Genre: Comedy, Drama, Idol, Romance, School Life, Shoujo
Chiba Ana is a high school girl, top of her class (not the very top, unfortunately), an a highly respected member of society, mainly because of her prestigious family. You'd expect this girl to be spending most of her time in her studies, which she does, however the other amount of time she spends fangirling over her favourite pop idol Ikuya. What's more? Her older sister is an equally famous pop idol who works in the same company as him. Both had dreamed to be in the pop world, but Ana did not make it, so now she must work as a cleaning lady if she ever wants to see either them.
(Also, a word of warning, since I'm very lazy there are several inconsistencies in this (not in the writing, though), please don't look for them even though they're incredibly obvious...'orz)
My first manga/webcomic (though I have technically done mangas in the past, I never got past page 9 of them, so they don't count)
Please enjoy~!