The song lyrics on this page are from "Two Little Girls from Little Rock." It's not that important, but the lyrics I chose for this part are meant to lightly parallel Junkrat and Roadhog's plot. (Supposed to be this idea that they left "little rock" (junkertown), but it turns out the people of rest of the world are just as selfish (?) as in junkertown despite being dressed up in more glamour)
Junkrat: How was I s'posed to know?! The clubs back in Oz are nothin' as fancy as this! 'Sides, I've never seen ladies like this in Junkertown.. all glittery n' sparkley-like
Roadhog: mmh.
Movie song: "Someone broke my heart~ in Little rock... So I up and left the pieces there~"
Junkrat: This what life used to be like back home, too? Sparkley girls n' a buncha suits...
Roadhog: ...not really. 's just fiction. plus this movie's old as balls.
Junkrat: Hm...
Movie song: "I came to New York and I found out... that men are the same way everywhere~"
Movie Character (Francis Beekman): "Please, call me Piggy."
Junkrat: PIGGY?!? Hog, ya didn't tell me you were in this flick!! HYAHAHAHAHA!!!