itemilicious (Fan Comic Portfolio) ZH: Island Adventure 1

part 1 [ur here]
part 2
part 3
part 4 [coming soon!]

Note: Please don't take it personally on what the characters have represented, shown, action or said because not all have actuality of each under these signs or so. =v=!

Please don't take it personally and there is no accurate fact or information.

Everyone might make an appearance in this panel~

aquarius, aries, cancer designed by Nica
leo, scorpio, sagittarius designed by Temi
pisces designed by Bic

Based infos:

Aries: Aries is ruled by Mars, the fiery red planet of energy and drive. In mythology, Mars was the god of war and aggression. Highly impatient and competitive, many Aries have the fighting spirit of your mythological ruler. You love to be a hero--or to be swept away by one. As the zodiac's first sign, you were born to be number one. You're a solo star who steals the spotlight and inspires everyone with your confidence. Yeah, you can be impatient, even a little bossy, especially when you don't get your way. As the "baby" of the zodiac, you need lots of attention, and can throw quite the tantrum when you don't get it. Fortunately, you rarely have a problem turning heads. Your friends love to follow as you lead them on the latest adventure. Make sure to let other people be the boss every now and then, too, or you could alienate potential allies. Focus your competitive streak into a diva-worthy goal, delegate to your troops, and you'll rise to the top!

Cancer: Sensitive Cancer is ruled by the ever-changing Moon, and your moods go through many cycles. You're intuitive and nurturing, even psychic. Pay attention to your dreams, especially near a Full Moon. You are sensitive and loyal, with a ready shoulder to cry on. Cancer loves to get domestic, serving your friends and family home-baked goodies and tea. When you get moody, you need to be comforted, or else just left alone. Like a crab, you can cling -- or pinch -- when you feel threatened or vulnerable. And thrifty Cancers can pinch pennies just as tightly. (Of course, you also love to spend! It's a mood thing.) To make life easier, surround yourself with comfort: a cozy sweater, a favorite book, trusted friends, and a stash of your favorite goodies. Cancers are close to their moms, so keep yours on speed-dial and call her when you're down. You may be an unofficial mom to everyone in your life, too. Taking care of kids, friends, and pets can keep your spirits high.

Leo: The Sun is the center of our solar system and the ruler of Leo. When the whole universe revolves around you, it's hard to be humble! Like the Sun, Leo heats everything up with its dazzling drama. And when the Sun sets, it's ice, ice baby. That's why friends of Leo know to keep them happy and shining...or else. Leo is the sign of drama, and oh, can you put on a show! Even the Leos who pretend to be shy come to life in the spotlight. A natural-born leader, you love to be the boss. Leos need mega-doses of praise and appreciation, which may cause people to think you're self-centered. The truth is, you have a huge heart, and you're the zodiac's most generous sign. You're always there to help, spoil, and protect the people you love. So what if your appetite is huge? Your energy may be hard for others to match. Remember, people express love in different ways, and not everyone can show it like you do. But it's never boring to be part of your glamorous world, so let your star shine. Somebody's gotta rule, and it might as well be you!

Scorpio: Intense Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, planet of power and control. Pluto is a tiny powerhouse, and a bit of a mystery; in mythology Pluto was the god of the underworld. Many Scorpios are also drawn to "dark" things, and often wear the color black, or a shocking tone like red or hot pink. Like Pluto, Scorpio's power often emanates from a hidden source, even when you don't say a word. Mysterious Scorpio is the zodiac's most misunderstood sign. You're so powerful that people feel your presence, even before you've said a word! Sensitive Scorpio picks up vibes. You see every little detail, and you can read people like an open book. Once your friends get used to your high-intensity style, they know that you're fiercely loyal. Anyone who betrays you had better watch out! Like a Scorpion, you'll deliver a painful sting of revenge. Since your sign is naturally secretive, work on being more open with people. This will develop trust, and improve your relationships. Scorpio's concentration powers are amazing, but be careful not to get obsessed. Curb any jealous or possessive feelings by pouring your energy into a creative project or passion.

Sagittarius: Cheerful Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system. Jupiter is the "happy" planet, full of energy and confidence. Sagittarians often reflect Jupiter's larger-than-life persona. As the zodiac's traveler, Sagittarius is the ultimate free spirit: optimistic, open-minded and ambitious. You're happiest in wide-open spaces with plenty of adventure and excitement. You juggle a million projects, hobbies and friends. The more, the merrier! Sagittarius is forever pursuing a super-sized goal. Even when you fail, nothing can keep you down. You'll chalk it up as a life lesson and inspire everyone with tales of your experience. As the sign of wisdom and truth, Sagittarius loves to "tell it like it is," especially when it makes people laugh. However, your honesty doesn't always come in the prettiest package. You've been known to bruise feelings with your bluntness. Cultivate patience, and be careful not to come off as a know-it-all. Although Sag loves the thrill of a new project or friendship, you don't always finish what you start. Work on keeping your promises and commitments.

Aquarius: Aquarius is the sign of friendship, and chances are, you've got plenty of pals. Although you may look like the boy/girl next door, you love to be around unusual people and ideas. You know how to step back and find the perfect solution to any problem. And you can make friends with almost anyone! Aquarius rules surprises and originality, and you love to shock people. Just when they think they've got you figured out, you change the game. Practical jokes are your specialty. People love to be around you, because you're so accepting and fun. Remember to give some of that love to yourself, too. You make a great leader and can really stand out from the crowd. Your sign is ruled by Uranus, planet of revolution and electricity. Aquarians are ultra-modern, always into the latest gadget or concept. Like unpredictable Uranus, your temper can flare out of nowhere. When you're upset, Aquarians can deliver a trademark lightening bolt that strikes with a force shocking even to you.

Pisces: Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions. A part of you is always trying to "swim away" or escape reality. The other part is so intuitive that you get swept up in everything going on. Your imagination is the perfect hideout when you want to escape, since Pisces is so creative. You love dancing (Pisces rules the feet), movies, poetry, and music. Your moods are mysterious and your dreams are intense. Every Pisces should have a journal by your bed, since some your best ideas will come in your sleep. Although you can feel helpless, you're much stronger than you think. The best way for Pisces to experience your own strength is to help people in need. You have great compassion and incredible healing powers. Because it's easy for people to make you feel guilty, Pisces should watch out for friends who use you, or make you doubt yourself. Surround yourself with good-hearted friends who have their acts together. Many people born under your sign have a "tortured soul" quality. Finding a tranquil spiritual outlet, or spending time alone, can help you get re-centered in your own power.

Original Anime and Manga Fan Comics
aquarius, aries, cancer, comedy, comic, leo, pisces, sagittarius, scorpio
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