To finish the triangle, after Zamboni and Maledit of course there's Nocturne.
Nocturne is the oldest, unrefined and shady OC of mine. I like his roughness. Not all ocs can be cool, pretty, sexy or pleasant. sometimes is fun to have someone nasty! It's no wonder Leucer and Zamboni became so malevolent after being raised by him though. Is he a good uncle? Not really. but they love him very dearly. And under all the insults and threats, Nocturne loves them too. I feel like they could have been a lot to endure as kids and he didn't kill them so that's something.
Again, there's no such thing as a perfect family, there are only families that learn how to work, and those three somewhat work together. Of course Nocturne still pass most of his time stalking Maledit and always ends up beaten to a pulp in some isolated and dark deadend street. Some things will never change. And that's how I like it.