Yay it ish finished!!! sorry if it took too long, but I had school, homework AND that I'm reading "the Wheel of Time" by R. Jordan. A really good book I have to say. My big sister told me alot about it...and one thing that interessed alot was the "Aiel". They live in Aiel Waste where it is hard to live and find water. And that they are know for their height and that they are skilled warriors. Too bad that they have just blonde and red hair.-.- They suit for my sister who likes red hair....Okay red hair is good, but when I hear red hair i think REALLY red. Crimson maybe...or bloodred. Anyway they sounded cool^^ I'm gonna draw (almost)every person I've read about in the first book after my head. (by the way my sister imaged that Lan looked like Aragorn from LOTR...cute>3<) The next page is coming soon. I just have to make it first ^^'
(PS! The contestans have to hurry with their entery)
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