The miutiply on each layer also works,but having the last part with the shading on top is usefull for effects XD .Coloring is my fav proces of art ,using fill and gradients you can simplify much of the brushing and just leave the mini details for a fast brush.Also making your own brushes will help you with many things :3.I hope you give it a try bic,it will really be usefull to speed up the coloring.
u know - i usually just use multiply in photoshop and it becomes clear ^^ - might make it easier
and u make colouring sound so easy T^T - i take forever - although i guess i do brush everything >_>
i should try that gradient thing out O_O and maybe the fill thing insted of brushing every thing >_<
mada hope97
Otakuite++ | Posted 11/11/11 | Reply
this is awesome

AngelBest Dream
Holy Knight (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/07/10 | Reply
The miutiply on each layer also works,but having the last part with the shading on top is usefull for effects XD .Coloring is my fav proces of art ,using fill and gradients you can simplify much of the brushing and just leave the mini details for a fast brush.Also making your own brushes will help you with many things :3.I hope you give it a try bic,it will really be usefull to speed up the coloring.
Lazy Chocobikies (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 11/06/10 | Reply
u know - i usually just use multiply in photoshop and it becomes clear ^^ - might make it easier
and u make colouring sound so easy T^T - i take forever - although i guess i do brush everything >_>
i should try that gradient thing out O_O and maybe the fill thing insted of brushing every thing >_<