Aw this is so good! I love your artwork and your characters are hilarious. I love their personalities and your coloring is so good. I can't wait to see what happens next. Poor Fumi and her hiccups. I can't wait to read more, this is really good
Oh thank you very much for taking the time to read my comic! I do plan on adding more pages, I'm just in the middle of a writer's block! I do plan on continuing though!
Thank You!
Last edited by toyotami kun at 6:09:23 PM CST on February 10, 2012.
I'm sorry for the late reply, I was going to reply yesterday but my computer died, and then I forgot! XD
I get home from work in the afternoon, so I might have time to reply to anything after work if my sister isn't using this! XD
I also sometimes loose track of the comments! sorry about that!
aw the e-mail is fine, I've been writing to much in there anyways! XD feel free to take your time!
I know!! I actually just realized that I missed one of your comments... the one with all the info of Andres and Ponch! I commented back to it now.. sorry for almost missing it!
Today, I wan't able to get on my computer until late afternoon so i took my gameboy and viewed my backroom and comment/reply snippets. I can't actually view the full comment because it won't load on my gameboy. But I did write down notes and where you and my friends gave me comments/replies so then I wouldn't miss any if more people replied! x3 The other day was the first time that I got so many comments and replies that my backroom over flowed! But don't worry about it cuz I love your comments^^
Thankyou for the encouragement! I feel so excited and inspired now :D
Ok, I'm going out now with my dog so if you reply, I'll probably not get to them until later or tomorrow. I also will reply to your email too sometime^^ Nice talking to you again!
oh I try yo reply as much as I can, If don't reply it can be because I missed the comment! XD I sometimes lost on what I have replied to and what I haven't or I get distracted! XD
I use to just go and start drawing without planning, so writing is good! Just keep at it! ^_^
Yeah, I think its good to write down ideas, but I'm not good at doing it yet >_< All the comics I've ever written haven't been planned. That's why I went with a Sherlock Holmes story so I could just concentrate on drawing x3 But someday I'll work on my own story!
Ah I usually leave stuff till last minute too, but I also like to get stuff done fast. I hope you'll be able to finish everything^^ and don't worry about commenting back to me if you're too busy... I just be sure not to spam you too much! ;)
yes I'm starting to write everything down now, due to the club I joined I have to write my ideas since it takes me a little longer to type! XD
I use to not do that and it made things complicated.
lol Lazy mood! I was in a lazy mood to, but today I have to be sure to finish stuff cause I'm running late and some deadlines are coming up! XD I always leave everything till last minute! XD
I'm sure you can do it! At least you have lots of ideas ;) It'll all work out. Do you ever write down your ideas? I try to do that, but sometimes my ideas seem silly then >3<
Great! Lolo same with me... no matter how busy I seem, I end up making room for art (except for today... I was in a lazy mood today xP)
I want to re-do the story but I chicken out, but I might. I just don't know where to start since I have a bunch of ideas busting through my head for this story! XD
I only do this when I want to be serious about something, but most of the time I'm so dedicated! XD
It's okay to just take you time on something. That way things won't get rushed!
Oh I'm busy with work most of the time, but I always have time to draw so I don't mind doing the art trade! XD
Oh if you feel like re-doing it, I think you should! Not that its not awesome right now, but I bet you could even improve it more. And thats a good reason to re-do it! I wish i had the patience to do more then one copy of my comic... I tend to just do one copy, I don't even want to do a rough copy sometimes =_= so if I mess up, I just put my comic away and end up forgetting about it or losing interest Dx And that's why I also can't set down and get short comics done. I'm always wondering if its worth it XP Silly me! But if I felt like redoing something, I'd definitely do it if i had the will-power!
Ahh! If you're too busy to draw my OC, then that's alright! I know you didn't say that, but I don't want to impose!
Okay, thats good to know! Sometimes I feel guilty for not posting new pages here -_- but I'll make sure to take a breather and only continue when I'm not going to rush!
lol that's about how long I take when I'm being lazy, a whole day or even a week! XD
I felt like redoing this comic because I liked the idea and I want to take it serious. I'm in the middle of debating on whether to redo or not to redo it. I also want to work on that doujinshi, but I don't want to rush either thing, so I have to wait.
It's funny cause right now I want to draw comic pages and hold on to artwork for a bit later, but I'm really busy with stuff! XD
It's okay to wait a while so things won't get rushed. If they get rushed you might mess up your story and not want to finish it. That has happend to me, so that's why I have posted anymore pages for Fortune's Fool or BMC yet. I'm taking my time!
WoW! 3 hours per page if you aren't lazy? For my comic pages, I take more then a day per page when being lazy. Dx I really want to start doing more pages but I don't wanna risk messing up if I rush, since I've got so much to do this holiday! Plus, I sorta got into a fan art fix... I just feel like doing fan art!
Oooo whether you redo it or just continue, I'll be watching for new pages! I think you did a fine job with it already! But I've also felt like redoing some of my old comics... problem with me is that I get discouraged if I think I have to redo something xP You're a really dedicated artist, and i can't wait for more fan comics from you!
NOOO I finished it(to page 10)! And I can't wait for more! This comic is amazing, Toya! I was being blown away by your colouring on each page. Nice work! And the characters and story are cute too :D How long does it take for your to draw/colour one page? I'm going to be watching for new pages ;) Oh I also love the expressions on the characters and Fumi is SO cute!
I LOVE THIS COMIC! I can't BELIEVE how cute and addictive it is!!! I'm SO excited to read more. The drawings, the coloring, all perfect!!! Great work. I'm a huge fan.
XD, that's pretty funny, i'm actually planning on having a funny way of having fumi keep guys away to, she accidently head butts them, which gives them noseblees....(mainly masaki )
Want to know how I avoid boys? Every time one tries to pick a fight with me(or something like that) I open my eyes really wide and STARE at them. It works great
lol i've never thought that maybe she can pretend boys are like girls!!! thank you for the comment, it actually gave me a funny idea that i'll see if i can fit it in the story somewhere!!! thank you so much for the idea!!!!
i have a brother and sister, they're ok but sometimes they annoy.XD yes it would be really nice to find someone that has stuff in common with you, that there's never a dull momment!
Ur welcome this one caught my eye :) and im in to it and yeh I think im the same lol in some ways i want a brother but i dont kn :S i have a sister lol younger but shes sweet... chavy but sweet lol I wanna meet a nice guy who likes manga as much as I do :'( lol heheheheheheh non stop talkin, watchin, drawing!!! hehehehehehehehehehe dream life lol
thank you very much, i think that the only boy i can talk to and not have a hard time is my brother, other him when i do talk to a guy it gets quiet and a little awkward but if we talk about drawing, man i never shut up! XD
thank you very much for taking the time to read this XD
same!!! I cant wait too XD I can talk to boys but they like manga and computer games (aka kingdom hearts, we even are them XD they said im xion lol but they also think im namie coz i draw) so we can speak the same language XD . But other guys in most of my classes i'll stay away from other wise i'll probable b laughed at :'( waaaaaa so im totaly in to this comic XD keep up the gd work *thumbs up* and u have amazing skills to hand draw this :) heheheeh
aw thanks, i always wanted to draw something related this, glad to know that i'm not alone XD
i'm esspeacilly looking forward to drawing out the real life incidents that happened to either my friend or me. i'll see if i can tie them into the story as it goes on.
When ever Fumi get really nervous, she ends up hicuping, so she's going to puff up her cheecks a lot XD
The Elusive (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/11 | Reply
HAHAHA!! I hold my breath too when I'm trying to get rid of hiccups! The pages are beautiful in color! And the story is cute, and really relatable! I look forward to the next pages! Amazing job Tami kun!
The only boy I usually hang out with is my brother, and I guess that doesn't count. But I remember talking to a guy in an anime shop, (he worked there) but he came out behind the counter to help me look for a book and we ended up talking about our favorite animes and manga. But since I rarely (NEVER) talk to any guys in person, I just ended up asking him questions repeatedly. I'm pretty sure I have the same problem conversing with guys.
Haha, I'm just like you / Fumi. I feel all red & ...hyperventilate.m(_ _)m & when I talk, I don't think I make sense.
It helps if you forget they're boys.. Lols.
Cover looks great! Story seems interesting too& can't wait to read it& figure out Which the real life situations are.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
lol thank you Nami! I really do need to continue this though! oTL
Otakuite+ | Posted 07/08/13 | Reply
No matter what the comic is or what the storyline is- its ABSOLUTELY AMAZING! And don't forget it!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
@Rainbow Dragon:
Thank you very much! I need to hurry up and post more pages when I get when I get the chance! XD
Rainbow Dragon
☠Eastsider✰Pirate☠ (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/12 | Reply
Aw this is so good! I love your artwork and your characters are hilarious. I love their personalities and your coloring is so good. I can't wait to see what happens next. Poor Fumi and her hiccups. I can't wait to read more, this is really good
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 02/10/12 | Reply
Oh thank you very much for taking the time to read my comic! I do plan on adding more pages, I'm just in the middle of a writer's block! I do plan on continuing though!
Thank You!
Last edited by toyotami kun at 6:09:23 PM CST on February 10, 2012.
Otakuite+ | Posted 02/10/12 | Reply
I read it, and I'm really getting into it and the... THERE'S NO NEXT PAGE!!! can you do more pages it's awesome
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/20/11 | Reply
lol it's okay, I am having trouble catching up with replies myself so I don't mind! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/20/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
No problem, Toya! I've not been able to get on my family's laptop recently for long times. So I'm only on and off these days >_<
Oh good! Thanks! I always feel bad if I don't reply fast xP
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/19/11 | Reply
I'm sorry for the late reply, I was going to reply yesterday but my computer died, and then I forgot! XD
I get home from work in the afternoon, so I might have time to reply to anything after work if my sister isn't using this! XD
I also sometimes loose track of the comments! sorry about that!
aw the e-mail is fine, I've been writing to much in there anyways! XD feel free to take your time!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/18/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I know!! I actually just realized that I missed one of your comments... the one with all the info of Andres and Ponch! I commented back to it now.. sorry for almost missing it!
Today, I wan't able to get on my computer until late afternoon so i took my gameboy and viewed my backroom and comment/reply snippets. I can't actually view the full comment because it won't load on my gameboy. But I did write down notes and where you and my friends gave me comments/replies so then I wouldn't miss any if more people replied! x3 The other day was the first time that I got so many comments and replies that my backroom over flowed! But don't worry about it cuz I love your comments^^
Thankyou for the encouragement! I feel so excited and inspired now :D
Ok, I'm going out now with my dog so if you reply, I'll probably not get to them until later or tomorrow. I also will reply to your email too sometime^^ Nice talking to you again!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/18/11 | Reply
oh I try yo reply as much as I can, If don't reply it can be because I missed the comment! XD I sometimes lost on what I have replied to and what I haven't or I get distracted! XD
I use to just go and start drawing without planning, so writing is good! Just keep at it! ^_^
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/18/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Yeah, I think its good to write down ideas, but I'm not good at doing it yet >_< All the comics I've ever written haven't been planned. That's why I went with a Sherlock Holmes story so I could just concentrate on drawing x3 But someday I'll work on my own story!
Ah I usually leave stuff till last minute too, but I also like to get stuff done fast. I hope you'll be able to finish everything^^ and don't worry about commenting back to me if you're too busy... I just be sure not to spam you too much! ;)
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/18/11 | Reply
yes I'm starting to write everything down now, due to the club I joined I have to write my ideas since it takes me a little longer to type! XD
I use to not do that and it made things complicated.
lol Lazy mood! I was in a lazy mood to, but today I have to be sure to finish stuff cause I'm running late and some deadlines are coming up! XD I always leave everything till last minute! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/17/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I'm sure you can do it! At least you have lots of ideas ;) It'll all work out. Do you ever write down your ideas? I try to do that, but sometimes my ideas seem silly then >3<
Great! Lolo same with me... no matter how busy I seem, I end up making room for art (except for today... I was in a lazy mood today xP)
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/17/11 | Reply
I want to re-do the story but I chicken out, but I might. I just don't know where to start since I have a bunch of ideas busting through my head for this story! XD
I only do this when I want to be serious about something, but most of the time I'm so dedicated! XD
It's okay to just take you time on something. That way things won't get rushed!
Oh I'm busy with work most of the time, but I always have time to draw so I don't mind doing the art trade! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/17/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Oh if you feel like re-doing it, I think you should! Not that its not awesome right now, but I bet you could even improve it more. And thats a good reason to re-do it! I wish i had the patience to do more then one copy of my comic... I tend to just do one copy, I don't even want to do a rough copy sometimes =_= so if I mess up, I just put my comic away and end up forgetting about it or losing interest Dx And that's why I also can't set down and get short comics done. I'm always wondering if its worth it XP Silly me! But if I felt like redoing something, I'd definitely do it if i had the will-power!
Ahh! If you're too busy to draw my OC, then that's alright! I know you didn't say that, but I don't want to impose!
Okay, thats good to know! Sometimes I feel guilty for not posting new pages here -_- but I'll make sure to take a breather and only continue when I'm not going to rush!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/17/11 | Reply
lol that's about how long I take when I'm being lazy, a whole day or even a week! XD
I felt like redoing this comic because I liked the idea and I want to take it serious. I'm in the middle of debating on whether to redo or not to redo it. I also want to work on that doujinshi, but I don't want to rush either thing, so I have to wait.
It's funny cause right now I want to draw comic pages and hold on to artwork for a bit later, but I'm really busy with stuff! XD
It's okay to wait a while so things won't get rushed. If they get rushed you might mess up your story and not want to finish it. That has happend to me, so that's why I have posted anymore pages for Fortune's Fool or BMC yet. I'm taking my time!
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/16/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
WoW! 3 hours per page if you aren't lazy? For my comic pages, I take more then a day per page when being lazy. Dx I really want to start doing more pages but I don't wanna risk messing up if I rush, since I've got so much to do this holiday! Plus, I sorta got into a fan art fix... I just feel like doing fan art!
Oooo whether you redo it or just continue, I'll be watching for new pages! I think you did a fine job with it already! But I've also felt like redoing some of my old comics... problem with me is that I get discouraged if I think I have to redo something xP You're a really dedicated artist, and i can't wait for more fan comics from you!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 12/15/11 | Reply
lol I'm still working on this story, it's just that my art block got to me so I didn't contiue. It's still in progress. XD
This story is actully a sketchy story and if I wasn't lazy, it take about 3 hours or less.
Thank You, I'm getting tempted to actually redo this story, but I'm not sure! XD
Otaku Legend | Posted 12/14/11 | Reply
NOOO I finished it(to page 10)! And I can't wait for more! This comic is amazing, Toya! I was being blown away by your colouring on each page. Nice work! And the characters and story are cute too :D How long does it take for your to draw/colour one page? I'm going to be watching for new pages ;) Oh I also love the expressions on the characters and Fumi is SO cute!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/22/11 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
thank you, I am working on more pages!!! XD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 10/20/11 | Reply
Can't wait for more~ ;u;
Bluemoon Halo
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/27/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
I hope so X3!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/27/11 | Reply
@Bluemoon Halo:
thank you i have many ideas for this and hopfully i'll be able to get them all down!!!
Bluemoon Halo
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/27/11 | Reply
I'm a fan of this it's so cute >///<!,And I can't wait to see were your going with the story!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 06/26/11 | Reply
Ah, thank you very much, i'll post more pages up after inking them! thank you for reading!!! XD
Otakuite++ | Posted 06/26/11 | Reply
I LOVE THIS COMIC! I can't BELIEVE how cute and addictive it is!!! I'm SO excited to read more. The drawings, the coloring, all perfect!!! Great work. I'm a huge fan.
Keep Reading!
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 05/07/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Can't wait for that short story!
I hope you're able to figure it out& I'm sure it'd turn out great!
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/07/11 | Reply
XD, that's pretty funny, i'm actually planning on having a funny way of having fumi keep guys away to, she accidently head butts them, which gives them noseblees....(mainly masaki
Otakuite++ | Posted 05/07/11 | Reply
Want to know how I avoid boys? Every time one tries to pick a fight with me(or something like that) I open my eyes really wide and STARE at them. It works great
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/06/11 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
aw thank you very much!!! i really like those two and hope i can draw out their funny relationship more...well if it's funny? XD
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/04/11 | Reply
:,D This comic is so cute!! I just can't get over how cute it is. xD Masaki and Fumi are both so funny.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 05/01/11 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
i'm thinking of making a short filler maybe after i finish chapter 1, i 'm working on the idea and sorting it out.... ^_^
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/27/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
Lol, no problem! It's actually how I try to think of them...x3
I'd like to see how that idea turns out. Perhaps you can tell me?(^_−)−☆
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/11 | Reply
maybe it could be possible if i don't get lazy or to busy! XD
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/20/11 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
lol i've never thought that maybe she can pretend boys are like girls!!! thank you for the comment, it actually gave me a funny idea that i'll see if i can fit it in the story somewhere!!! thank you so much for the idea!!!!

Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/18/11 | Reply
@toyotami kun:
lols, aliens make sense x3 Or she can pretend they're girls...(º✖º)/ the thought just made me cry ಢ_ಢ unless they're pretty girls.
You're welcome!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/17/11 | Reply
lol the best of both worlds hu lol XD lol I bet ya can make a 101 stories of them and there mischief lol
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/16/11 | Reply
i have a brother and sister, they're ok but sometimes they annoy.XD yes it would be really nice to find someone that has stuff in common with you, that there's never a dull momment!
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/16/11 | Reply
Ur welcome this one caught my eye :) and im in to it and yeh I think im the same lol in some ways i want a brother but i dont kn :S i have a sister lol younger but shes sweet... chavy but sweet lol I wanna meet a nice guy who likes manga as much as I do :'( lol heheheheheheh non stop talkin, watchin, drawing!!! hehehehehehehehehehe dream life lol
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/16/11 | Reply
thank you very much, i think that the only boy i can talk to and not have a hard time is my brother, other him when i do talk to a guy it gets quiet and a little awkward but if we talk about drawing, man i never shut up! XD
thank you very much for taking the time to read this XD
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/16/11 | Reply
@moonlit dream:
thank you very much, i'm still working on the pages, but they should be done soon
Senior Otaku+ | Posted 04/16/11 | Reply
same!!! I cant wait too
XD I can talk to boys but they like manga and computer games (aka kingdom hearts, we even are them XD they said im xion lol but they also think im namie coz i draw) so we can speak the same language XD . But other guys in most of my classes i'll stay away from other wise i'll probable b laughed at :'( waaaaaa so im totaly in to this comic XD keep up the gd work *thumbs up* and u have amazing skills to hand draw this :)
moonlit dream
Supreme Individual (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/16/11 | Reply
This is really cute!! *A* I love your art style. Can't wait for more updates! ;)
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/11 | Reply
aw thanks, i always wanted to draw something related this, glad to know that i'm not alone XD
i'm esspeacilly looking forward to drawing out the real life incidents that happened to either my friend or me. i'll see if i can tie them into the story as it goes on.
When ever Fumi get really nervous, she ends up hicuping, so she's going to puff up her cheecks a lot XD
The Elusive (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/14/11 | Reply
HAHAHA!! I hold my breath too when I'm trying to get rid of hiccups!
The pages are beautiful in color! And the story is cute, and really relatable! I look forward to the next pages! Amazing job Tami kun!
The only boy I usually hang out with is my brother, and I guess that doesn't count. But I remember talking to a guy in an anime shop, (he worked there) but he came out behind the counter to help me look for a book and we ended up talking about our favorite animes and manga. But since I rarely (NEVER) talk to any guys in person, I just ended up asking him questions repeatedly. I'm pretty sure I have the same problem conversing with guys.
toyotami kun
The Marker Maniac. (Otaku Eternal) | Posted 04/13/11 | Reply
@Allie Elric:
yes, trying to forget they're boys will be the best idea ever, for example Fumi think of them as aliens! XD
can't wait to post up the pages, but my computer is taking forever to load them
thank you for taking the time to look at this.
Allie Elric
Otaku Legend | Posted 04/13/11 | Reply
Haha, I'm just like you / Fumi. I feel all red & ...hyperventilate.m(_ _)m & when I talk, I don't think I make sense.
It helps if you forget they're boys.. Lols.
Cover looks great! Story seems interesting too& can't wait to read it& figure out Which the real life situations are.