I was right about the knife!
It kind of ended abruptly but there was some supernatural stuff like on page 59 the creepy eyes showed up between her...legs
Are you talking about the story I'm finishing right now, "Blue Dress?" I can see why someone might not like this one, as it doesn't exactly fit with the other stories since there isn't anything supernatural in it.
Thanks for reading and the feed back, "Blue Dress" was actually the first story I had written the loose script for in this book, with "Stairs" being the last.
You didn't forget the name, I never gave one. It's like the first story, both characters were never given names.
And sharp eyes, you'll have to see what happens next (good chance it's going to play out like you said...)
oh page 63 I see knives behind that girl (forgot her name)
so now I'm predicting that she's gonna pull a knife on the creepy guy O.O I would if some weirdo breaks into my house
Never heard it before. Gave it a listen and it was pretty creepy sounding. But still, that song is nowhere near as good as Depeche Mode's Shake the Disease haha.
Thanks, I use Manga Studio Debut 4 to make the panels, word bubbles/text, toning, etc. Although, I draw it out by hand and scan it in, so no inking digitally. If I were to color digitally, I'd use Gimp, though. It's better for coloring and is free. More info than you asked for, but there you go KateTheInsurgent ;)
Hehehehe (evil giggle) That's the deliciously wicked power of the cliffhanger to keep you on the edge of your seat. Although, maybe I should work on this a lil' faster....I kinda draw other things and leave this on the backburner.
(ok sorry ovverreating but this was up scince last year and i rly wanna see what happneeensss)
Thanks for the long response. Yeah, proportions are a bit tricky for me, but I'm practicing. I'm really focusing on backgrounds right now, so I hope the next page I update shows this.
As for that anime, I've never even heard of it, so I watched an episode on youtube. It was very different, the colors were so pretty. It was a little confusing, but I really like that kind of Asian horror.
You've definitely got a very unique art style, and it contributes a lot to the atmosphere of the comic. You've done a really great job of setting up the mood, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
The positions and proportions of the drawings are awkward, but I don't think it detracts from the art, actually. Criticism-wise, I can only suggest practice, even though I don't think there's anything in your art that's distracting. You've got a great style and you should be proud of it. :)
Also, have you ever seen the anime 'Mononoke' (no relation to Ghibli)? It's got a lot of traditional Japanese horror in it. Well, it's more dramatic psychological impact than horror, but I'd recommend it. Keep up the great work, and good luck in getting published!
OMG I'M GOING TO HAVE NIGHTMARES!!! CONSIDER THAT MY HIGHEST PRAISE!! XDXDDDD Seriously, good job, I am SO IMPRESSED! I wanna be a comic artist like you someday no joke! XDDD
Keep up the great work! this is FANTASTIC! XDDD ^^
Thanks again, but don't give up yourself. I checked out your gallery and you don't give yourself nearly as much credit as you should. Not to mention your coloring is much better than mine.
You've just got to practice. I draw everyday from at least 10:30PM to 12:30PM.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 07/11/12 | Reply
nice table flip!
Otakuite++ | Posted 02/09/11 | Reply
Thanks a bunch. I think I'll get back to work on it right now.
As they say in Big-O, "It's show time!"
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 01/21/11 | Reply
WELCOME BACK!!! *glomps* =3
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/21/10 | Reply
That is stalking is dangerous!
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/21/10 | Reply
Yes, the ending was a bit sudden, but then again, I'm a fan of Junji Ito's abrupt ending in his earlier horror short stories.
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/20/10 | Reply
I was right about the knife!
It kind of ended abruptly but there was some supernatural stuff like on page 59 the creepy eyes showed up between her...legs
fatt boii
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/17/10 | Reply
yeah that one]
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/13/10 | Reply
@fatt boii:
Are you talking about the story I'm finishing right now, "Blue Dress?" I can see why someone might not like this one, as it doesn't exactly fit with the other stories since there isn't anything supernatural in it.
Thanks for reading and the feed back, "Blue Dress" was actually the first story I had written the loose script for in this book, with "Stairs" being the last.
fatt boii
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/13/10 | Reply
the last one is wierd and the only one i don't like
-fatt boii
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/08/10 | Reply
Thought I already replyed to this, but guess I forgot to hit submit
but.....PRINCE ROCKS!!!
Yep, came back just to say that.
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/08/10 | Reply
Haha, it might as well have been what he said! Lol
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/08/10 | Reply
You didn't forget the name, I never gave one. It's like the first story, both characters were never given names.
And sharp eyes, you'll have to see what happens next (good chance it's going to play out like you said...)
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/08/10 | Reply
escuse me can u please put on this blue dress?
no no its nothing i wont even
fuktouch u(lol thats what i thought he said
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/08/10 | Reply
oh page 63 I see knives behind that girl (forgot her name)
so now I'm predicting that she's gonna pull a knife on the creepy guy O.O I would if some weirdo breaks into my house
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 09/22/10 | Reply
That guy scares the crap outta me. Seriously.
Great cliffhanger on this page, but now I'm scared. ;_;
I love that song mentioned here. Now I have to go and listen to it again... //listensKateTheInsurgent
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/18/10 | Reply
sexy....ball...run.....WOW!hes gay i can tell XD
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/14/10 | Reply
Never heard it before. Gave it a listen and it was pretty creepy sounding. But still, that song is nowhere near as good as Depeche Mode's Shake the Disease haha.
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/14/10 | Reply
Hehe, thanks! (^_^)
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/14/10 | Reply
Nice! Listen to this song on youtube 'Feel the disease'. sadly i don't remember the band
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/14/10 | Reply
wow that's the end? I have notice that your style has improved
keep up the good work ^^
ETERNITY (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/11/10 | Reply
whoa scary...
awesome job! :D
I'm Not Dead! (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/10/10 | Reply
I really like the stories you have. I can't wait until the next update. I hope its soon.
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/05/10 | Reply
Thanks, I use Manga Studio Debut 4 to make the panels, word bubbles/text, toning, etc. Although, I draw it out by hand and scan it in, so no inking digitally. If I were to color digitally, I'd use Gimp, though. It's better for coloring and is free. More info than you asked for, but there you go KateTheInsurgent ;)
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/05/10 | Reply
your an evil man... well anyway what software do u use to put your stips together o so deliciously.
Otakuite+ | Posted 06/05/10 | Reply
your an evil man... well anyway what software do u use to put your stips together o so deliciously.
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/31/10 | Reply
Hehehehe (evil giggle) That's the deliciously wicked power of the cliffhanger to keep you on the edge of your seat. Although, maybe I should work on this a lil' faster....I kinda draw other things and leave this on the backburner.
Otakuite+ | Posted 05/31/10 | Reply
(ok sorry ovverreating but this was up scince last year and i rly wanna see what happneeensss)
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/29/10 | Reply
Hehe thanks. When I get a comment like that, it makes me want to work even harder. I'll probably start and finish the next page tonight now!!
Cupcake Constable (Moderator) | Posted 05/28/10 | Reply
;_; <--- *is scared sh*tless*
Great work! You''re great with this genre;
I'm terrified now. ;~;
Grand Otaku | Posted 05/18/10 | Reply
Love the irony with the heart shirt+belt. That's awesome. :')
zero guardian
Otaku Eternal | Posted 03/13/10 | Reply
ah! want to know whats gonna happen next! your great at this
Otakuite++ | Posted 03/08/10 | Reply
Thanks for the long response. Yeah, proportions are a bit tricky for me, but I'm practicing. I'm really focusing on backgrounds right now, so I hope the next page I update shows this.
As for that anime, I've never even heard of it, so I watched an episode on youtube. It was very different, the colors were so pretty. It was a little confusing, but I really like that kind of Asian horror.
Grand Otaku | Posted 03/08/10 | Reply
You've definitely got a very unique art style, and it contributes a lot to the atmosphere of the comic. You've done a really great job of setting up the mood, and I'm looking forward to seeing more.
The positions and proportions of the drawings are awkward, but I don't think it detracts from the art, actually. Criticism-wise, I can only suggest practice, even though I don't think there's anything in your art that's distracting. You've got a great style and you should be proud of it. :)
Also, have you ever seen the anime 'Mononoke' (no relation to Ghibli)? It's got a lot of traditional Japanese horror in it. Well, it's more dramatic psychological impact than horror, but I'd recommend it. Keep up the great work, and good luck in getting published!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 01/14/10 | Reply
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/24/09 | Reply
Thanks, you're the first person to really give me any constructive feedback. If you think of any other pointers, let me know.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/24/09 | Reply
this is very cool, some of your drawings look a little awkward though, i would work on full body poses, but besides that this is amazing! do continue!
Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/17/09 | Reply
more plz

Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/10/09 | Reply

Otaku Eternal | Posted 11/03/09 | Reply
more plz
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/02/09 | Reply
Thanks a bunch, it's comments like yours that I read, remember I'm doing a comic on here, and get back to work on it.
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/02/09 | Reply
Really, feet!? Now that is something hard to draw.
Maybe it's because I've never taken the time to just admire and study the beauty of the foot, haha.
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 10/26/09 | Reply
Holy freakin crap, you know how to tell a good thriller.
I don't think you'll have any problem becoming a professional graphic novel author.
Ergh...I feel funny...not even 'horror' movies have this kind of effect on me.
Otakuite+ | Posted 10/26/09 | Reply
Ha!you hate drawing chairs?! I hate drawing hands, there so... weird. Why can't they be normal like feet??!!?? JK. But feet are better to draw....

Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/26/09 | Reply
so far ok
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/17/09 | Reply
oh ok then
Mad Hatter Belia
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/16/09 | Reply
don't worry! It's happened. XDDD feel proud of yurself lol . XDDDDD ^^
Can't wait to read more!
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/16/09 | Reply
Ah, Mayjayann, glad to see you're back, I'll have the next page up in a few days when I get back to my scanner.
Otakuite++ | Posted 10/16/09 | Reply
@Mad Hatter Belia:
Thanks a bunch, to have my comic make someone suddenly wake up in a cold sweat from a horrible nightmare would mean a lot... hehheh.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 10/16/09 | Reply
more plz
Mad Hatter Belia
Grand Otaku | Posted 10/12/09 | Reply
OMG I'M GOING TO HAVE NIGHTMARES!!! CONSIDER THAT MY HIGHEST PRAISE!! XDXDDDD Seriously, good job, I am SO IMPRESSED! I wanna be a comic artist like you someday no joke! XDDD
Keep up the great work! this is FANTASTIC! XDDD ^^
Awesome job!! ^^
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/22/09 | Reply

Otakuite++ | Posted 09/21/09 | Reply
Heh, well this character is not exactly Mr. nice guy.
.....not that he's Mr. Bad Guy (Freddie Mercury's nickname)
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/21/09 | Reply
now that was not nice of him to do that to um them
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/20/09 | Reply
love it
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/19/09 | Reply
Your skills are quite good.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/19/09 | Reply
yeah me too
Otakuite+ | Posted 09/18/09 | Reply
Its so creepy, i love it! can't wait read more.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/18/09 | Reply
yeah thank you

Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/17/09 | Reply
more plz
Mad Hatter Belia
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/16/09 | Reply
awwww, I wish I could draw that much, my schoolwork is just killing me, and so I have to keep putting it off and off T___T (stupid AP class....>_>)
but thanks, I feel all inspired now! *remembers all the homework she has due* >^<
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/16/09 | Reply
@Mad Hatter Belia:
Thanks again, but don't give up yourself. I checked out your gallery and you don't give yourself nearly as much credit as you should. Not to mention your coloring is much better than mine.
You've just got to practice. I draw everyday from at least 10:30PM to 12:30PM.
Mad Hatter Belia
Grand Otaku | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
OMG!!! I LOVE THIS!!!!! Your style is so UNIQUE and orignal!! ^__^ It's really cool! I like your stories too, that skull thingy TERRIFIED ME!!! O[]O
I really wanna read more! Please keep updating,
heh, I wanna draw comics for a living too...>< but I suck at drawing. T__T
Great job, you have a new fan! ^^
Otakuite++ | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
Tales of the Crypt, thanks for the compliment. As long as no one says it's Goosebumps-TVseries-esque.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
Tales from the Crypt-esque. I like it ^_^.
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/15/09 | Reply
more plz & gross
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/13/09 | Reply
more plz
Otaku Eternal | Posted 09/09/09 | Reply
more plz