So yeah...this actually happened.
This happened awhile back in May and I've been meaning to make a comic out it and so here it is ^^
Yeah it sucked cuz my sis and I were in a study room in the library at the time. Our exam was in an hour and I guess I studied too hard (plus the combination of allergy) I got a nose bleed -_-
Of course it got on the table (yes, I cleaned it), luckily not on my notes.
It was funny cuz since I worked in the library, I kept running back and forth in front of my boss' office. To the point where she and the rest of the faculty and students were wondering what i was doing back and forth with a tissue over my nose. That nose bleed lasted for an hour and luckily ended right in time for me to start my exam. I had to sit near the door just in case.
Oh yeah, everyone told me to go to the health services right before the exam and I did, but of course the place was closed for just that one day....
Anyway, hopefully this won't happen for a more long while.
I hope everyone enjoyed the comic. It's pretty much the story of my life -_-
Those last scenes were so true. I was hella panicking cuz there was so much blood. I was worried someone might walked in and get scared O-O
A lady did, but she was cool with it in the end and tried to advise me on how to stop the bleeding ^^