because roy and marth are 1000 times better than ike. >:DDDDDD
meh. I just can't relate to pit and roy. -3-
not that I can relate to any of them, but YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN.
Last edited by moonlit dream at 8:57:58 PM EDT on May 3, 2009.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
What? NOOO, ok, Marth USED to have a crush on Roy(in here) like I said, but it faded away XDYep...and there's also gonna be an extra IkexMarth moment after that(Well, not REALLY IkexMarth, it's some ex-one-sided MarthxRoy, AND some IkexMarth...yeah)
I blame you for making me starting to like MarthxRoy! XD But I'm still not into IkexPit, and of course, Rumeidia still wants Marth in Ike's pants and Pit's in Roy's XD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
Yeah, and then Roy says "Marth!! I thought you loved MEEEEEE!!!" >:DD but not really. -3-
xP Me too.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Yes, the kissing scene between Ike and Marth! Also, Roy shows up again! :D AUGH, I know DX that's the whole reason why I don't draw it a lot(if I did, it would be side view)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
Is the next page the kissing scene?? xDD
Blargh I hate drawing kissing. -_-
It is THE ENEMY. (Kissing, that is.)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
Wait...why are you handcuffing me?
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Sorry XD I felt like explaining my Marth, Ike, Link, Roy and Pit(and Rumeidia, but all I did now was Marth, Ike and Rume XD)
YES I KNOW XD Ike's and (sorta, but not really) Marth's 1st time teasing Rumeidia XD (Just to warn you, you're not going to be happy w/ one/two panels on the next page....)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
HEY MAN. you stole that "character info" template from me. xD
.. and I can tell...
Your Marth and Ike are taller than my Marth and Ike. Weird.
the last panel of page 34: LAWLZORS~
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
(sorry to butt in here...)
Mild yaoi is called shounen-ai. :D
Just thought I'd throw that out there...
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
*handcuffs Ice hand to hers*I'm sorry, it had to be done...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
Yay~ *notices the evil smile* and why are you smiling like that...?
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
I know you'll always be my*smiles evily*Ice-chan
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
Meh, to be honest I'm not into "yaoi" yaoi(as in the hardcore stuff), just the fluff. And don't worry too much, I may like some yaoi now, but I'm still the same Ice! I'm not(and never will be) one of those psycho, annoying weeaboos on DA...besides, I'm not that big of a yaoi fan, just moderate(something like that)
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
*falls to knees*WHYYYYYY!!!!!WHY DA,yo-you brainwashed my friend!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
FORGIVE MEEE ;_; Blame deviantart! It brainwashed me D:
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
OH ICE,WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*sticks finger down throat*Yaoi*turn to the side and pukes*It's digusting!!!!!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/03/09 | Reply
AWWH. look at Link's cheecks on the 3rd panel. xDD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/27/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
I don't know! But Roy dressed as a pigeon sounds very funny XD
I KNOW. I'm so weird...but being weird to me is "cool." XD My rl friend even told me I am! And she is, too :D She actually told me she's been reading TGL! She likes it! YAY ME~! XD She's not too far into it yet, but she says she'll try to finish reading chapter 1.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
xDDD WHY? That's EXTREMELY random. Really.
You... have a lot of things planned out. xD
Unlike ME.
Who doesn't even have a storyline to her own comic.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Hm...I wonder if I should do some minicomics for TGL with the future SSB generation...Ah, I made a whole bunch of 2nd Generation SSB characters XD yes, besides our wonderful four "manchildren" and two natural-born children XD to name a few:Sandra(daughter of Snake&Samus, don't ask...),Princess Plum and her brother who I haven't named yet(daughter and son of Mario and Peach),Princess Daffodil(daughter of Luigi&Daisy) and Angela "Angie" Lombardi :D(Falco's and Katt's daughter;she has a split personality XD sweet and shy around Marcus McCloud, but otherwise just...spunky XD)moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
lol Marth wears girl pants for casual clothingI DIDN'T MEAN TO MAKE HIS PANTS LOOK SO GIRLY. D: sorry. Random outburst again...Okay. Makes sense. :D
Ugh. I just don't like RPing as OCs. It's not as fun. :D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
I see...when I 1st saw DR's IkexMarth art I didn't know Marth was a guy at the time XD(He&Ike were in casual clothes, and Marth had kitty ears, so...yeah) and later on, I saw kaisuki's IkexMarth art(I found out Marth was a guy before that), and soon, I fell in LOVE~
ROY'S FACE MADE ME LOL AND SCARE ME AT THE SAME TIME :' D Eugh, what is it with me rping as Elise?!
Elise:Perhaps the fact you're obsessed with IkexMarth, and that I myself am an IkexMarth LOVECHILD?
Oh great, I think I'm making Elise OOC, SHE'S SUPPOSED TO ACT LIKE HER "MOM" (in other words, she's supposed to act like Marth XD)
Don't worry XD it's fun spamming my own comment box! XD
Last edited by icefoxchan at 8:47:43 PM EDT on April 26, 2009.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
WELL. I played Melee first, so Marth and Roy were the obvious pairing. Although back then, I just thought they were BFFLs or something. And as a result, I created my comic The Adventures of Marth and Roy. (I love talking about my really lame comic. >:D) Yeah. BUT that was back in 5th grade, and the first version was REALLY REALLY lame. The only chapter I actually took from it was the cross-dressing chapter. (ie: chapter 1) (A 5th grader who's into drawing guys cross-dress. What kind of child was I? xD) Erm. Anyways...
LOLOL TRICKED YOU, DIDN'T I??? xDD I love that comic, though. xDDDDD "NOTHINGGGG."
I like RPing as me. :D
Me: Totally.
Me: Totally.
Is that the only word you know, me?
Me: Totally.
You're stupid, me. -3-
Me: Totally.
I keep on spamming your comment box. My bad. xDD
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
GOOD. BUT THE OTHER FANGIRLS ARE GONNA KILL ME D: *has gun ready just in case* Eh, I don't see MarthxRoy D: I saw IkexMarth stuff first, and now I'm in love with IkexMarth(Pfft, I blame it on dragonrider13025's art that opened me up to IkexMarth, and then Kaisuki(she and DR13025 are on DA)'s FABULOUS work that really sold me to the pairing! Though, Kaisuki does have a RoyxMarth pic somewhere in her gallery, it's true)
Even if I started liking MarthxRoy, I would've started liking IkexMarth, and then have Marth break it off with Roy to be with Ike! And then that's when Pit comes in and confesses to Roy how he feels about him and that Marth won't love him like he does! XD Besides, I'm crazy enough about those pairings to make IkexMarth and RoyxPit lovechildren...
Elise:Ice, do me a favor and stop dragging us into your conversations with that one girl! -_- And to any IkexPit fangirls ready to kill Ice AND me, or Ray, if you so even TRY to touch me,*takes out sword* you're going to wish you've never even met me...*puts sword away and leaves*
I don't know why, but I'm starting to get addicted to rping as Elise O_o Maybe because I'm addicted to IkexMarth and she's actually a female "man-child?" I dunno...
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
Naww, I won't kill you. :D
*secretly stashes a knife back into her pocket*NO. I DON'T OWN KNIVES. I'M NOT SOTHE. D:< (from Fire Emblem)Noooo, RoyxMarth is so much betterr!!!! >:[ Ike's too manly for Marth. D: Marth and Roy are just the right size for eachother. :D (alskdthasdt that sounded really perverted, and I didn't want it to. D:)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:, I'm gonna get killed now, aren't I? Now that I said, "Better than IkexPit?"...the IkexPit fans are going to kill meee...well, hopefully not you, but, the others, yes. *hides in hole* And well, IkexMarth makes plenty of sense in TGL...
Marth and Ike were looking at eachother are googley before and Rumeidia is going to imply they like eachother! Especially in the slightly-random chapter I'm doing after this...moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
Actually, I like IkexPit more. >:D Not that I really care for it either way, it just makes more sense to me given the relationship I have for them in my comic. (It's a father-son relationship. x3)
That's all.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
XD I'm sorry D: but to be honest, there won't really be much RoyxPit hints, there's a little more IkexMarth hinting and some Limeidia, yeah, I know RoyxPit is weird, but hey, it's better than IkexPit...I think(And that's weird, because here both Roy and Ike are, like, 18 or 19, and Pit's only 15...). I guess I just feel that way since there's actually a lot of IkexPit(and no, I'm not lying) stories and art and comics and shizz.
Er...don't kill me >.>
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/26/09 | Reply
they're not even in the same game.... -3-
Last edited by moonlit dream at 4:51:17 PM EDT on April 26, 2009.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/22/09 | Reply
*clicks on the hug button about 20 times*
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/09 | Reply
Indeed. >:D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/21/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Hmm...I think it's time to make use of that one mouse my dad bought a few months ago! If it really is that bad, and not even holding down the left button harder than usual, Imma replacing it!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/21/09 | Reply
Maybe you should get a new mouse. .o. But that would be kind of expensive...
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
NO DUH HE IS! mouse is still being lazy DX but hopefully it really does just need some alcohol and a Q-tip and get "ungunked" (That word makes feel weird for some reason O_o Gunked....)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
He's just that magical. >:]
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
OF COURSE! Why do you think I'm dedicating these next few pages to YOU? ILU SO MUCH~ THANK YOU FOR MAKING ME REALIZE HE DESERVES TO BE IN TGL! It's thanks to you I realized my inner fangirl will be even HAPPIER with him in it!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/09 | Reply
Is this the part where SOMEBODY with red hair and blue eyes comes in?? >:DDD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/15/09 | Reply
He'll be burned for weeks! Unless he's wearing a lot of sunscreen. >:D O wait.
Sunscreen protects against ultraviolet rays, not infrared. :/
... um...
emi x len
Otakuite | Posted 04/14/09 | Reply
More pages! woot!!

Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
I make him look so lame D: but at least Roy won't look bad! :D
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/09 | Reply
Wario's mustache is sexy. >:D
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Yep, good ol' Dr., soo, Roy isn't the janitor of Smash Manor then? Hm...Dr. Mario treats injured brawlers, Kirby is the head chef(I guess he would, cuz of his final smash XD) so....
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
Totally! :D
And Roy is the janitor of Smash Manor! :D:D:D
... no.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Good point! Besides, there's good ol' Dr.Mario(yes, I'm talking THE Dr. Mario from Melee) ready to aid his paetients! Even if hates them(and when I say hate, I mean Wario and Bowser XD)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
in 3rd grade, my mile time was 18+ minutes. xDD
Yeah, but this is SSBB we're talking about! :D People get stabbed, burnt, and fall off cliffs! And they STILL live! x3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Don't worry, my time is even worse! It's...14:30 or something like that(I don't remember, except for the 14 minutes) Yes you would D: and you'd look like a giant, burnt cookie...which won't taste very good D: then again, almost anyone would look like that after attacked with Rumeidia's smash...
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
Aha. I have a mile time of 11:50. ;3; I fail at running. x3
Oh dear. I would die. :D (I don't know why I used a happy emoticon...)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Pfft, she's not fighting you! XD Even if she was, with Rumeidia so fast(not as fast as Fox or Sonic, but fast). Besides, I would've reccommended you to forfeit! Or else she'll take hold of a smash ball and give you, like, 250 degree burns or something!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
Nooo, keep it. >:DDD He's wearing a bra for the heck of it. x3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Wait...he does?! *checks page* I have GOT to re-do that part!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
Auugh, I just noticed something.
Why does Marth have boobs on page 13?? ;A; nooo!!!
x3 ehe.
Last edited by moonlit dream at 7:16:51 PM EDT on April 11, 2009.
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/11/09 | Reply
Rumeidia stole Snake's line in the 6th panel of page 13. >:D (jk)
Who is she fighting?? O_x
(She's fighting me, of course. x3 ohoho.)
VG GRL 2000
Senior Otaku | Posted 04/05/09 | Reply
Looks awesome! Can't belive I've only JUST commented on something. :O Anywho~ It looks great. *favs and hugs* :D
White Rabbit (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/01/09 | Reply
Nice comic idea so far. Keep it up.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
D'aww, thanks! Hehe, I actually thought Marth really was a girl. But that was because: A)The drawing style made him look girly B)He was in casual clothes and C)He was with Ike(Ok, I have no idea what that has to do with Marth looking like a girl)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/25/09 | Reply
I don't remember if I thought Marth was a girl when I first saw him, but people who watch me when I draw Marth almost always think he's a girl. TT.TT
x3 I love how cute the pictures are!! ♥♥♥
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/23/09 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
Thank you! lol I shall!
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/23/09 | Reply
Aww, the pics are so cute! x3
Update moreee. >:0
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 03/19/09 | Reply
Can't wait to read it! ;3