So yeah, even though it's been like only 5 days,
I feel like I've been gone forever!
But , finally, I am back with a new kind of internet.
I would tell you why, but that's not interesting!
What IS interesting is that my home got broken into!
Yeah and it was night time and I was all alone!
Perfect set up for a horror film , right?
No, not really!
You see, this somewhat harmless
homeless man somehow got into my home
and thought that nobody was there,
but he was wrong because I was there.
So, he thought he would maybe steal a few things.
Well, I heard his footsteps
and I kinda freaked out at that moment.
I didn't know who it was,
so it could of been a crazy murderer for all I knew.
So, I called my mom.
Why didn't I call 911?
Well, the phone I had made loud dial sounds when I called a number,
so I just called mom instead because she was on speed dial.
After I told her everything,
she called the cops for me and they arrived in 5 minutes!
( Thankfully, we live close to a police station)
The cops got the man and I saw him.
He was obviously drunk because
he said he was very cold and wanted the cops to chop off his hands.
Anyway, want to know what's odd?
I kinda felt sorry for him
because like I said, he was homeless.
So, we decided not to press charges,
but he did have to go to jail for other reasons.
That's the end of that.
To be honest, my mom was more scared than I was.
I dunno, it's like I just can't comperhend
anything terrible happening to me.
It's just...unreal and who wants to think like that?
So yeah! Expect more comics soon.
Oh and my parents weren't too happy with my cat either,
but I guess that's what I get for wearing a pink collar.